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Sapnon ke se din (Days of Dreams) Summary, Explanation, Question

and Answers and Difficult word meaning
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Sapnon ke se din Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan Bhag-2 Chapter 2 (Days of

Dreams), Summary, Notes, Explanation, Questions Answers
Sapnon ke se din summary of CBSE Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan Bhag-2 lesson 2 along with meanings of difficult words. Given
here is the complete explanation of the lesson सपनों के-से िदन , all the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of
the lesson.

Here we will read the text-entry, lesson-summary, text-interpretation, difficult-word meanings and answers to the questions
according to the NCERT book of Hindi class 10 "Harvesting part-2" lesson-2. , Learn about all these.

Sapnon ke se din Class 10 - Days of Dreams Chapter 2

Class 10 Hindi - Lesson 2 (Days of Dreams)


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Author Intro - Author Introduction (Days of Dreams)

Author - Gurdial Singh
Born - January 10, 1933

Chapter Introduction - Lesson Access (Days of Dreams)

Even if in childhood everyone thinks that I wish! How nice it would have been when we were growing up. But when they really grow
up, they become happy after remembering the same childhood memories. There are many such things in childhood which are not
understood at that time because the scope of thinking is limited at that time. And it also happens many times that the things which

seem bad in childhood are proved right after

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In the text presented, the author also recounts his childhood memories of how he and his companions
used to have fun during school days and how much they feared their teachers. The author did not
understand the behavior of his teacher in his childhood, which is described by the author in this lesson.

See Video for Explanation and Summary of the Lesson

Sapnon Ke Se Din Summary - Lesson Summary (Days of Dreams)

The author says that in his childhood, the children playing with him had the same condition. Everyone's feet were bare, torn and
dirty, and the kurtas torn from many places, whose buttons were broken and everyone's hair was scattered. When everyone is
done playing, wrapped in dust, blisters in feet from many places, On the back part of the leg between the knee and ankle, they
would not feel pity on them, instead of pummeling them on the meat and sand-soaked pigments over the blood. The fathers of
many children are so angry that when they start beating the child, they do not even notice that the blood has started flowing from
the nose and mouth of the young child and they do not even ask where he got hurt. But even after such a bad beating, all the
children would come back to play again the next day. The author states that the author understood this when the author was
training to become a school teacher. There the author had read the subject of science of children's minds.
The author says that some family children did not go to school and who never went, due to lack of interest in studies, someday
threw them in the pond and their parents did not force them to send them to school. . Even the ration shop owner and those who
buy and sell the crops of farmers did not think it necessary to send their children to school. He used to say that when his child
grows up, Pandat will teach Ghanshyam Das by reading the ancient Punjabi script to write accounts and start writing accounts at
the shop.
The author says that in childhood, no one seemed to sit in that room of school and study less than a prisoner. In childhood, the
grass seems more green and the aroma of flowers attracts the mind more. The author says that at that time flowers were grown in
small school beds, which also consisted of milk-white buds of roses, marigold and cataracts. These buds were so beautiful and
fragrant that the writer and his companions sometimes broke some flowers in secret from the peon. But the author no longer
remembers what he used to do with those flowers. The author says that perhaps they would have either put those flowers in their
pockets and the mother would throw them out at the time of washing, or the writer and her partner would, on their own, eat them
like goat lambs when they came out of school or 'Cher. 'Ll be going
The author states that during his time, there used to be only one-and-a-half months of schooling in the beginning of the year, and
then one-and-a-half months' leave was started. Every year, during the holidays, the writer used to go to his grandmother's house
with his mother. There granny used to feed a lot of milk and milk, butter, very much. By noon, the writer and his companions used
to take a bath in that pond and then would ask the grandmother who used to live with them and eat. The writer says that the year
he could not go to the grandmother's house, that year the author used to go to the pond which was far from his house. The writer
and his companions would strip off and jump into the water, then run out of the water and go to a sandy mound and start rolling
over the sand, then wet the body soaked with hot sand and then go to the same place and jump into the pond from there. Used to
give The author states that he does not remember that they run like this,
The author says that as their holiday days ended, they started counting the days. Due to fear, the writer and his companions would
f tt t k b th i th d l ith t T h d t thi k b t h t d th k th i t d d i
forget to take a bath in the pond along with sports. Teachers used to think(
about how to do the work they were given to do during

