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October 11-13, 2016. Prague, Czech Republic
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-27 (2016) 178–182

The Role
Role and
and Importance
Importance of
of Real
Real Time
Time Digital
Digital Simulation
Simulation in
in the
Development and Testing of Power System Control and
Development and Testing of Power System Control and
Protection Equipment
Protection Equipment
Rick Kuffel*,
Rick Kuffel*, Paul
Paul Forsyth*,
Forsyth*, Cyprian
Cyprian Peters*
Rick Kuffel*, Paul Forsyth*, Cyprian Peters*
RTDS Technologies Inc. Winnipeg, Canada
RTDS Technologies Inc. Winnipeg, Canada
RTDS Technologies Inc. Winnipeg, Canada

In the
Abstract: In
Abstract: the past
past several
several decades
decades there
there have
have been
been many
many advances
advances made
made in
in power
power system
system technology.
technology. InIn
order In the
ensure theprotection
past several
control there have used
equipment been inmany
the advances of
operation made in power
power systems system technology.
behaves as In
order ensure the protection and control equipment used in the operation of power systems behaves as designed,
order ensure
advanced realthe
timeprotection andand
simulation control equipment
testing are used
tools are in the
utilized. As operation
the industry
industryof adapts
power systems
to the behavesofashigh
the presence
presence designed,
advanced real time simulation and testing tools utilized. As the adapts to of high speed,
advanced real
sophisticated time
and simulation
interactive and testing
components, tools
the are
role utilized.
and As the
importance industry
of real adapts
time to the
simulation presence
is of
increased.high speed,
sophisticated and interactive components, the role and importance of real time simulation is increased.
sophisticated and interactive components, the role and importance of real time simulation is increased.
© 2016, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
real time
Keywords: real
Keywords: time simulation,
simulation, EMT,
Keywords: real time simulation, EMT, HIL, WAMPAC, HVDC, VSC, MMC

