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6 The Building Journey Explained

We reveal how to get your self-build or
renovation project off the ground

8 Understanding Your Build Costs

Building expert Mark Brinkley explains
how to estimate your self-build costs

12 The Art of Extending: A Design Masterclass

Everything you need to know about creating
the next chapter in the history of your home

When it comes to planning, 16 How to Project Manage Subbies Successfully

Serial self-builder David Snell reveals how to get the best
from subcontractors — and what you can expect to pay
designing and building your own
home or taking on a renovation, it
pays to have as much information 20 14 Steps to a Smooth Design Process
Architect Neil Turner explains how to ensure
your project goes well from day one
at your fingertips as possible to guide
you through the process. On the
following pages, you can find some
22 12 Top Tips for Self-build Success
Leading industry experts share their words of wisdom

of the best advice from the pages of

Homebuilding & Renovating in 2016,
25 10 Things You Need to
Know About Oak Frame
What you should consider before
building using this natural material
which together creates the ultimate
design and build guide. With articles
on everything from understanding 30 Designing a Home for Life
Planning to stay put in your new home? Design expert
Charlie Luxton explains how to design a flexible home for life
your build costs and designing a
home for life to saving £1,000s when
reclaiming VAT, foundations for
34 How Works Packages Helped Our Budgeting
Architect Neil Turner explains how a scientific
approach to costs can help you stay on budget
difficult sites, constructing a low-
energy home and much more 36 How to Save Serious
Money with VAT Reclaims
VAT can be claimed back on many elements of self-build
besides — you’ll find everything you and conversion projects if you keep to the rules. Here, we
need to know to get your project explain how to make every reclaimable penny count
underway in 2017.
41 Why Are My Builders’
Quotes Beyond Budget?
Project manager Bob Branscombe explains why
builders’ quotes are higher than expected and how
to avoid the situation from the off

44 Making Sense of Your Eco Home Options

Eco expert Tim Pullen explains what
measures are best suited to your project

52 Foundations for Difficult Sites

Difficult sites can become expensive headaches. Surveyor Ian
Rock provides solutions for the most problematic plots 5

3_Welcome.indd 5 09/12/2016 12:13

The Building Journey Explained
Jason Orme reveals the best ways to begin your self-build or renovation journey

Get Your Finances Straight ments like kitchen space and the number of
Everything starts – and eventual- bedrooms, but don’t get too bogged down in
ly ends – with money. Get a clear the detail just yet. Any good design will be an
answer on what you can borrow from your individual reaction to the site and the needs of
bank (try Buildstore for specialist self-build its owners.
mortgage advice) and get a sense of the

total pot of money you have. Then begin to cost Engage a Designer
your project. If it’s a self-build, you’ll need to You can burn through a lot of money on
allow for the plot price to be factored in (the design work that goes to nothing if the
portion of the total pot it takes depends on your designer has little idea of how designs work to
local housing market, but is typically 50 to 80 per build budgets (so see evidence of how they would
cent in more expensive areas). At this pre-design do that when you interview them), and if the
stage, you can do no more than guess a price for drawings they produce are not capable of being
the building work, which for new build homes built. These two elements are just as key as the
should be around £1,300/m2 and for extensions, ability to draw nice spaces — so choose carefully,
realistically, £1,500/m2. Until you begin to agree as designers will be critical people in making
a design, and a build route, it’s nothing but your project a success. Whether you choose a
guesswork at this stage — but it will be enough designer, an architect or just a draughtsman,
to go to a designer with. good design is worth paying for and investing
the time and money in — expect to allocate

Find the Site between five and 10 per cent of your budget for
For extenders and renovators who already design work. Your designer will see your project
own a home, it’s not a problem. But for through planning and Building Regulations
would-be self-builders, finding the right plot approval and get you to a stage where you can
opportunity can be the most difficult thing engage with builders.
they’ll do. Get active — and serious. Check the

weekly list of planning applications submit- Things You Need to Know
ted and decided in your local authority area. The VAT Question If you’re building a
If you live in England, register with your local house from scratch, your project qualifies
authority under their Right to Build scheme. for zero rating for VAT purposes — a huge saving
Use Google Maps to try and identify bits of on labour and materials of 20 per cent. In gen-
land in side gardens that are yet to be built on, eral, the only thing you can’t claim back is the
and write to the owner (you can find out who initial professional fees (for example, designer
owns it through Land Registry) to see if they’ll fees) and non-fixed items such as furniture and
sell to you. Register with Plotfinder, which has carpets. If you’re renovating or extending, you’ll
details of private individuals selling land without pay the full rate unless the house has been empty
wanting to go through estate agents. Eventually, for more than 10 years, in which case it is treated
it will happen — so when it does, make sure you the same as a conversion and is zero rated. For
have the finances ready to purchase. properties empty for between two and 10 years,
a reduced rate applies (

Create a Design Brief Package Companies So-called package (or turn-
Before you engage with a designer, you key) companies will offer an inclusive design
need to work out your own priorities — and build service, usually based around timber
they can’t tell you what you want, just find smart frame construction systems. They have a lot of
ways to help you achieve it. Think about overall benefits, including the marriage of design and
styles, of course, as well as more tangible ele- build costs at an early stage.


4-5_GetStarted.indd 6 07/12/2016 14:06


Warranties Get a structural (10-year) warranty design ambitions best — and, hopefully, comes
on your self-build project. You won’t be able within budget.
to remortgage without one, and it can provide

useful assistance in addition to Building Control If It’s Over-Budget
inspections ( If the quotes come back too high, then
Health and Safety The latest CDM Regulations you’ll need honest feedback from the
around health and safety on site are applicable builders. Get them to break down costs but
to self-build and renovation projects. Make sure you need to be willing to listen to hard truths.
your designer and/or main contractor makes Your original cost/m2 budget at this stage has
reference to them early on. been pushed and pulled by your design ambi-
How Long? The average self-build project takes tions, the size and scale of the project and of
around a year on site and at least a year in the course the specification (your choice of prod-
pre-planning. ucts and materials). Get suggestions on how
to reduce costs — ultimately, you may need to

The Build Route engage with the designers again.
Of course, you don’t need to use builders.

In the same way that some homeowners Enjoy the Whole Experience!
decide to design their own homes or extensions, Having builders on site working away
around 10 per cent of self-builders and home creating these amazing new spaces for
extenders take on the build of the project them- you and your family is a brilliant life experience.
selves. However, the vast majority use main con- Where possible, try your best to enjoy it — it
tractors or manage their own subcontractors (or, is a life-changing project, after all, and you’ll
in reality, take both routes for certain parts of the be spending more money than you would do Materials Choice
build, managing their own subbies at the later on anything else. See the spaces come to life,
Specification plays a major
stages of the project and usually getting stuck embark on a huge shopping trip, meet new role in cost: stone can be five
in with some DIY as money runs out towards friends along the way and experience new things times the price of alternative
the end). Clearly, the more expert layers you — what’s not to like? H cladding options.
add on, the more expensive the build gets. In
most cases, main contractors will be adding on
between 10 and 20 per cent on top of the core
labour and materials prices. Additional project
managers and other experts will also take their
share. Choose your build route based on what
time and skills you can realistically give to the
project (both in terms of DIY, project manage-
ment and design work) — and don’t be afraid
of using experts.

Finding Builders
Choosing a main contractor is part heart,
mainly wallet. Meet at least five and invite
them to quote on your project, using fully
detailed tender documents (that your designer
should have helped you prepare). Armed with
fully detailed information, the prices you get
back should be accurate and probably keener
than if you left a lot up in the air to be decided
on site later.
Ask your designer, neighbours, friends, build-
ing control and more for their recommenda-

tions. That way, you’ll end up with a favoured

builder that you can communicate with, who
understands the project, your budget and your 7

4-5_GetStarted.indd 7 07/12/2016 14:06

Understand Your Build Costs
Mark Brinkley establishes the basics to help you better estimate
the costs of your self-build, renovation or extension project

Floor structure
Roof structure and cover
Plumbing and heating
Internal carpentry and kitchen

aking on a large building project is Costs for Self-builders
daunting at the best of times, even for The pie chart above provides a
seasoned professionals. The majority breakdown of the costs involved
of self-builders do not come from a in a typical self-build project. It
construction background and few of shows that the superstructure (i.e.
the structural walling and external
them know much about the ins and cladding, as well as roofing)
outs of project management. The accounts for the largest proportion
prospect of spending a six-figure sum of the costs, typically 25-30%, with
on something as intangible as a ‘new the foundations and floor
house’ can cause anxiety. Because of this, self- structure following closely behind.
Most importantly, it reveals that
build in the UK today is still seen as being a the remaining elements of a build
Mark Brinkley little heroic, because many people would baulk each tend to account for between
Mark is the author of The at undertaking a large building project with 5-10% of the total cost. The key is to
Housebuilder’s Bible and an their own money, when the outcome cannot be recognise that individual elements
experienced builder; he’s just known in advance. can be reduced later on if other
elements go over the initial budget.
started another project. It doesn’t have to be reckless, however. One of The outline of the packages in this
the keys to reducing the amount of risk involved pie chart also serves as a useful
in self-build is to take control of the budget at starting point for self-builders
an early stage. To do that, you need to develop looking to assign budgets against
an understanding of how building projects work particular elements.
and where exactly all that money goes.


6-9_BuildCosts.indd 8 06/12/2016 16:09

Build Costs

Roof covering
Timber cladding
Floor structure inc screed
Roof structure
Remedial work
Front door and back door
Heating system
Electrical works
Internal doors
Bathrooms x 5

Costs for Renovators

This pie chart of the costs
incurred in a remodelling/
case. Costs are more difficult to
predict when it comes to existing
Comparing Walling Costs
extension project shows a homes, as builders struggle to Windows: £370/m2
disproportionately high quantify labour hours/days £300/m2 materials + £70/m2 labour
windows package element, associated with remedial and
accounting for some 15-20% of
Blockwork: £25/m2
demolition work. This renovation
the overall build budget. This is budget allows £10,000-£15,000 £10/m2 (£1/block) materials + £15/m2 labour
because the design in question for such works (including the Bricks: £60/m2
specifies high-quality triple- addition of steel joists, etc.). £30/m2 materials (50p a brick at 60/m2) + £30/m2
glazed windows with aluminium This budget plan contains more labour (500 bricks laid per day (8.3m2) @£250/day)
frames — and lots of them. The detail than the self-build chart.
good news is that because a
Stone: £150/m2
The more detail homeowners
higher than average portion of can put into spreadsheets, the £75/m2 materials + £75/m2
the walling is covered in glass, the better for planning purposes and (labour based on 3m2 laid per day)
subsequent costs of blockwork, the more rigorous the approach Timber: £50/m2
timber, brick and stonework are to budgeting for labour and £30/m2 materials + £20/m2 labour
less than might otherwise be the materials quantities.
NB: Costs are approximate but designed to
provide a starting point for a budget. Bricks, for
example, vary between 30p-£1.20 per brick. Stone
can cost £25/m2 up to £180/m2, plus laying. ➤ 9

6-9_BuildCosts.indd 9 08/12/2016 12:15

SUPP_Pages_2-60.indd 10 09/12/2016 09:18
Build Costs

build cost calculator, however, deals with the

most common projects.
In theory, you have control. In practice, it
may not be quite so simple. For instance, if
you are living well away from the site, it will be
impractical to take on the management of the
project. To do this, you need a site presence.