the holidays. The fear of being beaten upYour in school due for
No1 source to Latest
non-work would
Entrance nowAdmission
Exams, increase. The author tells how many of his
classmates were also those who would have considered beating the teachers more 'cheap deal' than working for the holidays. At
this time, the greatest 'leader' of the writer and his partner was Oma. Oma's mannerisms of speech, abuses and beating were all
very different. He was also very different from everyone. He had a head as big as a pot, Which on its four balisht (two and a half
feet) short body, looked like a melon placed on the forehead of a kitten. His face with big coconut-like eyes on his head looked
even more strange like a child of Bandaria. Whenever there was a fight, he did not use his hands and feet, he used to fight with his
The author states that the school he studied in was very small. It had only nine small rooms, which were made like the English
letter H. The first room on the right was that of Headmaster Mr. Madan Mohan Sharma. He used to come out during the Prayer
(Prayer) of the school and was happy to see the boys standing tall in straight rows and their blond faces clearly visible. Master
Pritam Chand, who was the 'PT' of the school, kept standing behind the rows of boys to see which boy was not standing properly in
the row. Fearing their threatening scolding and kicking, the writer and writer's companions cared for the first and last boy in the line,
We tried our best to remain in a straight line. Master Pritam Chand was a very strict teacher. But Headmaster Sharma ji was of the
very opposite nature to him. He himself taught English to fifth and eighth grade. No one remembered that at any time in the fifth
grade, he saw Headmaster Sharma ji beating or scolding or listening to someone due to a mistake.
The author says that it did not feel good to go to school in childhood, but due to one or two reasons, going to school sometimes felt
good. Master Pritam Singh used to conduct marches while carrying out the parade and taking out the whistle in the mouth. Then
when they used to say right turn or left turn or about turn, all the students would turn their shoes on the heels of their small shoes,
right or left or back, and walk with such pride that they are not all students. Very important 'man', like a soldier of a country is
young. If any student did not make any mistake while scouting, PT Saheb would blink his eyes lightly and call everyone well. One
of his words to the writer and his comrades seemed as if he had won all the medals or medals of an army.
The author says that every year when he entered the next class, he used to get old books. The headmaster of his school, Sharma
ji used to teach a rich house boy to his house. Every year in April, when the new year of education started, Sharma used to bring
one year old books of that boy to the author. Nobody had any interest in studies in the writer's house. If new books had to be
brought, then perhaps the writer's studies would have been missed in the third and fourth grade on the same pretext.
The author states that it was the time of the second world war when the writer was in school. When some officers came to the
village to recruit people in the army, some gimmickers used to come with them. They used to set up tent in the open field at night
and attract people to join the army by showing them the scenes of military pleasure, bravery. Due to all these things, some
youngsters used to get ready to join the army.
The author states that he had never seen Master Pritamchand smile or laugh at school time. His short, slim, but athletic body, his
mother's face full of pimples i.e. smallpox stains and hawk-sharp eyes, khaki uniform, Leather wide toed shoes - all these things
used to frighten children. The author never forgot the day in his whole life, the day Master Pritamchand started teaching Persian to
the fourth grade of the writer. It would not have been even a week while reading him that Pritamchand asked him to memorize a
word and ordered that tomorrow he will listen in this bell only through the tongue. The next day Master Pritamchand asked to be
heard in turn, and not a single boy could hear it. Master ji shouted angrily and told all the students to hold their ears and keep their
backs high. Shortly before when the writer's class was being punished, Sharma ji was not in school. As soon as he came, he could
not bear what he saw. Perhaps this was the first time that he had not tolerated the rudeness and wildness of PT Pritamchand and
was infuriated. The author says that from the day Headmaster Sharma ji gave PT Pritamchand
The author states that PT did not come to master school for several weeks. The writer and his comrades came to know that the PT
Master was living comfortably there, on a shop in the marketplace, which he had rented a small window-like square (a room with
windows and doors from all four sides). Some seventh-eighth students used to tell the writer and his companions that they had not
the slightest worry about being expelled. Just as he used to comfortably feed two parrots kept in a cage several times a day, after
peeling off the soaked almond nuts, they are still living in the same way. It was a miracle for the writer and his companions how he
used to talk sweetly to his parrots, who used to beat the students with the Pritamchand bandage or pole. The author himself
wondered if the parrots would burn like his fire, Brown eyes will not be afraid. Such things could not come to the understanding of
the writer and his colleagues, because then they were very small. He simply considered this form of PT Master to be amazing in a

Sapnon Ke Se Din Explanation - Text Interpretation (Days of Dreams)

All the children playing with me have the same condition. Kurtas and shattered hair
torn from several places with barefoot, torn and dirty buttons and broken buttons.
When climbing on a pile of wood and running down to play, Girkar would have
been hurt many times and the old torn kurtas would have been broken. Dusty, feet
scattered from many places, If the knees or knees were soaked above the sand
and mud on the blood, all the mothers and sisters would have pity on them and
beat them. Many fathers were very angry. When beating, you do not even care that
the blood has started flowing from the nose and mouth of the small child or where
it is hurt. But even after getting beaten up so badly, they would come back to play
the next day. (This was well understood when the school went on a training course
to become a teacher and read the subject of child psychology there. It was only then that the children came to know why children
love to play so badly when beaten up Come to play again.)

Pinnacles - Back fleshy part of knee and Your

ankleNo1 source for Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info
Angry - Angry
training - Training
child psychology - Science or knowledge of children's mind

The author says that in his childhood, the children playing with him had the same condition. The
author intended to say that everyone had their feet bare, cluttered, and wearing kurtas torn from
many places, with broken buttons and scattered hair. When playing and running down a pile of
wood, many children used to hurt themselves and the shirt which was already torn, got torn
further. When all the children used to play in the dust throughout the day and
go to their homes by taking the sand-soaked pindles (the back part of the leg
between the knee and the ankle) over the blood that had been hurt in many
places. Mothers and sisters do not feel pity for them, instead they would beat
them upside down. The fathers of many children are so angry that when they
start beating the child, they do not even notice that the blood has started
flowing from the nose and mouth of the young child and they do not even ask
where he got hurt. But even after such a bad beating, all the children would
come back to play again the next day.
The author states that the author understood this when the author was training to become a school teacher. There, the author had
read the subject of science of children's minds, and only then did the writer know about such things, that why children like to play
so much even after so much beating?
Most of my teammates used to be from the same families as us. There were many families in the whole locality, like us, had come
from the nearby villages and settled. Two-three houses belonged to the people living in the dilapidated street. All our habits were
also somewhat similar. Most of them did not go to school, who never went, due to lack of interest in studies, someday threw them
in the pond and then did not go to school, nor did the parents forcefully send. Even groceries, jobbers do not consider it necessary
to send their children to school. Whenever I spoke to a school teacher, we would say - Master, what tehsildar should we get it
installed. If it gets a bit bigger, Pandit will get Ghanshyam Das read the cocks and start writing books at the shop. In six to eight
months, Pandat will teach all the work of cocks and moneylenders. Alif-Bay could not even learn Jim-f there.

Groceries - ration shop

shopkeeper - those who buy and sell crops of farmers
- cocks - Punjabi ancient script books for writing
accounts - account
bookkeeper - shopkeeping

The author states that most of his companions who played with him in childhood were like his family. The writer's family came from
the nearby village and settled in that village and the writer says that like his family, many families had come from another village
and settled in that village. Also, two-three houses belonged to people living in the desolate street. They all had similar habits. Many
of those families did not go to school at all and who never went, due to lack of interest in studies, someday they threw them in the
pond and then did not go to school and their parents also sent them to school. Did not force anyone. Even the ration shop owner
and those who buy and sell the crops of farmers did not think it necessary to send their children to school.

If ever a school teacher tried to convince them, they would have silenced the teacher by saying that they do
not have to make a tehsildar by teaching and teaching their children. When his child grows up, Pandat will
teach Ghanshyam Das by reading the Punjabi ancient script of writing accounts and will start writing
accounts at the shop. In six to eight months, Pandat will learn Punjabi ancient
script of writing accounts and all the work of shopkeeping. Anyway, Alif-Bey Jim-
Ch (the alphabet of Urdu language) has not yet learned in school. On getting such
an answer, the teacher did not know to say anything.
More than half of our comrades were from families coming from Rajasthan or
Haryana to trade or shop in Mandi. When he was very young, he would not
understand his dialect. Laughter started coming after hearing some of his words.
But everyone would understand each other very well while playing.
Did not even know how, when the time passed, according to the proverb 'Eh
Khedan De Din Char'. (There was no one of us who did not consider sitting in the school room to be 'imprisoned'.) Some started
working with their parents the way they were.

