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American Society for Quality

Analyzing Dispersion Effects from Replicated Factorial Experiments

Author(s): Vijayan N. Nair and Daryl Pregibon
Source: Technometrics, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Aug., 1988), pp. 247-257
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of American Statistical Association and American
Society for Quality
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Accessed: 14-02-2016 18:41 UTC

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? 1988 AmericanStatisticalAssociation and
the AmericanSociety forQualityControl

AnalyzingDispersion EffectsFrom
Replicated FactorialExperiments
Vijayan N. Nair and Daryl Pregibon

AT&T Bell Laboratories

Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Recentdevelopmentsin qualityengineering methodshave led to considerableinterestin the

analysisof dispersioneffectsfromdesignedexperiments. A commonlyused methodforidenti-
fyingimportantdispersioneffects fromreplicatedexperiments is based on least squares analy-
sis of the logarithmof the within-replicationvariance(Bartlettand Kendall 1946). Box and
Meyer (1986) introduceda pooling techniquefor unreplicatedtwo-levelexperiments.We
extendthis to replicatedtwo-levelexperimentsand compare its performance withthe least
squares analysis.We show that both of these methodscan be obtained as special cases of
maximumlikelihood estimationunder normal theory.The pooling techniqueis generally
biased and is not recommendedformodel identification. The least squares analysisperforms
well as a model identificationtool, but the estimatorscan be inefficient.In such cases we
recommendthat the parametersof the identifiedsubmodelbe estimatedby maximumlikeli-
hood. We derivesome propertiesof the maximumlikelihoodestimatorin balanced designs.
An experiment fortherobustdesignofleafspringsfortrucksis usedto illustratetheresults.

KEY WORDS: Efficiency;

Least squares; Maximumlikelihood;Model identification;
tyimprovement; Robustdesign.

1. INTRODUCTION ments with replications. Specifically, we consider

interestin scale parametershas been responses Yj (i = 1, ..., N; j = 1, ..., J) fromJ repli-
cations of an N = 2K (fractional) factorial experi-
restrictedto testinghypothesesabout equality of
ment. Suppose that the data follow, perhaps after
variances,while primaryattentionhas focused on
means or location parameters(e.g., Bartlett1937). transformation,a location-scale model
Cook and Weisberg(1983),McCullagh and Pregibon Yij= i + vi ij , i= 1...,N, j= 1,...,J,
(1987), and othershave consideredthe testingprob-
lem in the presenceof some additionalstructureon (1.1)
the variances.Recently,therehas been considerable wherethe si are iid withzero mean and unit vari-
interest in thestructural
modelingofvariancesand in ance. A structuralmodel relatesthe means,,i, and
the estimationof dispersioneffects,the parameters variances,a2, to the locationeffects,
flk, and disper-
associated with the structuralmodels (see Aitken sion effects,
yk, via
1987; Efron 1986; Smyth1985). New developments
in quality engineeringmethods have also led to a g(p) = Ap, h(a2) = Ay, (1.2)
renewedinterestin the analysisof dispersioneffects. where A = [a1 .. IaN] denotes the N x N orthog-
As Taguchi (1986) demonstratedconvincingly,re- onal array associated with a 2K factorial design with
ducing variabilityis an integralpart of improving its columns in Yates order. Thus the firstcolumn is a
quality.In robustdesign(Taguchi 1986),experimen- column of + Is, whereas the remaining columns con-
tation is used to determinethe factorlevels so that sist of + ls and - s representing the usual main
the productor productionprocess is insensitiveto effectsand interactions. The notation ai will be used
potentialvariationsin operating,environmental, and to denote the ith row of A.
market conditions. For statisticalformulationof In practice, the link functions g(.) and h(-) are un-
robust design and discussion of related issues, see known and have to be either specified or estimated
Box and Meyer(1986), Nair (1986), Nair and Pregi- from the data. The choice of g(-) is unimportant for
bon (1986a), Leon, Shoemaker,and Kacker (1987), our purposes, since we assume that the means are
and Box (1988). known, or more realistically, that the within-
In the presentarticle,we considerthe analysisof replication averages, 1i, are used as estimates. For
dispersion effectsfrom two-levelfactorial experi- the variances, we will assume the log link function.In


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Section6 we discussmethodsof testingtheadequacy addressedin Section 6. The finalsectioncontainsa

of this assumptionas well as otheralternativelink summaryand concludingremarks.
For inferenceabout the dispersioneffects,
we use
thesum ofsquareddeviations In thissection,we introducethethreemethodsfor
J estimatingdispersioneffects.We reiteratethat the
= E (y _ pi)2? i=,...N, (1.3) firsttwo methods are intendedfor model identifi-
cation.Throughout,we are interested onlyin disper-
where pi denotes either the known mean or the sion effectsYk for k >2 2; the constanttermy7 is a
average IY. In eithercase the Zi's
within-replication nuisanceparameter.
are independent.The log linkfunctionfor<a implies
thelog-linearmodel 2.1 Method S

Bartlett and Kendall (1946) proposed a least

log Z = Ay + u, (1.4)
squares analysisof the log Zi's in (1.4) as a means of
whereui are iid random variables.In this case, the estimatingthe dispersioneffects{Yk}. In the 2K fac-
logarithmictransformation induces both additivity torialdesign,theirestimatorscan be writtenas
and variancestabilization.
We compare the performanceof three different =N -1( E log Zi- E log Z, k= 2,...,N,
methodsforanalyzingthedispersioneffects. Method S(k +) S(k-)