Establishing Not necessarily all day every day, but at least at

some point every day. You are going to have to

the Initial be taking delivery of materials, arranging storage

and making sure that everyone working on site
is fully occupied.

Budget This sort of thing doesn’t happen by magic:

while many people are quite capable of taking
on this role successfully, they have to be fully
he majority of self-builders start off engaged in it otherwise it will tend to be done
their journey with a figure in mind rather badly, which in turn adds to delays and
of what they can afford to spend. costs. So while the calculator indicates that a
Many of them will refer to the build DIY management build route may save 40%
cost calculator ( over a professionally managed fixed-price job,
calculator), where a sample of differ- it is not an option for everyone.
ent projects are compared in price,
presented as price/m2. The current Labour vs. Materials?
costs range from around £800/m2 Installation can be the hidden cost when it comes to preliminary budgeting — ignore it at
through to just over £2,000/m2. The table iden- your peril. But the amount of labour required on each package varies hugely.
tifies five variables impacting on the final sums:
 Build route (how you manage the project) —
40% variation
 One or two storey (two storey
buildings are cheaper on a m2 basis,
but only marginally)
 House size (it gets slightly cheaper per unit
area as the size increases)
 Standard of finish (the table allows for a 40%
difference between ‘standard’ and ‘excellent’)
Windows Labour (in blue) tends to Stonework Stone can be expensive to
 Location (the UK is divided into four zones
account for around a fifth of the total purchase, but takes a long time to lay,
— the most expensive being 30% more than price, depending on the window with most stonemasons managing 2-4/
the cheapest) specification. m2 a day — hence the high labour costs.
There is not much you can do about location
– short of deciding to build somewhere else –
but the other variables are very much in your
control. What you choose to build, how you What’s Included in The Floor Area?
choose to build it and what finish standard you
are looking for are all factors determined by you One trap for the unwary is the way house with an internal floor area
at the outset. that building areas are defined and of 150m2 might easily have a gross
If it’s your first house, you might well be trying referred to. It’s all very well decid- floor area, including the garage, of
to build as much space as you can afford and ing on a budget per m2, but what 200m2.
to fit it out as cheaply as possible, using all that exactly do you get for your m2? Does this matter or is it just
youthful energy to undertake DIY and/or project What’s included and what’s exclud- academic? It can do, especially if
management. In contrast, a retired couple might ed? The m2 used in the calculations someone tells you they can build
choose to build a smaller home but fit it out to is the internal floor area, or heated you a house for, say, £1,000/m2
a higher standard, and to let the professionals area, of the house. It specifically only for you to find out later that
carry out all or most of the work. Not everyone excludes the ground taken up by their m2 is somewhat smaller than
wants to shave costs. The cost calculator enables the external walls and any ancil- the industry standard way of meas-
you to work out where in the self-build spectrum lary buildings such as garages and uring. It is also worth bearing in
you stand and to give you some indication of outhouses. It also excludes unused mind that other countries (Sweden,
what you might get for your money. areas in lofts and under the eaves, Germany) use different measuring
Bear in mind that over the years Homebuild- unless they are specifically opened criteria and that their build costs/
ing & Renovating has covered self-build projects up as living space. A four bedroom m2 cannot be easily compared. H
with costs ranging from £300-£3,000/m2. The 11

6-9_BuildCosts.indd 11 09/12/2016 12:13

The Art of Extending:
A Design Masterclass
You are creating the next chapter in the history of your home, so think big
and have some fun with the whole process, says design expert Pete Tonks

xtending your home has gone way site survey before any design work is done. The
beyond the basic requirement of pro- output from these surveys will deliver 100 per
viding more space to meet increased cent accurate data about the host dwelling and
demand for living. When extending the site, and will therefore ensure the design
your home, you, as the guardian of that process is efficient from the outset.
property, have the privileged oppor- This approach allows for design issues to be
tunity of writing the next chapter in considered during the first round of concepts,
its history. Do not underestimate how thereby minimising inconvenient and often
important this could be and more costly decisions being made during the con-
importantly, how much fun. We all like to think struction process.
we can leave a legacy, so think big about your Consider a single storey versus two storey
Pete Tonks plans to extend and consider far more than just extension, as this decision will set the blueprint
Pete Tonks is HB&R’s creating more of what you already have. for the project in terms of construction methods,
design expert and has This article looks at some of the most impor- the impact(s) on neighbours, planning permis-
been designing homes tant elements and considerations when extend- sion and the overall architectural integration
for over 20 years. ing, how to create your extension methodically with the host dwelling. Where do you need more
and practically with a focus on engineering space? Is it day-to-day living areas or do you
basics, and the successful integration with the need more bedrooms?
host dwelling through the consideration of lay- Just because you need more bedroom space,
out, flow and connection of the new spaces with don’t assume this has to be upstairs. We’re living
the existing rooms. longer, so ground floor bedrooms can be a good
long-term consideration. I also know from my
Design Basics own experience with clients that many would
Look sensibly at the space around your existing like a ground floor bedroom because it results
dwelling and zone in on the best place to put in a connection with the garden.
your extension. Side and rear extensions are
the norm as gardens here often have the best Planning Considerations
outlook and orientation. However, do consider You may be able to extend your property with-
the balance of built form versus outside amenity out planning permission (known as Permitted
space. It’s all well and good having an amazing Development, or PD). While not guaranteed
large new kitchen/family/dining room opening to be applicable to every property, the basics of
out to the garden, but if the extension takes up PD are currently:
too much garden and dominates unsuccessfully, l You can extend a detached dwelling by 8m to
this will have a negative outcome on the property the rear (subject to the neighbour consultation
as a whole. It is all about a sensible balance and scheme; this is 6m for an attached house) if it’s
you don’t always have to add a large extension single storey, or 3m if it’s two storeys;
to make a huge difference to the existing spaces. l The height of a single storey extension to the
Set the budget at an early stage and allow for side or rear of the host dwelling is restricted to
at least a 10-15 per cent contingency, too. This is 4m in height (measured from the nearest ground

particularly important when extending, as the level) to the top of the ridge and the eaves, and
overall development cost per m2 is often greater ridge heights of any extension not being higher
than with a new build. Ensure you commission than the existing property;
a measured building survey and topographical l A minimum distance from the end of the ➤


10-15_ExtensionGuide.indd 12 08/12/2016 12:06

Extension Design Guide 13

10-15_ExtensionGuide.indd 13 07/12/2016 14:06

extension to the boundary must be 7m;
l The extension must be built in the same or a
similar material to the existing dwelling;
l No forward-facing extensions are permitted
under PD, based on the main entrance being
the front elevation;
l Side extensions must be no wider than 4m
(measured from the nearest ground level) and no
wider than half the width of the host dwelling;
l In designated areas where certain restric-
tions apply, such as Conservation Areas, Areas
of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National
Parks, side extensions will require full plan-
ning permission and all rear extensions must
be single storey;
l As a result of extending, the built form should
not cover more than 50 per cent of the plot area.
Full planning permission is needed for exten-
sions that go beyond PD criteria, although the
process and documentation is not as detailed
as for a new build.

The Practicalities
When extending, look to minimise the amount
of work you need to do on the host dwelling
(unless, of course, you need to renovate), so
that the budget is focused on the new build
element. Try to nominate the ‘break-through’
Above: A Change in Levels
using existing openings. For instance, existing
window openings will have lintels above them IBLA Architects replaced a
taking loads from above. This often means no lean-to with a contemporary
kitchen-diner extension — a
structural calculations will be necessary if you change of level allows the dining
want to remove the wall section below a window area to be on a level threshold
opening to make into a door opening or walk- with the garden.
through into the extension space.
If, however, you want to merge a number of Left: The Side Return
existing small openings into one large opening,
you’ll require a new lintel to be designed by a A side return extension can be an
ideal means of adding space to a
professional and backed up with the appropri-
terrace home — as this project by

ate engineering to support a full plans Build- architect Cathie Curran goes to
ing Regulations application, or as part of the show. Rooflights can be a great
documentation trail if you are undertaking the means of pulling in additional
project under a building notice. light, too.
It’s a very good idea to use a laser level to get
the datum of the floor levels on the host dwelling,
as you’ll probably want to match these with the
new build element to ensure good flow between
the new spaces and old. When calculating how to
match floor levels, bear in mind that the build-up
required to meet today’s Building Regulations
will be far more than historical build-ups and
you may also want to include underfloor heating
and thicker floor finishes. It is likely that, in


10-15_ExtensionGuide.indd 14 09/12/2016 12:14

Extension Design Guide

addition to the proposed extension, you may

end up wanting to reconfigure the spaces within
the host dwelling (to ‘remodel’) to achieve a
cohesive overall flow through the spaces. This
doesn’t need to be an expensive process, but
it does take the talents of a designer who can
look at the proposal with fresh eyes and suggest
subtle changes such as wall removal and zone
re-designation to make sure the whole house
works well when completed.

The Aesthetics
If, like me, you are a property ‘nerd’, you will
get excited about the evolution of buildings and
how they can be read in chapters. Many of my
favourite buildings have different personalities
and there is a good chance you also have a few
too! Look to have a bit of fun with your exten-
sion project if appropriate and create something
that is clearly different to the host dwelling.
Think of it more as an exercise in art as well as
architecture and take the opportunity to make
a statement.
There is no right or wrong in terms of match-
ing new and old and, as always, your design
should relate to the context of the host dwelling
and its immediate surroundings. Many local
authorities publish their own district design
guidelines for extending and you will see phrases
such as ‘materials should be the same or similar’. the wall lines in so there is a step in the building Linking Old and New
In this instance, for example, if the host dwell- line and make the extension lower than the host
Designed by Simon Shaw
ing is brick and horizontal timber boarding, dwelling so that it appears subservient, but this Architecture & Design, this
the extension could also be clad in brick and can still result in that ‘more of the same’ look contemporary extension to
timber boarding, but the latter could be applied that is not always successful. a listed cottage features a
vertically to clearly demonstrate the different In recent years, there has been a growing glazed link, which visually
visual chapters of the building. This approach trend (which I support and practice daily) to distinguishes old from new.
could be considered to match and may also be consider the extension space to be a separate
considered a contrast — albeit a subtle one. entity and place this a distance away from the
If you really wanted to make a completely host dwelling in terms of the construction, to
obvious difference between new and old then make it in effect a stand-alone building. The new
this can be an exciting approach and the sky build element can then be linked back to the
really is the limit — subject to the usual plan- host dwelling in a more refined and controlled
ning constraints. manner using simple glass or metal frames. This
method of extending has proved to be successful
New Identity as it clearly defines the difference between new
Historically, when designing extensions, archi- and old. It also looks really cool and can lift the
tects and designers would have taken the existing design level of your project.
layout and added the new element immediately When considering your planned extension as
on to the host dwelling as a direct continuation a separate entity, albeit linked back to the host

of the built form. However, this presents various dwelling, you can start to expand your thinking
technical challenges about how to ‘knit’ the new and strive to create a built form which has its
element into the existing element while still own identity. If done well, it will also comple-
producing good architecture. Sure, you can set ment and enhance the host dwelling. H 15

