Dfa vs. NLRC - Ebro III vs. NLRC

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DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS VS. NATIONAL the conduct of the country's foreign relations.

The DFA must be

LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION allowed to plead its case whenever necessary or advisable to
G.R. No. 113191, 18 September 1996 enable it to help keep the credibility of the Philippine government
before the international community. When
FACTS: international agreements are concluded, the parties thereto are
deemed to have likewise accepted the responsibility of seeing to
On 27 January 1993, private respondent Magnayi filed an illegal it that their agreements are duly regarded. In our country, this
dismissal case against ADB. Two summonses were served, one task falls principally on the DFA as being the highest executive
sent directly to the ADB and the other through the Department of department with the competence and authority to so act in this
Foreign Affairs. ADB and the DFA notified respondent aspect of the international arena. In a jurisprudence, the Court
Labor Arbiter that the ADB, as well as its President and Officers, has explained the matter in good detail stating that:
were covered by an immunity from legal process except for
borrowings, guaranties or the sale of securities pursuant "In Public International Law, when a state or international agency
to Article 50(1) and Article 55 of the Agreement Establishing the wishes to plead sovereign or diplomatic immunity in a foreign
Asian Development Bank in relation to Section 5 and Section 44 court, it requests the Foreign Office of the state where it is sued
of the Agreement Between The Bank And The Government Of to convey to the court that said defendant is entitled to immunity.
The Philippines Regarding The Bank's Headquarters.
"In the Philippines, the practice is for the foreign government or
The Labor Arbiter took cognizance of the complaint on the the international organization to first secure an executive
impression that the ADB had waived its diplomatic immunity from endorsement of its claim of sovereign or diplomatic
suit and, in time, rendered a decision in favor Magnayi. immunity. But how the Philippine Foreign Office conveys its
endorsement to the courts varies. In International Catholic
The ADB did not appeal the decision. Instead, on 03 November Migration Commission vs. Calleja, the Secretary of Foreign
1993, the DFA referred the matter to the NLRC; in its referral, the Affairs just sent a letter directly to the Secretary of Labor and
DFA sought a "formal vacation of the void judgment." When DFA Employment, informing the latter that the respondent-employer
failed to obtain a favorable decision from the NLRC, it filed a could not be sued because it enjoyed diplomatic immunity.
petition for certiorari.
"In some cases, the defense of sovereign immunity was
submitted directly to the local courts by the respondents through
ISSUES: their private counsels. In cases where the foreign states bypass
the Foreign Office, the courts can inquire into the facts and make
1. Whether or not ADB is immune from suit their own determination as to the nature of the acts and
transactions involved."
2. Whether or not the DFA has the legal standing to file the
present petition JUSMAG PHILS VS. NLRC
G.R. NO. 108813, Dec 15, 1994


1. Under the Charter and Headquarters Agreement, the ADB Florento Sacramento (private respondent) was one of the 74
enjoys immunity from legal process of every form, except in the security assistance support personnel working at the Joint United
specified cases of borrowing and guarantee operations, as well States Military Assistance Group to the Philippines He had been
as the purchase, sale and underwriting of securities. The Bank’s with JUSMAG from 1969- 1992. When dismissed, he held the
officers, on their part, enjoy immunity in respect of position of illustrator 2 and incumbent Pres. of JUSMAG Phils.
all acts performed by them in their official capacity. The Charter Filipino Civilian Employees Association, a labor org. duly
and the Headquarters Agreement granting these immunities and registered with DOLE. His services were terminated allegedly
privileges are treaty covenants and commitments voluntarily due to the abolition of his position. Sacramento filed a complaint
assumed by the Philippine government, which must be with DOLE on the ground that he was illegally suspended and
respected. dismissed from service by JUSMAG. He asked for reinstatement.
JUSMAG filed a Motion to Dismiss invoking immunity from suit.
Being an international organization that has been extended a The Labor Arbiter in an Order, dismissed the complaint for want
diplomatic status, the ADB is independent of the municipal law. of jurisdiction. Sacramento appealed to the NLRC which held
that the petitioner had lost his right not to be sued because (1)
"One of the basic immunities of an international organization is the principle of estoppel JUSMAG failed to refute the existence of
immunity from local jurisdiction, i.e., that it is immune from the employer- employee relationship (2) Jusmag has waived its right
legal writs and processes issued by the tribunals of the country to immunity from suit when it hired the services to private
where it is found. The obvious reason for this is that the respondent. Hence, this petition.
subjection of such an organization to the authority of the local
courts would afford a convenient medium thru which the host ISSUE:
government may interfere in their operations or even influence or
control its policies and decisions of the organization; besides, Whether or not JUSMAG has immunity from suit.
such subjection to local jurisdiction would impair the capacity of
such body to discharge its responsibilities impartially on behalf of RULING:
its member-states."
2. Yes. The DFA's function includes, among its other mandates,
the determination of persons and institutions covered by When JUSMAG took the services of the private respondent, it
diplomatic immunities, a determination which, when challenged, was performing a governmental function in behalf of the United
entitles it to seek relief from the court so as not to seriously impair States pursuant to the Military Assistance Agreement between
the Phils. and the US. JUSMAG consists of Air, Naval and Army immunity from local jurisdiction, i.e., that it is immune from the
group and its primary task was to advise and assist the Phils. on legal writs and processes issued by the tribunals of the country
air force, army and naval matters. A suit against JUSMAG is one where it is found. The obvious reason for this is that the
against the United States government, and in the absence of any subjection of such an organization to the authority of the local
waiver or consent of the latter to the suit, the complaint against courts would afford a convenient medium thru which the host
JUSMAG cannot prosper. Immunity of State from suitis one of government may interfere in there operations or even influence or
these universally recognized principles. In international law, control its policies and decisions of the organization; besides,
"immunity" is commonly understood as an exemption of the state such subjection to local jurisdiction would impair the capacity of
and its organs from the judicial jurisdiction of another state. This such body to discharge its responsibilities impartially on behalf of
is anchored on the principle of the sovereign equality of states its member-states.
under which one state cannot assert jurisdiction over another in
violation of the maxim par in parem non habet imperium(an equal 2. Respondent Lazaga's invocation of estoppel with respect to
has no power over an equal).As it stands now, the application of the issue of jurisdiction is unavailing because estoppel does not
the doctrine of immunity from suit has been restricted to apply to confer jurisdiction to a tribunal that has none over a
sovereign or governmental activities and does not extend to cause of action. Jurisdiction is conferred by law. Where there is
commercial, private and proprietary acts none, no agreement of the parties can provide one. Settled is the
rule that the decision of a tribunal not vested with appropriate
SEAFDEC V ACOSTA, jurisdiction is null and void.
G.R. No.s 97468-70, Sept. 2, 1993
FACTS: G.R. No. 79470, February 26, 1990

