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YVP Initiatives Across the Country:

Oakland, CA:

From their website re: funding: “Oakland Unite is unusual because it was one of the nation’s first
Violence Prevention programs to be started by voters taxing themselves. Through the 2004 Measure Y
voter initiative, Oakland residents approved a parcel tax along with a surcharge on parking in
commercial lots in order to support violence prevention programs, along with police and fire services. In
2014, the Oakland voters approved Measure Z, the Public Safety and Services Initiative, to continue this
funding for another 10 years to support violence intervention programs, as well as police and fire
services. The Human Services Department (HSD) has been able to leverage a significant number of
funding sources to leverage this local public investment with state and federal grant funds to build upon
Oakland Unite strategies. Oakland Unite has raised $15.8 million additional dollars over the past six year
to help address violence in the city of Oakland.”
Oakland also recently created a Department of Violence Prevention:

Louisville, KY: One Love Louisville and

Seattle, WA: Seattle YVP Initiative

Hillsborough County, FL (Tampa): Safe & Sound Hillsborough

Milwaukee, WI: Office of Violence Prevention page, 2016 Strategic Planning Launch and 2017 Update

Madison, WI: In 2018 hired a Violence Prevention Coordinator in Madison & Dane County Public Health

Cleveland, OH: In 2015 the City of Cleveland created a Youth Crime Prevention and Reduction
Department with some of the revenues from an income-tax increase passed by voters. “The plan is to
spend $70,000 for a chief, an assistant chief and a team of analysts and youth-service professionals to
address Cleveland’s youth-violence problem.”

YVP Strategic Plans:

Oxnard, CA: Blueprint (2008) and Action Plan (2011-2014)
Louisville, KY: Blueprint for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods and Youth Edition
Chicago, IL: City of Chicago Youth Violence Prevention Plan (2015)
St. Louis, MO: Regional Youth Violence Prevention Task Force Community Plan
Santa Cruz County, CA: Turning the Curve: Youth Violence Prevention Strategic Plan
Houston, TX: Houston Peace YVP Strategic Plan (2019); YVP efforts were originally integrated into the
My Brother’s Keeper Action Plan (2015)
Minneapolis, MN: Blueprint for Action to Prevent Youth Violence
Alameda County, CA: Violence Prevention Blueprint (adopted 2005)
Milwaukee, WI: Blueprint for Peace (2017)
Spokane, WA: Confronting Violence: Full Report and Executive Summary (2015, updated in 2017)
Cities supported by the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention:
Baltimore, MD
Boston, MA
Camden, NJ
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Detroit, MI
Long Beach, CA
Louisville, KY
Memphis, TN
Minneapolis, MN
New Orleans, LA
Philadelphia, PA
Salinas, CA
San José, CA
Seattle, WA

Cities with YVP strategic plans in development as part of CDC-funded project with AIR (2015-
Richmond, VA
Indianapolis, IN
San Antonio, TX
Shelby County (Memphis), TN
Austin, TX
Tucson, AZ
Akron, OH

UNITY City Network informally supported by The Prevention Institute:

Cleveland, OH
Natoya Walker Minor
UNITY Steering Committee Member
Interim Director
Cleveland Department of Public Health

Denver, CO
Maritza Valenzuela
Youth Health Manager, Health Promotion Program
Denver Public Health

Hillsborough County, FL
Freddy Barton
Executive Director
Safe and Sound Hillsborough

Houston, TX
Deborah Moore
Houston Health Department

Kansas City, MO
Tracie McClendon-Cole
Deputy Health Director
Kansas City Health Department

Los Angeles, CA
Andrea Welsing
Director, Injury and Violence Prevention Program
LA County Public Health Department

Milwaukee, WI
Reggie Moore
Director, Office of Violence Prevention
City of Milwaukee Public Health Department

Minneapolis, MN
Gretchen Musicant
Health Commissioner
City of Minneapolis Health Department

New Orleans, LA
Marsha Broussard
New Orleans Health Department

Salinas, CA
Jose Arreola
Community Safety Administrator
City of Salinas

Santa Clara County, CA

Andrea Flores-Shelton
Injury and Violence Prevention Manager
Santa Clara County Public Health Department

Analilia Garcia
Racial and Health Equity, Senior Health Care Program Manager
Santa Clara County Public Health Department

Seattle/King County, WA
Tony Gomez
Violence and Injury Prevention Manager
Seattle and King County Public Health Department

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