Proverb - utterance / talk by people - play

The author states that most of his childhood companions were from families who came from Rajasthan or
Haryana to trade or shop in Mandi. When the writer was small, he could understand their words very little
and after listening to some of his words, the writer used to laugh. But when everyone started playing, they
understood each other's things very well.
The author says that he did not even know when those childhood days had passed. The author always
remembers the statement uttered by the people that 'there are only four days of play'. The author says
that in childhood, no one seemed to sit in that room of school and study less than a prisoner. Growing up,
many of the writer's companions began to pursue their parents' work. (

In childhood, the grass looks more greenYour andNo1

flowers moreExams,
Entrance attractive. It was
Admission infoprobably read in a book half a century
ago, but I still remember it. The reason for remembering is that this sentence will be compatible with childhood feelings, thinking
and understanding. But by going inside the school, on both sides of the road, those who had grown aliyar's hugely trimmed shrubs
(which we used to call sticks), can still feel the smell of neem leaves like leaves. In those days, there were many types of flowers
grown in the small beds of the school, in which there were milk-white buds of rose, marigold and cataract. These buds were so
beautiful and aromatic that we would occasionally break one or two to save the eyes from Chandu Chappadasi. I still feel their very
strong fragrance today,
But do not remember what they would have done after breaking them, sniffing them for some time. (Might
have put it in the pocket, the mother would have thrown it out at the time of washing it or we would have
come out of school to 'chara' them like goat lambs.)

Aaliyar - the long straight road like the street

peon - peon

The author says that in childhood, the grass seems more green and the
aroma of flowers is very attractive to the mind. The author may have read
these words in a book half a century ago, but the author still remembers
this line. One reason for this may be that this line is compatible with
childhood feelings and children's thinking. The author states that on both
sides of the path leading to the school, there were huge cut-off bushes like
alleyways, which the author and his companions used to call sticks. They
used to smell like neem leaves, which even today the writer can feel with
his eyes closed. The author says that at that time flowers were grown in small school beds including roses, There were also white
milk buds of marigold and cataract. These buds were so beautiful and fragrant that the writer and his companions sometimes broke
some flowers in secret from the peon. His very sharp fragrance can still be felt by the writer today. But the author now does not
remember what he used to do after breaking those flowers, sniffing for some time.
The author says that perhaps they would have either put those flowers in their pockets and the mother
would throw them out at the time of washing, or the writer and her partner would, on their own, eat them
like goat lambs when they came out of school or 'Cher. 'Ll be going

When entering the next category, on the one hand they would have been excited by the feeling of being
very big, grown-up, but on the other hand, how the bass would come from the new, old copies-books that
would tremble for fear of the masters who had studied in the previous category Would have been.

Then in school, the first year would be studying for one-and-a-half months, then the leave for one and a
half months would start. What is well remembered till now was the difference between the first and last
days of holidays. The first two-three weeks would have been a lot of sports. Every year Nanihal would go with his mother. There
granny loves milk, feeds butter, loves it very much. There was a small backward village, but the pond was as big as our market
pond. Till noon, take a bath in the pond and then ask the grandmother who used to come in and start eating. Granny would have
been very happy because of our manner of speaking or eating less. She would ask her grandchildren to speak and eat like us.

Category - class
grown-up - sensible
nanihal - granny's house
backward - who could not progress.
The author says that when he joined from one class to another, on the one hand
he seems to have become very big and sensible, but on the other hand, the new
old copies-books will not know what the bass is that the fears of those same
masters Who used to teach in the previous class.

The author states that during his time, there used to be only
one-and-a-half months of schooling in the beginning of the
year, and then one-and-a-half months' leave was started. The
things that the writer remembers well so far are the difference
between the first and last days of the holidays. The author
says that the first two to three weeks were spent in sports.
Every year, during the holidays, the writer used to go to his
grandmother's house with his mother. There granny used to feed a lot of milk and milk, butter, very much. Where the writer's
maternal grandmother lived, it was a small village that had lagged behind in terms of development. But there was an equally large
pond in the writer's market. By noon, the writer and his companions used to take a bath in that pond and then would ask the
grandmother who used to live with them and eat. The writer's grandmother was very happy because of the way the writer spoke or
ate less. Asking her grandchildren to speak and eat like a writer.
The year in which Nanihal would not be able to go, that year, he would have moved a little out of his house to
the pond. Clothes jumped in the water and after some time, running on a sandy mound, started laying on the
sand. Wet body would be soaked with hot sand in the same way, would jump from a high place in a pond. The
sand would be cleaned with dirty water and then run towards the mound. Did not remember to do this, five-ten
times or fifteen-twenty times. Many times they jump in the pond and start (
shaking hands and feet like very

good swimmers. But except for a couple Your

or two,
sourceofformy companions
Latest couldAdmission
Entrance Exams, swim. Some
info would go into deep water shaking
hands and feet, others would advise them to come out by holding a buffalo horn or rump to come out. Used to encourage them. I
would have been coughing badly when jumping, when the dirty water would have been filled in the mouth. Many times it seems
that the breath is about to stop, but somehow they reach the banks of the pond.
Gundale - dirty, beige
tail - tail
advice - deliberation, consultation
prongs - endurance, encouragement

The writer says that the year he could not go to his grandmother's house, that year the writer used to go to the
pond which was far from his house. The writer and his companions took off their clothes and jumped into the
water, after a short time, running out of the water, went to a sandy mound and started rolling over the sand. The wet body was
soaked with hot sand and then ran in the same way. He used to go to some high place and jump in the pond from there. As soon
as the sand draped over their bodies was cleared of that dirty water in the pond, they again ran towards the same mound. The
author states that he does not remember that he used to run, roll in the sand and then run and jump into the pond five or ten times
or fifteen or twenty times. Many times they jump in the pond and start shaking hands and feet as if they know how to swim very
well. But except one or two, No writer's partner could swim. Some would go into deep water shaking hands and feet and others
would advise them to come out as if holding a buffalo horn or tail. Encouraged them. When the dirt water filled the mouth while
jumping, he tried to take it out by coughing badly. Many times it seems that the breath is about to stop, but by hi-hi, they used to
reach the banks of the pond in some way.

