City of St. Augustine Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Summaries

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CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING = THURS DAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 = 5:05 PM. ALCAZAR ROOM AGENDA 1. Rolleall 2, Publi Hearing -Consideration of Resolution 2019-26, proposed budget for the Historie Area Community Redevelopment Area for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, 3. Public Hearing ~ Consideration of Resolution 2019-27, proposed budget for the Lincolnvile Community Redevelopment Area for Fiscal Year2019-2020, 4. Adjourn, NOTICES: In accordance wi Farida Satste 288.0105: any parson decides to appeal any dec'sion mado bythe City Commission wi respect to any mater considered st his scheduiod moetng or hearing, the person wll naed a recor ofthe proceedings, and for such purpose the person may need to ensure that vali record of he preceodhngs ie mado, whch record includes the testnony and evidence upon ‘hich the appeal i tobe band In ocordance vith th Aeicans wth Disables Ac, persons needing 3 {pedi accommodation to partelpale in tha roceoding should contact the individual ee agoncy sending rote rot aor than sven cay porta the proceeding atthe ears avon onthe noice, Telephone (204) 25-1007; +-800.956-8771 (IDB) or 800-958-8770 (V), via Florida Relay Service —_-- RESOLUTION NO. 2019-26 ‘A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE. HISTORIC AREA TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA FOR ITS OPERATIONS IN FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020. WHEREAS, the St. Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency. was created pursuant to Pat Ill, Chapter 183, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the St. Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency is @ dependent special distict under Chapter 189, Florida Statutes, known as the Uniform ‘Special District Accountabilly Act (‘Special District Act); and WHEREAS, the Special District Act requires all special istrits, including dependent special discts such as the St, Augustine Community Redevelopment ‘Agency, to adopt a budget for each fiscal year by resolution; and WHEREAS, the St. Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency Is the ‘Agency responsible for the Historie Area Transportation and Parking Community Redevelopment Area and the Lincolnvile Community Redevelopment Area, and their respective funds; and WHEREAS, the St, Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency desires, to-comply with the requirements of the Special District Act and takes this action in order todoso; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ST. AUGUSITNE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FLORIDA, THAT: __ Seaton. The St. Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency has the. authority to adopt this Rasolution pursuant to the State of Florida Special District Act ‘Section IL_The Operating Budget for the Historic Area Transportation and Parking Community Redevelopment Area for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, attached hereto and made a part hereof, as Exhibit “Ais hereby approved. Section IL The City’s staff is hereby dltected to notify each affected taxing authority ofthe estimated incremental fax amount that should be included in their respective budgets. ADOPTED at a duly noticed, special meeting by the St. Augustine ‘Community Redevelopment Agency, Florida this SY day of September, 2019, ‘Fracy Upchareh Chairman ATTEST: Darlene Galambos City Clerk Exhibit A Operating Budget for Historic Area Community Redevelopment Area Fiscal Year 2019-2020 "ot etn Tears