the past
past several
several decades
decades electric
electric power
power systems
systems have
have protection and
and control
control equipment.
equipment. TheseThese simulators
simulators were
Over the protection
changedthe and
decades electric With power systems
increasing have
pressure protection
mainly and control
composed of equipment.physical
scaled-down These models
of were
changed and evolved substantially. With increasing pressure mainly composed of scaled-down physical models of power
to improve
evolved substantially.and With increasing pressure mainly
system composed
components, of scaled-down
and inherently
inherentlyphysical models
operated of power
in real
real time.
to economic efficiency
efficiency and reduce reduce environmental
environmental system components, and operated in time.
to improve
impact, economic
today’s efficiency
networks and reduce
are being
being pushedenvironmental
ever further
further system
Although components,
they were and inherently
important tools operated
at their in real
time, theytime.
impact, today’s networks are pushed ever Although they were important tools at their time, they did
towards today’s
the networks
boundaries of are being
stability and pushed
safe ever further
operation. To Although
have they
several were important
drawbacks. The tools size
limited at their
and time, they did
complexity of
towards the boundaries of stability and safe operation. To have several drawbacks. The limited size and complexity of
counteract thethese
boundaries of stability
pressures, utilities and adding
are safe operation.
sophisticatedTo have
the several representation,
network drawbacks. Theaslimited
well size
as the and
counteract these pressures, utilities are adding sophisticated the network representation, as well as the high procurement
new schemes
schemes these
andpressures, toutilities
devices to are adding
their networks.
networks. Realsophisticated
time digital
digital the
and network
costs, were as well
were among
among the as the high
notable procurement
disadvantages of
new and devices their Real time and operating costs, the notable disadvantages of
new schemes and devices to their networks. Real time digital and
this operating
technology. costs, were among the notable disadvantages of
simulators have become a critical tool for utilities and
simulators have become a critical tool for utilities and this technology.
manufacturers have become
in this
this a critical
demanding and tool for environment.
utilities and this technology.
manufacturers in demanding and dynamic
dynamic environment.
become in this demanding for and dynamic environment. In the
the late
late 1960’s,
It has
It has become common
common place for
place manufacturers
manufacturers and utilities
and utilities In 1960’s, the digital electromagnetic
the digital electromagnetic transient
to has become
utilize real common
time place
digital for
to support and utilities
their efforts In the latealgorithm
simulation 1960’s, was digital electromagnetic
the developed and introduced transient
by Dr.
to utilize real time digital simulation to support their efforts simulation algorithm was developed and introduced by
in utilize
the real of
study time digitalbehavior/operation,
power simulation to support the their efforts
closed-loop simulation
Hermann algorithm
Dommel was
[1]. Thedeveloped
algorithm and introduced
applies the by Dr.
in the study of power behavior/operation, the closed-loop Hermann Dommel [1]. The algorithm applies the trapezoidal
in the study
testing newofequipment,
of new power behavior/operation,
equipment, and the strategic the
the strategic closed-loop
development of Hermann
rule Dommelto[1].
of integration
integration The algorithm
convert applies
differential the trapezoidal
equations into linear
testing of and development of rule of to convert differential equations into
new of new and
protection equipment,
control and the strategic development of
functions. rule of integration
algebraic equationsto convert
that differential
could easilyequations
be into linear
solved by aa
new protection and control functions. algebraic equations that could easily be solved by
new protection and control functions. algebraic
computer. equations
This that could
so-called EMT easily be technique
simulation solved byhasa
computer. This so-called EMT simulation technique has
since This in
been used
used so-called EMTof simulation technique has
This paper
This paper will
will describe
describe the
the concept
concept ofof real
real time
time digital
digital since been in aa number
number non-real-time
of non-real-time simulation
This paperand
describe theit is
concept of realtotime digital since beensuch
programs used in a number
as EMTP,
and non-real-time simulation
simulation and illustrate how it is being applied to support the
simulation how being applied support the programs such as ATP PSCAD.
illustrate how itoperation
continued is being applied to support
of today’s
today’s the
modern programs such as EMTP, ATP and PSCAD.
development and continued operation of modern
development and In continued operation of on
today’s modern It wasn’t
wasn’t until
until the
power systems.
power systems. In particular, it
particular, it will focus
will focus application
on application of
of It the late
late 1980’s
1980’s that
that computer
computer technology
technology andand
power systems.
such technology In
technology in particular,
in the it will focus
the development, on application
development, testing
testing and of
and It wasn’t until the
modeling techniques late
techniques had 1980’s that
had matured computer
matured enough
enough to technology
to make
make possibleand
such modeling
such technologyof protection
implementation in the development,
and control testing used
schemes and modeling
the real techniques
real time
time digital had maturedofenough
simulation power to make possible
systems and the
implementation of protection and control schemes used the digital simulation of power systems and
throughout the of protection and control schemes used
the industry.
industry. the
manyreal time
complex digital simulation
components they of power
include. systems
The goal and
of the
throughout many complex components they include. The goal of real
throughout the industry. many complexsimulation
time digital
digital components theyto include. The goal of real
time simulation waswas to combine
combine flexibility
flexibility and
SIMULATION time digital
accuracy of simulation
digital was techniques
simulation to combine withflexibility
the real and
2. accuracy of digital simulation techniques with the real time
response ofof analogue
of digital simulation techniques
simulators. Once with the realwould
Simulation played
Simulation has played an an important
important role
role in
in the
the evolution
evolution of
of response analogue simulators. Once achieved,
achieved, this
this would
power systemshas played
systems into
into thean important
the modern, role
modern, complex in the
complex networksevolution
networks we of
we see
see response of
bring aa whole analogue
whole new simulators.
new level
level of Once
of accuracy achieved,
accuracy and this
and flexibility would
flexibility in
in the
power bring
today. systems
Before into thesimulation
digital modern, complex
was networksanalogue
developed, we see bring a whole
procedure used new
to level of
design, accuracyand
implement andtest
power in the
today. Before digital simulation was developed, analogue procedure used to design, implement and test power system
today. Before
simulators, digital simulation
or Transient
Transient Network was developed,
Analyzers analogue
(TNA’s) were procedure
control and to design,
protection implement and test power system
simulators, or Network Analyzers (TNA’s) were control protection equipment.
used to
to studyor Transient
study electrical Network
electrical power Analyzers
power systems
systems and
and test (TNA’s)
test physical
physical were control and protection equipment.
used to study electrical power systems and test physical
2405-8963 © 2016, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2016 IFAC 178
Peer review©under
2016 responsibility
IFAC 178Control.
of International Federation of Automatic
Copyright © 2016 IFAC 178
October 11-13, 2016. Prague, Czech Republic
Rick Kuffel et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-27 (2016) 178–182 179