10-15_ExtensionGuide.indd 15 08/12/2016 12:06

How to Project Manage
Subbies Successfully
David Snell, who has spent 50 years in the industry, reveals how to get the best
from subcontractors during a self-build or renovation project — and what to pay

y choosing to build with subcontrac- es; their response may give a clue as to whether
tors/direct labour/tradespeople, the you’re picking the right person.
self-builder or renovator effectively
becomes the builder — responsible Paying Subcontractors
for all matters on site and required to There are two types of subcontractor: labour
make sure that all materials, services only, and supply and fix, with perhaps a third
and labour are on site at the correct as a hybrid of the two. Labour-only subcon-
time and in the correct quantities. tractors will, almost always, expect to be paid
Managing subcontractors properly is in cash at the end of each week. Those new to
a particular skill. There is a quote which springs the industry might feel that somehow they are
to mind: “Subcontractors never work for you. doing something wrong, but the plain fact of
They do you a favour and you pay them for it.” the matter is that the individual self-builder or
David Snell
Those hearing this for the first time may scoff. renovator has no obligation to ensure that those
A 13-time self-builder, David has Those who have been through the process will they employ on site pay their due taxes. And with
been building homes for 50
years and is the author of
raise a wry and knowing smile. new build, VAT does not come into the equation
Building Your Own Home. because labour-only contracts and supply and fix
How to Ensure Quality contracts are zero rated and, therefore, exempt.
One of the first questions a self-builder or ren- Supply-and-fix contractors, such as plumbers
ovator will often ask themselves is how will and electricians, are a slightly different matter
they know whether what the subcontractors in that they will usually accept cheques against
are doing is right and whether the quality of a written invoice, often given in two stages cov-
their work is good enough. Understandably, it’s ering first and second fix.
a perennial question among those who are new Above all, never pay in advance. With
to the building business. labour-only contracts, make sure that the pay-
The answer is twofold. Firstly, while many ments are spaced out through the estimated
feel that they don’t understand the intricacies duration of the contract, with a little bit held
of the building process, most can see whether back as an incentive to finish. With supply-
bricks are being laid sloppily, whether archi- and-fix contractors, pay in the two stages. If
traves don’t meet up in the corners, doors don’t special purchases have to be made, buy these
hang properly and do not feature even spacings items yourself in order that you retain the title.
to the lining, and plaster is smooth and even.
All of that is cosmetic but, nevertheless, gives a When to Get Involved in the Build
clue as to the underlying and sometimes hidden There is often a desire to get involved in one or
intricacies of the work. more of the trades, either to fulfil a desire to have
But the second and perhaps most important a physical input into the new home, or to try to
way of analysing the quality of work is to make save money. The truth of the matter is that, in
prior investigations. Before employing anybody all probability, however much you pitch in and
on site, look at their previous work and talk to help, it’s unlikely that you’ll save directly. The
their previous clients. Find out if faults came trades may welcome your assistance, but they
to light after they’d finished. Talk to building/ may also resent your clumsy efforts to help, and
warranty inspectors about your proposed choic- feel that you are somehow slowing them down.


16-19_Subbies.indd 16 08/12/2016 12:07

Project Managing Subcontractors

They are very rarely likely to accept that your just as importantly, they will let you know which
efforts should impact on their take home pay. ones were great.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t things Once you’ve got one good tradesperson on
that you can do. Going off on a Friday lunch- board, they will often lead you to other good
time to fetch fish and chips will mean that the tradespeople with whom they regularly work.
labourer can keep at his job, saving time when After all, a good tradesperson doesn’t want to
they start up again. Offering bacon sandwiches have to follow a bad one.
will engender a sense of goodwill on site. (It may Visiting smaller sites and asking those work-
also become a millstone, however.) Certainly, ing there whether they’ll quote may also produce
clearing up and making sure that materials that results. Reading the advertisements in your local
are delivered are carried into site and stacked press will give you names. But, once again, these
where they are needed will save on day rates and are only the starting point for you to commence
the inevitable slowing down of the job. making your own enquiries as to their worth.
Unless you’re an expert in any one of the
trades, it is never really a good idea to undertake Getting the Best from
them, except perhaps one of the finishing trades Your Subcontractors
such as decoration and ceramic tiling, which are It’s essential to build up a good relationship
unlikely to hold other people up. with those who are working for you on site. If
bad blood occurs between you and the subcon-
Coordinating Between the Trades tractors it will only backfire and it’s perhaps a
Tradespeople have to mesh in with each other, good idea if that happens to cut your losses and
sometimes within the day, sometimes within move to another tradesperson. If trades fall
the hour. It’s vital that you make yourselves out with each other, then you may have to take
aware of the sequences within a self-build or sides and dispense with the services of at least
renovation project and that you learn to con- one, because the end result could be that one
stantly think ahead as to requirements for up endeavours to frustrate the work of the other,
and coming labour. to your disadvantage.
A helpful tradesperson will want to let you Starting off on the right foot, with a clear
know that they will be requiring a follow-on or understanding of what you are expecting them
partnership trade, not least because they won’t to do and how much you are going to be paying
want to be held up by their non-appearance. them, is always the best way to ensure that you
And, in truth, many good tradespeople work in get the best out of trades. Do not expect to form
laissez-faire groupings who keep in touch with a partnership. There are unequal expectations
each other and let one another know when they between you and anybody working on your site.
will be wanted. But you can’t just rely on that and You may form enduring friendships but, in the
in the end, it will always be your responsibility. end, on site, you are building your own home
with the expectation of increased equity and they
Finding Good Subcontractors are simply undertaking their day job.
There are several websites dedicated to find-
ing suitable subcontractors with appropriate Addressing the Areas
recommendations, but none negate the need That Fall Between Trades
for the self-builder or renovator to make their Most misunderstandings and arguments that
own checks, to see their previous work and to occur on site between the client (you) and
talk to their previous clients. After all, the only tradesperson result from unclear or imprecise
people who can really tell you what a prospective arrangements and expectations before the job
subcontractor is really like are those who have commences.
direct experience. Plans must be clear and unambiguous. Your
If there’s a self-build site anywhere in your list of what you expect may be fully detailed in
vicinity, visit it and chat to the owners. They’ll many cases but, in others, it is perhaps best to
tell you which bricklayer turned up on a Monday simply include the whole trade in your descrip-
and then didn’t show up for weeks afterwards. tion of what you are expecting or requiring. For
They will also inform you as to which carpenter instance, if the quotation is for the complete
should have been called a ‘wood butcher’. Plus, carpentry roof work, then any argument that ➤ 17

16-19_Subbies.indd 17 08/12/2016 12:07

the binders or the bracings are not included,
won’t hold water. Again, leadwork is often within Subbies: What They
Do and What to Pay
the plumber’s remit and, certainly the on-site
manufacture of flashings and trays will fall to
this trade.
However, the important thing is to make sure Groundworker surface water drains
at the very outset that you make it clear who is Create entry and clear site Backfill all drainage and service
going to be responsible for what. For example, Lay hardcore base for access, trenches
with the fitting of leadwork, the roofers may deliveries and storage Carry out specified and agreed hard
have to interleave flashings with the tiles or Strip topsoil and store for reuse and soft landscaping, including
slates and the bricklayers may be expected to Set out house and set to profiles (this driveways, pathways and patios
point in the flashings when they come back to may, however, be done by a surveyor) l The typical day rate for a ground-
fill putlog holes. Mark out lines of dig on the ground worker is approximately: £130;
Another grey area between trades concerns Excavate foundation trenches, load A general labourer: £90;
cleaning up. Many good tradespeople will clean spoil into tipper lorries for off-site Semi-skilled labourer: £100
up after their work, but it’s by no means a given. disposal or into dumpers for on-site
It’s not at all uncommon to find a painter and storage and reuse Bricklayer
decorator trying desperately to paint skirting Clean and crumb out the trenches Lay blockwork to DPC level includ-
boards while other tradespeople are working Set level pegs for the top of the ing installing ventilators, drainage
in the vicinity or walking past disturbing dust concrete exit lintels and sleeving, unless the
and debris that has been crudely cleared away. Pour and lay foundation concrete groundworkers undertake this task
But whose responsibility is it? The painter Lay foundation blockwork to DPC Lay ground floor beams, infill blocks
has no particular responsibility to clear up after (damp-proof course) level, put in and brush grout, unless the ground-
others. The carpenter making the mess has no cranked ventilators, all necessary workers undertake this task
normal remit to clear up afterwards. Either or drainage exit lintels and sleeving for Bed DPC, marrying this to any
both could have the responsibility built into their services; this may also be undertaken damp or gas membrane
contract as an extra. But the reality is that this by the bricklayers or cavity trays
normally falls to the builder, who would employ Level out subsoil within Build superstructure in brickwork
an unskilled labourer to do the work. the oversite and blockwork
In the absence of a builder, it devolves to the Backfill trenches outside the building Install cavity insulation as work
self-builder or renovator. There is no doubt Fill cavities with lean-mix concrete progresses
about it, a tidy site is more likely to result in a Position ground floor beams Install cavity closers
build which comes in on time and on budget. Lay infill blocks and brush grout Fit timber windows or build
Lay damp-proof membrane and/or in profiles
The Importance of gas membrane Build in meter boxes
Forward Thinking Position and lay first floor beams Position and bed lintels, padstones
A successful project is all about making plans and infill and brush grout, unless and steel joists
and then thinking ahead to make sure that those the bricklayers are doing it Lay first floor beams, infill with
plans come to fruition. The labour may help Excavate service trenches blocks and brush grout, if the ground-
coordinate each other, but that assistance counts Excavate trenches for foul and workers don’t undertake this role
for nothing if the correct materials aren’t on site surface water drainage Install cavity trays where necessary
in the right quantity at the right time. Lay drainage runs on pea shingle and Bed wallplate
It behoves the self-builder or renovator, at bring upstands into oversite Build up gable ends
all times, to constantly think ahead: to think Haunch over drains with Build chimney through roof
about what comes next and what comes later on pea shingle Build internal brick features and
down the line. Some materials are off-the-shelf. Fit proprietary manholes, gullies, etc. fireplaces
Some have extremely long lead times and need Connect the foul water drains to Point up flashings and trays
ordering well in advance, which might mean the on-site mains sewer run, septic Fill putlog holes
having to think about finishes at the same time tank or sewage treatment plant, or Build any feature walls or brickwork
as being involved in preliminary site works. take sewer run to the boundary for in garden as specified and agreed
Failure to think ahead will always lead to breaks road connection by Highways’ l The typical day rate for a bricklay-
in the timeline and that will, inevitably, lead to approved contractor er is: £160 (The typical day rate for
increases in costs. Construct soakaways and connect a stonemason is: £185)