Oat “ol Pu (Defi) or Beas |___ Historic area CRA (HACRA) Budget Summary seraoeserg0e sara s02686 soos sigan s6bnas 73286, [5 seaoss | sssaane | sssz06ossane 256 2A COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HACRA - FUND REVENUES =) == SSS S| ——— COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HACRA - DEBT SERVICE suerorn: 960777 svRees Gor asep.ane GerTeaB fons Fate ‘rotAL DIVESION: _4434.777_tvatane_eeee86_oss.208_ eer cum soso ta 032 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-27 ARESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE LINCOLNVILLE COMMUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AREA FOR ITS ‘OPERATIONS IN FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020. WHEREAS, the St, Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency was created pursuantto Par ll; Chapter 163, Flora Statutes; and a WHEREAS, the St, Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency is a dependent special distct under Chapter 189, Florida Statutes, known as the Uniform Special District Accounlablity Act ("Special District Act’); and WHEREAS, the Special District Act requires all special district, including dependent special disticts such as the St. Augustine Community Redevelopment ‘Agency, to adopt a budget for each fiscal year by resolution; and WHEREAS, the St, Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency is the ‘Agency tesponsible for the Historic Area Transportation and Parking Community Redevelopment Area and the Lincelnvile Community Redevelopment Area, and their respective funds; and WHEREAS, the St. Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency desis to comply with the requirements of the Special District Act and fakes this action in order todoso; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ST. AUGUSITNE (COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FLORIDA, THAT: _— Section.The St. Augustine Community Redevelopment Agency has the. authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to the State of Florida Special District Act Section IL The Operating Budget for the Lincoinvile Community Redevelopment Area fer Fiscal Year 2018-2020, attached hereto and made a part hereof, as Exhibit “A.” s hereby approved Section lL The City’s staff is hereby directed to notify each affected taxing authority ofthe estimated incremental fax amount that should be included in their respective budgets. ADOPTED ata duly noticed, special meeting by the St, Augustine ‘Community Redevelopment Agency, Florida this S*day of September, 2019, Tracy Upchurch Chairman ATTEST: Darlene Galambos City Clerk Exhibit A Operating Budget for Lincolnville Community Redevelopment Area Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Lincolnville CRA (LCRA) Budget Summary } is 209 is 29 ovens crgimitadgt | rattadge | rejeced | _suieee _| Incremental anes recor. asso? tego at “otal LCRA Rind Reverse sa rason] perone coast. voasets sass 45256, ‘ot LERA Pn apes s scasos| ¢ umooes| s_seszss|_$ easase ‘Tal terfund Transfers (s—~aarsae [sos Ts oasizo [5 so2s0 ] “otal nterfund Transfers Oot Css os os ‘Total Fund (Defi) or css (soso sem [so] Lincoinville CRA FY 2019/2020 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ema | RT voce rs no | Moen t Tae er ee ‘aucwmntmuccosvewe soz] 0123] ‘atten [sae a CoE 5 Fess tesla secon RA Meroeon| 7 7 vartiscatewce hire) Sim] artasunmycomamce Tans Groce] apes] 0 _ te coca ilies oo] 20d ‘| cana eee oe OO ea] ay ‘Suligwsene passion | eo] 90a ‘a Aimar cs [ eats] Besa Trae a Ea Fora fesunsina| 3 a ricer Poeancreriin) | we nibeaesmn| a 2a ‘arto! [Fa] 5 esol Sane ee ee vemsusyonmentoety| a 7 faininetnanoe| q math ogenanyion sate] a q Tai tent Scr | — Ba] —— So 7 OTD Goat Ran ang Tar Rae rn ee rep egitim Rdeoner Se carane_| ism, sar ‘Gelteun teins apa | —Bxs| Sane FT TOTD Go reaTT IRCA WOE aE tuto! ttatatbe gon | SEAL HLT 7 ES Goa 1 prove Weg hbthood ana oesueaton a | suusvatsarst| a q neouoneessuenis| ssa] oman] umrnatitarintie’ ww | a “arial punt ag | —Bpin| —— Sod rarer] wes] — saa ‘Community Redevelopment Agency LCRA - FUND REVENUES et ae mee COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LCRA 3 oom ” ee CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CRA MEETING SCHEDULED AT 5:05 P.M. ALCAZAR ROOM AGENDA 1, Roll call 2. General Public Comment 3. Consideration of Ordinance 2019-36, establishing the Stormwater rates at $7.50 per Single Family Unit (SFU) for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. 4. Public Hearing ~ Consideration of Resolution 2019-37, establishing the tentative rmllage rate forthe Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget. 5. . Public Hearing, First Reading ~ Consideration of Ordinance 2019-35, ‘stablishing the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. 6. Consideration’o* Resolution 2019-40, establishing authorization to collect storm debris from private roads in the City’s solid waste service area. 7. Adour. NOTICES: In aocordanea wi Fora Statute 26,0106; If any person decides to appeal any decision made Dy he. Ciy Commision wih respect fo any mater considered at this echedled meeting or hearing, the Porson witneeda record 0! the proceedings, and for such purpose the person may need io ensue that Pevertati rovord Bf the proceedings Is made, Which rocord Includes the tesbmony and evidence upon Sihtantne appeal ff be bssed"In_aocordance with the Amerioans wih Disebities Act, persons needing & eel aosommodaton fo pericipae Inthie precaedng shuld contact the Inusl or agency sending notes, soeitor han seven day prt the proceeding at the address given.on the-noice, Telephieno (804) 825- oor. 1-200 868771 (TDE) or 1-800-056.8770 (V), via Florida lay Service. CITY OF ST, AUGUSTINE ‘MEMORANDUM TO: ohn Regen (City Manager DATE: Angust 30, 2019 JRE: Agenda Tem ~ Online 2019-36 Proposed Stormwater Rates lease place onthe September 5, 2019, Special Commission Mectng Agenda, he fst ‘reading of Ordinance 2019-3 sting the moatly stomawater rte to $750 per Single Family Unie (SFU), This fee change was dssussed during the Budget workshop on August20, 2019. Doring the workshop, I stated thatthe curentstormoatrrate wns $5.00. This was inconect. The stormwater rate changed from $5.00 to $7.00 per SPU in 2014 and has boon at $7.00 since that fimo, The recommended inereas esti 0.50 per SFU, but this bring the new rate to $7.50 instead of $5.50. I spologie for his errr and am valle for any questions you may have. sane Mbit a — Director, Budget & Performance Management ORDINANCE NO, 2019-36 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 29, ARTICLE |, SECTION 29-5 TO REVISE THE MONTHLY RATE FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY FEES; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE: PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE OF INVALID PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of St. Augustine finds: that: the Stormwater Management Utilly provides a vital enterprise necessary for the operation, ‘maintenance and improvements of the City's stormwater management system; and WHEREAS, the Cy of St. Augustine prepared and adopted the 2013 Stormwater Master Plan identiying near and long-term priorities requiring necessary resources to accomplish fitical and necessary infrastricture Improvements for the benefit of the citizens of St. Augustine; and WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management. Utlity