Filipino Mythos

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BOLAWAN DATOMANONG encountered as a group of dancing women.

This creature from Maranao myth is a golden two- Some stories say they are all dressed in flowing
headed lizard said to be a treasure from white robes, have long silky hair that reached the
the skyworld and passed on as an heirloom. It has ground, and don’t have faces (others say they do
two heads – the second one is at the other end have faces and are very beautiful). They don’t say
where the tail is supposed to be – which causes it any words but just keep on dancing (usually
to move in circles. This motion of the lizard is around the person who encounters them) while a
reminiscent of the Sagayan dance, therefore, it is soft, ethereal glow envelops the surroundings.
also called Somagayan a Oray. As a magical The B’laan of Davao del Sur have a folk dance
creature, it can take on other forms such as a called Maral Fieu Awas which means “dance of the
snake or a golden living doll about a foot tall. It can beautiful nymphs” performed by girls as
also foretell the future. entertainment during festivals and rituals.
Whoever keeps the bolawan datomanong will In other tribes, the fieu awas are known
become rich because it attracts gold. However, as kahoynon.
after a period of time, it will suddenly disappear, --------------
especially when no longer needed, for it has to HUKLOBAN
return to the skyworld where it really belongs. It The hukloban was a sorcerer much feared by the
can be summoned back through a certain ritual. ancients in the Tagalog region (including in Bicol
---------- and Catanduanes) because of his/her ability to kill
BUNOG any animal or anyone by simply pointing a finger at
As believed by ancient folks of Southern Iloilo, them and without the aid of potions.
a bunog is a horse-like sea phantom with an A huklobancould destroy a house by merely saying
ethereal glow emanating from its snow-white so.
form. This sea mare is usually seen running on the According to a lore in Bulacan, the hukloban was a
surface of the water during heavy rains or when wise old hermit, hundreds of years old like the
there’s a storm. A bunogmay attack and destroy biblical Methuselah, who possessed magic and was
the boat of those who disturb it. consulted for advice (reminds me of Tata Lino from
---------------------- the comedy show Bubblegang).
BURULAKAW Today, persons of very old age are
The burulakaw, according to old folks in central called matandang hukloban which has become
Panay, are women barely three feet tall with long synonymous with the derogatory “old hag” or
flaming hair. When they fly they appear like “crone”.
meteorites. They fly and travel horizontally in a How the once respected hukloban became a thing
sloping manner starting from a point of origin, of evil is probably due to machinations by Spanish
usually a stream or a shallow well and disappear Catholic missionaries.
upon reaching their destination. It is believed they -------------
are messengers of some diwata. INIKADUWA
------------- The Maranao people believe every person has a
DALAGANGAN companion spirit in the form of a bird
As believed by the ancient tribes in central Panay, called inikaduwa. An inikaduwa may help or harm
the dalagangan were persons who had its human partner depending on whether the
extraordinary strength despite having light bodies. person is good or bad. When someone wishes to
This lightness accounts for their agility, ability to ask for the aid of his inikaduwa, especially when he
jump tremendous heights, and leap great wants to be cured from a mysterious illness, he can
distances. communicate with it through a pendarpaan, a
----------- shaman, who will serve as medium for
FIEU AWAS the inikaduwa to possess.
The fieu awas of the B’laan are forest diwata often ------------
KALAGYO is a floating or bouncing ball of fire often seen after
In Tagalog folklore the kalagyo are playful little a rain or during a drizzle at any time of the day,
spirits that love to play with newborns or babies, though, mostly at night. Depending on stories, it
especially those that haven’t been baptized yet. It chases people or floats to an unknown destination.
is believed the kalagyo are responsible when a It is widely believed that the santelmo are either
baby laughs or cries during sleep or giggles alone enchanted beings or the spirits of murdered
as if being entertained by an unseen playmate, people seeking justice or out for revenge. There
much to the astonishment of the parents and are stories of santelmo taking on the shape of a
other members of the family. When a baby flaming person. A santelmo is allegedly created
suddenly disappears from the crib or beside the when a murder victim’s blood spills on the ground
parents during sleep, only to be found unharmed and becomes exposed to the scorching heat of the
under the bed or in another part of the house, it is sun and then the rain on the same day. A ball of
said the kalagyo must have played with the baby. fire will then emerge after the rain. According to
In older beliefs, kalagyo is the spirit double or soul others some santelmo serve as guardians of buried
of a baby. In some parts of Laguna, when an infant treasures, chasing or scaring away would-be
gets frightened or acts strange it is believed that trespassers. These guardians may be elementals or
the soul may have left the body. The mother or the spirits of slaves buried with the treasure of a
babysitter must call the child’s soul back by dead datu or chieftain. The name santelmo is
saying, “Uli, uli, kalagyo, (child’s name), magbalik derived from Saint Elmo’s fire which is said to be
ka sa bahay.” (Come back, come back, soul of seen by sailors in the middle of the sea and
[child’s name], return home). When the infant acts believed to be the spirits of people lost at sea.
normal again, it is assumed the soul has returned The santelmo is known as mangalayo among the
to the child’s body. Sulod people in the mountains of Panay Island. It
------------- appears late in the afternoon or at night, especially
MAGINDARA during a rain and chases people. In Zamboanga it’s
The magindara or marindaga are beautiful but referred to as bulay fuego.
vicious freshwater and saltwater mermaids in Known as allawaig in Ilocos, it leads travelers
Bicolano myth. They drown adults, especially evil astray into dangerous paths like cliffs, quicksand,
persons, and feast on the victims’ flesh until swamp, or deep pits on the ground.
nothing but bones are left for the fishes to pick. In Pangasinan the flying or leaping ball of fire that
Also called “aswang ng dagat”, they lure fishermen never burns its surroundings is
into the water with their sad but enchanting called silew or silew-silew. Its flames glow bright
singing or humming. Those who have respect for blue, green, orange, red, or yellow
nature are often spared. While they are -----------------------
malevolent towards grown-ups, they are known to
be gentle to children, often saving kids from
drowning. Their tails look more like those of eels or
sea snakes, and covered with colorful but sharp
scales. They are believed to be guardians of rivers,
springs, seas, and even lakes. Some guard
treasures hidden in the depths. Others tend to be
curious and take on a human form to mingle with
the human populace. They bring rain to make
lands fertile but can also bring disasters such as
storms, floods, and drought when offended.
The santelmo or santermo (also spelled santilmo)

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