16-19_Subbies.indd 18 08/12/2016 12:07

Project Managing Subcontractors

Carpenter Electrician Lay first fix carcassing pipework

FIRST FIX Fit temporary consumer unit Run any gas pipework
Making up and fixing templates for to building supply Make up lead flashings, soakers
openings, where appropriate Install and connect and vent pipe skirts as appropriate
Fitting door linings domestic Fix vent pipes to drainage upstands and
Making up studwork partitioning, earth rod take to stub stacks or through roof
including to fitted cupboards, where Lay and fix all carcassing wiring Fix skirts to vent pipes with roofer
necessary Fix backplates to outlets and controls Fix guttering and downpipes
Fix underfloor plasterboard battening Fix proprietary sheathing to wiring Position hot water cylinder
using proprietary batten clips Fix and wire up faceplates, pendants, Lay underfloor insulation, taping joints
Install insulation to studwork wall lights and controls and cover with membrane
partitioning Fit and wire up external power Lay underfloor central heating loops
Install insulation within ceiling and points and lighting to manifold position
floor zones and to roof void Fix and wire up extractor fans and Connect underfloor heating loops
Fix window boards cooker hoods to manifold and put on test, once
Fix staircase flights Cross bond and earth all pipework and screed is laid
Make up and fix garage door frames sanitaryware Fit the boiler and connect to system
Nog out for plasterboard Fit and wire up consumer unit Attend to chimney flues and liners
Hang temporary external doors, Wire up thermostats, controls and Connect boiler to LPG, oil or mains
where appropriate programmers gas supply
Board out loft, where appropriate Attend plumber for firing up and Fit sanitaryware and connect to
Create and fix loft entrance testing boiler and central heating, if domestic plumbing and wastes
and fit loft ladder and when required Mastic seal around baths and
Test installation washbasins
ROOF l The typical day rate for an electri- Plumb in washing machines, water
Erect and complete roof using prefabri- cian is approximately: £175 softeners etc., as appropriate
cated trusses and lumber, to include Lag all exposed or vulnerable
gable ladders, valleys, hips and con- Roofer pipework
struction of dormers, porches and bay Cover roof with underlay Fire up boiler and test system
window roofs and rough batten Balance and commission system
Fit rooflights where required Fix GRP (glass reinforced plastic) Switch underfloor heating off ‘test’ and
Lay sarking boarding where appropriate valleys or attend plumber for fixing to ‘run’ once test period is over
Fix facias and soffits, including lead valleys l The typical day rate for a roofer is
ventilators, where necessary Bed and fix undercloak to verges approximately: £180
Fix bargeboards, where appropriate Fix counter battens if necessary
Gauge and fix tiling/slating battens Plasterer
SECOND FIX Load out tiles or slates Screed floors as soon as underfloor
Box in pipework and vent pipes Lay tiles or slates, nailing as required central heating loops are laid, unless left
Lay insulation and decking to floors, and appropriate to specialist suppliers and installers
where appropriate and unless carried Lay valley tiles, if required using pumped self-levelling material
out by other specialist suppliers Fix verge slates/tiles Tack ceilings with plasterboard
Assemble and fit staircase newels, Interleave upstand and cover Fix all beadings and lathing
balustrading, aprons and handrails, etc flashings and soakers Float and set all masonry walls, or
Hang all internal doors including cup- Attend plumber for vent pipe skirtings dryline walls with plasterboard
board doors and fitted wardrobes Fix or bed ridge/hip tiles or ridge/hip Fit mouldings and coving
Fit slatted shelving to linen cupboards system Tape and joint all boards and skim
Final fit of loft traps Point up ridge/hip tiles and verges coat with plaster finish
Assemble and fix fitted units to kitchen, l The typical day rate for a roofer is Render external walls, where
utility room, bedrooms and bathrooms, approximately: £150 appropriate
unless carried out by specialist manu- l The typical day rate for a plaster is
facturers or suppliers Plumber approximately: £150 H
l The typical day rate Install water standpipe for
for a carpenter is: £160 building supply 19

16-19_Subbies.indd 19 08/12/2016 12:07

14 Steps to a Smooth Design Process
Understanding how to work with your chosen architect allows your dreams
to take shape — as well as saving you endless time, money and frustration.
Architect Neil Turner explains how to ensure your project goes well from day one

Appoint the Right Architect builder, there will need to be meetings, conver-
As well as ensuring he or she can design, sations, emails and agreements. Don’t expect to
check whether your chosen architect can simply be handed back a perfect design after one
also detail up the design and project manage meeting and then have it built. The best house
the construction stage. Some people split the projects are those with clients who commit time
process, so that one firm designs and a different and energy to meeting up, answering questions
company takes over for the site works. I don’t and thinking about the options that are put in
like this, as there are split liability issues and the front of them.
second person doesn’t have the initial design in

their soul. Also, think twice before accepting the Agree How to Communicate
cheapest quote: if a cheap price comes in, you It’s vital that you agree this at the outset.
Neil Turner invariably get a cheap service. Can you be approached nine to five, or are
you only available out of office hours? Make sure

Neil is a director of architectural
practice Howarth Litchfield
Go for Maturity that all meetings are recorded and written in
Partnership and specialises It takes years of experience (and mistakes) minutes, so there is no confusion or ambiguity. I
in residential design to know what you are doing, so avoid use minutes to record what is and is not agreed,
( giving someone fresh out of college the job of and what the next steps are.
designing and running your house project.

Be Honest from the Start

Create a Sensible Budget Don’t be influenced by the latest fad. If
Be honest with yourself and don’t push you like certain styles, then stick to them.
your budget to the point where you can’t We can’t all live in modern glass boxes. When
afford a pint at the pub. There is little point in working with clients I have seen many start with
sitting in a grand house if you can’t afford to heat a description, only to find that they like some-
it or live life a little. I remember seeing one cou- thing else entirely different. This can often occur
ple in sleeping bags in an unfinished house that with couples who haven’t talked through their
went way over budget because they kept adding own brief with each other, or discussed style,
extra elements. So create a budget, then adjust fittings or budget. So before you get together
and alter it if you need to, but always refer to it. with your architect, sit down with each other
and talk through your choices.

Write a Strong Brief

Project creep is the demon of all designs Programme the Works
and clients. Without a brief, how can you This sounds so obvious, but work out
comment or compare design developments? how long each stage will take. This adds
Before you know it, your three-bed bungalow reality to the project and avoids the pressure of
has become a five bedroom townhouse — ask unrealistic timescales. From the programme you
yourself why the changes are needed. can look ahead and create key milestones for
design, planning, Building Regulations, tender

Make Time for the Project and construction. Each of these can then be
Building a house and getting the different broken down later, into a more detailed pro-
stages right takes time, and to succeed gramme. If you can’t draw up a programme, ask
clients must build time into their busy lives. Even your architect and they will be happy to assist.
when you have employed the best designer and The programme helps you develop cash flow


20-23_SmoothDesignProcess.indd 20 08/12/2016 12:07

Working With your Architect

forecasts for payments and is a vital tool when made the conscious decision not to vary anything
you approach your bank to organise finances on site, even the fixtures and fittings.
for loans to pay fees, contractors and suppliers.

Make Decisions Before

Go For the Full Service Work Begins
We often see clients who want a partial If the drawings are complete before
service and then choose to run the site site works commence, then you will have thought
works. As soon as this starts, the calls start to through all the decisions. Where is the shaver
come in when they hit problems on contracts point? How high is the TV in the living room, for
and inspections, technical questions and dis- instance? Every time you add this on to the site
putes between parties. works, the potential for delay and cost increases.

10 13
Don’t Keep Changing Things Pay on Time
Part of the fascination of design is A common mistake is when clients
the development and evolution of say they haven’t got the money or
the brief into sketches, then layouts and finally it’s due shortly, and ask if those involved in the
a completed design. There will be alterations project can wait. If you make people wait for
and different versions. My job is to guide this fees, it doesn’t foster a relationship of trust or
process along, so there is consensus and agree- respect. Your borrowing problems are not the
ment on the completed work. I always accept team’s problems.
that it is healthy to double check, so I don’t mind

change. However, if changes occur all the time, Look at the Bigger Picture
it becomes chaotic and hard to move on, and When I meet clients, I am always
demoralising for the designer. excited by the possible commission
and the challenge they want to give us. It’s quite

Keep on Track on Site a responsibility to have their future home in
Making changes on site is the biggest our hands. So pay for good advice and your
sin of clients. As you pass each work project should run along well. If you’re going
stage, you should see each as a major passing to do this just once, then you had better make
point and not a point to go back and revisit. it work. Most architect-designed houses are
Sign off the drawings — it’s all too easy to pick one-off prototypes. If you haven’t built before,
up another magazine, or talk to a friend, or see the chances of you getting it right first time are
another product. When I built my house, we greatly improved if you pick the right help. H

20-23_SmoothDesignProcess.indd 21 08/12/2016 12:08

12 Top Tips for Self-build Success
Industry experts share their words of wisdom for self-build success

Thinking about the landscaping to plan each stage of the build. As your project
from the outset could save money progresses, mark off the completed tasks and
“Work out the amount of topsoil that you circulate the updated programme between your
will require for your back garden and place this subcontractors. If your subcontractors clearly
before you start building your substructure. understand the progress on site, you may find
Placing the topsoil early before your house is that they will plan ahead making themselves
built will enable larger excavators to be used available to work on your project when you
which are much more efficient and will therefore need them. Break up your build programme into
reduce landscaping cost. If you place either too distinct phases and plan to complete a thorough
little or too much topsoil in rear inaccessible inspection before the next phase commences. By
gardens then additional money may have to defining individual sections of work you will be
be spent on dealing with it at a time when able to focus on the work that needs to be done,
access has been restricted.” Mark Stevenson which will help you to get everything complete
of Potton’s Self Build Academy to the right standard before the next stage starts.
Example stages would be: site preparation; sub-

“Insulate the garage floor slab structures; building envelope; watertight; first
like a house. It’s a low-cost solu- fixing; wet trades; second fixing; finishings; and
tion, but allows future conver- testing and commissioning.” Paul Newman of
sion or use without upheaval.” Potton’s Self Build Academy
Bruce J Beaton, project manager

“Never start building until you

Buy your structural warranty have a very clear idea of the
before building “If you think you may costs. Costs can easily rocket
sell your property within 10 years, buy a and it’s easy to end up in hot water.”
structural warranty before you break ground. Tom Gresford, director of Gresford Architects
Buying it then rather than at the end will save

you four to five times the premium. Also make Invest in the building fabric
sure you take a minimum of public liability cover “Investing in the ‘fabric-first approach’
on your plot once you exchange on it; accidents helps to lower your energy costs. Simple
happen and legal bills are costly.” adjustments can be made to enhance the energy
Andrew Reardon of ProAktive Selfbuild efficiency of your project. Smaller windows on
the north elevation (where there is less sunlight)

Don’t work to a Christmas will reduce costs as well as the amount of heat
deadline “Many self-builders make lost through the building. Larger windows on
the mistake of setting an unrealistic all other elevations will take advantage of the
completion date, based around a family occasion natural solar gains. Do not rely on renewables
or a key birthday — this is never a good idea as if your self-build doesn’t need them. These are
it can add undue stress to an already demand- hugely expensive pieces of kit (costing on aver-
ing process. Prepare yourself for the self-build age £12,000) and are great if you have no other
roller coaster — there are huge ups and downs form of heating. However, if you can use mains
throughout the process. From purchasing the gas, use it — it could cost around £1,200, saving
plot to planning issues… be prepared!” Allan you over £10,000.”
Corfield of Allan Corfield Architects Allan Corfield of Allan Corfield Architects

5 8
Break your self-build project Plan kitchen and bathrooms
into stages “Put together a simple bar early on in the process “Plan bath-
chart programme using a spreadsheet rooms and the kitchen before starting


