Law Defence 2

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C r i m e S c en e V is i t s C omp lete Poli cin g ,

D efen c e a n d M ed ica l
Solu tion s

Attendance at scenes of crime

Crime scenes can offer very valuable Defence Attorney
evidence for the defence as well as Services
the prosecution, and getting to a sce-
ne as soon after an alleged incident
has taken place, is very important.
Therefore, under the CPDMS Ltd
Crime Scene Service:
we are prepared to take the
financial risk of visiting a scene, on
the assumption that funding will fol-
low, in order to give you and your
client the best chance of
finding any appropriate evidence;
we do not charge a call out fee;
this service is particularly valuable in
major crime cases such as murder,
rape, arson, shootings and some
drugs cases like cannabis cultivation.
Forensic science expertise
for the defence,
9-11 Fitt Street the prosecution,
Woodbrook private individuals
Port of Spain and industry
Trinidad & Tobago
Phone: +1 (868) 360 1341
Fax: +1 (868) 623 6529 simplifying SOLUTIONS

Co mp l ete P ol i ci ng , De fen ce a nd M ed ic al
Tel: (868) 360 1341
So lut io ns
Look at the evidence

many years of
Guilty? experience at
Just because your client has been charged
examining and
does not mean they are guilty.
challenging the
You know that and we know that, that’s why work of the
CPDMS Ltd is working within the legal system prosecution
in Trinidad & Tobago to provide expert forensic
evidence. scientists. CPDMS Ltd also abides by
From Forensic Pathologists to Ballistic the standards of the Solicitors Regu-
CPDMS Ltd is an independent
Experts, we can supply their sound scientific lation Authority (UK) and the Bar
provider of forensic science
expertise in the Caribbean knowledge to your case and examine the Standards Board (UK) to deliver
and overseas. evidence. Criminal Defence training, which we

CPDMS Ltd is a leading provider Forensic science for the do throughout the region.
of forensic science expertise to Criminal Defence system
the defence, the prosecution,
private individuals and industry. Since its formation, CPDMS Ltd has been
supporting the Criminal Defence system by

Formed in 2010, CPDMS Ltd is providing expert forensic science services

through solicitors and barristers. From major
building an enviable reputation
to volume crime our 9-11 Fitt Street
for its commitment to providing
forensic scientists Woodbrook
quality forensic science Port of Spain
have an extensive Trinidad & Tobago
expertise delivered by highly
range of expertise, Phone: +1 (868) 360 1341
skilled and experienced forensic Fax: +1 (868) 623 6529
enabling us to provide E-mail:
expert forensic
scientists who have
Co mp l ete P ol i ci ng , De fen ce a nd M ed ic al So lut io ns

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