Then the days would start counting the holidays. Each day the fear kept increasing. One also forgets to do
sports and take a bath in the pond. The masters used to calculate the work they would have given to do in the
holidays. Like, the master of accounts never asks two hundred work questions. In my mind, if I took ten
questions daily, then in twenty days, they would be complete. When I started thinking like this, there would be
one month of holidays left. Ten days were spent in sports and counting each day. Fear of beating the school
further increases. But to forget the fear, what is the matter of ten, even fifteen questions can be removed
everyday. When you started calculating this, the days of holidays would be short, as the days started running,
the days would seem to be very short. It seems as if the sun runs away and hides itself in the afternoon. As the days 'small' Fear of
school started happening. There would have been so many of our classmates who would have considered beating the masters
more 'cheap deal' than working for the holidays. We, who used to get very scared of beating, started thinking like those 'brave'. At
that time our biggest 'leader' would have been Oma.

Master of
Accounts - Mathematics teacher in the afternoon

The author says that as their holiday days ended, they started counting the days. By the end of each day, their
fear also started increasing. Due to fear, the writer and his companions would forget to take a bath in the pond
along with sports.
Teachers used to think about how to do the work they were given to do during the
holidays. For example, mathematics teachers did not always give less than two hundred
questions during the holidays. They started thinking in mind that even if they do ten
questions in a day, their work will be finished. By the time the writer and his partner started
thinking like this, there would be only one month of holidays left. Ten days would have
passed in the sports game, counting each day.The fear of being
beaten up in school due to non-work would now increase. Then all of
them to overcome their fear, think that what ten, even fifteen
questions can be easily done in a day. When I started thinking like
this, it would seem as if the holidays were running short. The days
seemed to be very short. It seemed as if the sun ran away and hid in
the day itself. As the days start getting 'shorter', that is, the fear of the
holidays getting over and increasing. The author tells how many of his classmates were also those who would have considered
beating the teachers more 'cheap deal' than working for the holidays. The writer and his companions, who were very scared of
beating, started thinking like those 'brave'. At this time, the greatest 'leader' of the writer and his partner was Oma.
We all thought about him, who was like him in us. Never could find another boy like him. His manner of talking, abusing, beating
was different, his appearance was also different. The head as big as the handi, on the body of the four balishtas below it, looks like
a melon is placed on the forehead of a kitten. A child-like face of a monkey with such a big head of coconut-eyes would have felt
even more strange. He used to fight with his head, not his hands and feet. When the bull snarled, bowed his head and hit someone
in the stomach or chest, the boys with double-triple body would shout in agony. We are afraid not to break the ribs of anyone's
chest. We named his head-bump 'Rail-Bamba' - like a (coal-fired) engine of the rail was big and terrible.
Hadi - Matka
Thugne - Child of small stature
- Spit

The author states that he and his companions think

Your No1 of Oma
source as who
for Latest wasExams,
Entrance among them all.
Admission The author and his
companions could never find another boy like him. Oma's mannerisms of speech, abuses and beating were all
very different. He was also very different from everyone. He had a head as big as a pot, which looked like a
watermelon placed on the forehead of a kitten on the body of its small size of four hairs (two and a half feet).
His face with big coconut-like eyes on his head looked even more strange like a child of Bandaria.
Whenever there was a fight, he did not use his hands and feet, he used to fight with his
head. When he thundered like a bull and slammed his head into someone's stomach or
chest and beat him, the boys with double the physical force would shout painfully. The
writer and his companions were afraid that he would not break the rib of anyone's chest.
The collision of his head was named by the writer and his colleagues as 'Rail-Bamba'
because the head-on collision was as terrible as a coal-fired engine.
Our school was very small - there were only nine small rooms, which were like the English letter H. The first room on the right hand
side was of the headmaster Mr. Madan Mohan Sharma ji, in front of whose door the chick always hangs. At the time of the school's
prair (prayer), he would come out and see the boys standing tall in straight lines, his blond face would blossom. All the teachers
would stand behind them like boys in a row. Only Master Pritam Chand stood behind the queues of the 'PT' boys to see which boy
did not stand well in the queue. Fearing their rebuke and havoc, we all tried to stay in the queue, taking care of the first and last
boy in the queue. Along with a straight line, we also had to keep in mind that the distance between the boys standing back and
forth should be the same. All the boys were very afraid of that 'PT' because no one had seen them as strict as any teacher. Did not
hear If a boy would have moved his head around or scratched the other calf from his feet, he would have snapped like him and
tiger and showed the idiom of 'pulling the skin'.
Queue - line knuckle
- threatening scolding
- kicking and kicking - punishing
, beating and beating
The author states that the school he studied in was very small. It had only nine small rooms, which were made
like the English letter H. The first room on the right hand side was that of the headmaster Mr. Madan Mohan
Sharma ji, in front of whose door there was always hanging chitkani. He used to come out during the Prayer
(Prayer) of the school and was happy to see the boys standing tall in straight rows and their blond faces clearly
visible. All the teachers used to stand behind them like boys in a row. Only Master Pritam Chand who was the
'PT' of the school kept standing behind the rows of boys to see which boy was not standing properly in the row. Fearing their
threatening scolding and kicking, the writer and writer's companions tried their best to remain in a straight line, taking care of the
first and last boy in the line.
Along the straight line, the writer and the writer's companions also had to keep in mind that the distance
between the boys standing back and forth should be the same. All the boys were very afraid of that 'PT'
because no one had seen or heard as strict teacher as them. If a boy would move his head around or scratch
his leg from leg to foot (the back part of the leg between the knee and ankle), he would pounce on him like a
tiger and 'pull the skin' ( Used to show the idiom in front of a strong sentence, a lot of beating and beating.
But the headmaster Sharma ji was of the exact opposite nature. He himself taught English in fifth and eighth grade. None of us had
ever remembered that in the fifth category, he had ever seen or heard anyone's 'skin braying' due to some mistake. (Tearing off the
skin was a word for us like the name of our 'government middle school') More and more he would blink very quickly in anger, hit a
'slap' with the fingers of his long hand and the weakest like me. Even the people would bow their head and laugh with their face
down. That chapJust like we would have liked fun like Bhai Bhikhe's Namkeen Papdi, which would have cost
us two.
The author states that Master Pritam Chand who was the 'PT' of the school was a very
strict teacher. But Headmaster Sharma ji was of the very opposite nature to him. He
himself taught English to fifth and eighth grade. None of the writers and the writer's
companions remembered that at any time in the fifth grade they saw Headmaster Sharma
ji beating or scolding or listening to someone due to a mistake. (Tearing the foreskin was a
word for the writer and the writer's companions, as was the name of his 'Government
Middle School') More and more Headmaster Sharma ji blinked very quickly in anger and
slapped a finger with the fingers of his long hand. Used to give and even the weakest body like the writer would bow his head and
laugh with lowered face. It was like chanta to the writer and the writer's companions found it as fun as Bhai Bhikhe's Namkeen
Papdi, which would probably cost a penny or two during the childhood of the writer.
But even then school was not a place for us to run happily. From the first raw class to the fourth grade, except for only five-seven
boys, we all went to school crying and crying.
But sometimes, under all such conditions, the school would also look good. While practicing scouting, PT saheb would hold blue-
yellow flags in his hands and say one to three, making the flags up and down, right and left, then used to wave khaki uniforms with
fluttering and fluttering flags and hang a colorful handkerchief around the neck. .
Two colors - Two colors
The author says that even in his childhood, school was not a place for everyone to flee happily. From the first raw class to the
fourth grade there were only five-seven boys who would go to school happily all the others used to go to school crying and crying
fourth grade, there were only five seven boys who would go to school happily, all the others used to go to school crying and crying.
Nevertheless, the author says that sometimes there were some situations where children used to like school too.Conditions were
created when PT Sahib, holding a yellowYour yellow
No1flag in the
source hands
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the children, used to say one to three while practicing scouting in
school, and the children also waved the flags up and down, right and
left, which caused the flags to flutter and flutter in the air. Khaki
uniforms with flags and two colored handkerchiefs hung around the
neck, all the children practiced very happily.
If we do not make any mistake, then our bright eyes blink lightly. Val
begin again-one, two, three, three, two, one! One of their bravado seemed as if we had won all the strengths of an army. At the
same time, on behalf of all the masters, all our copies would seem to be more valuable than the yearly 'Guddons' (plural of good).
At times, it seemed that even after studying for many years of hard work, 'Goodwill' obtained by staying in PT Saheb's discipline
was very big. But it would also be realized that just like the brother of the gurudwara used to narrate while narrating that love is
awakened by the fear of Satigur, in the same way our sense of love towards PT Sahab will be awakened. (It is also such that if
someone who lashes out at you every day, says his 'once in a while' once a year, then it seems like a miracle - our condition would
have been something like this.)
Tamga - Medal, medal
decipline - discipline
Goodwill - credit,
fame Satigur - Satguru
reprimand - scold
The author says that if any student did not make any mistake while scouting, PT Sahab would
blink his bright eyes lightly and call everyone well. And Val begin again, that is to say again -
One, Two, Three, Three, Two, One! They used to do it and the children also accepted them