24-25_Tips.indd 22 08/12/2016 12:40

Self-build Tips

on site. The window placement may look aes- three quotes before placing any orders. Go to
thetically pleasing from the exterior, but might builders’ merchants for the items they sell and
not necessarily work well with the self-builder’s timber suppliers for the timber — the timber
desired bathroom or kitchen layout. Again, door merchants are far more competitive.”
positions and ceiling heights can also impact on Peter Eade, builder and project manager
the layout. If you catch the plans early enough

you can make these changes. Prevent delays by ensuring
“With a new build there is a good degree of materials are on site when
flexibility as to where you can site the plumbing needed “Make your self-build the
and waste, so again, it’s important to catch the easiest and best place to work for your trades.
design early. Another issue, particularly in the By being able to get easy access and have all the
kitchen, is extraction. Some self-builders opt materials to hand, tradespeople will be much
for pitched ceilings or for large rooflights, but more productive and will therefore be more
then leave it too late to include provision for motivated and committed to your project. Con-
extraction above an island, for example. This sider using local trades wherever you can. Local
then means that downdraught extraction may companies will have a reputation to maintain
have to be included instead, but because the and will therefore be inclined to do a good job.
floor slab is already down, it has to be dug up. If Ask for references and check these out before
a design company is involved in the early stages you make a final appointment.” Mark Stevenson
– ideally before the design is finalised – then of Potton’s Self Build Academy
provisions can be made and the services can be

put in place, thus avoiding costly alterations. But Don’t forget the jobs
some self-builders do not approach a kitchen or that fall between trades
bathroom designer until the build is well under “If you’re project managing the build
way, and can then end up facing the same chal- yourself, hiring subcontractors directly, think
lenges as those taking on a renovation project.” of yourself as being the conduit via which all
Jim Gettings, J&S House of Design responsibility and information will and should
flow. Expecting the carpenter to have a chat

Be upfront with your insur- with the bricklayer prior to starting on site is
ance company “If your costs are a big leap of faith, yet far more common than
increasing during your build let your you would think. The liaison between trades is
insurer know. Most policies will have an ‘aver- a vital aspect in the progress of the works, and
age clause’ and under-insurance will have a enables timely resourcing and deliveries of mate-
big impact on any claim, no matter how small. rials. Remember, you are looking to manage the
Also be realistic with your timescales. If your gaps between the identified packages of works.
build is likely to take over two years to complete, Think of it as hosting a ‘handover’ between one
be upfront with your insurer at the outset. In package and the next and acting as a facilitator.
addition, if you sign JCT minor works clause Don’t be afraid of asking questions either, even if
5.4B make your insurer aware as it waves their you appear ignorant in the process. When deal-
right to subrogate a claim.” Andrew Reardon ing with the unknown, we often ‘clam up’ and
of ProAktive Selfbuild don’t want to appear not to be understanding.
This is, of course, the main route to assumption.

Negotiate material prices You are client, manager and boss — be it!
by phone “Once there is a prop- “Make sure that everyone talks to everyone
erly quantified list of all the mate- else. Prepare a project directory and distribute
rials, get in quotes from builders’ and timber it so every member of the team has everyone
merchants — don’t just turn up with a shopping else’s contact details. Publish the programme.
list and place the order. Quotations are best Have a schedule of tasks and plans for each day/
dealt with by telephone or email, and remember week, so the whole team are aware of how they
it’s often possible to negotiate better prices on fit into the overall process. Email is good, phone
the phone. Make sure all of the prices received calls are better, face-to-face is ideal.”
include VAT and delivery. Try and get at least Bob Branscombe, project manager H 23

24-25_Tips.indd 23 08/12/2016 12:40


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SUPP_Pages_2-60.indd 24 09/12/2016 09:18
10 things
you need to
know about . . .

There are ways of exposing the
frame internally and externally
An oak frame home, wrapped in an
encapsulation system such as SIPs, can
be clad in a variety of materials, including

brick, timber and render. Some home-
owners, however, still want the look of
exposed oak frame on both the exterior
and interior. The good news is there are
ways of achieving this: some of the larger oak frame companies
in particular have developed ingenious solutions.
Oakwrights, for instance, provides a bespoke system. Bill
Keir, Oakwrights’ general manager, picks up the story: “Our
patented 3i panel system meets stringent Building Regula-
tions. The beauty of the 3i panel is that it maintains the look
of a traditional ‘half-timbered’ house externally. Rather than
have every timber visible both internally and externally (which
If you’re considering using this natural causes coldbridging) many of the timbers are half-width. This
means that only the large structural beams and posts are
beauty for your self-build, read on… visible both inside and out. All secondary timbers are only

1 3
visible on one side which means an almost uninterrupted layer
of insulation can be run around the walls. It is this principle
that allows the 3i panel system to achieve a U value of 0.25
Oak frame is a Modern for the whole wall, not just through the centre of the panel.”
Method of Construction
Oak frame has seen a steady
renaissance over the past couple
of decades (self-builders have Approach a designer with
played a big role in this popular- experience of oak frame
ity) and oak frame construction Designing and detailing an oak
in 2017 is in many ways a Mod- frame house needs a designer well
ern Method of Construction — a versed in this construction system.
term which, in broad terms, describes methods “The most efficient oak frame homes
that involve off-site prefabrication. are those based on an understand-
Oak frames are constructed off-site, and ing of span and bays (an experienced
brought to site ready to be erected by an expe- designer will have a working knowl-
rienced team, often in under a week (depending edge of their possibilities and limitations),” says
on size and complexity). Infill panels of wattle Andy Parker of The Complete Oak Home. “For
and daub and, later, brick were originally used construction drawings, it’s about understanding
between the oak frame. Today, the oak frame oak as a construction material. Oak frame is less
still fulfils a structural role, but in order to meet well understood by generalist architects and
Building Regulations, can no longer be ‘infilled’ builders, yet the architectural detailing and the
in the traditional way. execution are crucial to lasting quality.”
Instead the frame is typically ‘encapsulated’ There are independent designers and archi-
within an insulated, airtight envelope, often tects with experience of designing with oak
using SIPs (structural insulated panels) — again frame; they may have ties with particular oak
prefabricated off-site. “SIPs are fast becoming frame companies, too.
the encapsulation system of choice for oak frame Another option is that Oakwrights, Border
buildings, as they form an unbroken high-per- Oak, Welsh Oak Frame and others offer an
forming thermal envelope, wrapped around the in-house design service as well as a portfolio of
frame,” explains Rob Dawson of Castle Ring Oak. different house styles. They will also work with
“When they go up, they go up quick.” your chosen designer. ➤ 25

27-31_OakFrame.indd 25 08/12/2016 12:08

SUPP_Pages_2-60.indd 26 09/12/2016 09:18
Building in Oak Frame

… but not necessarily
Part of the appeal of oak is that it does
not need to be finished — externally
it weathers to a silvery grey. There are

some homeowners, however, who wish
to retain the rich colour of green oak;
this is possible, but it can be a labour
Different oak frame suppliers of love. “There are treatments such as
offer different levels of service Sikkens or wax oils you can use to maintain the
Deciding how involved you want to be in the original colour, but once you start using such a
build can often influence your choice of oak frame treatment within an outside environment it will
supplier. Very few oak frame companies provide need to be repeated annually. Over time, sunlight
a full turnkey ‘package’ service. Those that do will turn external timbers an attractive silvery
will often offer different levels of service too. For grey, while oxidisation makes the internal wood
example, they may supply and erect the frame, or more honeyed, which in our view is much nicer,”
build the house to a weathertight shell (allowing says Ed Hamilton of Oakmasters.
you to project manage the groundworks prior and internal fit-out after). It is, however, a good idea to take extra care
Most oak companies will supply and erect the oak frame, and perhaps in rooms subject to high levels of humidity and
encapsulation system. One company offering something different is in spaces where splashes may be more prevalent
The Complete Oak Home. “We’re not an oak frame manufacturer but (e.g. the kitchen). “Water stains especially can
an independent multi-disciplinary team offering a full turnkey service mark the frame, so care needs to be taken with
which includes a unique project cost control process,” says Andy Parker. rooms such as bathrooms. If the frame is likely to
“We design and build oak frame homes, either recommending or using get splashed it may be worth oiling it locally with
your own chosen oak frame supplier.” a suitable product to give it some protection,”

5 7
recommends Rupert Newman of Westwind Oak.

Oak frames need to

be cleaned once erected Shrinking is part of the process
“All oak frames will need cleaning once “Shrinkage is the one factor that is guar-
the construction phase has concluded,” anteed when using green oak,” begins Paul
begins Merry Albright of Border Oak. Edmunds of Welsh Oak Frame.
“There will be the typical marks from Green oak refers to unseasoned timber
the building process, but there may which has a higher moisture content than
also be water marks or ‘blue-ing’ — seasoned oak. “Green oak will have been
a natural occurrence from tannin in felled in the past 18 months; the green
the oak touching steel.” This task can typically oak frames will gradually lose moisture
be undertaken by the oak frame supplier, but content and shrink over time, particularly in the first cou-
some self-builders – particularly those with an ple of years,” adds Ed Hamilton of Oakmasters. “Almost all
eye on the budget – choose to take this job on mainstream structural oak framing in the UK uses green
themselves. (Be warned, it’s time-consuming.) oak, rather than kiln-dried or air-dried oak. For superior
There are several options. “We recommend craftsmanship, green oak is much better than seasoned oak
that frames are cleaned with oxalic acid as this for cutting and shaping.
is a softer and less intrusive process that allows “However, this natural seasoning process will not weaken the
the natural character of the oak to come through structure. On the contrary, oak becomes harder and stronger
and also best showcases the detailing of the as it dries. Oak is naturally low in weight but high in density
frame,” says Merry. “Sandblasting can be a very (with a strength/weight ratio that is superior to steel) with
messy process that eradicates the top surface of excellent load-bearing capabilities. Oak shrinks in width,
the timber and can leave you with a very raised never in length, so there is no risk of a tenon ‘slipping’ out
grain — this might be the look some homeown- of a mortice. Cracks and splits (a characteristic of oak frame
ers are after but is fairly distinctive. Oxalic acid known as ‘shakes’) have very little effect on the structural
comes in crystal format and should be diluted integrity of the frame. As the grading system limits the angle
to the manufacturer’s recommendation — it at which the grain runs along a piece of oak, the splits which
should also be applied in strict accordance to open up along the grain as the fibres dry and separate do not
their guidance as it is an acid (albeit made from traverse the beam’s grain and thus do not weaken it,” says Ed.
rhubarb). It very softly bleaches the marks away Careful design and detailing on site, along with attention
but gloves and a breathing mask in a well-ven- to the drying out process once the frame is erected, can min-
tilated space are crucial. Some stubborn marks imise remedial work, as Paul Edmunds of Welsh Oak Frame,
may need a few applications with some sanding/ explains: “The condition of green oak is in a constant state of
scrubbing in between.” drying out from the point of felling, albeit slow. It is therefore ➤ 27

27-31_OakFrame.indd 27 08/12/2016 12:08

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SUPP_Pages_2-60.indd 28 09/12/2016 09:18