rates. require amendment to ‘accomplish said critical and necessary improvements identified in the stormwater master plan and require further amendment to address technology and financial requirements in the rate structure; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ‘Section 1. Amendnent to Chapter 29, Article|, Section 29-6, Chapter 29, Article |, Section 28-5 of the Cod of the: City of Si. Augustine, Florida is hereby amended, as follows: "Soc. 29-5, Stormwater management utility feos. (0) Monthly rates. The stormwater management utilty fee to be applied to residential and nonresidential propertias shall be seven dollars ang fifty cenis per month foreach SFU ($7.00 $7,50/month X SFU). Section 2.. Inclusion in-Code., The City Commission intends that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and shall be made part of the Code of the City of St ‘Augustine, that the’ sections of this ordinanée may be renumbered or relettered and that the word ordinance may be changed to section, article or other such appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions. ‘Section 3. Conflict with Other Ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section Severance of Invalld Provisions: clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinancé is held to be invalid or unconstitutional any section, subsection, sentence, by a court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall not be so construed as to render invalid or unconstitutional the remaining provisions of this ordinance. ‘Section 5, Effecthe Date, This ordinance shall become effective October 1, 2019, pursuant to s. 166.044(4), Florida Statutes. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of St, Augustine, Florida, this at Vay of cutee 2010) ATTEST: Tracy W. Upchurch, Mayor Darlene Galambos, City Gisrk (SEAL) ot 201098 RESOLUTION 2019-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE LEVY OF AD VALOREM TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 WHEREAS, the Cily Commission of the City of St. Augustine, Florida has ‘conducted a public hearing on its tentative millage rate of 7.500 mills and has determined its rolled back rate is 6.9649 mils as required by Florida Statute 200.085; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of St. Augustine, Florida that ‘The Fiscal Year 2019-2020 tentative millage rate of the City of St Augustine, Florida is 7.500 mills which represents an increase in the rolled-back rate of 6.9649 mills of 7.68 percent. ADOPTED a: a special meeting of the City Commission of the City of St Augustine, Florida commerced at 6:05 p.m. this 5! day of Seplember, 2019, Tracy Upchurch Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: Darlene Galambos City Cork ORDINANCE NO. 2019-35 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, RATIFYING, APPROVING: AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET OR BUDGET ESTIMATES OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2019 AND ENDING ‘SEPTEMBER 30, 2020; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE OF INVALID PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CiTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The annual budget estimates of venues and expenditures of the Cty of St Augustine, lorda for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020, as prepared, amended and submited to the City Commission of the City of St Augustine, Florida by the City Manager, a8 considomd and acted upon by said Cty Commission, under and by author of the Charter of said City and the Laws of Florida, are hereby ratified, approved and adopted by the Cty Commission of said City, and the amounts of money set forth