S is based on the least squares analysisof the loga- (2.1)

rithmof theZi's (Bartlettand Kendall 1946).Method
where S(k +) = {i: aik = + 1} and S(k-) = {i: aik =
R is based on a poolingtechniqueintroducedby Box
and Meyer (1986) for unreplicatedexperiments. We -1}. In Section 4 we show that yk is the maximum
extendit in an obvious way to situationswithrepli- likelihoodestimator(MLE) of Yk whenthe structural
model in (1.4) is saturated. This result does not
cations. Both of these methods are intended for
model identification, and do not depend,at least ex- dependon thedistribution of theui's.We denotethis
estimatorby a superscript
S (forsaturated).
plicitly,on any distributionalassumptions.Method
M is maximumlikelihoodestimationof y underthe 2.2 Method R
assumptionthat the errors ij in (1.1) are iid N(0, 1)
and some known set of entriesof y are all 0. The Box and Meyer(1986) proposeda methodforesti-
normalityassumptionimpliesthattheui's in (1.4) are matingdispersioneffectsfromunreplicatedexperi-
iid log Z2 random variables with v equal to J or mentsunder the assumptionof effectsparsity-that
J - I dependingon whetherthemeansare knownor is, when only a small proportionof the effectsare
estimatedby FY.Method M can be used forefficient large in relation to the noise. Using a structural
estimationof the parametersof an identifiedsub- model for the means {i}j, theyfirstestimatedand
modelof(1.4). removedthe importantlocation effectsI/k,yielding
The articleis organizedas follows.The threemeth- squared deviations Z1 = (Y - i2)2. They then pooled
ods are definedin Section2. We investigatethe per- the square deviationsacross the high (+) and low
formanceof model identification proceduresbased (-) levelsof ak and took the logarithmof the ratios.
on the firsttwo methodsin Section3. We show that We extendtheiridea to thecase withreplicationsby
Method R is generallybiased and obtain conditions simplyusingZi definedby (1.3) ratherthan2i, yield-
under which it is unbiased. A limited simulation ingtheestimators
studyis used to comparethe bias and power behav-
ior of the two methods.In Section4, we compareall y =1 (logE Zi -log Z,) k=2,...,N.
threemethodsin termsof estimation.Some relation- S(k+) S(k-) /
ships betweenthe threeestimatorsare obtained. In
particular,it is shown that Methods S and R can be (2.2)
obtainedas specialcases of Method M. The balanced In Section4 we show thatjy is the MLE of Yk when
natureof factorialdesignsis used to show thatmaxi- the structuralmodel in (1.4) is restricted
so that the
mum likelihoodestimatorsof the dispersioneffects only nonzerodispersioneffectis yk, and the ui's are
are unbiased.The need forreestimating the parame- iid log X2 random variables. We denote this esti-
tersof an identifiedsubmodelis addressedby com- matorby a superscriptR (forrestricted).
paringthe efficiency of the threemethods.The tech-
2.3 Method M
niques are illustratedon data froman experiment for
the robust design of leaf springs(Pignatiello and Let T = {1}u{ k, ..., kp_1} be a subset of the
Ramberg 1985) in Section 5. Robustnessissues are integers {1, 2, ..., N} of dimension p. Let To denote

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thecomplementof T withdimensionN - p. Assume and obtain conditionsunder which it is unbiased.

that the ui's in (1.4) are iid log X2randomvariables, The bias and powerbehaviorof thetwo methodsare
and consider maximumlikelihood estimationof y comparedthrougha limitedsimulationstudy.
3.1 Bias
HO k= keTo. (2.3)
It can be shown directlyfrom(2.1) that the esti-
For notationalsimplicity, we will continueto use y mator skis distributedsymmetrically about Yk for
to denote the parametervalue under the structural k = 2, ..., N, and henceis unbiased.The estimatory^
model (2.3). It should be clear fromthe contextthat is biased in general.To see this,considerthe general
yk = 0 forke To. The same commentapplies to the 2K experiment and suppose Yk = 0 fork > 4. Let ui,
maximumlikelihoodestimator/y. u2, u3, and u4 be iid randomvariablesobtainedfrom
Under the hypothesis(2.3), the log-likelihoodof y, theui'sin (1.4) as follows:
up to constantterms,is
1 = log I ei,I u2 = log E e'"
S(3 -,4+) S(3 -,4-)
v E (log Zi- a;y)- I e- "Zi. (2.4)
i=1 i=1 U3 = log E e, U4 = log E e"i,
S(3 +,4 -) S(3 + 4 +)
The likelihoodequationsare
where S(k1?, k2_?) ={i: aki = ?1, aik2 = ?1}.
Then 72 can be written
e- ZYZZi=
e E
e-'( 2, zi, keT-{1}. (2.5)
S(k -) S(k +)
- - + Y3 +
1 e-2 74-
73Y3 e 4.
In generalthe solutionto theseequationscannot be ~' y4+ e +y3+y4
72 + 1
72 = 72 +
2 log - 3 + y4 + 4
obtained explicitly,and numericalmethodsare re- el + e3+y3 . (3.1)
quired.The GLIM System(Baker and Nelder 1978)
The expectedvalue of the termin bracketsequals 0
uses Fisher'sscoringmethodto solve the likelihood
iff73 or 74 is equal to 0. If Y741is large, E(y2R)% 72
the MLE's can be ex-
equations (2.5). Alternatively,
+73; if 3 = ?7 ? 0, E(72) 72 ? 73 ? constant.
To illustratetheextentof the bias throughan exam-
1-( ple,considera 24 experiment withui'ssimulatedfrom
;k= 2 log E exp -Kaijj
a Z a log x2 distribution.Since 7k= 0 for k > 4, this is
_ S(k+) j)k
equivalent to a 22 experimentwith ti's simulated
-log E exp(- ,aij7) Zi keT-{1}. (2.6) froma log x2 distribution. Substituting thesimulated
S(k-) jxk _ values i = (1.229, 2.128, 1.730, .714) in (3.1) yields
This suggeststhefollowingsimpleiterativealgorithm 7- 72 =-*.07 when 73 = 74 = 0. When 73