The author says that one of his words would seem to the writer and his
comrades as if they had won all the medals or medals of an army. PT
Sahab's praise was more valuable than other masters whenever 'guddos'
(plural of good) were given to the writer and his comrades for the year's hard
work on the kapis. Sometimes the writer and his colleagues also felt that the
Rob or arrogance of 'Goodwill' was much bigger than what they had
received through the discipline of PT Sahab, through many years of hard work. But the writer and his companions also felt that as
the brother of the gurudwara tells in the story that love is awakened by the fear of the Satguru, similarly the feeling of love of the
writer and his companions towards PT Sahab was awakened. . The author says that this is also the case that someone who scolds
you every day if 'your' once a year after 'Bravo'
Every year while entering the next category, I used to get old books. Our Headmaster Sharma used to teach a boy to his house.
They were wealthy people. His boy being one or two years older than me kept one category ahead of me. Every year in April,
when the new year of education started, Sharma ji would bring his one year old books. No one in our house was interested in
studies. If we had to bring new books (which would have come in one or two rupees), then on this pretext, studies would have
been left in the third-fourth category. If someone stayed in school for seven years, one of the reasons was to get old books.
Copies, pencils, holders or ink-dawat also spent hardly one or two rupees a year. But at that time there used to be a large amount
of rupee too. One ser ghee would come in one rupee and a mana (forty ser) gandam of two rupees. For this reason, Only the boys
of the houses used to go to school. I was the only boy in our two families who had gone to school.
- Interested with more money - Interest
amount - Property, wealth
The author says that every year when he entered the next class, he used to get old books. The headmaster of his
school Sharma used to teach a boy to his house. They were very rich people. His boy was one to two years older than
the author, and studied one class ahead of the author. Every year in April, when the new year of education started,
Sharma used to bring one year old books of that boy to the author. Nobody had any interest in studies in the writer's
house. If new books had to be brought (which used to come in only one or two rupees at the time of the author), then
perhaps the writer's studies would have been missed in the third or fourth grade on the same excuse. If the author remained in
school for about seven years, one of the reasons was that the writer had to get old books. Copies, pencils, holders or ink-dawat
hardly used to spend one or two rupees a year. But in that time, one rupee was also very big property or wealth. In
one rupee, one Ser Ghee used to come and in two rupees one mind, that is, forty Ser Gandam used to come. This
was the reason that at that time only the boys from the eating houses used to go to school. The writer was the only
boy in both the families of the writer who had gone to school.
But never felt the desire to enter any new category, which some boys would mention. It was a strange thing that I
started smelling from new copies and old books, that my mind was very sad. The exact reason for this was never
understood, but as much as psychology is known, the reason for that anorexia was understood that some of the
difficult studies of the next category and the fear of beating the new masters, sat somewhere deep inside. Was.
Not all were new, but two or three every year would be those who did not teach in a small category. There was
some feeling that more teachers would expect in a year as if we had become 'all-rounder'. If they are not able to
fulfill their hopes, then for some reasons like 'be prepared to tear the skin', not only because of the smell of books and copies,

Chav - Hobby, Desire Your No1 source for Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info
- Discussion All-
rounder - All-rounder, One who leads in every field
The author says that he never felt any such desire to go to any new class which some boys used to discuss. The
strange thing used to make the writer feel that he used to smell from the new copies and old books that his heart
started to get very sad. The exact reason for this was never understood by the author, but whatever the
psychology of the author is, he understood that the reason for this anorexia is that some difficult studies in the
next class and fear of beating the new masters. The author was sitting somewhere deep inside. Not all teachers
were new, but two or three every year would be those who did not teach in small classes. The writer had such a feeling that more
teachers in a year started expecting that the writer and his colleagues would be
Have become rich or living in every field. If the writer and his colleagues could not fulfill the hopes of those
teachers, then some teachers were always 'ready to tear off' the students. For these reasons, it was not only with
the smell of books and copies, but also from the big gate outside, to the school rooms ten-fifteen yards away on
both sides of the path, which were burnt in the verandah, which the author liked very much but now his The smell
also made the writer feel depressed.
But the school started looking good for one or two reasons. When Master Pritamchand paraded the scouts, he
would march with the voice of left-right or Lee Whistle in the mouth. Then, by saying right turn or left turn or about turn, we used to
walk right and left or right behind the short boots, while walking with the boots, as if we were not students, very important 'man' -
military youth.
Whistle - Whistle
Boot - Boots
Strut - Boast
The author says that it did not feel good to go to school in childhood, but due to one or two reasons, going to school sometimes felt
good. Master Pritam Singh, who was the PT of the writer's school, used to get the writer and his comrades to parade and carry out
a whistle in the mouth and march out with the sound of left-right.

