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Daniel 9

and the End of History
Daniel and the End of History

The GBC Inheritance Class

Fall 2010
Dr. Gene Pond

Our Story So Far

Daniel, a Hebrew
statesman and prophet
through the Babylonian
captivity, has foreseen
future events including
the persecution of the
Jews, God’ people, and
the desolation of their
holy place in Jerusalem.
—Daniel 1–8


The Book of Daniel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1–6 7–12
Court Stories Apocalyptic Visions
Daniel presented in 3rd person Daniel records in 1st person

2:4a 2:4b–7:28 8–12
Heb. Aramaic Hebrew

Daniel 8
Daniel Concerned, Gabriel Comforts
•  Vision 1–14
•  Gabriel 15–19
•  Interpretation
•  The vision is for
17  Time of the end
19  Final period of
the indignation
26  Many days in
the future
•  Daniel is upset;
none to explain


Daniel’s Life Through the Exile

Daniel’s vision of the

Ram and the He-Goat
Daniel 8
Belshazzar’s 3rd year
551 BC
605 539

Captured Still advising

as a teen as a senior

Jeremiah 25
Prophecy of the Babylonian Exile
•  Time of the prophecy
Nebuchadnezzar’s first year (605 BC) 1
•  Context of the prophecy
You disobeyed => Babylon will conquer 9-10
•  And this whole land shall be a desolation and a
horror, and these nations shall serve the king
of Babylon seventy years. 11


Daniel’s Life Spanned the Exile

Daniel’s prayer and
prophecy of the 70 weeks
Daniel 9
Darius’s 1st year 538 BC

605 539
586 536 515

70 years of Babylonian captivity

Captured Still advising

as a teen as a senior

Daniel 9
Prophecy of the Babylonian Exile
•  Time of the prophecy
Darius’s first year (538 BC) 1
•  Context of the prophecy
Daniel reads Jeremiah 25:11 2
•  So I gave my attention to the Lord God
to seek Him by prayer and supplications,
with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes. 3
•  Why? Because obedience => blessing Deut 28:9
and repentance => return 1 Kings 8:46–53


1 Kings 8:46–53
How to Get Out of Captivity
•  Context: Solomon’s prayer to dedicate the Temple
•  When Israel sins, and you allow an enemy to take
them captive to a far country [Babylon!] 46
•  If they repent while in captivity, and say “We have
sinned/committed iniquity/acted wickedly” 47
•  If they return their hearts to you while in captivity
and pray toward this land/city/house 48
•  Then hear their prayer/maintain their cause/
forgive your people/have compassion on them

Remember Daniel 6:10–11?

The Daring of Daniel
•  Danielentered
was aware his house
(now in his
•  Daniel roof chamber
was blatant 10b
he was
•  Daniel hadconsistent
open toward Jerusalem)
•  The jealous conspirators were
and heand
thronging continued
found what they
expected on his knees
three times a day,
praying and giving thanks
before his God, as he had
been doing previously.


Daniel 9:3–19
Daniel’s Prayer for Restoration
•  Trappings of repentance 3
•  To the great & awesome God 4
•  Aspects of sin
•  We have sinned/committed
iniquity/acted wickedly 5
▫  We did it on purpose 6
▫  God is perfectly righteous
in sending us into captivity 7-8
▫  The basis of our prayer is God’s
compassion and forgiveness 9–10
▫  This was a covenantal curse 11–14
•  Restoration for God’s sake 15–19

Daniel 9:20-23
Here Comes Gabriel Again! •  thinking
[Context: he’s
 years
 end of desolations
 Jerusalem 1-2]
•  While praying “on
behalf of the holy
mountain of my God”
•  Daniel’s deep
identification with
Israel 21
•  Goal = The answer to
Daniel’s prayer:
What’s the future
for Israel? 22-23


Daniel 9:24
The Term, the Subject, the Purposes
•  Seventy weeks •  Seventy “sevens”
have been decreed and the context is years
•  for your people •  Concerning the Jews
and your holy city, and Jerusalem
•  To finish the transgression, •  Solution for the sin problem
•  To make an end of sin, ▫  Israel will no longer rebel
•  to make atonement for ▫  Sin will all be punished
iniquity, ▫  Permanent atonement
•  to bring in everlasting •  Fulfillment of Israel’s covenants
righteousness, ▫  Establish an age of righteousness
•  to seal up vision and ▫  Complete all prophecies
•  and to anoint the most holy

Daniel 9:25
The Venue that is in View
•  So you are to know and •  The starting point of the seventy
discern that weeks:
•  from the issuing of a decree A decree to restore and rebuild
to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
Jerusalem •  “Until” Prince #1: Messiah is
•  until Messiah the Prince presented as Israel’s king
•  there will be seven weeks •  7 + 62 weeks
and sixty-two weeks; ▫  After 7 weeks: Jerusalem is fully
•  it will be built again, with restored and rebuilt?
plaza and moat, even in times ▫  Historically, we know there was
of distress. no break between 7 and 62;
they were a single sequence
▫  69 weeks (sevens) of years
= (69 x 7) = 483 years


•  The timetable of the flood

▫  Rain started in Noah’s year 600 A “year” in this
(Gen 7:11): month 2, day 17 prophecy = 360 days
▫  Water prevailed (Gen 7:24): 150 days
▫  Ark rested (Gen 8:4): month 7, day 17
•  The future ministry of the two
▫  Temple will be under Gentile control
42 months (Rev 11:2)
▫  Two witnesses will prophesy for
1,260 days (Rev 11:3)
•  The future tribulation of Israel
▫  Will be fed by God in the wilderness
for 1,260 days (Rev 12:6)
▫  Beast will be given authority for
42 months (Rev 13:5)

How the Years Add Up

Historical Prophetical
•  Order to rebuild Jerusalem’s •  In history:
walls = Artaxerxes’ decree in 476 years
Nehemiah 2:1. Presuming it is x 365 days/year
the first day of the month of 173,740 days
Nisan, it occurred on •  + 116 days in leap years
March 5, 444 BC + 24 days between Mar 5–30
•  Messiah presented as king at 173,880 days
the Triumphal Entry.
Hoehner calculated this as •  In prophecy:
March 30, AD 33 483 prophetic years
•  Since only one year expired x 360 days/prophetic year
between 1 BC and AD 1, 173,880 days
444 BC to AD 33 = 476 years


Daniel 9:26
The Venue that is in View
•  Then after the sixty-two •  Messiah is put to death
weeks the Messiah will be
cut off and have nothing,
•  and the people of
•  The Roman empire destroyed
the prince who is to come
Jerusalem and the temple
will destroy the city
in AD 70
and the sanctuary.
•  And its end will come with a •  The Jewish war of the 1st century
flood; even to the end there
will be war; desolations are

Daniel 9:27
Daniel’s Seventieth Week
•  And he will make a firm •  The prince who is to come
covenant with the many (the Little Horn of Daniel 7;
for one week, the Antichrist; the Beast) will
make a peace covenant with the
•  But in the middle of the Jews (to which the prophecy
week he will put a stop to refers) marked by the Levitical
sacrifice and grain offering; system
•  and on the wing of •  But he will break that covenant
abominations will come one after 3 ½ years (42 months)
who makes desolate, even
until a complete destruction, •  The final desolation of Jerusalem
one that is decreed, is is anticipated. (Matthew and
poured out on the one who Revelation tell us more about
makes desolate. this: Matt 24:15; Rev 13:14-15)


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