forcomputingtheMLE's. 2, thisdifferenceis 1.70; and when 73 = 2 and 74 =

-2, the difference is -1.26. The use of 7R formodel
Initializeoverk: yold)= .
can resulteitherin missingan impor-
Loop over k: f,ew) = tanteffector in detectinga spuriouseffect.By com-
parison, 72 - 72 = .03 in all cases.
k) + 2 (log e Z, - log E e- Z The followingpropositiongives conditionsunder
S(k +) S(k - )
which7kRis unbiased.For k1,k2, k3e{1, 2, ..., N},
until Zk I|)new) - we writek1 = k2 o k3 if ak, can be obtained by ele-
k. 7? |d) <
mentwise multiplication of ak2 and ak3 We say that
This algorithmstartsfromthe saturatedmodel esti- U c { 1, 2, ..., N} is closed ifit is closed underthis
mate Ysand updates the individualcomponentsof y operation. The indexes of the columns associated
usingthemostcurrentvalues ofall theothercompo- withany fullfactorialdesignforma groupunderthis
nents.In the special case T = {1, k}, this algorithm operation.Conversely,the columns indexedby any
convergesin one iterationto the MLE, k. We used set U that contains {1} and is closed constitutea
this algorithmin the simulationstudy reportedin (replicated)fullfactorialdesign.Let T be as defined
Sections3 and 4 because we observedbetterconver- as (2.3).
gence behaviorwith it than with the usual scoring
algorithmovera wide rangeoftestproblems. Proposition 1. For k T - {1}, let Tk= T - {k}
and denotethe closureof Tkby Tk. Then,k7^is unbi-
3. COMPARISON OF METHODS S AND ased iffk { Tk1.In this case, ^kR
is distributedsym-
R FOR MODEL IDENTIFICATION metricallyabout 7k.
In this section,we compare the performanceof The proofis givenin the Appendix.The condition
model identificationproceduresbased on the first forunbiasednessin Proposition1 is quite restrictive
two methods.We show that kR is generallybiased in general.It impliesthat7k is unbiasedonlyifeither


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Table 1. Bias ofy7 UnderDifferent of the OtherEffects


Values of the other

Design nonzero yk's (k > 2) v= 1 v= 2 v= 4

A = 1.832 A = 1.060 A = .658

22 73 = A, 4 = A +1.16 +.59 +.30
A = 1.297 A =.754 A =.468
23 3
= A, 74 -+A
= +.80 +.38 +18
3 *.* = = A/4 .23 .09 .04
.*Y8 = A/2 .89 .38 .17
A = .908 A = .529 A =.334
23 3 =
y3A y4 = ?A +.51 +.22 +.10
Y3 = =
Y16 A/8 .09 .04 .01
Y3* . 16 = A/4 .41 .15 .06
NOTE: The value A is chosen so thatthe power of ^s is approximately.50.

7 or 7'1are 0 foreverypair (j, 1)withk = j o 1.This is model (2.3). Suppose the ui's are iid log x2 random
unlikelyto be satisfiedin fractionaldesigns with variables, and let q/'(.) be the trigammafunction
manyfactors.Conversely,Proposition1 statesthatif (Abramowitzand Stegun1970).Since thevarianceof
thereare two nonnulleffects, say 74Aand YB, thenthe ui is fi'(v/2),
it followsfrom(2.1) thatthe varianceof
estimatorof theeffectassociatedwiththeinteraction 7s is
of factorsA and B, yBB, is biased. In fractionalde-
signsin whichthe interactioncolumnis aliased with var(k) = N-lp'(v/2). (3.2)
some main effect,the estimatorof this main effect The variance of 7^R depends on the formof the
would thenbe also biased. errordistributionin (1.4) as well as the structural
Thus far,we have not made any distributional as- model (2.3). Again suppose thattheui's are iid log x2
sumptionsin the theoreticaldevelopment.We now random variables.Under the most restricted model
assume thatthe ui's are distributed as log x2 random T= {1, k},
variablesand investigatethe bias througha simula-
var(ykR) '(Nv/4). (3.3)
tion study.Table 1 presentssome values of the bias
of )7Rin 2K designsforK = 2, 3, 4 and forv = 1, 2, 4. The varianceof k7^cannotbe obtainedanalyticallyin
The resultsare based on 10,000 replications.The general.Since it is based on the ratio of a linear
value A(=72) is chosen so that the power of y7 is combinationof chi-squared random variables,we
approximately .50 (see thediscussionin Sec. 3.3). The can use Satterthwaite's (1946) two-momentmethod
actual values of A, whichvarywithK and v,are also to approximatethe variance.For the case in which
givenin Table 1. Note thatwhenboth 73 and 74 are the conditionsof Proposition1 are satisfiedso that
large in absolute value, thereis a substantialbias in k7^ is unbiased,thisapproximationis givenby
estimating7 2, theeffectassociatedwiththeirinterac-
tion column. The bias can be positiveor negative.
For example,in a 24 experiment withv = 1 and 72 =
var(37k) i2-
} /
e2a ). (3.4)
.908(=A), the expected value of 72 is 1.418 if 73 =
74 = A, whereas it is .398 if 73 -74 = A. Table 1
provides an indication of the bias when several7k'S
are nonzeroand how thisbias changeswiththemag- 3.3 Power
nitudeof the7k'S.The bias decreasesas v,thedegrees We now compare7R and 7s by examiningthelevel
of freedom,increases.This is because log X2 ap- and powerbehaviorof testsassociatedwiththe two
proaches a normal random variable as v increases, estimators.For brevity,we will referto the lev-
and in the limitas v-- oo, the restrictedMLE, 7R, el/powerofthetwo-sidedtestsbased on is (7R)as the
coincides with the saturatedmodel MLE, 5s. The level/powerof ys (YR). In practice,we would use a
bias also decreasesas K, thedimensionofthedesign, graphical procedure such as Daniel's (1959) half-
increases.When the additional factorshave no ef- normalplot to determinethe importanteffects. It is
fects,increasingthe dimensionK is equivalentto in- difficultto studythe propertiesof such an informal
creasingthedegreesoffreedomv. procedure. It should also be noted that, strictly
3.2 Variance speaking,theprobabilityplottingmethodis not valid
for{7^} because its bias and variancedependon the
The variance of 7s depends on the formof the truestructuralmodel,and theymay not be thesame
errordistributionin (1.4) but not on the structural for all k. This difficultyalso persistsin developing