Then when they used to say right turn or left turn or about turn, all the students would turn their shoes on the
heels of their small shoes, right or left or back, and walk with such pride that they are not all students. Very
important 'man', as the military of a country is young, that is to say, the author wants to say that all the students
considered themselves as military.
It was the time of the second world war, but the king of our princely state was arrested by the British in 1923 and
died at Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu, before the war started. The son of that king used to say that he was still
studying in Vilayat. That is why the British used to run in our native state, but even without the king, the British could not 'forcibly'
enlist from the villages of our state. When some officers came to recruit people in the army, there would have been some
gimmickers with them. They would awaken them in the open field at night and attract the people by showing them the scenes of
happiness, bravery of the army. He still remembers a song. Some clown very strange uniforms wearing and good, big Batman
sang wearing boots and meditates
be admitted ray recruits
to be admitted Ray ......
Ate at San broken Litr
Uta Milande boot,
be admitted Ray,
Ho Ja Rey Recruit
Wearing a shirt, wear a
you will get suits
Attracted by these things, some youngsters used to get ready for recruitment.
Sometimes we also feel that we are not less than military soldiers. When we used to parade scouting, wearing Dhobi uniforms and
polished boots and socks, it seems we are military.
Vilayat - State
Shamiana - Tent
Clowns - Harlequin or Laughing person
recruits -
Newly recruited constable Athe in Army or Police etc. -
Litter here - Torn-up old
worn out shoes - There
The author states that when the writer was in school there was a time of World War II, but the king of the princely
state of Nabha was arrested by the British in 1923 and died at Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu, before the war began.
When the king died, everyone used to say that the king's son was studying in the state at that time. Therefore,
even the English government used to run the native princely state of the writer, yet in spite of the king, the British
government could not force anyone from the villages of the writer's princely force into the army. When some
officers came to the village to recruit people in the army some gimmickers used to come with them They used to set up tent in the
officers came to the village to recruit people in the army, some gimmickers used to come with them. They used to set up tent in the
open field at night to attract people to join the army by showing them the scenes of military pleasure, bravery. One of his songs is
still remembered by the author. Some funnyYourpeople wearing
No1 source weird
for Latest uniforms
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Exams, nice, info
They used to get new people recruited in army or police etc. that here they will only get ripped and worn old,
there will be very good shoes. Do not overthink.
Here you will get to wear torn and old clothes and there will be a suit, so do not think too much, get recruited in
the army quickly.
Due to all these things, some youngsters used to get ready to join the army.

The author says that sometimes they also feel that they are not less than military soldiers. When they used to do
a parade of scouting, wearing uniforms and polished shining shoes and socks, washed by the washermen, it
seems that they too are military.

We had never seen Master Pritamchand smile or laugh during school time. His frizzy stature, lean but slim body,
his mother's face full of grain and hawk-like eyes, khaki uniform, leather-toed boots - all were intimidating. The hooves of their
boots would also have axes under their heels, like the legs of a horse. In the next part, the nailheads with the thick ends under the
claws would have hit. If he were to walk even in a hard place, then marks of hooves and forts would also appear there. We look
carefully, despite wearing such a big and heavy boot, there was no sprain in his ankles. (Seeing them, if we would have asked for
boots from our families, the parents would have said that the ankles would be crooked, all the umars would not be able to walk
Fudge - Small
knobs - Athletic
The author states that he had never seen Master Pritamchand smile or laugh at school time. Her short, slim, but
athletic body, her mother's face full of pimples, pimples, and hawk-sharp eyes, khaki uniform, leather-toed shoes
- all these things were frightening to children. . Their shoes used to have the same type of hooves under the
heels as the legs of a horse. In the next section, Nails with thick ends at the bottom were claws. If Master
Pritamchand used to walk even on hard places, then marks of hooves and forts would also be seen there. The
writer and his companions looked at those marks carefully and wondered how the sprains of Master
Pritamchand's ankles (the bone between the calf and the heel) did not sprain even after wearing such large and heavy shoes.
Seeing all this, if the writer and his companions demanded the same shoes from the family, the parents would have said that the
ankles would be crooked and then all the age would not be able to walk directly.
We were naturally afraid of Master Pritamchand, but we hated him. The reason was his assault. All of us (who
belong to my age) could not forget the day when they started teaching us Persian in fourth grade. We had good
practice of Urdu till the third category, but Persian was also difficult than English. It would not have been even a
week before we read that Pritamchand asked us to memorize a word and ordered that tomorrow we will hear the
voice in this bell. After returning home, we all kept remembering the same word again and again till late night, but
there were only two-three boys who could remember half or more words. On the second day when asked to tell
everyone in turn, not a single boy could listen. That's when Master ji growled - catch all ears.
When we bent down and took the ears out from behind the legs and raised our ears, they screamed angrily.
Natural - Natural
Order - commandment
word - growle only through
speech - shout in anger
The author says that it was natural for all the children to fear Master Pritamchand, but all the children hated him.
The reason for this is that the author states that he used to beat and beat children, because of which children
hated him. The author never forgot the day in his whole life, the day Master Pritamchand started teaching
Persian to the fourth grade of the writer. The author says that his class had good practice of Urdu till the third
grade, but all of them had found it difficult to even speak English with Persian. It would not have been even a
week since Master Pritamchand was studying the writer's class that Pritamchand asked him to memorize a word
form and ordered that tomorrow he would hear it only through the tongue. All the students returned home and kept remembering
the same word again and again till late night, but there were only two-three boys, Those who could remember half or some more
words. The next day Master Pritamchand asked to be heard in turn, and not a single boy could hear it. Master ji shouted angrily
that all the students should hold their ears. Everyone bent down and took the ears out of the back of the legs and held their ears,
he again shouted angrily that all should keep their backs high.
By holding the ear high and back, within three to four minutes, the legs started burning. The weak, like me, would
fall while holding their ears. By the time Mary and Harbans came, Headmaster Sharma ji had come to his office.
Shortly before we were being punished, Sharma ji went to meet Dr. Kaplash at the Government Hospital on the
east side of the school. He walked towards the front of the office. As soon as he came, he could not bear what
he saw. This was perhaps the first time that he could not bear the barbarity of PT Pritamchand. He was excited.
Office - office, office
vandalism - rudeness and wildness
When Master ji asked all the students to hold their ears and keep their backs high, the author says that by holding the ears high,
the legs started burning in three to four minutes. Weak children like the writer used to fall while holding their ears due to tired legs.
The author says that by the time his and Harbans turn came, Headmaster Sharma ji had come to his office. Shortly before that,
when the writer's class was being punished, Sharma ji went to meet Dr. Kaplash at the Government Hospital on the east side of
the school. When he returned, he walked towards the front of the office. As soon as he came, he could not bear what he saw.