SEAFDEC-AQD is a department of an international organization, FACTS:

the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, organized
through an agreement in 1967 by the governments of Malaysia, Fabian Genove filed a complaint for damages against petitioners
Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines with Anthony Lamachia, Wilfredo Belsa, Rose Crtalla and Peter
Japan as the sponsoring country. Orascion for his dismissal as a cook in the US Air Force
Recreation Center. Belsa, Cartalla and Orascion testified that
Juvenal Lazaga was employed as a Research Associate on a Genova poured urine into the soup stock that was served to
probationary basis by SEAFDEC-AQD. Lacanilao in his capacity customers. Lamachia suspended him and referred the case to a
as Chief of SEAFDEC-AQD sent a notice of termination board of arbitrators who found Genove guilty and recommended
to Lazaga informing him that due to the financial constraints his dismissal. Genove then filed an MS complaint in the RTC of
being experienced by the department, his services shall be Baguio against the individual petitioners, who moved to dismiss
terminated. SEAFDEC-AQD's failure to pay Lazaga his the case in the basis that Lamachia was immune from suit as per
separation pay forced him to file a case with the NLRC. The acts done in his official capacity as an officer of the US Air Force.
Labor Arbiter and NLRC ruled in favor of Lazaga. Thus The motion was denied by the RTC, so the petitioners filed a
SEAFDEC-AQD appealed, claiming that the NLRC has no petition for Certiorari and prohibition with preliminary injunction
jurisdiction over the case since it is immune from suit owing to its before the Supreme Court.
international character and the complaint is in effect a suit against
the State which cannot be maintained without its consent. ISSUE:

ISSUES: Whether or not the petitioners can use State Immunity (Art. XVI,
Sec. 3, 1987 Constitution) as defense.
1. Whether or not the NLRC have jurisdiction over SEAFDEC-