A digital simulator provides a discrete solution at different converters have been used by real time digital simulators to
instances in time rather than the continuous waveforms provide this type of output. A standard operating range of the
measured in a real power system. However as the time d/a’s is in the range of +/- 10 V. Depending on how the tests
separating the discrete solutions (referred to as the simulation are being conducted and what signals are required, it may be
timestep) becomes smaller, the simulation signals become necessary to amplify the analogue outputs using power
more representative of a continuous waveform. A simulation amplifiers to produce secondary level voltages and current
timestep of 50 µs is an industry accepted target for accurate (typically 64 Vrms and 1 or 5 Arms respectively). Equipment
representation of a power system over a frequency range interconnection also typically includes bidirectional exchange
from DC to approximately 2-3 kHz. Such a frequency range of digital signals to represent things like circuit breaker
is required for the proper testing of protection and control status, relay trip/reclose commands, firing pulses, etc. Digital
equipment. In fact some equipment (e.g. firing pulse controls signal exchange is normally accomplished using isolated,
for power electronic devices) will require an even faster high speed digital input/output hardware.
response time, so even smaller simulation timesteps need to
be considered. It should be clear that significant computing In addition to the conventional input and output methods
resources are needed to ensure the simulation can achieve and outlined above, it is also necessary for real time simulators to
sustain real time operation and response. For this reason, communicate using high level Ethernet based protocols. As
specialized parallel processing architecture has been the industry moves towards digital substations and introduces
developed and used in the implementation of real time digital smart grid technologies, the ability to properly communicate
simulators. [2] and coordinate information between Intelligent Electronic
Devices (IED) becomes an increasingly important aspect of
2.1 Network Representation real time simulator testing.
A fundamental requirement of a real time power system
simulator is its ability to represent the various elements found 2.3 Protection and Control Models
in an actual network. Some of the more difficult and critical Real time simulation tests of protection and control
elements might include. equipment range widely in terms of complexity. In some
a) Transmission lines and cables cases a single control or protection device may be connected
b) Synchronous and induction machines to a relatively simple circuit model in order to study its
(generators/motors) behaviour over a predetermined set of contingencies. More
c) Distributed energy resources (wind, solar) typically however, in today’s modern and complex networks,
d) Transformers with saturation and tap changers
e) Instrument transformers (CT, PT, CVT) numerous devices should be considered simultaneously and
f) Power electronics (e.g. FACTS and HVDC) the interaction between these devices must be reflected in the
g) Controlled breakers and faults (many switches simulation study. Since the simulator user does not always
required) have access to all of the physical control/protection devices
needed for a particular study the simulator itself must contain
Naturally it is important that models accurately represent the internal models which can suitably reproduce the behaviour
behaviour of the actual physical devices found in a network, of the physical device. So-called generic component models
but this is also not trivial. Nonlinearities are challenging to must exist in the simulator library to allow this type of testing
deal with using digital simulation and even more so in a real (i.e. where some of the control /protection equipment is
time digital simulation environment. For example, saturation physically connected and some is internally modelled).
effects and frequency dependent transmission line and cable
models must be handled carefully to ensure not only 3. CLOSED LOOP TESTING
accuracy, but also numerical stability. To be effective as a testing tool, a real time simulator must be
able to subject the equipment under test to any type of
2.2 Communication operating condition it will see when in service. This ranges
The physical equipment (control/protection) being tested from normal steady state operation, to emergency operation,
must communicate with the simulated power system in the to rarely seen fault conditions. During any study, device(s)
same way it would while in service under normal and under test continuously sense the output from the simulator
stressed conditions. That means voltages and currents and provide the corresponding feedback. This bidirectional
measured and used by the protection and control must be connection is known as closed loop testing or Hardware In-
actual sine waves which are at least proportional to the the Loop (HIL) testing. Figure 1 below illustrates the concept
voltage and current signals that would be produced at the of HIL testing of an end-to-end line protection scheme using
secondary terminals of Current and Potential Transformers a traditional electrical interface including D/A Converters,
(CT’s and PT’s). Typically digital to analogue (d/a)

180 Rick Kuffel et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-27 (2016) 178–182
October 11-13, 2016. Prague, Czech Republic

digital I/O and power amplifiers. Also shown is the interface include line tripping, control of generation, load shedding,
needed to test protection equipment in a fully digital etc. It goes without saying that these actions, if implemented
environment, something that has become increasingly incorrectly, would have a devastating effect on the network.
common and important in the power system protection Therefore it is imperative that today’s real time simulators are
industry. capable of representing in detail the large scale networks
needed to validate WAMPAC functions [4].