Perhaps this was the first time that he had seen

Your No1that rudeness
source for Latestand wildness
Entrance ofAdmission
Exams, PT Pritamchand.
info He did not tolerate and was
What are you doing, is it the way to punish the students of fourth class? Stop it at once
We did not know English then, because at that time English was started to be taught from the fifth category. But the boys of
seventh-eighth grade of our school had told that Sharma ji had said - what do they do? Is this the way to punish the fourth
category? Stop it immediately
Sharma ji went to his office from the trembling verandah with anger.
Then when Pritamchand did not come to school for several days, it was on the word of all the masters that Headmaster Sharma ji
sent him an order and wrote the order on his behalf and sent it to Nabha, the capital of our state. There, there was a director of
'Majesty-Training' named Harjilal from whom approval of such order was necessary.
Muttal - Suspended or Removal
Approval - Approval
Department - Education Department
The writer says that after seeing that rudeness and wildness of PT Pritamchand, Headmaster Sharma ji started
saying that what are you doing, is it the way to punish the students of fourth class? Stop it at once The writer
says that at that time his class did not understand what the headmaster Sharma ji was saying because he did
not know English then, because at that time he started teaching English from the fifth grade. But the seventh-
eighth grade boys of the writer's school had told that Sharma ji had said - what do they do? Is this the way to
punish the fourth category? Stop it immediately Saying this, Sharma ji shook with anger and went to his office
from the verandah itself.
Then when Pritamchand did not come to school for several days after this incident, it was on the word of all the masters that the
headmaster Sharma ji suspended him and wrote the order on his behalf and sent it to Nabha, the capital of the author's principality.
There was a director of education department named Harjilal from whom approval of such order was necessary. After getting such
approval, PT Pritamchand was to be expelled from school forever.
After that day, despite knowing that unless Pritamchand is 'reinstated' by Nabha, he cannot step into the school,
whenever the Persian bell rings, our chest would explode. But until Sharma ji himself or Master Nauhariya Ramji
came to the room to teach Persian, our faces would wither.
Restored - Received in former state
The author says that even after the day the headmaster Sharma ji suspended PT Pritamchand, knowing that he
could not step into the school unless PT Pritamchand was 'restored' from Nabha, Nevertheless, whenever the
Persian bell rang, the chest of the writer and all the children in his class would start banging and feel like the
chest was about to burst. But until Sharma ji himself or Master Nauhariya Ramji came to teach Persian in the
room, then the faces of all the children would wither away.
Then PT did not come to Master School for several weeks. It was discovered that the small window with a
windowsill he had rented on top of a shop in the market, was living comfortably there. Some seventh-eighth students used to tell us
that they were not even worried about getting killed. As before, two parrots in a comfortable cage keep talking to them after
soaking them several times a day, peeling off the leaves of the soaked almonds. We also saw his parrots many times. (We went
with the boys to his chaubara to go to work in their house on the orders of the boy PT Saheb) But it was a miracle for us that the
one who loved Pritamchand badger would tear it up to our skin and be sweet with his parrots. -How did Mithi talk? Didn't the
parrots feel scared by their burning, brown eyes.
Such things could not come to our understanding then, they were considered supernatural in just one way.
Choubara - a room with windows and doors from all four sides -
little bit
badge - stripe or stick
supernatural - wonderful or unique

The author states that PT did not come to master school for several weeks. The writer and his comrades came
to know that the PT Master was living comfortably there, on a shop in the marketplace, which he had rented a
small window-like square (a room with windows and doors from all four sides). Some seventh-eighth students
used to tell the writer and his companions that they had not the slightest worry about being expelled. Just as he
used to comfortably feed two parrots kept in a cage several times a day, by peeling off the leaves of the soaked
almonds, he still keeps those two parrots in the cage comfortably several times a day, Peel off the leaves of the
soaked almonds and feed them and keep talking to them. His parrot writer and his companions had also seen many times when
the writer and his companions had gone to the PT Master's quarters with the boys who used to go to work in their house on the
orders of the boy PT Sahab. For it was a miracle that how could those who used to beat the Pritamchand bandage or baton to the
foreskin of the students, talk sweetly to their parrots? The author himself wondered whether the parrots would not be afraid of their
burning, brown eyes like fire? Such things could not come to the understanding of the writer and his colleagues, because then they
were very small. He simply considered this form of PT Master to be amazing in a way. How did he talk sweetly to his parrots? The
author himself wondered whether the parrots would not be afraid of their burning, brown eyes like fire? Such things could not come
to the understanding of the writer and his colleagues, because then they were very small. He simply considered this form of PT
Master to be amazing in a way. How did he talk sweetly to his parrots? The author himself wondered whether the parrots would not
be afraid of their burning, brown eyes like fire? Such things could not come to the understanding of the writer and his colleagues,
because then they were very small. He simply considered this form of PT Master to be amazing in a way.

Sapnon Ke Se Din Question Your

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Question 1 - No language is a hindrance in mutual behavior - what part of the lesson proves this?

Answer - No language becomes an obstacle in mutual behavior. This is proved by an incident of the author's
childhood - most of the writer's childhood companions were from families who came from Rajasthan or Haryana
to trade or shop in Mandi. When the writer was small, he could understand his words very rarely and after
listening to some of his words, the writer used to laugh. But when everyone started playing, they understood each other's things
very well. Their behavior remained the same for each other.

