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The future is here!!

One can expect to see more, not less of AI in the coming year. More jobs would be created rather than
snatched away by AI; at least this is what tech giants believe.
Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos in a statement on the future of AI said, “I predict that, because of artificial
intelligence and its ability to automate certain tasks that in the past were impossible to automate, not
only will we have a much wealthier civilization, but the quality of work will go up very significantly
and a higher fraction of people will have callings and careers relative to today.”


Tech biggies like Alibaba, Google, and Microsoft, have come up with ambitious plans to ‘democratize‘
Google seems to be spearheading this revolution through its offering tensorflow. Tensorflow is
helping small businesses and developers innovate through its open-source machine learning
Another AI project by Google, jigsaw leverages artificial intelligence to detect toxic comments and
hate speech which has proven to be quite successful. This tool assigns a toxicity score to a piece of
text based on numerous parameters.
In a bid to expand their horizons, Google is targeting emerging economies like India to expand its
offerings. Indian policymakers and government officials are being trained in AI tools to streamline
governance. NITI aayog, a policy think-tank of the government of India, is partnering with Google to
work on an array of initiatives to help build an Artificial Intelligence (AI) ecosystem across the country.
Amitabh Kant, Chief Executive Officer of Aayog, said in a statement: “NITI’s partnership with Google
will unlock massive training initiatives, support start-ups and encourage AI research through PhD
scholarships, all of which contribute to the larger idea of a technologically-empowered New India,”
Through their collaboration, the organizations are planning to conduct hands-on training programmes
to sensitize and educate lawmakers and technical experts in government about relevant AI tools and
how they can be used to streamline governance.

At the helm of all these AI developments that planned is, ‘Data.’ According to an industry insider, the
benefits of AI can only be reaped if the data being used is fit for purpose.
Major AI companies are leading in this domain solely because of the fact that they have a lot of data
for the algorithm to be trained on. For these techniques, to prove fruitful, it is extremely critical to
have smart and relevant data. The performance of algorithms is more dependent on quantity rather
than the quality of the data.Unless you can feed all the knowledge manually, it is vital to have an
abundance of data for the algorithm to be trained on.
Artificial Intelligence rests upon the idea of mimicking how humans learn. All of our life experiences
act as a set of data for us to learn. Thus a successful AI needs to mirror human behaviour to get

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