thorsin are hereby appropriated. Section 2, The said budget of revenues and expenditures adopted forthe ensuing Fiscal Year 2019-2020 fll be spread in full upon the minutos of the City Commission ‘Section 3, The appropriations within an activity or sub-actviy for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 and Fiscal Year 2019-2020 may be transferred within by the City Manager for the purpese of equalization, when necessary. ‘Section 4, Al funds forthe current Fiscal Year 2018-2019 and budgeted Fiscal Year 2019-2020 may over-expend adopted budgets to the extent that actual revenues exceed the adopted budget ‘Section 5, All unencumbered appropriations, except for special projects or commitments, be and ate canceled as af September 30, 2019, and the City Director of Finance is diected to transfor all appropriation credit balances to unapproprated surplus and place tothe erect of all appropriation accounts which show a debit balance {or the Fiscal Year 20182049 an amount from unappropriated surplus t balance same and to close all such accounts for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019, ____. Section 6, if any provisions of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to ‘any person of circumstances, are held invalid, such invalidity shall not effect other provisions of applcatiens of the Ordinances which can be given éffect without this invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are doctared to be severable. ‘Section 7, All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, Section 8, This ordinance shall become effective upon passage. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of St, Augustine, Florida, in special session, at 5:05 p.m., this 20th day of September 2019. ‘racy Upchureh Mayor-Commissfoner ATTEST: Darlene Galambos City Clerk iyo St Augustine Bdge | 2020, General Fund Budget Summary a a eT oy ORIG FINAL (GENERAL. REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET PROJECTED _uUDGET Tas [AD VaLomEn TAXES Tiassa] ases] verse | ss “Fane SALES AND USE TAXES 606[ sams] ono | 936805 esis, ees [FRANCIISE FEES Tawar | —haoree | —_iisa0e | i778 “Toxer | UTNTY seuvice TS rssus97 | —_Lso197 | 1so7es | 150.890 “anes | COMMUNICATION SERVICETARES sone] sosaxg[— asual7 [662131 Taner | OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES ‘asys0| 125750 | aus67 [125370 ‘emits, fer | BUILDING AND SIGN PERMITS “200 | 70 | 99.89 | soasoo Pasi, Fees | OTHER PERVITS AND LICENSES 1ass00 [| H5500| —_17az2| 222500 Tnergoveromental_| FEDERAL GRANTS @ Sa o 5500 Tnergovermental_| STATE GRANTS rape | ——sioai0 | saag00 | 30.000 Totergovernmentl_| STATE REVENUESHARING Tossom | | ipsasea[ aon Tntergoernmental_[ COUNTY REVENUE SHARING 00| 23000, star] 2600 ‘Grp for Services [ GENERAL GOVT SERVICE FES Tanp00] —tanooo | ——zau7a1 | 11650 ‘Ghazges for Servis | PUBLIC SAFETY Tazasi7 | twas | 182 | a. to8 Chay for Serves | PARKING FEBS zsmaoe| —2asnon | anos | 2540.96 Tedgerens Fines | COURT FINES AND FORFETTORS 7405 | 35.000 56030 40000, agent & Fins | VIOLATIONS OF LOCAL ORDINANCE, 00 ‘m0 29265 3.000 Tasgement ines | PARKING FINES AND FORPETTURES, 3900 | sso00 [sonst | s0o0n0 ‘Misc Income — [INTEREST EARNINGS ‘mppo0| zm [ ssi 13000 Mis Iconic [ RENTALINCOME Tszera] —israia| —taraass| Laren ‘Mis come [ SPECIAL ASSSSMENTS s8000| —sso00| Box] 0000 SALISICOME, FORLOSS- FIXED Misctcome | ASSETS 00] sna00 | a6] as000 ‘Mic income [SALE OF SCRAP 207 282 Bs 0 Mise lcome [PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS 00 1250 a9 7 Mise Income [OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE es708|—sa309 | ——saaor | soar "TOTAL GENERALREVENUE Baw 26195 e196 7737429 City of St. Angsne Bugs | 2020, 