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Table 2. Level and Power of R UnderDifferent of the OtherEffects


v 1 v 2 v=4
Values of the other
Design nonzero yk's(k > 2) Level Power Level Power Level Power

22 * .10 .67 .10 .59 .10 .55

3 =A * .21 .63 .18 .57 .14 .55
73 -A, 74 = A .46 .89 .35 .85 .26 .79
3 A= , 74 =-A .46 .24 .35 .26 .26 .29
23 -* .10 .74 .10 .64 .10 .56
73 A * .19 .69 .16 .63 .12 .56
73 A, y4 = A .47 .93 .32 .88 .21 .78
3 = A, 7 = -A .47 .26 .32 .29 .21 .32
73 = A, 75 = A * .28 .66 .22 .61 .15 .55
3= = 8 = A/4 .20 .80 .15 .71 .12 .62
73 = = = A/2 .54 .89 .37 .84 .23 .76

24 - * .10 .79 .10 .68 .10 .57

73 =A
* .17 .75 .14 .67 .12 .56
73 = A, 74 = A .44 .95 .26 .87 .17 .75
73 = A, 74 =-A .44 .32 .26 .36 .17 .36
73 =A, 75 A * .25 .72 .18 .65 .13 .56
73 = 75y= A * .32 .70 .22 .63 .15 .56
73 = y716= A/8 .15 .82 .12 .71 .11 .60
73 =.= y16
= A/4 .40 .88 .23 .80 .15 .68

NOTE: For crnparative purposes the level of s is identi ically .10 and the value of A is chosen so that the power of ,' is
approximately.50. See Table 1 forvalues of A. Rows labeled with an asteriskdenote configurationsforwhich ^Ris unbiased. Dashes
indicatethatthere.areno othernonzeroyk's.

formaltestsassociatedwith{y7k},sincecriticalvalues ^2Ris generallyhigherthan .50, the power of y2, for

forthetestsdependon the(unknown)model. two reasons.First,its varianceis smallerin situations
For our simulationstudy,we generateddata from with few nonnull effects.Second, the level itselfis
log X2distributions and used the criticalvalues of 7R high,particularly in situationsin whichtheestimator
underthe most restricted model T = {1, 2}. Table 2 is biased. Note, however,that when 73 and 74 are
gives the values for the level and the power of R72 roughlyequal in magnitudebut have oppositesigns,
under various models,designs,and degreesof free- the poweris low, and is in factlowerthan the level.
dom. For K = 2, 3, 4, we generated 10,000 repli- This is because of the large negativebias in the esti-
cations under the null model with no effectsand matory72R thatwe observedin Section3.1. So we see
obtained the criticalvalues of 7R and ys fromthe that Method R can performpoorly as a model
empiricaldistributions. These values were thenused identification procedure.It can miss importantreal
to calculate the level and power of the estimators effects declarenulleffects
or incorrectly as real.
underthe nonnullconfigurations. Note that the dis-
tributionof 7s does not depend on the values of the 4. COMPARISON OF THE THREE
other7k's (k # 2). Hence its level is identically.10 for METHODS FOR ESTIMATION
all of the situationsconsideredin Table 2. We chose
the value of 72-= A = D -1(.95) x [var(S2)]1/2 so that In this section,we establisha relationshipamong
the power of 7^' is approximately.50. The actual the three methods,discuss some propertiesof the
values of A, given in Table 1, were computedusing MLE in balanced designs,and compare the three
the empirical values of the mean squared error methodsin termsofefficiency.
(MSE) of 7}sratherthan the theoreticalvariance in 4.1 RelationshipAmong the Methods
(3.2). The empiricalvalues of the powerof ys are not
shownin Table 2, sincetheywereequal to .50 to two The threemethodsare relatedin a simpleway-
significant digitsin almostall cases. the firsttwo can be obtained as special cases of the
Even when 72 is unbiased,its level can be quite a third.Considermaximumlikelihoodestimationof y
bit higherthan the nominal level of .10. This is be- in (1.4) when the structuralmodel is saturated,that
cause its variabilitydepends on the values of the is, T = {1, .... N}. There is a 1-1 relationshipbe-
othernonzeroyk's.When it is biased,its level can be tween{a2} and {7k} in thiscase. Suppose thatthere
much higherthan the nominal value. The power of is a unique value c at whichthe densityof the ui in


