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1 3 (a) The maguitude of the maguetic field due to the eurreat in the wire, at a point a distance r from the wire, is given ty peta With r= 20% = 610m, we find (iz 1077 m/Aj(100.4) _ redo) Sq0"T B 3yT (b) Thisis about one-sixth the magnitude of the Earth's field, It will afect the compass reading. (a) The field dueto the wire, ar a point 8.0cmn from the wire, must be 30 j/T and must be directeel due south, Since B = jigi/2rr QrrB _ Qr(0.080 m)(30 < 10-8T) Jo ee TE 6A (b) The current must be from west to east to produce a field whic is directed southward ot polnts below it. We assum: the current fows im the 4 direction and the particle isat some distance din the 4-y direction (way from tke wits), Then, the magnetic fied at the location of the charge q is pot Ord Thus, AG «8) (a) In this sination, # = o(-i) (Where w is the speed and is « postive value). Abe, the preblers specifies q> 0. This, pe Hl /¢ 3) g) ane PRE (Cit) Sar Thich tells us that F, ins a magnitude of jryiqe/2ni and is in the direction opposite to that of the current tow (b) Now the direction iis reverse, and we cbtain F = +iuigei/2nd. The magnitude is identical to ‘hat fount in past (a, but the direction of the force fs now in the satue direction as that of the current tow Each of the semi-infinite straight wires coutributes prpi/4r 2 (Bq. 30-9) to the fiell at the center of the tircle (boch contributions pointing “out of the page"). The current in the are contributes a tenn given by Eq, 2-11 pointing into the page, and this it able te produce zero total ficld at that locstion if Bare = 2Bremioins ste da (eR) whieh winks o)—9 ad aR Recalling the struight sections discussion in Semple Problem 30-1, we sce that the current in the straight seuiucuts colincar with P do uot eoutribute to the fick at that poiut, Using Eq. S011 (with @ = 0) ‘and the right-hand rule, we find that the current ia the semicireular arc of ratius b coatribtes pgif/ 4rd (out of the page) to the fell at P. Also, the current in the large radins are contributes pnid/Aa (into the page) to the field there, Thus, the net field at P is a (2 1) Be (42) ont ot te pase ae Aba pest (Ow 2 axis sm Uh wie wi te ovina the midst, "The cue Haws in the postive» the Bit Sate lt gna of Bok ny Ciniitesimal) ste pte at Pi ive by here 0 (the sngletetwson the seat nd Hine des ren the spun to) ud (he tensth 08 [toe quite similar to that of an infinitely long wit: 18, Dur x axis is along the wire with the origin at the right endpoint, and the current is ia the positive 2 lircetion, Allsogmonts of the wire produce maguctie fields st P, that ate out of the pags, Ascording to the Biot-Savart law, the magnitude of the field any (infinitesimal) segment precluces at P, is given by svhers 0 (the angle between the sgn and a line drawn fom the segment to P) al (the length of that line) ste fimetions of =. Replacing r with v"-+RF and sind with Rjr = R/VFEE RE, we intoorate from 2 = toe =0. The total field B 2 f° dr ih As LER ae GE 15, We imagine the square loop in the v2 plane (with its center at the origia) and the evaluation point for the field being along Uke w aacs (as suguested by the notation in the problem). The origin is a distance {9/2 from each side of the squareloop, s0 the distance froma the evaluation point to each side of the square is, by the Pythagorean theoret at lea R= Vp ae = Vere Only the 2 components of the fields (contributed by each side) will contzibute to the final resut (other components cancel in pairs), so a trigonometric factor of a2 a Te multiplies the expression ef the field given by the result of problem 11 (for each side of length L = a), Since there are four sides, we find 20 (2) (=r) (=) a ‘which simples to the desired yes), Tt is straiht forward to set 2 express found 'n problei 12 (noting that 1) 19, Consider a section of te ribbon of thickness dx located a distance a away from pint P. The current it carts is di ~ idz/w, and its contribution to By is pid pon Ore ios ph tel F and By points upwate 21. (a) IF the currents are parallel, the two fiekds are in opposite dicections in the razion between the wices. Since the currents are the same, the total field is zero along the line that runs haley between the wires, There is no possible current for which the field does not vanish, Bp Tins, (b) If the curretss are anviparallel, the flelds ate in the sane diection iu tie region benween Uke wites. At a point Lalfvay between they have the same magnitude, pigi/2rr. Thus the total file at the midpoint has magnitude 8 = yy /sr and srB _ x(0.0u0my(a00 x 10-63) Ty ado Dama =204 23. Using the right-hand cule, we see that the current i caried by wire 2 must be out of the page. Now Byr = pis Par where ty = 605A and my = O.75em-+ Lem = 2.250m, and Byy = piyia/2rr2 where ry = 15cm. Brom Bp, = Bps we got m2) — ¢ayay( 220m (=) = (zi) 25, Each wire produces a field with magnitude given by B = ioi/2nr, whene 1 is the distance fom the corner of the square to the center. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the dlagoual of the square huas length 9a, so r= a/yBatsl B= pict Ira, The fields due tothe wires at the upper let aud lower right corners both poiat toward the upper right corner of the square. The fickls duc to the wires at the upper right aud lower Ieft corners both point towaed the upper left corner, he borizental compoueas cancel and tLe vertical components sn 10 EEN =s0 x10 7 In the calculation cos45° was replaced with 1/v3 The total field points upward. 27, We use Eq. 20-15 and the superposition of forces: Fy = Fi + Foy + Fos. With @ = 45°, the situation is as shown below: The components of Fr are given by Fu = Fis Fucost bot? ji? cos45° 2Vra Tins, ace onyyn [CRY (GE) et and F, raakes an angle 6 with the positive 2 axis, where = 109" 20. The magnitudes of the forces on the sides of the rectangle which are parallel to the long straight wire (vith 4 = 30 A) ave computed using Eq, 30-15, but the force on each of the sides lying perpendicular to it (along our y axis, with the origin at the top wire and +y downward) would be figured by integrating as follows - [te sth b cancel out, For the remaining two Fait Fortanately, these forces on the two perpendicular sides of le (warallel) sides of length L. we obtain p= Sau (A) (Ux M-* T-m/A)(30.A)QOA)(S.Oem) (80 x 10-m) Saveur soem) = 32«10°N and F points toward the wie. aI (a) Two of the currents are ont of the page and one is into the page, so the net current enclosed by the path is 20 A, out of the page. Since the pat his traversed in the clockwise sensa, a enrrent into the page is positive and a current out of the page is negative, as indicated by the right-hand rule associate with Ampere’s law. Thus, fa ae (W) The net cusrenr enclosed by the path is eto (two euutents are out of the page aud two are iato the pags), s0 § Bd 0. poi = —QDAY(Ar MOT Puan fA) = 25 w LO-8 Tan 33, Wo use Ampere's la. For the dotted loop shown on the diagram ¢ = 0. ‘The integral f B-ds is zero along the bettom, right, and top sides of the loop. Along tho right silo the fel is Zero. along the top and bottom sides the field is perpondisular to ds. tf ¢ is the length of the left edge, then direct, integration sieds f Beds — Bt. where D isthe amyaitude ofthe deld at the ket sie ofthe loop. Since neither B nor £ zo, Ampa's law ix contradicted, We conclude that the geometry shown for the Imaghetie felines isin error. The lines actualy bulge ontward and their dersity decreases gradually. not discontinuously as sussested bythe Figure 35, Forr Ay. The vertical sides have xo contribution to the integral ince B is purely horizontal (so the sealar dot product produces zero for those sides), and the horizontal sides contribnte two equal terms, as shown below. Ampere's lave yields Bde =de = B= Syd 37, 4 (a) The the magnetic field at point within the hole is the sum of the fields due to two current distributions, The firs is tat of the solid cylinder obtiiued by Glas the like aad Ins a cureent density that is the same as thot in the original eylinder (with the bole). The second is the solid cylinder that fills the hole. Tt has a current density with the same magnitude as that of the origiaal cylinder but is in the epposite citeetion, [f these two stations are siperposed the total enrent in the rozion of the lole is zero, Nowa solid cylinder esrrying current i, uniformly distributed over ‘cross section, produces a magnetic fled with magnitude oR 1 distance r from its azis, inside the eylinder. Here is the radius of the eylinder. For the eylinder of this problem the cusrent density 's ey whee A = nla? — 1) is the crme-sectioual avea of the eylinder with Ue hole. The eurent ia the cylinder without the hole is co and the magnetic field it produces at a point inside, a distance ry fiom its axis, has magnitude h=JA=nh? = polis nirva® soins Se ee ‘The current in the eylinder that fill the hole is lane and the field it produces at a point inside, a distance ry from the its axis, has magnitude wir? poira F(a ae At the couter of the lle, this fidd is zeto aud the field there is exactly she ste as it would be if ‘the hole were filled. Phiee s) =d in the expression for By and cbtaia psi ret FY for the fied at the center of the hole. The fidd points upward in the diagram if the current is out of the page. (b) If 6 = 0 the formula for the field hocomes pid This correctly gives the field of a solid cylinder carrying a uniform current iat a poiut inside the cylinder a distance d from the axis, Ifd = 0 the formula gives B= 0. This is eomect for the field fon the azis of a