Building in Oak Frame

critical that the skill and experience of the frame erector is Introducing steel can open
recognised too. The expert eye of the carpenter on site is up the design opportunities
equally important in making sure that the frame goes up “Steelwork is often used to strengthen
true and plumb and they have a keen eye on the condition traditional carpentry joints and is typ-
of the oak before being assembled. ically unseen but allows us to create
“It’s also important to note that if the building is closed buildings which wouldn’t be possible
in too quickly and a heat source applied very soon after using purely traditional methods,”
the frame has been lifted, the shock of being forced to begins Paul Slemmings, frame design-
dry out quickly can introduce dramatic splits within the er at Carpenter Oak.
structure. While not necessarily structurally worrying, “There are many aesthetic and engineering
they may be unsightly.” reasons to incorporate stainless steel into an
Glazing also requires particular care. Face-applied glaz- oak timber frame,” adds Paul Kirkup, director
ing – whereby glazing is installed to the exterior of the and frame designer at Carpenter Oak, which has
frame, with an oak ‘strip’ used to disguise the join – is often been involved in many an impressive self-build
used as a solution to oak shrinking. There are companies project. “Steel bolts and flitch plates can be used
who specialise in this work, such as Black Pig Glazing. to end join or sandwich timbers together, with
the fixings left surface mounted for an industrial
look or highly polished and recessed flush into

the timber for a sleeker finish.
“Steel sections within a timber frame allow
An oak frame home can for many design possibilities, for example, when
be achieved on a budget steel tie rods and bow strings are incorporated
“The most common misconception into an oak frame the spanning of huge spaces
regarding oak frame homes is that is easily achieved, without the need for huge
they are beyond ‘normal’ self-build- sections of timber. When steel is combined with
ers’ budgets,” says Rupert Newman of curved timber, barrel roofs and curved walls can
Westwind Oak. “Although it is true to also be introduced.”

say that they are more expensive than
a standard softwood frame building,
they are comparable with any good-quality con-
struction technique.” You can extend
There are some key steps which can help when in oak frame
building an oak frame home on a tight budget. Oak frame can be a
Andy Parker of The Complete Oak Home takes fantastic option for an
up the story: “Consider using oak in just key are- extension; there is per-
as, perhaps the kitchen, living and dining area, haps no other construc-
entrance hall or master bedroom. The oak theme tion method which offers
can be carried through the rest of the house such a versatile aesthetic.
with simple oak lintels over windows or oak But there are a few fac-
joinery. In this way you won’t create spaces that tors to consider before deciding to extend in oak. “Green oak
feel incongruent with each other. Some rooms frames shrink, so if you are thinking of extending your home
in the house just don’t benefit from oak frame, with an oak frame it needs to be detailed correctly. Ideally the
indeed it can be detrimental to their function, walls, roof and glazing need to go on the outside of the frame.
such as in a utility room or boot room. Consider Glazing, especially, should be properly detailed to prevent
keeping these spaces clear of oak frame to make any water leakage,” says Rupert Newman of Westwind Oak.
them more practical and reduce cost. By far the “Oak framed extensions tend not to be tied in with existing
biggest cost driver with oak frame is the style masonry or timber framed homes in case there is differential
and extent of it. Choosing a simple Queen post movement. Normally they are built on their own foundations
truss rather than a complex arched brace truss next to the existing structure. Then a watertight movement
will keep cost down. Additionally, having just joint can be incorporated between the old and new. This sim-
‘primary structure’ (the big posts and beams) ply could be the lead flashing on the roof or some expanding
and no ‘secondary structure’ (smaller joists and ‘Compriband’ foam on the walls. H
rafters), will also help keep control of the cost.” 29

27-31_OakFrame.indd 29 08/12/2016 12:08

Designing a Home For Life
If you’re not planning to move on in the near future, your new home needs to be
flexible enough to change with you. Design expert Charlie Luxton explains how

on’t be under any illusions: building or a wet Wednesday in January and even worse
refurbishing a home is hard. It pushes with a herd of toddlers in the mix. After all, a
you to the limits and involves stress, house should be designed for life, not just for
money anxiety, dust, grime and end- Christmas.
less decision-making. In order to get Given that the average self-builder moves
through this demanding experience every 20 years (it’s 10 years for ‘normal’ people),
you’ll need to focus on the prize — the and people doing major renovations to existing
finished home. homes have similar longevity, you need to really
It’s often good to imagine sitting focus on the house not only throughout the year,
with a coffee and croissant in a sun-drenched good times and bad, but also over a major part
room, a huge family lunch on a long kitchen of your life. Think for a moment about how
Charlie Luxton table, a house party spilling out through bi-fold much your needs can change over that time;
Architectural designer Charlie doors into a laughter-filled garden. You will use from a newlywed couple perhaps to having a
is the director of Charlie Luxton this positive energy and excitement to drive you young family with toys and washing everywhere,
Design and a popular on. This is normal and understandable, but also through to truculent teenagers locked away in
broadcaster, presented dangerous: the events that the overstretched their rooms, to being a couple again. That’s not
Building the Dream on More4 and
self-builder or renovator can focus on are the to mention moving from fit late 40s right into
Homes by the Sea
fun times, which all too often results in houses frailer twilight years. Good architecture is, in
brilliant for (Christmas) parties, but useless for truth, the art of realism and good compromise.

Flexible Space
A playroom – which can be
closed off by means of a pocket
door – leads off the main open
plan living area in this self-built
home. While it provides a
playroom for owners Louise and
Ivor Nicholson’s young family at
present, it also forms an
occasional guest bedroom and
could easily become an office or
snug if required in the future.


32-35_Charlie.indd 30 08/12/2016 12:27

Lifetime Homes

A well-designed house can flex to meet your it will fit a bed, clothes storage and accommodate Ground Floor Access
current dreams as well as your lifetime needs. life for a person with reduced mobility. Crucially, A ground floor room, sizeable
The key word is flexibility. By this I don’t mean it needs to be adjacent to a room large enough enough to accommodate
weird architectural solutions or moving, sliding and with suitable plumbing for conversion into bedroom furniture and with
walls that are hardly ever used. I mean space a spacious bathroom. You don’t need to fit it out access to an adjacent bathroom
or wetroom, is a key ingredient to
that’s designed for a number of uses or con- now or connect the rooms, just ensure there is a the forever home. It may house a
figurations over time. It is important to leave knock-out panel in the wall (effectively a door- playroom, serve as a home office
as much possibility for change and alterations way – ideally, wide enough to accommodate a or a TV snug while children are
going forward because planning houses is a bit wheelchair – that is plastered over) marked up growing up, and could also form
like going to war. One particular military quote very carefully on a plan for future use. an accessible bedroom in
twilight years. Level access to a
springs to mind: ‘No battle plan survives contact beautifully landscaped garden
with the enemy.’ Whatever you think might hap- Subdiving Rooms (as here) is an optional bonus.
pen in life, probably won’t. A flexible, lifetime The ability to subdivide and reconnect children’s
home allows for the wonderful vagaries of life. rooms is also essential. The comings and goings
of children is usually the biggest challenge to the
The Flexible Ground Floor Room capacity of a home. Fixing a design for maximum
A key idea that should be included in every occupancy, as most people do, inevitably leads
house, because getting old is an inevitability, is to compromises in bathrooms, circulation and
a ground floor room that can start as a playroom communal spaces elsewhere. I have designed
or home office – whatever is needed now – and at houses where large shared kids’ rooms can be
a later date become an accessible bedroom suite. easily subdivided into smaller private ones as
We call them ‘antiquity suites’ in my architectur- they grow, just by getting the electrics, windows,
al practice. The room needs to be planned so that non-structural walls and knock-out panels for ➤ 31

32-35_Charlie.indd 31 08/12/2016 12:27

new doors in the right place. With a bit of sim- watch TV; this is where we eat. I may be old Designed for
ple joinery and plastering, one room can be fashioned but this stuff is important and open Future Conversion
transformed into two, and then after the little plan can be the enemy of harmonious family Attic trusses tend to be more
ones have flown the nest be turned back into living. I heard the phrase ‘broken plan’ recently expensive than fink trusses in
one again. and it is a much more useful concept and gives the short term, but enable a loft
space to be converted into
Also, give consideration to the placement of a sense of distinct but connected spaces which
habitable accommodation if
bathrooms. If two or more children’s bedrooms are more robust in dealing with change. future needs require, without
share a bathroom, positioning this room so that considerable structural work.
it could easily form an en suite when the accom- Give Thought to the Structure This home office features a
modation is reduced is a very good idea. Finally and perhaps most importantly, going pull-down double bed so that
the space can also function as a
back to the idea of never knowing what life will
guest bedroom.
Open Plan is Not Always the Solution throw at you, a robust, flexible structure is essen-
Getting the right balance in your living spaces tial. It is all well and good planning to move walls
is just as crucial, and again this changes over and change things at a later date, but if there
time. Open plan has been in vogue for the last are lots of structural walls everywhere, building
few years and part of that popularity is to do work begins to get difficult and expensive. Think
with ideas surrounding flexibility, but it is a about timber and steel superstructures to allow
false promise due to one main reason — noise. walls and floors to be moved with relative ease
The idea that a massive open living space can going forward.
accommodate groups of people doing different The same is true for roof structures, which Connected Spaces
things is simply not the case. should be designed for future occupancy with
Dedicated areas that connect
Young kids may trash these spaces in a split minimal work. Think attic trusses, purlin roofs, and flow into one another offer
second and be incredibly loud all day, but at as well as where stairs might possibly be posi- more flexibility than one large
least they go to bed early. Older ones with their tioned. This also goes for services. Changes to open plan ground floor space.
electronic devices and inconvenient late nights your layout and/or extensions get horribly messy Semi open plan spaces (as above,
mean that what was once a dream of loft-style and costly if you have to hack up the existing in this Baufritz self-build), or open
bookshelves and partial walls are
living becomes a noisy pain in the neck. house to service the new space. This does require ways of achieving this. A study
Even without kids the fact that you can end up a bit of forward thinking, but if you place a few (far right) provides a link
staring at your half-finished dinner and washing ducts with drawstrings running back to your between the kitchen diner and
up, feeling lazy, means that the promise of open plant room – again, note these on a plan – it can sitting room in this home by oak
plan is not always as advertised. make future changes so much more painless. frame specialist Border Oak; the
office and utility/WC has
While the recent hype regarding ‘the death I accept that planning for your current needs, potential to serve as a ground
of open plan’ is overblown, the days of the vast the dreams that are vital to getting you through floor bedroom suite, too. Another
kitchen/dining/sitting room that takes up the a build, as well as for a future that you can’t solution: glazed doors in this
entire ground floor, with a pokey loo and hall- ever really know, is a tall order. However, with self-build (right) visually connect

way, are going. Which is good news. Far more careful thought and design that accepts that the living room with the kitchen
diner, but allow the living space
interesting and flexible is space that allows for a home is not fixed in time, but is an evolving to be shut off when in use. The
moving between separate but connected areas entity, you can provide the flexibility needed for oak frame in this project was
that reflect different activities: this is where we a home for life. H provided by Welsh Oak Frame.