2. Whether or not the SEAFDEC-AQD estopped for its failure to The rule that a State may not be sued without its consent is one
raise the issue of jurisdiction at the first instance? of the generally accepted principles of international law that were
have adopted as part of the law of our land. Even without such
RULING: affirmation, we would still be bound by the generally accepted
principles of international law under the doctrine of incorporation.
1. SEAFDEC-AQD is an international agency beyond the All states are sovereign equals and cannot assert jurisdiction
jurisdiction of public respondent NLRC. Being an over one another. While the doctrine appears to prohibit only
intergovernmental organization, SEAFDEC including its suits against the state without its consent, it is also applicable to
Departments (AQD), enjoys functional independence and complaints filed against officials of the states for acts allegedly
freedom from control of the state in whose territory its office is performed by them in the discharge of their duties. The rule is
located. that if the judgment against such officials will require the state
itself to perform an affirmative act to satisfy the same, the suit
Permanent international commissions and administrative bodies must be regarded as against the state although it has not been
have been created by the agreement of a considerable number of formally impleaded. When the government enters into a contract,
States for a variety of international purposes, economic or social it is deemed to have descended to the level of the other
and mainly non-political. In so far as they are autonomous and contracting party and divested of its sovereign immunity from suit
beyond the control of any one State, they have a distinct juridical with its implied consent.
personality independent of the municipal law of the State where
they are situated. As such, according to one leading authority It bears stressing at this point that the aforesaid principle do not
"they must be deemed to possess a species of international confer on the USA a blanket immunity for all acts done by it or its
personality of their own." agents in the Philippines. Neither may the other petitioners claim
that they are also insulated from suit in this country merely
One of the basic immunities of an international organization is
because they have acted as agents of the United States in the The Labor Arbiter held that ICMC's legal immunity under the
discharge of their official functions. Memorandum could not be given retroactive effect since "[that
would] deprive complainant's property right without due process
There is no question that the USA, like any other state, will be and impair the obligation of contract of employment." He also
deemed to have impliedly waived its non-suability if it has entered expressed doubt on the ground that it was provided for by
into a contract in its proprietary or private capacity (commercial agreement and not through an act of Congress. Accordingly, the
acts/jure gestionis). It is only when the contract involves its Labor Arbiter ordered ICMC to reinstate petitioner as regular
sovereign or governmental capacity (governmental acts/jure teacher without loss of seniority rights and to pay him one year
imperii) that no such waiver may be implied. backwages, other benefits, and ten percent attorney's fees for a
total sum of P70,944.85.
In the case at bar, the restaurant services offered at the John
Hay Air Station partake of the nature of a business enterprise Both parties appealed to the NLRC. On August 13, 1990,
undertaken by the US government in its proprietary capacity, as petitioner moved to dismiss private respondent's appeal because
they were operated for profit, as a commercial and not a of the latter's failure to post a cash/surety bond. In its order of
governmental activity. Not even the US government can claim October 13, 1992, however, the NLRC ordered the case
such immunity because by entering into the employment contract dismissed on the ground that, under the Memorandum of
with Genove in the discharge of its proprietary functions, it Agreement between the Philippine government and ICMC, the
impliedly divested itself of its sovereign immunity from suit. But, latter was immune from suit.
the court still dismissed the complaint against petitioners on the
ground that there was nothing arbitrary about the proceedings in ISSUE:
the dismissal of Genove, as the petitioners acted quite properly in
terminating Genove’s employment for his unbelievably Whether or not the Memorandum of Agreement executed on July
nauseating act. 15, 1988 granted ICMC immunity from suit


G.R. No. 110187, Sept. 4, 1996
The grant of immunity from local jurisdiction to ICMC is clearly
Private respondent International Catholic Migration Commission necessitated by their international character and respective
is a non-profit agency engaged in international humanitarian and purposes. The objective is to avoid the danger of partiality and
voluntary work. June 24, 1985, ICMC employed petitioner Jose interference by the host country in their internal workings. The
G. Ebro III to teach "English as a Second Language and Cultural exercise of jurisdiction by the Department of Labor in these
Orientation Training Program" at the refugee-processing center. instances would defeat the very purpose of immunity, which is to
The employment contract provided in pertinent part that the shield the affairs of international organizations, in accordance
monthly salary for the first 6 months probationary period is with international practice, from political pressure or control by
P3,155.00 inclusive of cost of living allowance. Upon being made the host country to the prejudice of member State of the
regular after successful completion of the six (6) months organization, and to ensure the unhampered performance of their
probationary period your monthly salary will be adjusted to functions.
P3,445.00 inclusive of cost of living allowance and if either party
wishes to terminate employment, a notice of two (2) weeks Art III §4 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of
should be given in writing to the party. the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations requires that the
waiver of the privilege must be express. There was no such
After six months, ICMC notified petitioner that effective December waiver of immunity in this case. Nor can ICMC be estopped from
21, 1985, the latter's services were terminated for his failure to claiming diplomatic immunity since estoppel does not operate to
meet the requirements of classroom performance up to the confer jurisdiction to a tribunal that has none over a cause of
standards set in the Guide for Instruction; regular attendance in action.
the mandated teacher training, and in the schedule team
meetings, one-on-one conferences with the supervisor, etc.; and Finally, neither can it be said that recognition of ICMC's immunity
compliance with ICMC and PRPC policies and procedures. from suit deprives petitioner of due process. As pointed out in
ICMC v. Calleja, petitioner is not exactly without remedy for
On February 4, 1986, petitioner filed a complaint for illegal whatever violation of rights it may have suffered for the following
dismissal, unfair labor practice, underpayment of wages, accrued reason:
leave pay, 14th month pay, damages, attorney's fees, and
expenses of litigation. Petitioner alleged that there was no Section 31 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of
objective evaluation of his performance to warrant his dismissal the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations provides that
and that he should have been considered a regular employee "each specialized agency shall make provision for appropriate
from the start because ICMC failed to acquaint him with the modes of settlement of: (a) disputes arising out of contracts or
standards under which he must qualify as such. He prayed for other disputes of private character to which the specialized
reinstatement with backwages, moral, and exemplary, and agency is a party." Moreover, pursuant to Article IV of the
nominal damages plus interest on the above claims with Memorandum of Agreement between ICMC and the Philippine
attorney's fees. Government, whenever there is any abuse of privilege by ICMC,
the Government is free to withdraw the privileges and immunities
After the parties had formally offered their evidence, private accorded.
respondents submitted their memorandum on July 31, 1989 in
which, among other things, they invoked ICMC's diplomatic
immunity on the basis of the Memorandum of Agreement signed
on July 15, 1988 between the Philippines government and ICMC.

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