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(1.4) achievesits maximum.The MLE of a2 is then cial case, ^k3 can be obtainedexplicitly
e-cZi, and it followsfromthe structuralmodel in 1 l~ / + + e k-
(1.4) that the MLE of 7k is givenby (2.1). If c is not
unique, neitheris the MLE of yk. But k given by
Ykj 33
1~k 2 e
=21g -2 +-
'k..... e -,+g-+k2
+ e ......2

(2.1) is one oftheMLE's. This can be writtenalternatively

Next considermaximumlikelihoodestimationof
1 ((4/N ( \4/N
7kunder(2.3) withT = { 1, k} and undertheassump- Sk3=- log Zi + z)/
tion that the ui's are iid log Z2 variates.Then (2.6) \S(k +,k2 +) \S(k 1 -,k2 )

simplifies to (2.2). Thus Method R resultsfromusing

MLE's of 7k under the restricted(R) model T =
{1, k} foreachk = 2, ..., N. 2
I log(
l S(k, +, k2-)
zi) + (H
S(k I-,k2 +)
zi }. (4.3)
Note from(2.1) and (2.2) that the difference be-
tweenthe MLE's underthe saturatedmodel and the Note therelationshipbetween(4.3) and (4.1) and that
restricted model is whetherthe logarithmictransfor- (4.3) reducesto (2.2)whenN = 4, as itshould.
mation is applied before or after pooling. Alter-
we can writey^ in (2.1) as 4.2 Some Properties of the Maximum
Likelihood Estimator

3s = I logs -log sIi) (4.1) Beforewe compare the efficiencies

of yS and yR
zi+ ),
S(k-) with that of the MLE y, we examine the bias and
variance of ;.
so thedifference betweenthesaturatedand restricted
model estimatorsis that the formeris based on the Proposition3. For keT -{1}, yk is distributed
symmetricallyabout Yk and is unbiased.
ratios of the geometricmeans of the Zi's and the
latteris based on theratiosofthearithmetic means. The proofis givenin the Appendix.This resultis
Under the restrictedmodel T = {1, k}, thereare interestingin view of the factthat the log x2 distri-
only two different sak. A sufficiency
argumentdic- butionforthe errortermsin (1.4) is not symmetric.
tatesthatwe pool theZi's across thehighlevelsof ak The validityof the propositiondepends on the bal-
and across the low levelsof ak beforecomputingthe anced natureofthefactorialdesign.
MLE's. Considernow themoregeneralmodel T de- The varianceof ^k can varybetween(3.2) and (3.3)
finedby (2.3). Let T be the closure of T. If TO {1, dependingon the true structuralmodel (2.3). The
2, ..., N}, then we can restrictattentionto the re- asymptoticvarianceof yk, based on the second de-
duced factorialdesigncorrespondingto Tand pool rivativeof the log-likelihood,is 2/(Nv).For large v,
the Zis across the induced replications.This corre- this is approximatelyequal to both (3.2) and (3.3),
sponds to gettingnew Zi's that are chi-squared since f'(x)I 1/xas x-* oo. For small v, the differ-
randomvaribleswithv df.In computingthe MLE's, ence betweenthe asymptoticand actual varianceof
we can assume that this data reductionis always yk can be substantial.
done first.So, withoutloss of generalitywe shall
assumethat T= {1, ..., N}.
4.3 EfficiencyComparisons
The followingresultgivesconditionsunderwhich
(2.1), the MLE under the saturated model, is the We definerelativeefficiency of an estimatoras the
same as (2.6),the MLE underthestructural model T. ratio of its MSE to thatof the MLE. Since y and s
The proofis givenin theAppendix. are unbiased, their MSE's are equivalent to their
variances.Table 3 givesthe relativeefficiencies of yR
Proposition2. Let To denote the closure of To.
and y8(comparedwithy)forvariousmodels,designs,
For keT- {1},if k To,thenyk = .
and degrees of freedom.The resultsare based on
As an illustration,suppose that only one of the 10,000replications.For 75,theempiricalMSE's were
k's, say yk , is equal to 0, that is, To = {k1}. Then close to the theoreticalvalues given by (3.2). The
To = {k1}, so forany keT- {1, k1}, the MLE yk is rowswithan asteriskin Table 3 denotetheconfigu-
given by kY. In particular,for a 22 experiment, the rationswhere72 is unbiased.
MLE's ofthemaineffects yA and yB are givenby (2.1) When 7'2 is the only nonnulleffect,72 is the MLE
even whenthe interactiontermyAB is assumedto be and is fullyefficient.It is interesting to observethatif
0. Consider again the general2K case, and suppose 73 is small and Yk = 0 for all k > 4, 72 can be more
now To = {kl, k2}. Then To = {k, k2, k3}, where efficientthan the MLE givenby s2.Note that 72Ris
k3 =ki ok2. Proposition2 implies that,except for unbiased in this case. As Iy 73 I * , the efficiency of
,k3, the MLE's of the nonzero yk'sremainthe same ;^ tends to --that is, a loss of half the information
as that underthe fullysaturatedmodel. In thisspe- in thedata. Whenboth 'Y3and 74 are nonzero, 2^ can


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Table 3. Efficienciesof Y and 9YComparedto the MLE Underthe CorrectModel.