Question 2 - Why did PT Sahab's 'Bravo' sound like a force? Explain

Answer - Master Pritam Chand, who was the 'PT' of the school, used to stand behind the rows of boys to see which boy is not
standing properly in the row. All the boys were very afraid of that 'PT' because no one had seen or heard as strict teacher as them.
If a boy would move his head around or dig a shin from foot to foot, he would fling towards him like a tiger and face the idiom of
'pulling the skin' (severe punishments, excessive beating and beating). Used to show it. This was the reason that when no student
made any mistake while practicing scouting in school, PT sahib would blink his bright eyes and call everyone well. One of his
words to the writer and his comrades seemed as if he had won all the medals or medals of an army.

Question 3 - Why did the writer's balmaan get depressed due to the new category and the special smell coming from the new
copies and old books?

Answer - Every year when the author entered the next class, he used to mix old books. Sharma, the headmaster of his school,
used to teach a very rich boy to his house. Every year in April, when the new year of education started, Sharma used to bring one
year old books of that boy to the author. He used to smell such from the new copies and old books that his heart started to get very
sad. Some difficult studies in the next class and the fear of beating the new masters and expecting the teacher that as with the
larger class, the writer has become all-round or ahead in every field. If the writer and his colleagues could not fulfill the hopes of
those teachers, then some teachers were always 'ready to tear off' the students.

Question 4 - Why does the writer think of himself as an important 'man' while he is doing a parade?

Answer - When the scooters parade scouting wearing uniforms and polished shining shoes and socks washed by washermen, they
seem to be military. Master Pritam Singh, who was the PT of the writer's school, used to get the writer and his comrades to parade
and carry out a whistle in the mouth and march out with the sound of left-right. Then when they used to say right turn or left turn or
about turn, all the students would turn their shoes on the heels of their small shoes, right or left or back, and walk with such pride
that they are not all students. Very important 'man', as the military of a country is young, that is to say, the author wants to say that
all the students considered themselves as military.

Question 5 - Why did Headmaster Sharma ji demote PT Saheb?

Answer - Master Pritamchand started teaching Persian to the fourth grade of the writer. It would not have been even a week since
Master Pritamchand was studying the writer's class that Pritamchand asked him to memorize a word form and ordered that
tomorrow he would hear it only through the tongue. The next day Master Pritamchand asked to be heard in turn, and not a single
boy could hear it. Master ji shouted angrily and asked all the students to hold their ears and keep their backs high. Shortly before
when the writer's class was being punished, Sharma ji was not in school. As soon as he came, he could not bear what he saw.
Perhaps this was the first time that he had not tolerated the rudeness and wildness of PT Pritamchand and was infuriated. This
was the reason that Headmaster Sharma ji demoted PT Saheb.

Question 6 - According to the author, when and why did he like going to school even if he did not feel like running away from

Answer: As a child, the author did not like going to school at all, but when Master Pritam Singh used to whistle in the mouth and
make a march with the sound of left-right, and all the students went right-to-left or right on the heels of their small shoes. Turning
back and running the shoes and walking with such pride that they are not all students, they are very important 'men', like a military
soldier of a country. If any student did not make any mistake while scouting, PT Saheb would blink his eyes lightly and call
everyone well. One of his words to the writer and his comrades seemed as if he had won all the medals or medals of an army. The
author liked it more than the 'Guddu' he got from other teachers. This was the reason that later the author liked to go to school.

Question 7 - What plans did the author make in his student life to complete the work he got from school and what would he
imagine to be 'brave' in the event of not completing it?

Answer - As the days of the writer's holidays begin to end, he starts counting the days. With the end of each day, his fear also
started increasing. Teachers would start thinking how to do the work they were given to do during the holidays and how much work
t d i d B th ti th it t t d thi ki lik thi th ld b l th f h lid l ft T d ld h
to do in a day. By the time the writer started thinking like this, there would (
be only one month of holidays left. Ten days would have

passed in the sports game, counting eachYourday. Then,

No1 sourcetofor
overcome his fear,
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Exams, thinks that
infowhat ten, even fifteen questions can be
easily done in a day. When I started thinking like this, it would seem as if the holidays were running short. The days seemed to be
very short. Like the author Oma, who was a boisterous and boisterous boy, he would try to be like him, as he considered beating
teachers more 'cheap deal' than working as a holiday. And due to the non-work, the writer was like 'brave'

Question 8 - Based on the events described in the text, highlight the characteristics of PT Sir.
Answer - The author never saw Master Pritamchand smiling or laughing during school time. No one had seen a teacher as strict as
him. Her short, slim, but athletic body, her mother's face full of pimples, that is, pimples and sharp eyes, khaki uniforms, leather-
toed boots - all these things were frightening to children. . The heels of his shoes also had knives under them. In the next part, the
nails with thick ends under the claws were whipped. He was fond of discipline and if a student did not listen to him, he was always
ready to take his skin off. He was also very self-respecting because when Headmaster Sharma suspended him and fired him, he
did not grudge, went quietly and was living as comfortable as before.

Question 9 - In order to keep the students in discipline, express your thoughts regarding the tips adopted in the lesson and the
currently accepted beliefs.
Answer - The tips adopted in the lesson to discipline students include beating and punishing. Due to these reasons many children
did not go to school. But at present, beating and harsh punishment like this is absolutely forbidden. Today's teachers are taught to
understand the feelings of children, if they have done any wrong thing then it should be seen why they have done it. Make him
realize the mistake, not punish him for his mistakes. Only then will the children not be afraid of going to school, but will happily go
to school.

Question 11 - Often the parents stop the children from taking more interest in sports and advise them not to waste time. Explain -
(a) Why is sports important for you?
Answer - The game is more entertaining than it is necessary for health. It is also said that 'Healthy mind resides in a healthy body'.
The more healthy the children's body is, the faster their brain will be. In sports, children also have knowledge of moral values, such
as playing together develops the feeling of brotherhood, playing in groups increases the social feeling and at the same time also
develops the spirit of competition. .
(B) Which rules and practices will you adopt that parents do not object to your game?

Answer - As much as sports are necessary in life, as many things are necessary in life as in studies, etc. If sports is necessary for
health, then studying is also very important for success in your life. Parents will never have any objection if we play our game as
well as other tasks in our life with the same passion with which we play our game.

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