209 2019 ao. 200__| setange ‘CATEGORY | OPERATING EXPENDITURES. ‘onc | FINAL | pRojEcrED | uncer | 19PR04. supaer | supGEr 02 mupGer GenGow | GY COMMEION ise | —wase| ies] ieee [or ‘Gen Gow | CITY MANAGER atin | 99413 | 9055 [oars | 20% ‘Gen Gow | CTY GLERK arisi7| amano | saga | s2255[ 250m Gen Gov _| F3.M. ADMINISTRATION, qooie| ——ae6ss8| ane |e | tom GenGor | ACCOUNTING maaan | sur] ssizor | stasi9 | 400% [cen Gor | CUSTOMER SERVICE sassa[ sins] sais | s708| 295% ‘Gen Gov | GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ‘e7609| 13709 [anne | ans | 59% ‘Gen Gor | PURCHASING sen7ua| saga] oan [352736 [ 00m ‘Gen Gov | HUMAN RESOURCES 5130s | asason| 59,91 | —_soasas| 920% [Gen Gy [INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ‘s7a7s|sazoe| eoauie | _es2793 190% | “Gen Gov [CITY ATTORNEY 546) | saan [ayer | e615 | 0a ‘Gen Go| PLANNING te BUILDING ADROW xem | eee | sate | —sso7m | 73168 ‘Gen Gor | PLANNING s0366| —etean7| 7799 [suis | —1ss0m ‘Gen Gov | FLEET OPERATIONS "a7 | _rar@t7 | ogra [e465 | 22556 ‘Gen Gov | FACILITIES MANACENENT, 59 | ton t36 [1.356501 | tzsnoos | 70m “Ge Gow | RISK MANAGEMENT shoe] stanio| 93309 | sa600 | a7 Tlic Sey | POLICE ADMINISTEATION Zuau7 | R575] Baas | 2asa976 [2.19% ull Salry | OPERATIONS saensea| —3@a1307| —sasssor | s2siass | —s020% Takis Say’ | POLICE COMMUNITY RESOURCES | —1aeazs1[—1aa6sis | _1amaze | 7aa00| sone [fab seen” FIRE ADMINISTRATION ‘exes | — auteor | aseasr | ao02e7| 1066 abil Safety” | PREVENTION ose | 1650] —ress9e|aner6 | asa Public Safty[ FRE FIGHTING 3am,191 | S600] —saesaso | —Sanasei [47 [-PibicSsfay [BUILDINGICODERFOROEMENT | aepaaz|— 7eoe@| 0.9 [souzsa 3417 Tviron | PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN aor] sumo [aoa [meas | ta ‘viron FACILITY OPERATIONS es7 | on8s7 | —ewraen | sp505 | to Environ | PROPERTY SERVICSS Ton, tom | —1.paases | —ia.ss7 | tomao00 [592% Environ | ENGINEERING. ‘wasie| —asnasa| sites | asze| 11.20% ‘vin | DEVELOP. & MGMT SUPPORT 0as7| asa | aaa sona7| 9.9% ‘vin | HISTORIC PRESERVATION | ARCHAEOLOGY misa| —rmsea| sass | extaio| sam ‘anspor _[ STREETS sav | snes] —37insia | Sarena [387m “ranspor | MOBILITY auc] se1as4| os | toga | —1079% Transport | PARKING Toca | —iossast | iaissis| —Lowr007| — sa Culture — | GROUNDS ‘maars| —?s7ans| —7asasr | ssaasa| 178% [Gute | GauionE CONTE | astaas| asus | asa0 71% alse [PUBLIC AFFALES| esas] easoer | 6sazet fo “TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES assem | aumiasss| s1sivs20| soz1002| 240% ity of St. Augsine Bae | 2020, Goneral Fund Budget Summary 7 ‘2019 Original 2019 Final ‘nes Ino Ot ads Madge | 2019Pojded_| amo bag Gene tern sas? soai7 sate rant ‘nines arsam) — azmata smmam| soso oming toes) Laan tamaw| 1a ter vvanama| 2576503 gona | msi? “Total Transfers in ‘$7,419,250 ‘sasis3st| $8,516,028 87,196,138 Dak seve vein! wim rsemgs6] 174830 Opeing Sonaat ‘rast sores ai other same] 150m0 soins) asses eatin Ot “anus| aaa] aaa | amas [Hoa Geer and rasan Ot irre | wane | asa | aaa 2019 Original 2019 Final. soul Baye Budget | 2019Pjeted | 2030 Bade “unter asurgn| aan rang] ara Ton Fenians aseon| - somi| —atsioen) 207090 Te anes vaisawe| asta soins | 796138 Tel rns Out sus) aso seim| amas | Tout neaFnd (Dtcaeme so so sm oe Cy of. Angsne Bue | 2020, Uilty Fund Budget Detail Jeet covigint Dadgt | rimitadet | Projet Dede Werks iy ‘586305 es16s5 ssaza 4an78 Waele Ont Cy sonsaas ss sonar ‘hw ‘SoverSilrInide y toes wor ‘east ‘wot ‘Severs One Chy Sis una Save Sesa00 Water Tapping es 350 ‘pion sss “eco ‘Water Ho Bd oss sour 00000 04550 son (csc Fee 7409 a0 265 2% Mie Sve Pe soot x00 sash 20 Tecoma Ove 600 oun et sooo ‘Sever Ting ee e000 sox uss 2snoot ‘Sener sed 000 sono mae Sonn Ine