32-35_Charlie.indd 32 08/12/2016 12:28


32-35_Charlie.indd 33
Lifetime Homes

08/12/2016 12:28
How Works Packages
Helped Our Budgeting
Architect Neil Turner explains how a scientific approach to costs
helped his own award-winning remodelling project stay on budget

uilding projects can be completed to costs and fill in with accurate numbers. Take,
a budget — I’m living proof. I’m an for example, windows — one of the larger costs
architect, and I built my own dream on most projects. On Treetops, the elevations
home, Treetops, which won the Dai- showed the number of windows. We sought
ly Telegraph Homebuilding & Ren- alternative costs based on the planning ele-
ovating Award for Best Extension vations. Once a supplier was chosen, we then
in 2014. As well as the design, I am created a detailed window schedule so each
equally proud of the tight deadline, window was numbered, sized and the opening
programme and cost control in com- mechanism described (side hung, top hung)
pleting Treetops. and ironmongery selected. The manufacturer
Cost control is critical and should be applied could then provide a detailed and accurate fixed
Neil Turner throughout, from design to completion. As an cost. With every accurate cost, you gain more
Neil is a director of Durham and early estimate, a general cost per m2 is the best cost certainty and your budget becomes more
London based architectural you’re going to get — try the Homebuilding & guaranteed.
practice Howarth Litchfield Renovating build cost calculator (homebuilding.
Partnership and specialises in My clients usually ask why this Creating a List of Packages
residential design
is the case. I usually explain that each house is So how do you create the lists? Start with the
so unique and the list of finishes so variable — a design and the basic list above. Then look at each
kitchen can be £10,000 or £100,000, and even part of your house design. The external wall of
a brick can range from 20p to £1. my house had blocks, insulation, render, cedar
cladding and zinc. Each was initially given a
Estimating in Detail package number. The roof was also zinc so the
So how do you start to assess the costs on your zinc surrounds joined the roof package for ease
project? A project can be divided into separate of tendering. More packages can be created if
material costs and their quantities. This is a you are using different people, or if one subcon-
skill for a quantity surveyor who would ‘take off ’ tractor does the brick, block and groundworks
the building (measuring the drawings and con- then packages can be combined.
verting them into a list of costs and quantities) One top tip — don’t kid yourself! It’s a bit like
to prepare a bill of quantities. An alternative spending on credit: be honest with yourself and
method I undertook was to break the project don’t hide the guilty secrets. If you want the
down into ‘work packages’. bling chrome bathtub with water coming from
So what’s a work package? Start with the the ceiling, then put it down as a package and
basics of foundations, floors, walls, windows, price it up correctly (along with all the extra
roofs, electrical, mechanical, external works, plumbing, structure and work time involved).
statutory supplies, internal finishes, kitchens Plus, the more complex the item, the more pack-
and bathrooms. These 12 packages of work cov- ages it will impact on.
er the vast majority of your new build. With These days, the Cat 5 cabling, electrical goods,
my project Treetops, I broke the whole project etc. can be an expensive part, so make sure you
down further into a series of 147 detailed work have allowed for all the fittings and wiring prior
packages. Once you understand the costs of to the purchase of your new TV. You don’t want
each package, then you can control the real to be knocking holes in new plaster — I see it
cost of the overall project. Start by estimating all the time.


36-37_WorksCosts.indd 34 08/12/2016 14:29


So the initial 12 packages will expand. Keep

adding to them as rows in your spreadsheet.
In the columns, note which is your estimate,
a builder’s estimate, an accurate quote and a
definite fixed price. Before you start on site I
would advise that for the majority of packages
there’s a figure in the fixed price column or at
least an accurate quote.
So, hopefully you will have created your list
of packages and have fixed costs against most,
with an accurate guess against the remaining.
You now have a real building budget and a tar-
get cost to work against. This target cost is the
key to success.

Dealing with Overages

If a package goes over, you can accept it and
increase your overall budget or alternatively,
look to create a saving in another package, main-
taining the overall project cost. You should also
have a separate package called ‘contingency’ for
unknown events — aim for 5-10 per cent of the
overall cost. On my project the underpinning
came in higher due to ground conditions, so my
initial contingency absorbed this painful cost.
This is often the hardest piece of budgeting on
a project. An increase isn’t necessarily a problem
so long as you know about it immediately. Don’t
accept late requests for additional costs from
your subcontractors and insist on knowing why The Author, Outside Treetops
and when. As an architect, my favourite question Typical Packages Neil and Anita undertook a huge
to builders is ‘why?’ Continue to ask until you
are clear and understand.
and Cost Ratios remodelling and extension
scheme (above) to the 1960s
Prelims (tools, plant hire, home they bought in
including scaffolding, Northumberland. They spent
Detail is King 12% £300,000 on the project, which
waste removal)
I have already mentioned that detailed costs has won several awards.
are always best and to achieve that you need Footings 9%
detailed information from your architect. The Ground floor structure 4%
more information and detail the better — and Wall build-ups 14%
the earlier the better, to allow time for tendering.
Roof structure 4%
Subcontractors are great sources of information.
When I present a set of details, they may have First floor structure 1%
suggestions. I don’t have to accept these, but usu- Rainwater goods 1%
ally they are suggesting them for good reason. If Roof covering 8%
they have priced up a package and it’s too much,
Doors and windows 15%
then ask for suggestions on how to reduce the
costs — there is a difference between bartering Plastering 3%
(bad) and value engineering a package (good). Internal joinery 7%
Through the course of my project, I constantly Electrical 4%
monitored the costs, reviewed the extra requests

Heating 4%
and issued instructions to the builder and the
various subcontractors, noting ups and downs Plumbing 4%
in expenditure. H Decorating 10% 35

36-37_WorksCosts.indd 35 08/12/2016 14:29

How to Save Serious Money
with VAT Reclaims
First, the good news — VAT can be claimed back on many elements of
self-build and conversion projects. But failing to keep to the rules could
mean you waste an eye-watering 20 per cent (at current VAT rates) of
your budget on unnecessary indirect taxes. Accountant Andrew
McDonald explains how to make every VAT-reclaimable penny count

ver the years, I have seen large
amounts of VAT lost on projects
because the opportunity to reclaim
the tax is overlooked or given low pri-
ority during the build. It is also diffi-
cult to rectify errors or mistakes down
the line. Ensuring that you incur the
minimum amount of VAT overall on
your project is key to its financial suc-
cess, and hopefully this article will highlight its
importance and help you avoid the pitfalls. Get
Andrew McDonald it right and your budget can be managed, adding
(MAAT FCCA) to the satisfaction when completed.
Andrew is a qualified accountant If you are building a new house, converting
a building into a new dwelling or bringing an

who has built his own house. He
prepares and submits VAT existing dwelling that has not been lived in for
claims for domestic clients and
assists clients who require VAT 10 years back in to use, the DIY Housebuilders
advice throughout their project. Scheme (Notice VAT431NB and VAT431NC) VAT Paperwork
He also deals with HMRC reviews allows you to reclaim from HMRC some of the Get the VAT paperwork right and
and appeals, and tribunal cases VAT that you have paid out for your project. you can look forward to a
following rejected VAT claims. To claim, your project must be eligible and sizeable chunk of funds at the
lawful, for personal occupation by you or a family end of your project. This
paperwork enabled self-builder
member and evidence of completion must be George Davies to claim back
provided. The VAT reclaimed must be correct- £13,000 in VAT (see page 39).
ly incurred, all relevant VAT invoices must be
included and only one claim can be made —
and it must be submitted within three months
of completion. You will usually get the refund
within 30 working days of sending in the claim.

Top Tips
Consider the VAT implications before start-
ing your self-build or conversion project

If your project changes in nature during the

course of works, e.g. from a remodel to a dem-
olition and new build, then you must obtain
the appropriate paperwork to prove this.


40-43_VAT.indd 36 08/12/2016 12:33


Many self-builders regularly overlook this area. CLAIM UNDER THE DIY HOUSEBUILDERS SCHEME
You should ensure that you are charged the cor-
rect rate(s) of VAT on all costs associated with
your project. Getting this right is very important, ELIGIBLE NON-ELIGIBLE
as HMRC will not refund any VAT that has been
incorrectly charged.
New builds — creating a new
dwelling built from scratch, 8 Extensions and self-
contained accommodation
providing it is to be used by you (e.g. a granny annexe) that do
New builds, conversions, and renovations or your relatives as a family not create an independent
that bring a dwelling that has not been lived home for residential or holiday dwelling in their own right,
in for 10 years back into use as a dwelling: purposes. Any existing unless built at the same time
building must be demolished as part of a new dwelling
l For these projects, the supply of materials only
to ground level. Where
is always at the standard rate of VAT, which is required by planning consent,
currently 20% (5% on some energy items). You
can recover all of the VAT incurred on eligible
an existing façade can be
retained 8 Separate buildings that are
part of your planning
permission, apart from a
materials via the scheme.
garage — for example, a
l The supply of labour only or the joint supply of
Garages for use with the new garden store or a detached
labour and materials should be at the zero rate
(0%) for new builds and at the reduced rate,
3 dwelling, and covered by
planning permission at the
swimming pool building

currently 5%, for conversions and renovations same time

Refurbishments of existing
that bring a dwelling that has not been lived in
for 10 years back into use as a dwelling. When Conversions that create a
8 dwellings (unless empty for
10 years)
the project ends, the owner can reclaim 5% VAT
on eligible joint supply of labour and materials.
3 new dwelling — converting a
non-residential building, for
I often see large amounts of VAT lost on pro- example, a barn, old church, A new dwelling constructed
jects where the correct VAT treatment has not business premises, into a new
8 for any business use, such as
a holiday rental or buy to let
been carefully managed. Many tradespeople/
contractors are not experienced in dealing with
the VAT rules on new builds and eligible conver- Renovations that bring a
sions and sometimes say ‘it doesn’t matter now, 3 dwelling that has not been
lived in for 10 years back into
as you will get the VAT back at the end anyway’.
use as a dwelling
However, this is not true. Don’t leave it to the
contractor. If you are unsure of any aspect of
VAT on your project, engage the services of a If the new build or conversion
professional to help you get it right. 3 is a holiday home for you and
your family’s personal use
Top Tip
Ensure you are charged the correct rate of Landscaping and outside
VAT by all VAT-registered labour providers
before engaging their services
3 works covered by your
planning permission. This may
include paving, fencing, turf
and shrubs, etc
Special Circumstances
l Renovations to dwellings empty for
two years or more are eligible for the
reduced rate of VAT of 5% via a VAT-
registered contractor.
l Works involving a net change in the number
of dwelling units are also eligible for the reduced
rate of VAT of 5%, i.e. converting two cottages
into one house, or reversion of three flats back

into a house. Above: Build costs for extensions are

l Some work to alter a house for someone who normally not eligible for VAT refunds.
is disabled is zero rated for VAT. ➤ 37

40-43_VAT.indd 37 08/12/2016 12:33

l Some adaptations work to alter a house for MATERIALS: EXAMPLES OF WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN’T CLAIM
someone who is disabled is zero rated for VAT. UNDER THE DIY HOUSEBUILDERS SCHEME
These reduced VAT rates are only available
via VAT-registered contractors and not under
the DIY Housebuilders Scheme.

Top Tip All materials normally Equipment hire, e.g.

