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1) Focus on protection orders

1) before the enactment of RA9262, what were the laws that protects women and children?
- were they effective?
- were there are a lot of women who sought justice under those laws? Why?

2) what brought about the enactment of RA 9262 ON 2004?

- no strong law that protects women and children
- the high increase of violence against women and children
- Filipino women are less likely to file a complaint. Due to the fact that Filipino women are known to be
meek and conservative and shy. They are scared of public shaming and ridicule. Some have no
knowledge about their rights

3) AFTER the enactment of RA9262

- were there drastic changes as to the number of violence committed?
- as to the number of the women who filed a formal complaint

4) How can we improve the efficiency of RA9262 : make everyone know the rights and different
violations of RA9262 and other related laws.
- make monthly seminars about the laws to school, colleges, puroks, barangays
- make leaflets
- advertise, billboards
- promote thur newpapers, TV, and radio
- house to house assessment

5) Why is the title of RA9262 states: "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of

6) Are men included in this law? Why not?

- Difference between men and women.
- rights
- physical being
- nature

1) (c) "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to a scientifically defined pattern of psychological

and behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering relationships as a result of
cumulative abuse.
Q: when we say cumulative abuse, what does it mean?

7) What are the different types of evidences that may be gathered by a Victim as proof of the different

1) Physical
- medical certificate
- doctors diagnosis
2) Sexual
- medical certificate
- doctors diagnosis

3) Psychological
- Pyschiatrist diagnosis – is it really necessary? What if wala?

4) Economic
- self affidavit


What are the different types of Protection order? And many days is the period of protection given?
Barangay Protection Order
Temporary Protection order
Permanent Protection Order

) Is it in a order in a way you cannot skip a step?

) Meaning, you can filed directly a TPO or PPO without having filed a previous BPO?

) Who issues this different types of Protection Order

BPO – Lupong Barangay

Who is the Lupong Barangay? What if he is absent?
- Barangay Kagawa.

) May a victim be able to procure a BPO anytime of the day and night?
) Who can file a BPO? - make a list
) how much is the filing fee?

) Before a victim may be able to procure a BPO, is a Police report necessary before one may be issued?
A: No.

2) Kinsa ang angay doulon sa barangay para


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