eylindrical shell earrying a uaiform current, (6) Consider a rectangular path with two loug siles (side 1 and 2, each with length £) and two short sides (euch of length less than 0). Ifside 1 is directiy along the axis of the bole, thea side 2 would be also parallel ta it and also in the hole, To ensure that te short sides do not contribute significantly to the integral in Armpete’s law, we might wish to make L very long (perhaps longes than the length It is possible (though tedious) to use Eq. 30-18 and evaluate the contributions (with the itgent to sum them) of all 400 loops to the field at, say, the center of the solenoid, This would make use of all the information given in the problem statement, but this is not the method that the student is expected to use here. Instead, Eq, 30-25 for the ideal solenoid (which does not make use of the coil diameter) is the 100. This yields B = 0.0030 T. where i= 0.30, £ 25m and N (a) We we Eq, 30-26, The inner radius is r = 15.0¢rn, so the Geld there is Ap 10-7 -1a/A)(0.80 A500) eC 150m) saa 10-8 T (b) The onter radius is r = 20.0em. The field there is (0.800 A)(500) = 4.00 510-8 T 7.20000) 45, Consider a circle of rudius r, inside the toroid and concentric with it (Like either of the loops draven in Fix, 90-20). The curreut iat passes through the eqgion between this circle aud other lange radius circle (well outside the teroid) is Ni, where N is the nuuber of turas and is the eurrent (ate that tis regio includes a “slice” of the outer ri of the tore). ‘The euttent per unit lest (ofthe etc) 8 \=Na/2er, and pod ¥ therefere poNi/2nr, the magnitide of the mazueticfidd at the eirde (call 41 By), Since the field outside a toroid (eal it By) is zeto, the above result is also the ehunge in the imaghitie ofthe fed encouttercd as you move from the citcle to the outside (aay; to the larger rads circle mentioned abore). The equality is not really surprising in ighe of Ampere’ law, particularly if the path used in § B dS is mace to connect the drele in the toroid and the larger radius cizele (or portions of each of them, of lmutis Asy and Ass) The connecting paths (each of sie Ar) between the eitcks can be mede perpendicular to the magnetic fed lines (so that B-¥=0). Tn Bet, we can keep the connecting paths roughly perpendicular to B and manage tohave As; ~ Asp fou Amperian Joop is wey sina (especially if Aris umich smaller tian the outer radius ofthe toroid). Simplifying our notation, the euent through the loop is therefore Ae, so Atupere's law yields (2 ~ By) 8 = jos) and By —By = jig. What this demonstrates is that the change of the maguetie fell i when mevring fiora one poiat to another (iu a direction perpensicubs to thefiek) actoss a eutrentshext (asthe teva is used in probleu 39); this priucipleis wseful hy auy deussiou of bouadary coudions in eketzodyueics applications 47. (a) We denote the Biclds at point P on the axis due to the soleuoid and the wire as B, ant By Since H, is along the exis of the solenoid and By is perpendicular to it, 4 By s. For the net fidd B to be at 45° with the axis we then must have B, = Bux Thus, respectively respective R, = HHoh.n = Be = He whidi gives the separation i to polat P aa the axis 6.008 Tn Dron 10 Ay Onumsyeu) (b) The magnetic field strength is b= Vi, = Bld 10°F Pom /a)(200 5 10-9 )(10tums/0.0100 ) 3.55 10° 49. The magnitude ofthe magueti dipole moment is given by p = Nia, whete N isthe aumber of tarus, isthe cntrent and A istheaten, Weise A—-/%2 where Ms the rains. Thos, = (200)(0.30.AV7/0.050m)2 = 0.47 Am? 51. (a) The magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment is given by r= NiA, where NV is the number of tras, #is the cument, and A is the arcs, We use A= 722, whoro 2 is the radius, Thus p= Nis PE ~ (200) (LO Abr(0.095 8)? ~ 2.4 Aaa? (b) The magnotie ficld on the axis of « magnetic dipole, « distance moe Bee away, is givon by Eq, 20-20: We solve for =: jy w\V2_ (Aw 10-7 Dm/A(23GA m2)\"9 (a) = (gare) = = jn the equation abows, ‘The chosen point on the axis isa distance «2 frora the center of the = s— rin the equation above. The B right-hand loop, To ealculate the field it produses, we put = total fidd at the poits is therefore 1 Mr—s) | Te ety When this is evaluated for 2 = s/2 (the midpoint between the loops) the result is aB| de ih? [__ 39/2 3y2 reaps ETA ep epe independently of the value of s, (b) The second derivative is BR _—Nywilt? - tole 2)? wy meni &B NpigiR™ 6 ol eee ore + es so? _ Re ray 4) 42062 fd BN poi Clearly, this is zero if ¢ = B. (a) We denete the large loop and swnall coil with subscripts 1 and 2, respectively. ot, — (4m x 10-TT- m/A)(5.A) oR IBM) arent B= (b) The torque has magnitude equal to poB, sin 90" Noir 3B, '50)(1.9.4)(0.82 x 10-?m)*(7.9% LOT) = 1.1 «10° Num

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