Efficiencyis measuredby theratiosof MSE

v= 1 v=2 v=4
Absolute values of the other
Design nonzero ^k's, k > 2 Y2 Y2 7 7 7Y

22 - * 1.0 .67 1.0 .78 1.0 .89

= A/2 * 1.23 1.0 1.12 1.0 1.05 1.0
73 = A * .87 1.0 .86 1.0 .89 1.0
3 = A, 74 = A .44 1.0
23 - * 1.0 .52 1.0 .67 1.0 .83
73 = A * .78 .66 .85 .77 .92 .89
= 4= A .35 .66 .47 .77 .62 .89
73 = A5 * .63 .78 .73 .86 .84 .94
73 7=A/4
8 1.17 1.0 1.16 1.0 1.08 1.0
73 = = 78 = A/2 .38 1.0 .50 1.0 .65 1.0
24 - * 1.0 .45 1.0 .63 1.0 .80
73 = A * .78 .52 .87 .67 .94 .83
,3 =4 = A .34 .52 .51 .67 .72 .83
73 5= A * .63 .58 .77 .72 .89 .85
73 =;5 =9= .53 .63 .69 .76 .84 .87
Y73= *....=7 16= A/8 1.67 1.0
3 ...= * * = 6
= A/4 .59 1.0 .82 1.0 .96 1.0

NOTE: See Table 1 forvalues of A. Rows labeled with an asteriskdenote configurationsforwhich -^; is unbiased. Dashes indicate
thatthereare no othernonzero ;,'s.

be substantiallybiased, leading to low efficiency. factors.In our analysis,we treatquench-oiltemper-

When all of the effectsare nonzero but small,Y2 is atureas a noise factoronly.This resultsin six repli-
biased but it can still be more efficientthan the cationsof a 24- experiment. The data are presented
MLE. in Table 4.
The estimator 2 is inefficient
ify2is the onlynon- There is no apparentdependenceof variabilityon
null effect,
especiallywhen K is large.The efficiency mean level,so transformation of the data is not re-
of ,k is bounded below by 2K-1 t'(2 - 2v)1/'(v/2), quired.This also suggeststhatit is preferable to ana-
whichapproaches 1 as v-* oo. This is because log x2 lyzethewithin-replication variances,Zi's, ratherthan
is approximatelynormallydistributedforlarge v; R^ Taguchi's (1986) signal-to-noise(S-N) ratios. See
and ys coincide in this limitingcase. A comparison Nair and Pregibon(1986a) and Box (1988) for the
between7R and ys shows that if yR is unbiased and relationshipsbetween an analysis of transformed
boththenumberofnonnulleffects and theirsizes are data and Taguchi'sS-N ratios.
small,7R is likelyto be more efficient thanys. When Figure 1 is a scatterplotof estimateddispersion
;;R has a large bias or when a substantialportionof effectsfromMethods S and R. The estimatesare
thefactorshave sizable effects,ys is likelyto be more positivelycorrelatedand agreewithin+.45. One can
efficientthanyR. use formalsignificance testsbased on theassumption
of normalityand thevarianceformulas(3.1) and (3.2)
5. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE to identify factorswithimportanteffects.We prefer
the use of half-normalprobabilityplots with a line
Pignatielloand Ramberg(1985) presentedan ex- drawn"by eye" as a basis forinformalcomparison.
perimentfor the robust design of leaf springsin Figures 2 and 3 are half-normalplots of the esti-
trucks.The problemconcernsthe developmentof a mateddispersioneffects usingthetwo methods.Both
heat-treatment processso thatthefreeheight(Y) ofa identifyfactor C as havingtheonlyimportanteffect.
spring in an unloaded conditionis as close as possi- For illustrativepurposes,we computedmaximum
ble to the target value of eight inches with little likelihoodestimatesunder the model T = {1, C, D,
variability.The design factorswere B, furnacetem- CD}. Since T is closed, these estimatesare simply
perature;C, heatingtime; D, transfertime; E, hold obtained as the saturatedmodel estimatesafterthe
down time; and 0, quench-oiltemperature. Among data are collapsed onto the 22 designgeneratedby
the fivefactors,quench-oiltemperature is not easily factorsC and D. Table 5 providesa comparisonof
controllable,and Pignatielloand Rambergtreatedit the MLE to the estimatesbased on Methods R and
as both a controlfactorand a noise factor.See Ta- S.
guchi (1986) for a discussion of control and noise The estimateYc = -.779 is the MLE under the


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Table 4. Data Froma Replicated 24- 1 FactorialExperimentto Investigatethe

Free Heightof Leaf Springs (Pignatielloand Ramberg1985)

Controlfactors Freeheight (inches)

B C BC D BD CD E 0- 0+ /og(Zi)

- - + - + + - 7.78 7.78 7.81 7.5 7.25 7.12 -.80

+ - - - - + + 8.15 8.18 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.44 -1.04
- + - - + - + 7.5 7.56 7.5 7.5 7.56 7.5 -5.34
+ + + - 7.59 7.56 7.75 7.63 7.75 7.56 -3.23
- - + + - - + 7.94 8.0 7.88 7.32 7.44 7.44 -.79
+ - - + + - 7.69 8.09 8.06 7.56 7.69 7.62 -1.33
- + - + - + - 7.56 7.62 7.44 7.18 7.18 7.25 -1.66
+ + + + + + + 7.56 7.81 7.69 7.81 7.5 7.59 -2.45

NOTE: B, furnacetemperature;C heatingtime;D, transfer

time;E, hold down time;0, quench-oil temperature.

