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taking long romantic walks, to your daddy's bank...

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posted on June 17, 2014 7,618 notes

A few examples, and in no particular order:

1. What has influenced your decision to want an SB?

2. How long have you been searching for one, and which sites did you use?

3. Have you had any negative experiences with Sugaring? Either in your search
for one, or in your previous arrangement?

4. Are there people that you don’t like? What characteristics was it about them,
that you didn’t like/enjoy?

5. Where do you consider to be good places for an SD/SB to be romantic?

6. What are some ways that you get embarrassed in public?

7. Are you ever bored? What type of people bore you?

8. What are good leisure activities that you would like for us to try together?

9. Are you okay with me dating others while we are in an arrangement?

10. What is your definition of emotional intimacy?

11. Where and when did you meet your wife/girlfriend? What drew you to her?

12. What sort of future financial plans and goals do you have?

Hi! and Welcome! 13. What is your biggest goal in starting an arrangement?

14. Have you thought about the ramifications of your actions on your family, co-
About Me workers and friends?

15. Tell me what precautions you are going to take to ensure that our
arrangement is kept private?
I'm a Sugar Baby by day, and an Escort at
night. I do it for the thrills, memories and 16. What you would do if we ran into someone either of us knew, while out
money. Who ever said that money can't buy together?
happiness, never owned a Sugar Daddy .
17. What would you want me to do?

18. What are the most important things in life? What do you value?
More Media
19. What questions would you like me to answer?

20. What are your bad/good habits?

21. What is your opinion of me being a different nationality or following

different religious briefs than yours?

22. What would you do to leave a positive impression on our first date? And
future dates?

23. What would your perfect arrangement consist of?

24. What is your opinion of us abstaining from sexual intimacy within our
arrangement, even though I am not a virgin?

25. Can you explain to me how a Sugaring arrangement is different than a

girlfriend/boyfriend relationship?

26. Do you believe that its possible to have emotional intimacy without physical

27. Do you still have feelings for an ex, wife, girlfriend or previous SB?

28. How long did your previous arrangement/relationship last?

29. Do you regret any of those intimate experiences with that person?

30. What are your expectations of intimacy and sexual relations with me? How
do they differ from your previous SB etc.

31. Should I be fearful, jealous or envious of any of your previous arrangements,

and the different opportunities that you have shared with them?

32. Do you usually follow your heart or your head?

33. What is your opinion about me hanging out with other Sugar Babies and
their SD’s, or in places that SD’s frequent?

34. Do you think that someone’s past matters in a current arrangement?

35. How would you react if I told you that I can not meet your daily needs for

36. Do you believe in privacy, even while being open with each other in an

37. Do you have any opinions about me working a part time job? What if it takes
my time away from you?

38. Do you have any hobbies that you’d like for us to share?

39. Have you ever experimented with legal/illegal drugs? Do you currently?

40. Do you have children? What do you think the impact would be on them if
our arrangement was made public?

41. What communication methods do you prefer? What are the most private
and effect modes?

42. What is something weird about you, or that you’re afraid to tell me?

43. Tell me something about your work, that isn’t common knowledge.

44. If your friends or co-workers don’t like me for some reason, is that a deal

45. Have you ever had a one night stand? If you did, do you regret it? Would
you do it again if you knew you wouldn’t get caught?

46. How long would your ideal arrangement last?

47. Do you have a criminal record, or any contraction of diseases?

48. I don’t, but would it change your opinion of me if I had one?

49. Are you willing to lose time from your family and friends, in order to see

50. How did you discover Sugaring?

51. Do any of your friends have Sugar Babies?

52. What do you think about continuing the search for an Sd/SB, after you’ve
recently started an arrangement with one?

53. Do you think love within an arrangement is possible?

54. If your job (or wife) started to have a negative impact on our arrangement,
what would you do?

55. How do you handle feelings of jealousy or resentment?

56. Do you have any regrets in life or in past arrangements?

57. What is your ideal vacation/weekend get away?

58. Will we be taking any together?

59. What are your expectations of my free time and our time spent together?

60. If you are allowed to do just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it

61. What are some things that you take pride in?

62. What is the most difficult component for you, in an arrangement?

63. What happens if we exchange pictures, and down the road decide not to
continue our arrangement? How will they be used, shared, kept or destroyed?

64. Would you be ok with me making plans with my friends, on a night that you
are free to see me?

65. Will you be OK with me hanging out with you and your friends?

66. If you could change something about females in general, what would it be?

67. What is your opinion on the arts? Do you want to visit museums and
galleries together?

68. Do you read the newspaper? How do you stay up on current events?

69. What are you looking for in the long term and short term?

70. If you had three Sugaring rules, what would they be?

71. Which aspect to Sugaring scares you or makes you the most nervous?

72. Are you typically late to events and dates, or end up rescheduling at the last

73. Who has been the most influential person for you so far in life?

74. What are some places that we will definitely need to avoid being seen

75. What are some places that we would be safe to visit/experience together?

76. What is the best advice you ever received?

77. What advice would you give to me, regarding Sugaring and life in general?

78. If you had a previous arrangement, why did it end?

79. Are you still friends with that person?

80. Without getting too personal, what were some good moments in that

81. What were some of the craziest things that you’ve done with her? And some
of the sweetest?

82. What will you have accomplished at work one year from now and within our

83. If you/we could go on a road trip where would you chose to go? Would I
have a say or just be expected to come along on a whim?

84. Are you prepared to respect, and are you comfortable with accepting my
school and study schedule?

85. Have you thought about using code names, or certain apps that will keep
our communication/contact private?

86. Can you tell me 3 good points about me?

87. What are your expectations of me in our arrangement?

88. What happens if I can not agree or live up to all of them?

89. Have you ever wanted something really bad and then later, not so much? Do
you get discouraged easily?

90. Is there anything I could do to make you think that I am an ungrateful or

selfish person?

91. What would you do if our communication and dates were limited to set days
and periods of times during the day/week/month?

92. Do you like to go window shopping, or are you the type who needs to buy an

93. After I had asked you for our first date, was there any part of you that
wanted to say no? Why?

94. What are some activities or places, that you would like to do/go on for dates
that you haven’t been before?

95. What are your views on open arrangements? Do you know what an open
relationship is?

96. What are your future/5 year plans with your wife or girlfriend? Maybe more
kids, more travelling etc. How can I help you to achieve this?

97. Is money more important to you or are the relationships you share with
people more important?

98. What are some things that you are either passionate about, or anger you?

99. Do you believe that long distance arrangements can work? What about
those that are not long in distance but long in the duration between dates?

100. What are your thoughts relating to Sugar Babies as Sex Workers?

This isn’t an end-all-be-all list, as it would go on and on forever…but rather just

an idea to get the ball rolling.

Please add on if you want!

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