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Treatment of Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever with Intravenous Ribavirin

Paul E. Kilgore, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Pierre E. Rollin, From the Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, National Center for
James N. Mills, Mario R. Villagra, Mario J. Montenegro, Infectious Diseases and the Epidemiology Program Office, Centers for
Maria A. Costales, Luis C. Paredes, and C. J. Peters Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; the National
Health Secretary for Bolivia, the German Busch Hospital, and the
Japanese Maternal-Infant Hospital, Trinidad, Bolivia; and Viedma

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Hospital, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF) is a potentially severe febrile illness caused by Machupo virus
(family Arenaviridae). Initial symptoms include headache, fever, arthralgia, and myalgia. In the later
stages of this illness, patients may develop hemorrhagic manifestations including subconjunctival
hemorrhage, epistaxis, hematemesis, melena, and hematuria, as well as neurological signs including
tremor, seizures, and coma. During the BHF epidemics of the 1960s, convalescent-phase immune
plasma from survivors of BHF was administered to selected patients infected with Machupo virus.
However, there is currently a paucity of survivors of BHF who can donate immune plasma, and
there is no active program for collection and storage of BHF immune plasma; therefore, we had
the opportunity to offer intravenous ribavirin to two of three patients with this potentially life-
threatening infection. One patient with laboratory-confirmed Machupo virus infection who received
ribavirin recovered without sequelae, as did a second patient with suspected BHF whose epidemiolog-
ical and clinical features were similar to those of the first patient. This report describes the first use
of intravenous ribavirin therapy for BHF in humans, and the results suggest the need for more
extensive clinical studies to assess the usefulness of ribavirin for treating BHF.

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF) was first described in tion of convalescent-phase immune plasma obtained from sur-
1959, and there were multiple outbreaks of this infection in vivors of BHF [4]. Previous studies have shown that ribavirin
the communities of northern Bolivia throughout the 1960s [1]. (ICN Pharmaceuticals, Costa Mesa, CA) is effective in the
The etiologic agent is Machupo virus (family Arenaviridae), treatment of Lassa fever in humans and other arenavirus infec-
whose reservoir is the sigmodontine rodent Calomys callosus tions in animal models; however, ribavirin has not been studied
[2]. Human infections are believed to occur after exposure to for the treatment of Machupo virus infection in humans [5, 6].
Machupo virus in aerosolized secretions or excretions from Patients infected with Junin virus, a closely related arenavirus
infected rodents. In 1971, a nosocomial outbreak of BHF that that causes Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF), have received
involved five persons occurred in Cochabamba, Bolivia; the intravenous ribavirin in limited trials; some of these patients
investigation of this outbreak suggested that the virus may recovered clinically after receiving this therapy [7].
sometimes be transmitted person-to-person by exposure to In September 1994 and October 1994, three patients living in
fomites, droplets, or aerosols from infected patients [3]. northern Bolivia were identified as having signs and symptoms
Since the 1960s, the treatment of BHF has consisted of consistent with BHF. A Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
supportive care or, in a small number of cases, the administra- vention (CDC) medical team that was in Bolivia during Sep-
tember 1994 was dispatched to evaluate the use of ribavirin
therapy in patients 1 and 2, while Bolivian physicians evaluated
and treated patient 3 in October 1994. The results suggest that
Received 12 March 1996; revised 16 September 1996. more-extensive trials may be warranted to assess the role of
This work was presented in part at the 35th Interscience Conference on ribavirin in the treatment of BHF.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy held on 17-20 September 1995 in
San Francisco.
Informed consent was obtained from patients, and the guidelines for human
experimentation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and/ Case Reports
or those of the authors' institutions were followed in the conduct of this study.
Financial support: This work was supported in part by the U.S. Agency for
International Development, La Paz, Bolivia. Patient 1. On 28 August, a previously healthy 34-year-old
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. C. J. Peters, Mailstop A-26, National Center butcher from Magdalena, Beni Department, Bolivia, developed
for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 pyrexia, rigors, and hip arthralgia, followed by widespread
Clifton Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30333.
myalgia, headaches, and a fever (temperature, 39.2°C). On pre-
Clinical Infectious Diseases 1997; 24:718-22
CD 1997 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. sentation to the local hospital, his blood pressure was 110/88
1058-4838/97/2404-0024$02.00 mm Hg, and his heart rate was 78; physical examination
CID 1997;24 (April) Ribavirin for Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever 719

