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August 35, 2019 – Pentecost 11 – PROVERBS 16:1-9

INTRO: Today’s lessons (printed on second page, bottom) remind us about trusting in the Lord God
alone. Our lives consist of much more than the things of this world. Our future centers on eternity.
Perfection with Jesus in heaven. "Commit your way to the LORD. Trust in him, and he will act. He will make
your righteousness shine like light, your justice like noon” (PSALM 37:5, 6). “COMMIT WHAT YOU DO TO
THE LORD” I. We think that we know what is best. II. Our LORD always does what is best.


A. Proverbs 16 has the heading: “Advice for a Wise Son.” God’s Word is guidance for his children.
1. Verse 1. People are reminded to think before they speak.
2. People have many thoughts in their heads. Good thoughts. Evil thoughts.
B. Verse 2. Each person thinks their ways are the best: “All of a person’s ways are pure in his own eyes.”
1. “…but the Lord weighs the motives.” The Lord God knows the intentions behind thoughts.
2. Not every thought or plan in hearts are pure. Or right. Or godly. Lord knows them.
C. Verse 8. “Better a little with righteousness than a large income without justice”. People think money best.
1. God condemns greed. Riches without righteousness and justice are a curse.
2. Verse 9. People plan their ways. Often with evil hearts. Lord determines each one’s steps.

D. We think we know what is best. Remember our thoughts and plans and actions come out of evil
hearts. Wickedness lurks in the deep recesses of our hearts. Thoughts. With words. Eventually even in
actions. Today’s second lesson: “put to death whatever is worldly in you: sexual immorality, uncleanness, lust,
evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry.” and “rid yourselves of all of these: wrath, anger, malice, slander, and filthy
language from your mouth. Do not lie to each other” (Colossians 3:5, 8). This is quite a list of evil. Jesus
gives a shocking list: “To be sure, out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual sins, thefts, false
testimonies, and blasphemies" (MATTHEW 15:19). Well. Well. Our ways and thoughts are not so pure.

E. Remember we are children of God. Our loving, heavenly Father does not leave us to wallow in our
wickedness. The Holy Spirit works faith in our hearts. He gives us divine strength “to put off the old self
with its practices, and put on the new self…” Faith in Christ gives us God’s special blessing to recognize
good and evil. Right and wrong. This also means we can avoid evil. Pursue God’s goodness. "Finally,
brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
commendable, if anything is excellent, and if anything is praiseworthy, think about these things" (PHILIPPIANS
4:8). This is also quite a list. This is God’s list of excellent things to think about. Concentrating on
these things will crowd out the wickedness that lurks in our hearts. It would be a good thing to pick one
attribute from this list to practice each day. God’s goodness can and will crowd out our evil thoughts.

F. We still fight the constant battle of our sinful nature versus our Christian nature. This is a good
thing. It means we have a living faith. An active faith. A growing faith. Still the worldliness of this
world creeps into our lives. We are influenced by the society that surrounds us. Day after day we are
overwhelmed with earth-centered messages. Not heavenly announcements. It can take a toll. We are
distracted from our heavenly goal. Do we have enough money? Do we have enough insurance? Is our
future secure? "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we
certainly cannot take anything out” (1 TIMOTHY 6:6, 7). God gives us contentment. It is great gain.

“COMMIT WHAT YOU DO TO THE LORD” All too often we think that we know what is best.
A. Verse 3. Todays’ theme: “Commit what you do to the LORD, and your plans will be established.”
1. Godly plans will be established by the Lord. God will bless the good things of the heart.
2. People simply need to trust that the plans and ways of the Lord are right. Always.
B. Verse 4. The Lord even plans the ways of the wicked. They do not know this truth.
1. The wicked face days of trouble. The ultimate “day of trouble” for the wicked is Judgment Day.
2. Verse 5. “An arrogant attitude” is pride. Adam and Eve sinned because of pride. “Be like God.”
3. From that first sin we have inherited sin. Pride is hiding out in our hearts. Waiting to act.
C. Verse 6. In mercy God promised Adam and Eve a Savior. God’s truth: Christ was born.
1. Jesus lived on earth in human flesh. He suffered. Died. Buried. Rose again. Sins paid for.
2. Verse 7. Enemies of God are enemies of believers. They do not live at peace with believers.
3. God’s children have God’s peace. Forgiveness. Believers can live in peace with enemies.

D. It is true that we think we know what is best. Pride makes such thinking a sad and dangerous
attitude for us to have. We think that we are little more important that we actually are. We are tempted
to look down on others. Pride. Our society promotes pride. Consider athletes. Or politicians. All too
often it is more about them than anyone else. We are not exempt from such pride-filled thoughts. Or
actions. “Look at me.” “See what I have done.” “I am not as bad as that person…” We come to God’s
throne of grace with nothing to offer but our sins. “You say, ‘I am rich. I have become very wealthy and need
nothing.’ But you do not know that you are miserable, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked” (REVELATION 3:17).
We come to God. We confess our wretchedness. The Lord hears. Forgives. Does what is best for us.

E. On our own we have nothing to boast about. Nothing at all. Without Christ we are nothing at all.
Without faith we have nothing at all. By God’s grace we are God’s children. Our loving, heavenly
Father loves us with a perfect love. Our Lord knows what is best for us. Even more importantly our
Lord always does what is best for us. We rejoice in God’s mercy. We celebrate God’s truth. God gives
reason to boast. "But far be it from me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the
world has been crucified to me and I to the world" (GALATIANS 6:14). Yes we do take pride in the cross of
Christ. The cross of Christ is the central focus of our faith. Of our lives through Christ. In Christ. For
Christ. On the cross Jesus’ blood purifies us from sin. Cleanses from all unrighteousness.

F. This cross. This Jesus. They serve as the solid foundation of everything we believe. Our faith is
built on this solid Rock. "For it says in Scripture: See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone,
and the one who believes in him will certainly not be put to shame” (1 PETER 2:6). We need never be
ashamed of Jesus. Never ashamed of God’s truth revealed to us in the pages of the Holy Bible. The
world may try to shame us. Christ is still our Rock. The Lord knows we need a solid foundation. The
Lord does what is best for us. We commit what we do to the Lord. Always!

CONC.: It is easy to think we know what is best. Quite often we are proved wrong. Thankfully we have
an Almighty God who always does what is best for us. Beyond what we ask. Or imagine. God sent
Jeremiah to warn God’s people about his coming judgment. They thought they knew best. "For I know
the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to give you peace, not disaster, plans to give you hope and a future"
(JEREMIAH 29:11). The Lord has given us peace: Forgiveness of sins. The Lord gives us hope and a
future: Eternal life. “COMMIT WHAT YOU DO TO THE LORD”. Our loving, heavenly Father
always does the best for his children. Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer
PENT. 11 rdgs.: ECCL. 1:2, 2:18-36; COLOSSIANS 3:1-11; LUKE 12:13-21; (PSALM 34)
SERVICES: 7:45am @ McCook (Sun) / 10:00am @ Redeemer (Sun) / NCF 1:00 Min. (Sat) & 12:00 Med. (Sun)
BIBLE STUDIES: 11:15am @ Redeemer (SUN) / 5:45pm (Med) + 7:30pm (Min) @ NCF (TUES.)
/ Sunday radio broadcast @ 9:00am on KQNK 106.7FM or 1530AM

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