Eainge 200 muon on 225300 Scots Acts ° “ 16955 ° Gents ° ° sos ° ‘ther Mie Reenoe soo 0400 2390 soon “oa yd Reese (“sams 5 aonciea [samo | 5 woe] pee (iy Adin asia bys 26a eu ‘Wate renee Past ars vamos sant i537 Meter Naisennce ‘sine ‘san ‘e243 ‘ise? ‘Waste ett Pan vas 8350 saksa7s oss "Tanwnien &Datehoon sss a7 ‘sess dora Wasser Caectons sts tss7s16 son 236 Pcp 2000 230010 28.680 24000 tote ‘S056 ra amass ‘anaes (ther Db Sonce 100 15000 2050 ° Tot Uy Pod Epes (eiars] + iowa | saeco | sami] Into Tea Oot Ofensing Tres smi su spe sna0 ther ices 2104 sik 10600 seg02 “vl nf Te Tn (sacs storms [5 savonss [5 1sei0s] ‘intra Tr panes na 240s0 2ass28 Openers ‘srs roe Yovosrt tous tie Tne ious sams Sina? tomo “ot ore Tae Oot (sare sme [ sss [6 a5078] Teel und (Dee aces sas) City ofS. Anus Buigt | 2020 Stormwater Budget Summary ewe cvgmtteipt | tndoip | roped at esata Seo 090 ase. wom a0 Oe Ree 23000 nas sawn es Tl Smtr eo Roem wm] ssane| 6 saess[ suas sage Scot pene un cu sion wn Suen Copal Oey saws ser sense one {ot Somer Pad pent sense] + soame[ + aye] 5 sna end Tam Ost ncn Tams sacs ss 89 sais te Tae sn sae von om “ol nin Tata Gem] s samae[ 9 tanso| 6 wt Adenia Ten an iste ssn asa peng Tames a 0 an ‘608 te Tandon ae mass a0 sais “ol orn Tae Oat [sos] soso [sss ed “nd (Oe Bo quae 7 ee ae ees City of St. Augie Bue | 202 ‘Solid Waste Fund Budget Summary 8 2s 7s ‘oa eae rigid tadgt | rimttadge | Projected et Resets Calon sarrso. arson aura 1485500 ncn ag as 46951 0 ther Reem 30 960 456 70 “en iid Wa and Reve = swrem| ¢ swere| seers] 5 s0n00 pence Sad Wart Options sass sess? 3rs907 sues “on id Was and pes = sama [ssnossy[ 6 sarann7] 5 sass Inn Tala Oat er tend Tae 1560 15000 15000 ms er Tes ° am nn ° “Total tefond Transes «mls mm] ¢ mm] 6 mame Aint Tr woro08 ens 708 si Opera Tames sss miss 216308 5.03 (ther Tn ° ° * ons “ol nerd Tres Out © reo] sass] mas stom “om Pad (Debio oe us| + City of tui Bade | 2020 Marina Fund Budget Summary em ee | contin 3s: sasss0 wae Din ed ams asso Pare) acty ‘is ‘iso 0 Doge vusiais 0058 ann ve Reet east 20 25006 sch Gate 70 7090 2199 "180 ee erg ° ° non ° Revlon st ast 0s 0 “Toa Marna Fond Revenue ‘s saumals sauma|ssssceso] 5 s35so00] pent asa Oprtont ass 292s ssc btcsavce ‘eas0o "nos09 nese reas “ota Marina Pond Bxpenss [5 aavsoer | $aarsoms| 5 zasosse[ 5 asosare] nerd Tana Ot peng ies aon aio nom aoe bere ° = = ° “Total tterfnd Tans tn 3 mao] s sas] s mos] + mm) _Adnitrstve Tars aman raw same asso a 0 ° 0 ° be Taco susie seats voir mas ie [ene oe gee ee) “oat Fad (Def or ees sp ee iy of St. Augestine Boge | 2020, Packing Renee Gi Sp Ree "ToCFendng ‘hed VIC Pande pent kg Fy Gli Stop Pict ie Dat Coe Teed VIC Fund Beene ‘trl Trance Oa “ier Tefen Abia Tass penting Tse ang Sing Pt “ol nod Ten Oat ‘onl Fd (Dee or Bes Vidor ifomaton Cet Fund Buiget Summary cvgaanatge |_ realign | rnd = | smut ee ee ee = = = See oe sass. Lass 105350 asa esas 2osa0s ‘oss 20070 sas aa roan sesast ou ma ed dT eos ee aos mat Zo mot ao S00 = um =o came a eae coon a zaman ae | City oS. Augen Bog | 2020, Historic Area CRA (HACRA) Budget Summary — ee ee “otal HACRA Pand Renee Ewer | § saszau8 | ¢_ssra08 | 4 serene] ee pene Tat HACRAR ns [esas [eo eo] Inet Tapa Ost “er om Gener Fd soon sions sass mas Tl end Tae [5 seco] senee Ts snane Ts 726] Di eve Tart VIC sane 8286 sass 8 ‘Tool nen Tastes Oot “oul Fund (Delt) or Hace eae sage Gy of St Augsne Budget | 2020, reer Tae ol HACRA od Reem pensions “ot HAC Pen penser ‘rc en Genel ad Tran fom Saar Caryoeand toed Trane “onl for aka Pret ‘od nein Ton Oat ‘Tom Fad (De or ret Lincolnville CRA (LCRA) Budget Summary cetie |nome| ioe | ee | So (seen [ens [soos [9a] ass

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