showed conjunctival injection and pharyngeal mucosal conges- Although laboratory facilities for performing cultures were
tion. Laboratory studies documented a declining total WBC unavailable, we believed that a nosocomial infection of the
count (count on 29 August, 10,900/mm 3 ; on 30 August, urinary tract or bronchopulmonary tract represented the most
6,000/mm 3 ; and on 31 August, 4,000/mm 3 ). Four days after likely source of the pyrexia. The remainder of the patient's
the onset of his symptoms, physical examination revealed a hospital course was marked by prolonged hematuria and slow
diffusely inflamed pharynx with isolated whitish plaques. Be- resolution of the neurological signs, even after an 8-day course
cause of deterioration in his condition, he was admitted to a of therapy. At the conclusion of ribavirin therapy on 23 Septem-
tertiary care center in Cochabamba on 3 September for further ber, the hematuria had markedly cleared, and he was afebrile
evaluation and treatment. and ambulatory. The diagnosis of BHF was confirmed by detec-
On admission to the tertiary care center, laboratory investiga- tion of serum viral antigen and isolation of virus from his

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tions revealed a hemoglobin level of 14.5 g/dL, a hematocrit serum.
of 44%, and a total WBC count of 4,200/mm 3 . Urinalysis re- Patient 3. A 57-year-old agricultural worker who lived and
vealed the following values: specific gravity, 1.03; pH, 5; albu- worked with patient 2 in San Ram& was well until 25 Septem-
min, 2+; hemoglobin, 2+; 30 WBCs per high-power field; and ber, when he developed generalized malaise, an intense head-
20-30 RBCs per high-power field. ache, anorexia, and dysphagia. He presented to a physician in
On the third day after admission, the patient developed gross Trinidad on 7 October, and laboratory studies performed that
hematemesis and fecal incontinence, followed by generalized day showed a depressed total WBC count (1,450/mm 3 ) (table
seizures requiring treatment with intravenous diazepam. The 2). From 7 October to 10 October, his condition worsened with
next day he remained unresponsive and incontinent, and he the onset of photophobia, diffuse arthralgia and myalgia, fever,
passed grossly bloody stools. He died later that day after devel- and hand tremors.
oping oliguria and persistent upper gastrointestinal bleeding On admission to the hospital on 10 October, physical exami-
followed by shock. The diagnosis of BHF was not considered nation revealed fever (temperature, 39.2°C) and hypotension
until the latter portion of his hospitalization. BHF was con- (heart rate, 76, and blood pressure, 80/50 mm Hg). The large
firmed after the patient's death by detection of antigens with joints of the upper and lower extremities were tender to palpa-
an ELISA and by isolation of virus from serum specimens. tion and on movement around the articulations. A neurological
Patient 2. A 52-year-old agricultural worker from San Ra- examination showed bilateral resting hand tremors, dysarthria,
mOn, Mamore Province, Beni Department, was well until 2 and an unstable, wide-based gait.
September, when he noted the onset of epistaxis accompanied Given that the epidemiological characteristics of this patient
by fatigue, melena, and hematuria. He was seen by a physician were similar to those of patient 2 and that neurological signs
in Trinidad, Bolivia, who admitted him to the hospital on 11 had become progressive, consistent with a diagnosis of BHF,
September for evaluation of progressive fatigue and inability ribavirin therapy was initiated on 10 October. During the first
to ambulate without assistance. On 12 September, regional week of ribavirin therapy, the patient reported gradual resolu-
public health authorities notified the visiting CDC medical tion of the headache, arthralgia, and myalgia, which was ac-
team, who traveled to examine this patient with suspected BHF. companied by a transient decrease in the platelet count (nadir,
Physical examination performed on 13 September while the 57,600/mm' on 12 October) and microscopic hematuria. By
patient was supine revealed generalized malaise and hypotension day 10 of ribavirin therapy, he was afebrile (temperature, 37°C)
(blood pressure, 80/48 mm Hg and heart rate, 72). The mucosa with a heart rate of 75 and a blood pressure of 90/70 mm Hg,
was hyperemic with evidence of recent epistaxis, and both sclera and he had no evidence of swallowing dysfunction or speech
appeared severely injected. The neurological examination showed impairment.
involuntary left-forearm flexion to 60° as well as a mild resting At the end of a 10-day course of intravenous ribavirin ther-
tremor of the hands, with evidence of global hyperreflexia. Exami- apy, the patient could ambulate without assistance, but exami-
nation of the patellar tendon showed 3+ reactivity, with bilateral nation showed his gait to be slightly wider-based than normal.
spreading to the quadriceps. A finger-nose test showed a gross No clinical complications were noted while he was receiving
intention tremor and past-pointing. Initial laboratory studies ribavirin, but anemia was noted on the final day of therapy and
showed a total WBC count of 1,200/mm 3 , and analysis of a urine during a follow-up visit on 4 November. Clinical specimens
sample revealed 2+ protein and 3+ hemoglobin (table 1). could not be made available to the Centers for Disease Control
On 13 September, the patient's neurological status continued and Prevention for laboratory confirmation of Machupo virus
to deteriorate despite supportive care, and ribavirin therapy was infection.
initiated 12 days after the appearance of the first symptoms.
On the second day of therapy, he developed a cough and expec-
torated yellowish-brown sputum. Radiographic equipment was
unavailable, and he was treated presumptively for pneumonia Our recent clinical experience in Bolivia reaffirms the fact
with amoxicillin. On 21 September he developed a fever (tem- that BHF is a life-threatening condition that may mimic other
perature to 39°C) and chills coincident with the presence of endemic illnesses (e.g., dengue fever and malaria) during its
hematuria from 18 September to 22 September. initial phases. Two of the cases described in this report repre-
720 Kilgore et al. CID 1997;24 (April)

