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5 Health Benefits

Of Wearing Silk
Nele Köstler

Silk has made its mark in the fabric industry for being one of the more coveted
fabrics in the world. Its natural sheen and softness make it a luxurious product
any man and woman would happily give hundreds of bucks for.

New research suggests that silk isn’t just for looks; its glory extends beyond
intimate wear and high-end bed sheets. As these five points show, silk may
be very well on its way to becoming a natural antidote for various health

1.) Silk Slows Down Ageing

Silk has this natural, cloud-like quality that makes you feel fresh.
There’s just something about it that feels timeless, and this isn’t only in its
texture. Silk amino acids, a natural nutrient found in the fabric, have been
found to reduce specific signs of ageing, such as wrinkles.

Because silk is a natural material, it is easier for this fabric to produce and
retain moisture on its own.It does miracles on the skin when left in contact
overnight. With this, silk is now recognized as a natural anti-ageing
product in the form of towels, beddings, and pillowcases. Dermatologists
attest to silk’s ability to slow down visible signs of ageing and revitalize the
human skin even after a short night’s rest.

While cotton and polyester material withdraw moisture from the skin
through a night’s sleep, silk can replenish and maintain this very moisture
necessary for keeping a youthful, vibrant skin. Because it is a natural
material packed with essential amino acids and natural protein, silk tricks
the nervous system into relaxing; therefore smoothening out the wrinkles
we develop through age.

With albumen, a naturally-occurring chemical in silk, the skin’s metabolism

speeds up, allowing dead skin cells to develop and repair at a much faster
rate. Over time, the long-term use of silk will drastically improve the
skin’s appearance, significantly slowing down the effects of ageing. Think of
it as an invisible night cream applied to your face every single night.

2) Silk Clothing Helps with Eczema and


In most cases of atopic dermatitis, lifestyle changes have to be done to

accommodate the necessities of sensitive skin. While various creams and
other topical treatments may be used to treat mild to severe cases of
eczema, what eczema sufferers are exposed to day and at night can still
affect the entire treatment process.

Because of its natural protein structure, silk is known for its hypoallergenic
properties, making it compatible with all skin types. Its dense fabric
structure prevents dust and mites from accumulating, which in turn
protects the wearer from day-to-day allergens.
While some individuals might be allergic to other natural materials (like
goose and duck feathers), silk has shown to be more compatible with even
the worst cases of skin allergy because of its 100% organic origin.

Another of its great feature: silk prevents the build-up of soil, dirt, and
other microscopic foreign bodies that may trigger an allergy, especially in
people with eczema. Thanks to these healing properties, silk is an excellent
alternative to usual cotton active and nightwear.

Aside from eczema, silk’s hypoallergenic quality can help treat people with
asthma. Among the triggers of asthma are bed bugs and droppings that
can affect your quality of sleep – but these microscopic items would not
stand a chance against silk’s compact structure.

3.) Natural Anti-Fungal Element

Silk is a popular choice for nightwear, and a recent study shows that there
is more reason to opt for silk during downtime. Not only does it make you
feel nice and smooth while you sleep, but it can also stave off recurring
infections in women.

In a study conducted by the University of Bologna, women who were

experiencing recurrent vaginal thrush were asked to swap their usual
cotton-made underwear for treated silk ones, while the other half of the
group continued to wear cotton underwear. After six months, researchers
found that the group that was wearing silk had been cured of the infection.
The recurrence was halved and the symptoms were significantly reduced.

The Candida albicans – the yeast causing the common fungal infection in
women – thrives in warm and damp environments. While cotton does
nothing to help this, the moisture-absorption capability of silk eliminates
the environment for the yeast to thrive.

4.) Silk Can Improve Sleep

If you have ever experienced the luxury of sleeping in silk, you would be
familiar with how quickly you can fall asleep while being enveloped in this
material. There’s a reason why this fabric is becoming increasingly popular
with beddings manufacturers; this has something to do with sleeping. The
reason is simple: it makes you comfortable.

Silk, a natural material blessed with sheen and softness, can also regulate
body temperature and control moisture even in vast, changing climates.
This makes silk an excellent sleep companion that will surely enhance the
quality of your night-time slumbers. The softness of the material coaxes
your nervous system into relaxing, allowing you to achieve the full cycle of
sleep necessary.

In ancient China, silk has been the go-to material for curing chronic pains.
In fact, silk is still the standard fabric used for elderly homes and physical
development centers. Silk's comfortability can easily remedy anything from
muscle aches to joint pains. It imposes negligible pressure on the human
body and follows the natural contours and movement of its user, giving
anyone who uses it a guaranteed full night’s sleep.
5) It Helps Avoid Allergies

Some people suffer from multiple allergies or sensitive skin, making it

difficult to find clothing or sheets that work for them. A night in bed can
leave rashes all over the body with no end in sight. Common line materials
not only evoke allergy symptoms but they exacerbate them, turning what
should be a relaxing sleep into one filled with itches and scratches – a real

However, silk can be your best hypoallergenic solution to skin sensitivity

and allergies. Its natural properties benefit all; even its makers – the
silkworms – weave their cocoons into safety shields against the dust mites.
The proteins in silk repel these microscopic critters, which, coincidentally,
are among the leading causes of human allergies. Alongside this, silk’s long
and smooth fibers do not irritate the skin, preventing allergic reactions
while letting you sleep peacefully, just as you deserve.

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