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I s l am i c

O n l in e
Diploma Section
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read
as Connected to Each Other
Chapter 30 Surahs
Compilation Book: Pamphlet 1

Noha Mohammed Foad Amin

Facilitator 29| ARB 011

© Islamic Online University

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

78. An-Naba'

Selection A

And gardens of thick growth.

Verily, the Day of Decision is a fixed time,

‫ألفافا إن‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Selection B

And the mountains shall be moved away from their

places and they will be as if they were a mirage.

Truly, Hell is a place of ambush,

‫سرابا إن‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Selection C

Nothing cool shall they taste therein, nor any drink.

Except boiling water, and dirty wound discharges.

‫شرابا إال‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Selection D

An exact recompense (according to their evil crimes).

For verily, they used not to look for a reckoning.

‫وفاقا إنهم‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Selection E

So taste you (the results of your evil actions); no

increase shall We give you, except in torment.

Verily, for the Muttaqûn[], there will be a success


‫عذابا إن‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Selection F

Verily, for the Muttaqûn[], there will be a success


Gardens and grapeyards;

‫مفاز حد ئق‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Selection G

That is without doubt the True Day, so, whosoever

wills, let him seek a place with (or a way to) His Lord
(by obeying Him in this worldly life)!

Verily, We have warned you of a near torment, the

Day when man will see that (the deeds) which his
hands have sent forth, and the disbeliever will say:
"Woe to me! Would that I were dust!"

‫م ابا إنا‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

79. An-Nazi'ât
Selection H

(Some) hearts that Day will shake with fear and


Their eyes cast down.

‫و جفة أبصارها‬

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Selection I

When his Lord called him in the sacred valley of Tûwa,

Go to Fir'aun (Pharaoh), verily, he has transgressed

all bounds (in crimes, sins, polytheism, disbelief, etc.).

‫طوى اذهب‬
Translation of the meaning of the Holy Qura’an from:
/Quran.html (Translators: Dr. Muhammad Taqî-ud-Din Al-Hilâlî & Dr.
Muhammad Muhsin Khân)

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University © 2018
Arabic Language: Holy Qura’an & Tajweed
IZHAR Occurring When Two Adjacent Verses are Read as Connected to
Each Other – Chapter 30 Surahs: Pamphlet 1

Noha Mohammed Mohammed Foad Amin Abd El-Maguid

A University Course Facilitator at Islamic Online University (IOU).
The Facilitator of two levels of Arabic Language: Arabic Reading and
Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) and Arabic Speech Simplified (ARS 100).
A Translator (from English Language into Arabic Language and vice
versa). An M.A. researcher in English Literature (Al-Azhar University)
after finishing two years of Higher Studies (in English Literature)—
Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of
Humanities, Languages and Simultaneous Translation, Al-Azhar
University, Cairo, Egypt. B.A. in English Language and Literature and
Simultaneous translation, Faculty of Humanities, Languages &
Simultaneous Translation, Al-Azhar University. Worked as a Lecturer of
lessons about Islam in English to Muslim Arabic Speakers at a
Maqraa (center), Egypt . Worked as a Teacher of Qur’aan and Tajweed,
and a Teacher’s assistant of Qur’aan and Tajweed at a Maqraa
(center), Egypt . A student at Dar-El Oulom – Open Education Center,
Cairo University (Third year).

[© 2018 by Noha M. M. Foad All Rights Reserved


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