Table 1. Laboratory results for patient 2, a patient with Bolivian hemorrhagic fever who was treated with intravenous ribavirin in September

Laboratory study 12 September 14 September 15 September 17 September 19 September 21 September

WBC count (/mm 3 ) 1,200 2,500 2,700 2,500 3,000 10,500

Hemoglobin level (g/dL) 14 14 12 13 12 12
Hematocrit (g/dL) 45 41 39 40 37 36
Platelet count (X10 3 /mm 3 ) ND ND 41 51 60 65
Blood urea nitrogen level ND 38 28 25 20 50

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(normal range, 20-45 g/dL)
Creatinine level (normal range, ND 1.5 1.3 0.9 0.7 1.9
0.8-1.4 mg/dL)
Aspartate aminotransferase level ND 347 234 113 77 148
(normal range, 5-35 U/L)
Alanine aminotransferase level ND 156 119 111 95 170
(normal range, 8-40 U/L)
Amylase level (normal level, ND ND 171 158 196 140
<120 U/L)
Bilirubin level (normal level, ND ND 1.1/0.6 1.0/0.5 ND 1.7/0.7
<1.0 mg/dL)*
Urinalysis 2+ Protein 4+ Protein 2+ Protein ND Trace protein, 2+ Protein, 3+
3+ Hemoglobin 2+ Hemoglobin 2+ Hemoglobin trace hemoglobin, 12-15
hemoglobin WBCs, >150
RBCs, granular
casts, 3+ bacteria

NOTE. ND = not determined.

* Total level/direct level.

sent the first experience in the use of intravenous ribavirin to we cannot definitively conclude that their recoveries resulted
treat suspected BHF in humans. The clinical and laboratory solely from the administration of the drug.
data obtained during the treatment of these two patients suggest Patients 2 and 3 shared exposure histories that were consis-
that intravenous ribavirin may be active against Machupo virus tent with the known epidemiology of BHF [8]. Both patients
following natural infection in humans. While the recovery of were employed by a large ranch to work in open fields con-
patients 2 and 3 coincided with the administration of ribavirin, taining suitable habitats for C. callosus, the rodent host of

Table 2. Laboratory results for patient 3, a patient with Bolivian hemorrhagic fever who was treated with intravenous ribavirin in October
and November 1994.


Laboratory study* 7 October 10 October 12 October 14 October 17 October 20 October 4 November

WBC count (/mm 3 ) 1,500 2,900 2,000 2,000 4,000 5,200 5,700
Hemoglobin level (g/dL) 15 14 14 14 12 9.6 8.6
Hematocrit (g/dL) 48 43 44 44 40 30 27
Platelet count (X 10 3 /mm 3 ) 170 102 58 65 78 103 296
Aspartate aminotransferase level ND ND ND ND ND 184 ND
(normal range, 5-35 U/L)
Alanine aminotransferase level ND ND ND ND ND 104 ND
(normal range, 8-40 U/L)
Urinalysis ND ND 2+ Protein, 2+ Protein, No protein, ND No protein,
1+ hemoglobin, trace hemoglobin, no hemoglobin, no hemoglobin,
4-6 WBCs, 2-4 WBCs, 3-4 1-2 WBCs 1-2 WBCs
8-9 RBCs RBCs

NOTE. ND = not determined.

* Levels of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, amylase, and bilirubin were not determined.
CID 1997;24 (April) Ribavirin for Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever 721

Machupo virus. In addition, these agricultural workers were well as the findings in a study by Enria et al., in which patients
provided with room and board in the same dwelling. Although with Argentine hemorrhagic fever who received a passive anti-
the exact source(s) of infection in cases 2 and 3 is unknown, body infusion evidenced a late neurological syndrome, suggest
each patient may have become infected with Machupo virus direct viral invasion of the CNS rather than an encephalopathic
from direct exposure to C. callosus while working in the fields, process [18].
through person-to-person transmission, or by exposure to fomi- Our experience with intravenous ribavirin in Bolivia em-
tes (e.g., shared utensils) within the ranch dwelling. An addi- phasizes the challenge of conducting clinical trials for the
tional employee (not described in this report), who was identi- treatment of sporadic diseases in developing countries. Be-
fied during the interview of patient 2, worked and lived with cause BHF is no longer an epidemic disease in Bolivia, enroll-
patients 2 and 3 at the same ranch and developed a febrile ment of a sufficient number of patients in a randomized trial

