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Teacher ICT Survey Ashburton Cluster

1. Please enter your name.



answered question 58

skipped question 0

2. Please select your school name from your cluster drop down menu.


Ashburton Borough Allenton Lauriston St Joseph's Tinwald

Cluster 25.9% (15) 32.8% (19) 8.6% (5) 12.1% (7) 20.7% (12) 58

answered question 58

skipped question 0

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3. Please select the age level you currently teach.

Response Response
Percent Count

Year 1-3 50.0% 29

Year 4-6 39.7% 23

Year 7-9 8.6% 5

Year 10-13 0.0% 0

Non teaching position 1.7% 1

answered question 58

skipped question 0

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4. How confident are you about your personal use of ICT?

Response Response
Percent Count

Anxious 0.0% 0

Not confident 1.9% 1

Neutral 21.2% 11

Confident 59.6% 31

Very confident 17.3% 9

answered question 52

skipped question 6

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5. How confident are you about your use of ICT in the classroom?

Response Response
Percent Count

Anxious 0.0% 0

Not confident 3.8% 2

Neutral 36.5% 19

Confident 46.2% 24

Very confident 13.5% 7

answered question 52

skipped question 6

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6. How often do you use ICT for school administration?

Response Response
Percent Count

Never 1.9% 1

Rarely 7.7% 4

Sometimes 17.3% 9

Often 46.2% 24

Always 26.9% 14

answered question 52

skipped question 6

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7. How often do you use ICT for producing resources for classroom use?

Response Response
Percent Count

Never 0.0% 0

Rarely 0.0% 0

Sometimes 9.6% 5

Often 59.6% 31

Always 30.8% 16

answered question 52

skipped question 6

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8. What is your skill level in:

Never used Beginner Intermediate Advanced

(a) Basic computer operations

(opening and closing applications, 0.0% (0) 1.9% (1) 36.5% (19) 61.5% (32) 52
saving files etc)

(b) File management (manipulation

0.0% (0) 9.6% (5) 42.3% (22) 48.1% (25) 52
of documents, folders etc)

(c) Word processing (manipulation

of text - applications such as Word 0.0% (0) 5.8% (3) 48.1% (25) 46.2% (24) 52
and Pages)

(d) Spreadsheets (creating

charts/graphs, record keeping -
5.8% (3) 42.3% (22) 44.2% (23) 7.7% (4) 52
applications such as Excel,

(e) Databases (use pre-made

databases such as library
19.2% (10) 53.8% (28) 23.1% (12) 3.8% (2) 52
catalogues or creating your own

(f) Simple graphics applications

(manipulation of pictures and
images with applications such as 0.0% (0) 25.0% (13) 69.2% (36) 5.8% (3) 52
Kid Pix, iPhoto, Photo Story,

(g) Advanced graphics and design

applications (such as Photoshop or 19.2% (10) 57.7% (30) 23.1% (12) 0.0% (0) 52

(h) Internet searching (using a

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variety of search engines and
0.0% (0) 15.4% (8) 51.9% (27) 32.7% (17) 52
techniques to find relevant

(i) Telecommunications (email,

instant messaging software, 1.9% (1) 23.1% (12) 48.1% (25) 26.9% (14) 52

(j) Multimedia (creating movies and

music - applications such as
15.4% (8) 46.2% (24) 38.5% (20) 0.0% (0) 52
iMovie, Movie Maker and

(k) Web 2.0 tools such as Blogs,

7.7% (4) 55.8% (29) 30.8% (16) 5.8% (3) 52
Wikis and Voicethread

answered question 52

skipped question 6

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