model T = {1, C}. This is close to the MLE 7c = normal distribution,the MLE fromthe restricted
-.745 underthe model T = {1, C, D, CD}. The esti- modelcoincideswith7s,whichis based on geometric
mate ~7s= -1.090 is about 40% largerin absolute means.Similarly,the MLE 7 would also changewith
value than these two estimates.On the otherhand, the distributionalassumption.Only the interpreta-
the saturatedmodel estimatesof the dispersionef- tion of 7s as the saturatedmodel MLE remainsun-
fectsof factorsD and CD are reasonablyclose to the changed.In Nair and Pregibon(1986b),we conduct-
MLE, whereasthe restricted model MLE's are quite ed a smallsimulationstudyto examinehow therela-
different. tiveefficiency of 7R to ys changedas the distribution
of the eij's in (1.1) changed. The resultsfromthis
studysuggestthatthe relativeefficiency decreasesas
We firstconsiderthe robustnessof the resultsto the distributionbecomes heavier-tailedthan the
the distributionalassumptions.The unbiasednessof normal distributionand increases as it becomes
7;sdoes not depend on the errordistribution in (1.4). lighter-tailed.
The unbiasednessof 7 in (2.6), the MLE under the We have assumed throughouta multiplicative
assumptionthat the ui's are iid log Z2 randomvari- structuralmodel for the variances.In practice,the
ables, also does not depend on any distributional true(or best)linkfunctioncan be any strictly mono-
assumptionbut merelyon the balanced nature of tonefunction.But certainmembersof thisclass arise
two-levelfactorialdesigns(see the proofof Proposi- naturally.The reciprocallink,h(a) = a-~, is the so-
tion 3 in the Appendix).Similarly,the estimator7R
given by (2.2) is unbiased under the conditionsof
Proposition 1 regardlessof the distributionof the o0 -

ui's.This also impliesthat 7R is biased wheneverthe

conditionsof Proposition1 are violated.As we saw
in Section 3, these conditionsare quite restrictive,
especiallyin highlyfractionaldesigns.Bias was the O

major reason for the poor performanceof 7R as a ... Bc CD

model identification tool. Thus the conclusions of Io BD
'E *.."BC DD
Section 3 will remainqualitativelytrue even if the
distribution oftheui'schanges.
The efficiency calculationsin Section4 dependen- er'
tirelyon distributionalassumptions.The derivation C ,??
of ' as the MLE under the restrictedmodel T = - | | I~~~~~~~
{1, k} assumesthattheZ's have a chi-squareddistri-
bution.The sufficiency principledictatesthatwe pool
the Zi's across the+ levelsof ak, leadingto the esti- I

mator being based on arithmeticmeans. If the Zi's -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
have a reciprocalgamma distribution,
the sufficiency MethodS estmates
argumentwould induce a pooling on the reciprocal
Figure 1. A Scatterplotof the Estimated Dispersion Effects
scale,and the MLE undertherestrictedmodelwould Using Method S VersusThose Using Method R. The effectlabel
be based on harmonicmeans.If the Zi's have a log- is used as theplottingcharacter.


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Table 5. Comparisonof the ThreeEstimatesforthe

Leaf Spring Data

0? Method S, Method R, Method M,
Effect s ^ y

I_~ -5~BD/"
C -1.090 -.779 -.745
D .522 .0799 .334
CD .593 .174 .562
. - BD
NOTE: The estimates under the column labeled "Method M" are based on the
model T = '1, C, D, CD j.

E ,,' proximated by a linear function.So although the in-

BC ,. I of the dispersioneffectsmay change as
.'??' link changes,the broad qualitativeconclusions
>. l -? l When the sample variances vary over several orders
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 of magnitude, large differencesin conclusions are
quantiles possible.In particular,interactiontermsmay be re-
quired for one choice of link function but not an-
Figure 2.2. A
A HalfNormal
Half-Normal Probability
ProbabilityPlot of the
Plot of the Estimated
an Effects
Dispersic UsingMethodS. Theeffectlabelis used as other. On grounds of parsimony, the link leading to
theplotti Thedottedlinewas drawn"byeye."The the simpler model is preferable.
configur, C issignificant. If the data are extensive, it is possible to test
whetheran assumed link functionis adequate, or
called "'canonical"linkfunctionforthegammadistri- even to estimatethe link functionfromthe data.
bution(McCullagh and Nelder 1983). It has the ad- Pregibon(1980) embeddeda hypothesizedlink in a
vantage e that the sufficient
statisticsare linear func- parameterizedfamilyof link functions.Standard
tions olfthedata. The identity link,h(a) = a, arisesin likelihood-basedprocedures(e.g.,score or likelihood
variance-componentsmodels. For physicaland nu- ratiotests)can thenbe applied to testthehypothesis.
merical reasons,the log link,h(a) = log(a), is most In GLIM (Baker and Nelder 1978), alternative
commo)nlyused (Aitken1987; Bartlettand Kendall models usingdifferent linksare easilyexploredby a
1946; ]Box and Meyer 1986; Cook and Weisberg singlecommand.
1983). Finally, if interest centers on testing a null
If thcsample variancesare all of thesame orderof model-that is, constantvariance-the usual score
magnitiude, any link functioncan be reasonablyap- and likelihood-ratiotestsdo not depend on the link
function(Chen 1983). In this respect,a refereehas
pointed out that Bartlett's(1937) test for variance
homogeneity-thatis, Ho: T = {1}-is proportional
to ;~ _- ?, where
oi -_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N

ys =N-1 log Zi
i =1
0 ""
is theMLE ofy1underthesaturatedmodel,and
I vMR = N-1 log E Zi
i= 1
is the MLE of vyunder the most restricted(MR)
" BD... .. .
model T = {1}. It can also be shownthatthe likeli-
0 I.. hood ratio test of the hypothesisHo: T = {1, k} is
proportionalto yR- 3_, where
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
7 = N- l(log E Zi +log E Zi)
Figure 3. A Half-Normal ProbabilityPlot of the Estimated S(k+) S(k -)
Dispersion EffectsUsing Method R. The effectlabel is used as
theplottingcharacter.The dottedline was drawn "by eye." The is the MLE of y1 under the restrictedmodel T =
configurationindicatesthateffectC is significant. {1, k}.