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illness with epistaxis and gingival bleeding, consistent with may be impossible, assuming investigators were to complete
BHF, in early August 1994. This worker was seen as an outpa- such a study in a reasonable period. In addition, ethical con-
tient by a local physician in Trinidad and was found to have cerns about the use of placebo in a randomized study design
a depressed total WBC count but was lost to follow-up in late may arise, since BHF may be life-threatening, and the results
August and did not return to work. of both animal and human studies of Argentine hemorrhagic
Ribavirin is a compound with broad-spectrum activity fever (and animal studies of BHF) suggest that ribavirin is
against selected RNA- and DNA-containing viruses [9]. In the active against arenaviruses.
rhesus macaque model for BHF, Stephen et al. demonstrated In one alternative study design, investigators could compare
that ribavirin reduced viremia to nearly undetectable levels drug regimens based on different dosing schedules of intrave-
by day 10 of therapy and prevented death during the acute nous ribavirin to optimize the drug delivery, clinical response,
hemorrhagic phase of the illness; however, the late neurological and side-effect profile. On the basis of observations in the
signs were not prevented [10]. In another model, mortality 1960s that patients infected with Machupo virus recovered
among guinea pigs infected with Junin virus was not affected following treatment with convalescent-phase immune plasma
by ribavirin therapy, although viral replication was delayed, from donors, a randomized trial in which treatment with con-
and the mean time period until death was increased [11]. Rhe- valescent-phase BHF immune plasma is compared to treat-
sus macaques treated with ribavirin at the time of infection ment with intravenous ribavirin could be conducted [4]. This
with Junin virus were protected from clinical disease [12]. alternative would require a program for screening and storing
In a limited trial, the mortality among patients with Argen- plasma that has been frozen after collection from a small
tine hemorrhagic fever who were treated with ribavirin was number of patients who have recovered from BHF.
lower than that among controls, and anemia was the only side Although hospitals and clinics in the disease-endemic re-
effect observed [7]. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial gion of Bolivia have limited resources, available laboratories
of intravenous ribavirin for the treatment of hemorrhagic fever may also provide clinical monitoring for both hematologic
with renal syndrome (caused by Hantaan virus in the family and biochemical parameters during ribavirin therapy.
Bunyaviridae), ribavirin reduced the risk of entering the oli- Our experience also highlights the advantages of establish-
guric phase as well as the risk of hemorrhage [13]. In that study, ing a diagnostic facility in Bolivia that is capable of detecting
intravenous ribavirin therapy was associated with reversible Machupo virus in clinical specimens during the early phase
anemia without sequelae; this side effect had also been identi- of BHF. The use of techniques that inactivate Machupo virus
fied in previous studies [14, 15]. In a more recent study, intrave- in potentially infectious specimens and enable clinicians to
nous ribavirin appeared effective in the treatment of a labora- make more rapid and cost-effective therapeutic decisions
tory-acquired infection with Sabia virus, an arenavirus related would be required in such a laboratory. Establishment of a
to Machupo virus and first isolated in Brazil [16]. Bolivian laboratory in which real-time testing could be done
To treat our patients, we used the dosing paradigm that has would also enhance surveillance for cases of BHF. If clini-
been used successfully to treat Lassa fever and that was shown cians seek cases more actively and Machupo virus infection
by Enria and Maiztegui to be safe for the treatment of Argentine can be confirmed in a timely fashion, we may learn the true
hemorrhagic fever [7]. The anemia in patient 3 appeared to incidence of BHF and ribavirin can be further evaluated to
be consistent with both the reversible anemia associated with ascertain if it provides a physically stable, renewable, and
ribavirin therapy and the pathophysiology of BHF, which may safe therapy for the disease.
involve suppression of hematopoiesis [7, 17].
The early course of therapy for patient 2 was marked by
rapid improvement, followed by a plateau phase in which some Acknowledgments
neurological signs (e.g., finger-nose test findings) transiently
worsened. In the final days of the 10-day treatment period, This report is dedicated to the memory of Ronald B. MacKenzie,
these neurological sequelae resolved completely. The slower M.D., M.P.H., who provided invaluable advice and historical in-
resolution of neurological signs in comparison with that for sight during preparation of this manuscript. The authors thank
other abnormalities that was observed for patients 2 and 3, as Silvia Pozo, M.D., and Joel N. Kuritsky, M.D., for technical assis-
722 Kilgore et al. CID 1997; 24 (April)

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