An important aspect of WAMPAC is the Phasor

Measurement Unit (PMU). In order to effectively test any
WAMPAC related function the simulator must have the
ability to internally model the PMU devices and to
communicate data using industry developed protocols for
PMU applications. In particular, the simulator must have the
ability to communicate using the IEEE C37.118 protocol.
Fig. 1 Traditional HIL Interface
Recent developments in power electronics and their increased
application in power transmission and distribution systems
have introduced new challenges for real time simulators.
Traditional FACTS devices and LCC based HVDC
transmission represent early applications of power electronics
in the power system industry. More recent introduction of
Voltage Source Converters at both the transmission and
distribution level with higher switching frequencies and
Fig. 2: IEC61850 HIL Interface
complex converter configurations have made it necessary for
simulator suppliers to investigate and implement new
When fully digital protection systems are considered the
methods and techniques in their traditional simulation
exchange analogue and digital signals is replaced with
methods and algorithms.
exchange of Ethernet based communication protocols. In the
case of protection and automation systems the IEC 61850
5.1 HVDC and FACTS
standard has been accepted. IEC 61850 is the international
Manufacturers of HVDC and FACTS devices have been
standard for substation automation and defines the format of
using real time simulation to carry out the Dynamic
communication for all substation automation functions and
Performance Tests (DPT) and Factory Acceptance Tests
their engineering [3]. As IEC 61850 becomes more widely
(FAT) associated with specific real-world projects for
accepted and implemented by protection device
decades[5]. Before the introduction of real time digital
manufacturers and power system utilities, it is critical that the
simulation scaled down analogue models were used for such
testing tools keep pace allowing these new devices to be
studies. In those days the representation of the AC networks
thoroughly tested.
to in which the HVDC or FACTS systems would
4. WIDE AREA MEASUREMENT PROTECTION AND interconnect were very much simplified and hence the scope
CONTROL (WAMPAC) of testing was somewhat limited. With the introduction of
As protection and control devices become increasingly digital simulators for real time studies much more realistic
sophisticated and interdependent, equipment manufacturers representation of the interconnected AC networks and the
and utilities are looking at ways to take advantage of this to converter equipment was made possible. More realistic
improve overall network performance, security and representation allows more comprehensive and detailed
availability. One of the new concepts being investigated and testing and hence leads to fewer potential problems at the
implemented is wide area measurement protection and time of commissioning and once the system is in service.
control. These schemes take a wider view of the power
network operation/state rather than relying solely on local 5.2 Voltage Source Converters
measurement as is typically the case with conventional The introduction of IGBT based VSC converter topologies
protection/control schemes. WAMPAC schemes are often necessitated a change in the approach used for real time
given far reaching and powerful influence on network simulation – particularly as the switching frequency of
operation. Coordinated protective/control actions may

October 11-13, 2016. Prague, Czech Republic
Rick Kuffel et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-27 (2016) 178–182 181

converters and the complexity of converter configurations 5.3 Multi-Rate Simulation

began to increase. When considering real time simulation studies of networks
that include fast acting power electronic devices there is
Until about 2012 most VSC systems were based on two-level significant benefit and even need, to represent different
or three-level converter configurations and utilized PWM portions of the system using different simulation time steps.
firing. Today most VSC schemes are using Modular Multi- When simulation tests are run to verify performance of the
Level Converters (MMC), sometimes with several hundred control and protection of a VSC converter it is normally
sub-modules in each converter arm, which introduces another necessary to include a substantial part of the surrounding
level of difficulty and complexity for real time simulation. power network. Representing the entire network using a time
step small enough to accurately reflect operation of the
converter valves is wasteful and perhaps not even possible.
So the concept of multi-rate simulation has been developed
together with a numerically stable interface that can be
applied to achieve accurate and flexible studies of practical
modern power systems.