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7. CONCLUDING REMARKS be biased. If ke Tk, then there existj and 1 with

k =j o I and yj and y1are nonzero.Then the argu-
Method S, based on least squares, is commonly ments for the 22 case immediatelyprecedingthe
used foridentifying the importantdispersioneffects statementof Proposition 1 show that y^ must be
in experimentswith replication.It performsreason- biased. Consider now the "if" part. Note that yk is
ably well as a model identification tool but can be equivariantin 'k. Hence we can assume withoutloss
inefficientwhen thereare only a fewnonnulleffects, of generalitythat yk = 0. Let ci be the ith row of
particularlyin large experiments. In such cases, one C = [aji I I'lajm]and JiE Tk. Then Zi has the same
may want to use maximumlikelihoodtechniquesto distribution as eUi-cY, where the ui's are iid random
reestimatethe parametersof the identified structural variables given by (1.4). Since k 4 Tk, each ci [i e
model. Proposition2 gives conditionsunder which S(k - )] also belongsto S(k + ). From thisand from
the MLE's are thesame as thoseunderthesaturated (2.2), it followsthat ^R has a symmetric distribution
model, in whichcase the effectsdo not have to be about zero,and, in particular, it is unbiased.
reestimated.Otherwisethe MLE's can be computed
easilyusingthealgorithmin Section2. Proofof Proposition2. We will show that if k ?
Method R can be highlyefficient under the as- To, then Yk = ^' solves the likelihoodequation (2.5).
sumption of effectsparsity. fact, is interesting
In it Write log Zi = ays. If k = 7^ for k To0, then
that yk, which is the MLE under the restricted log Zi- a' = ai y a = ci r*,whereci is the ith
model,can continueto be unbiased in more general row of C = [11a1lI . ajm,il, ,?j e To, and .* is
models as shown in Proposition 1. The resultsin thevectorwiththenonzerovalues of Ys- /. If k To,
Table 3 suggestthatit can be moreefficient thanthe it can be seen thateach ci [i e S(k -)] also belongs
MLE computedunderthe correctmodel. In screen- to S(k +). Therefore,ZS(k-) eC; = S(k +) eC;Y and
ing designswithmany factorsand highlyfractional hence S(k e-) -a Zi = ZS(k+l) e ay Zi. Since
designs,however,one could expect a fewof the ef- ;k = ks fork { To, we have shown that X'ksolves the
fectsto be large even underthe assumptionof effect likelihoodequation(2.5).
sparsity.And in experiments in whicha considerable
amount of subject-matter expertiseis used in select-
the effect Proof of Proposition3. Consider the likelihood
ing factors, sparsityitselfmay not be a
equation (2.5). When the ui's do not have a log x2
reasonableassumption.In eithercase some of the yk
distribution,j, the solution of (2.5), can be viewed
will be biased, possiblyto the extentthat spurious
simplyas an M estimator(Huber 1981). It is clear
effectsare declaredreal and vice versa.Therefore, we
from(2.5) thaty is equivariantin thesense thatifwe
do not recommendthat Method R be used as a tool
map Zi to e -6 Zi, jygets mapped to y + 6. Hence
for model identification in replicatedtwo-levelfac-
we can assume withoutloss of generalitythaty = 0.
Then the Z.'s are iid random variablesand any yf
We have restricted attentionin thisarticleto situ-
obtainedby permutingthe Zi's and thensolvingthe
ations in whichthe locationeffectsare eitherknown
estimatingequations has the same distribution as ,y.
or estimatedby within-replication means. We are
Considerany such permutationthatmaps i e S(k+)
currently the
investigating performances of the three
to i e S(k-) and i e S(k-) to i e S(k+). It can be
procedures in situationsin which the location effects
checked that for this permutation7k = -yk which
are estimatedfroma model as would be the case in
shows that%?k has a symmetric distribution about 0.
unreplicatedexperiments.The deviationsZi would
In particular,it is unbiased.
then be dependent.The resultsof this investigation
willbe reportedelsewhere. [ReceivedFebruary1986.RevisedFebruary1988.]

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Abramowitz,M., and Stegun,I. A. (1970),HandbookofMathemat-
ical Functions,New York: Dover Publications.
We are gratefulto the referees,
an associateeditor,
Aitken,M. (1987), "Modeling Variance Heterogeneity in Normal
and the editor for theirhelpfulsuggestions.Their RegressionUsingGLIM," AppliedStatistics, 36,332-339.
commentsled to a substantially
improvedpaper. Baker,R. J.,and Nelder,J.A. (1978),The GLIM System,Release 3,
Oxford,U.K.: NumericalAlgorithms Group.
Bartlett,M. S. (1937), "Propertiesof Sufficiency and Statistical
Tests," Proceedingsof the Royal Society,London,Ser. A, 160,
APPENDIX: PROOFS OF PROPOSITIONS 1-3 Bartlett,M. S., and Kendall,D. G. (1946),"The StatisticalAnalysis
of Variance-Heterogeneity and the LogarithmicTransforma-
ProofofProposition1. Considerfirstthe"onlyif" tion,"JournaloftheRoyalStatisticalSociety,Ser.B, 8, 128-138.
part.We arguethatifkE Tk, thenyRk
mustnecessarily Box,G. E. P. (1988),"Signal-to-NoiseRatios,Performance Criteria,


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