Fig. 3: FAT of LCC HVDC Controller

For EMT simulations of typical power networks a simulation Fig. 4: Voltage Source Converters; Three-Level; MMC
time step in the range of 50 usec is considered an industry
NORM. But a 50 usec resolution when VSC converters are 5.4 Interaction Studies
included in the simulation is too large. A much smaller time As more and more fast-acting, complex power electronics is
step is needed. added to the power network it becomes increasingly
important to consider how all these devices will work
In non-real-time electromagnetic transient simulation together. So-called interaction studies have become an
programs, interpolation within the time-step is used to important part of any utility’s planning process and any
provide the firing resolution required by the VSC models manufacturer’s validation and testing process.
even when time steps are relatively large. Whenever
switching occurs within a time-step, the EMT program
Long Distance
decomposes the network matrix according to the new
Ultra High
switching state and proceeds again from the point of Voltage

In real-time EMT simulation, it is not a practical option to

interpolate and decompose the main network during a single
time-step. There may not be enough time to complete the
interpolation and decomposition before real time requires that
the simulation move to the next time-step. Therefore,
interpolation as a general method has limitations when
applied to real time simulation.
Fig. 5: Interaction Study Example

182 Rick Kuffel et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-27 (2016) 178–182
October 11-13, 2016. Prague, Czech Republic

Figure 5 is an illustration of interaction studies performed at AND MULTIPHASE NETWORKS", IEEE TRANS. ON
the power system simulation laboratory of China Southern POWER APPARATUS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. PAS-88, NO.
Grid (CSG). In this case multiple infeed of HVDC and 4, PP. 388-399, APRIL 1969.
UHVAC was considered in the model in order to ensure that [2] “A REALTIME DIGITAL SIMULATOR FOR
the control and protection equipment of the various infeed TESTING RELAYS” TRANSACTIONS ON POWER
links did not adversely impact on another. Simulation studies
involved a large scale network representation with a RELAYS
substantial amount of physical control and protection [3] Websites : IEC 61850, located
equipment interconnected. Complex studies like this one [4] REAL TIME REQUIREMENTS AND CLOSED LOOP
require significant simulation resources and an experienced TESTING OF WIDE AREA PROTECTION AND
team of users, but is becoming increasingly common in the CONTROL SCHEMES, XII Symposium of Specialists in
power industry as networks become more complex and more Electric Operational and Expansion Planning, Brazil, 2014,
intelligent. May 18 – 21, 2014, pages 1-7
USING THE RTDS SIMULATOR In Proc. 4th International
5.5 Replica Schemes HVDC Transmission Operating Conference, Yichang PRC,
Because of the complexity and increasing importance of September 2001, Paper No. 17 pp. 101-106
HVDC and FACTS in today’s power systems, many utilities
have started specifying so-called replica schemes with
important projects. When a replica scheme is considered, a
duplicate set of the major control and protection equipment is VI. BIOGRAPHIES
supplied along with a real time simulator. The replica
Rick Kuffel graduated from the University of Manitoba with
controls must have the same physical core and function as the
B.Sc. EE and M.Sc.EE in 1984 and 1986 respectively. After
protection and control installed on-site. The Human-Machine
graduating he worked at BBC in Switzerland and Teshmont
Interface (HMI) for the replica controls must also offer the
Consultants in Winnipeg before moving to the Manitoba
same functionality as that installed onsite.
HVDC Research Centre in 1989. There he worked mainly on
the development of the real time simulator and in 1994
The real time simulator provided with the replica scheme
became a founding principal of RTDS Technologies.
must represent the HVDC/FACTS scheme in full detail as
well as the surrounding AC network(s). Paul Forsyth graduated from the University of Manitoba with
B.Sc.EE in 1988. After graduating he worked for several
6. CONCLUSIONS years in the area of reactive power compensation and HVDC
In the past several decades there have been many advances at ABB Power Systems in Switzerland. He also worked for
made in power system technology. In order ensure the Haefely-Trench in both Germany and Switzerland before
protection and control equipment used in the operation of returning to Canada in 1995. Since this time he has been
power systems behaves as designed, advanced real time employed by RTDS Technologies where he currently holds
simulation and testing tools are utilized. As the industry the title of Marketing Manager / Simulator Specialist.
adapts to the presence of high speed, sophisticated and
interactive components, the role and importance of real time Cyprian Peters graduated from the University of Manitoba
simulation is increased. with B.Sc.EE in 2010. Since graduating, he has been
employed by RTDS Technologies where he holds the title of
Manufacturers and utilities continue to increase their Simulator Specialist.
dependence on real time simulation and testing as networks
become more complicated and interactive. Improved system
performance, reduced on-site commissioning time, reduced
outage time, improved equipment understanding, ability to
debug, improve and repair as well as an overall increase in
confidence are all achieved by the appropriate application of
real time simulation in the power industry.





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