Obtain and keep all relevant invoices to
ensure that you can recover all eligible VAT.
3 incorporated in a new dwelling
— all construction materials, e.g.
8 scaffolding, JCB hire
(machine only), WC hire, etc
concrete, blocks, bricks,
Remember, you can recover the eligible VAT
insulation, sand, cement,
on invoices that include both eligible and plaster, timber, roofing, stairs, Consumables, e.g.
non-eligible items. windows, guttering, doors,
paint, etc
8 paint brushes,
hand tools, etc
Valid VAT Invoices
Ensure you retain all valid VAT invoices, as the
originals must be submitted to HMRC with your
claim. Electronic payment receipts and emails
Electrical and plumbing
materials 8 Professional fees,
e.g. architects’ fees, Standard
Assessment Procedure
confirming orders are not valid VAT invoices (SAP) calculations, project
and so any VAT paid is potentially lost. Fitted furniture such as manager, etc
Invoices should include the supplier name, 3 kitchen units and worktops
their VAT number, the invoice date, a description Kitchen appliances,
of the goods supplied (and services if applicable)
and the value of the invoice. 3 Extractor fans 8 including those

integrated, e.g. hob, oven,

If one of your tradespeople/contractors uses dishwasher, etc
Light fittings, wooden floor
their trade account to source your materials
3 systems, linoleum, floor tiles,

and so is in their name, ensure that you pay door furniture, fireplaces and Bedroom furniture,
the supplier direct and keep the evidence, as it
will be required.
fires, fixed towel rails, mirrors,
solar panels, boilers, sewage
8 bathroom furniture,
such as vanity units and
The VAT incurred on invoices from VAT-regis- treatment plants, TV aerials, free-standing units
curtain poles
tered suppliers in the EU can be claimed too, as
long as the invoice includes the relevant infor- Carpets
mation (including their VAT number). Swimming pools and saunas 8
Top Tip
3 inside or linked to the new
dwelling Delivery costs, when
Many purchases are made online these days, 8 separately invoiced
by a courier
so ensure that you obtain a valid VAT invoice Delivery charge included
when buying, as this may prove difficult to
obtain at a later date.
3 on an invoice for materials

Key Points:
l Ensure your project is eligible.
l Ensure that you are charged the correct rates
of VAT throughout your project.
l Don’t ask a non-VAT registered contractor to This list is not exhaustive, but includes the usual items.
supply materials, as you won’t be able to reclaim
VAT on those materials.
l Obtain a valid invoice for all of the eligible
materials that you purchase. Many self-builders are often unaware of the
l Keep all of your relevant invoices together. non-eligible items, and so knowing what is and
l Ensure your claim is made within three isn’t allowed can save you money — for exam-
months of completion. ple, buying wooden floor systems or floor tiles
l Engage the services of a professional to ensure instead of carpets will allow you to reclaim VAT
you recover the maximum VAT. for flooring.


40-43_VAT.indd 38 08/12/2016 12:33


SELF-BUILDERS’ ADVICE accept originals and in the chaos of a self-build

Two self-builders give their advice, based project, paperwork can be given a low priority,
on claiming back thousands of pounds until you try and assemble everything to send
worth of VAT on their building projects to the VAT reclaim office in Glasgow.
“Sending the paperwork off was a bit nerve
Leicestershire-based self-builder Keith Sprintall racking: the bundle of original invoices is often
– who built his home for just over £80,000 – had worth tens of thousands of pounds. We all are
a 99 per cent success rate on his VAT refund sub- familiar with the box on the form that says ‘what
mission, but ran into problems with an invoice is the value of your parcel?’ — it is not often you
for fitted kitchen units from a large national put down £13,000,” says George, who safeguard-
supplier that was rejected by HMRC. “In the ed by sending his invoices by recorded delivery. H
Keith Sprintall letter explaining this, the VAT office issued the
Self-builder following statement: ‘All claims submitted for
a DIY VAT refund which contain errors are SELF-BUILDER CLAIMS VAT BACK
considered for penalties for inaccuracies under AFTER DECADES-LONG PROJECT
schedule 24 Finance Act 2007’,” says Keith. A self-builder who took nearly 30 years
The query was finally only sorted after several to complete his own project to build a
attempts to resolve the problem. The moral house and garage has won his appeal
of the story is: don’t assume that the supplier in the tax courts.
fully understands all the inner workings of VAT HMRC had previously denied the
returns, and don’t expect HMRC to provide a self-builder, Mr Bowley from Gloucester-
refund if there are any errors, even if the fault shire, a VAT refund on the grounds that the
lies with your supplier and not you. Keith con- two buildings had not been completed at
cludes: “On the whole, we think our claim ran the same time.
very smoothly, though the VAT office do use Mr Bowley argued that building the
intimidating terminology which is not always house and garage had been a single pro-
sympathetic to the individual self-builder.” ject and that it had taken so long because it
was a solo project that he had undertaken
in his retirement. The tribunal agreed, stat-
“The VAT refund is a very big deal for self-build- ing that a house and garage are “construct-
ers, as it is a useful sum of money heading back ed … at the same time” if they are both built
to you at the end of the build — often a time as part of a single continuous project.
when self-builders are very short of funds,” says The tribunal noted: “HMRC accept that
George Davies, who has built two homes over it is possible to make a claim under the
the past three decades. On his second self-build DIY scheme within three months after
in 2013, he and his wife waited until the build completion of a building, no matter how
was nearly complete before submitting their VAT long the construction of the dwelling may
paperwork, meaning that they could reclaim the take. Thus, a claimant might take 30 years
VAT on as many items as possible. to complete a DIY building project, and
“It creates a dilemma because you can only then make a claim within three months of
George Davies make one claim and there are always more things completion which would include invoices
Self-builder to do that might qualify for the VAT refund but up to 30 years old.”
you need the money back at the time, not weeks Permission for Mr Bowley’s project
or months later,” he says. (building, garage and driveway) had been
“For self-builders, I would suggest you make granted in 1982. His case was strengthened
the VAT people your best friend early on — do by the fact that preliminary groundwork
get in touch with them if you are in any doubt for the garage had been undertaken before
about how to handle any transaction. If a sup- the house was finished in 1994 and a rein-
plier is hesitant about playing ball with your ‘do forced floor slab for the garage floor had
not charge me VAT request’, phone up the VAT been laid in the same year, some three
office and get clarification.” months after the work on the house was
George also suggests storing receipts in a finished. The case was heard in the First-
secure and orderly fashion. “My advice is: keep Tier Tribunal of the Tax Chamber on 1
a file from day one. The VAT office will only October 2015. 39

40-43_VAT.indd 39 08/12/2016 12:33


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HB&R Plot Ad feb17v2.indd 40 08/12/2016 15:20

Builders’ Quotes

Why are my Builders’

Quotes Beyond Budget?
It’s a familiar story — you’ve gone out to tender and the quotes received back are way
over budget. Step in project manager Bob Branscombe, who explains why this has
happened and advises on how to avoid this unhappy situation from the off

e all know the scenario — choices when pricing the work:
armed with our drawings,  Price the cheapest option and look for extras
designs and cost plans we go and changes later.
out to tender, eagerly await  Raise numerous queries and questions
our quotes, and then struggle throughout the tender process.
to understand why the prices  Price based on their assumptions and allow-
we receive are way above our ances to make sure they have an easy run of
expectations. Our first (and the works.
understandably human) reac- The latter, I would suggest, is as prevalent as
tion is one of disappointment, shock and then the other two approaches combined: the builder
simple incredulity — why are the prices so high? looks at the work, makes allowances which may
Bob Branscombe Obviously the builders have got it wrong, and be in excess of requirements or over-specced,
Bob is a chartered surveyor
frankly need to realise what an opportunity our and the price is correspondingly higher.
with almost 30 years’ experience job is for them… In times when building work is in abundant
running a mix of residential Sound familiar? There are several factors supply, builders want jobs which they anticipate
and commercial projects. He which commonly contribute — some of which will run smoothly, not those that will be fraught
has particular expertise in are our fault, others less so. Here we explore with problems. Better to price the work high
cost estimation and
project scheduling.
them in detail. and minimise trouble along the line; that is a
builder’s general approach in times of booming

Ensure the Tender Information workloads.
is Neither Flaky nor Ambiguous

When you go out to tender, chances are Avoid Putting in Unnecessary
that you are intimately familiar with what you or Over-Complex Information

expect from your finished job. You might need This is a tricky one. I preach time and time
to pick a colour or two, but generally you will again that the inputs affect the contract, so it
understand exactly what you want. It stands could be inferred that the more information the
to reason then that your builder will also need better. In the main this is not a bad thing, but
to know this. However, if the information you I would suggest that appropriate information
provide (the ‘inputs’) is flaky, ambiguous or is the overarching requirement. Repetitive or
contradictory, then your builder is left with three overly complicated sets of documents can often ➤ 41

51-53_BuildersQuotes.indd 41 08/12/2016 12:34

cause tendering builders to assume a level of ing the work, the builder will by nature assume
complexity that is not necessarily there, and the the worst-case scenario if they cannot under-
prices tend to creep up as a consequence; the stand from the documents what is required.
builder does not wish to have missed something The result? More contingency money is built
or be caught out. into their price — and you receive a price which
Providing engineering, landscaping, geo- is higher than it needs to be.
technical and construction drawings is a good

plan generally, if you have them. However, if all Has your Designer Taken
you want is the superstructure quote from the Their Eye Off the Budget?
builder to get you to shell stage, sending them Your design team are rightly concerned
the internal fit-out details runs the risk of over with coming up with a design which meets your
considering the works and pricing potentially dreams and expectations, fits within the plot and
more work than expected. The secret is to go planning regime, and is buildable. Often (in fact
out to tender with the correct, coordinated and more often than not, in my experience) they take
relevant information to fully understand and their eye off the budget. When you commission
price the works required — no more, no less. a home, you tend to focus from day one on the

Inadequate Information We tend to assume that the builder has
Often Leads to Overpricing
This is the counterpoint to point two.
overpriced the job, not that our budget is
Remember that you are asking your builder to no longer contemporary to the project
price and build the works as per your require-
ments. If your drawings only show four walls and maximum budget, but then all parties tend to
a roof, with no constructional information, you forget this as the excitement and challenges of
run the risk of them over-specifying or assuming the design process commence. I would stress
details that may or may not be there. that development of the budget is as important
If the builder is conscientious, and you are as the design, and should be an evolving process
expecting a fixed-price ‘turnkey’ quotation, which is carried out and checked every day as
then they will have to make a great number of the design evolves. Every decision or change to
assumptions when pricing the work. The less the design affects budget in some way, and the
information there is on the drawings and spec- design team should be advising you on this.
ification, the more they have to guess what you When you appoint your designer or architect,
really want. While some items will be forgotten, make sure that budget considerations are part of
it is more likely that they will overprice the work the scope of service; they must be able to advise
to make sure they have covered everything. and design within your budget. They should
In some cases, the work may end up in dispute. advise you from the outset whether your plans
Where the information is inadequate, it is very are realistically achievable within your available
challenging to forensically dissect the works funds and keep a watching brief on this prior to
to understand what was expected and what receipt of tenders. Otherwise the first indication
was included in the tenders and contracts. In of budget challenges is when the tenders are
buoyant times, no builder wants the heartache opened and the prices are too high. At this point,
and hassle of disputes, so they tend to overprice. despite the potential of value engineering, it is
often impossible to revisit and fundamentally

Don’t Leave Room forAssumption change the design without wasting time and
Your tendering process should, above all, effort already expended (and paid for), and so
seek to eliminate any scope for assump- you are in reality fiddling while Rome burns.
tion. As soon as you say the words ‘I thought Keep an eye on budget every single time you
that’, the opposing party in the building contract think about your project. Tracking the costs as
can counter with ‘well, I thought differently’ — the design evolves is the best way to ensure you
neither party is wrong, both are simply victims fully understand the scope and design of the
of reliance on assumption. building — much more effective than looking at
Assumption only breeds confusion and/or drawings alone and wondering about furniture
misinterpretation, and in most cases, when pric- placement…


51-53_BuildersQuotes.indd 42 08/12/2016 12:34

Builders’ Quotes

Busy Times Mean Builders
can Pick and Choose Work
Builders are currently very busy. In
today’s economic climate, there is a shortage
of builders and technicians, and a surfeit of
demand for building work, home improvement
and maintenance. This inevitably means that
good builders (and in the current market if
someone is desperate for work you should won-
der why…) will consider their commitments and
work over the next few months, and their pricing
levels will creep up accordingly. is the key to successful pricing and budgeting —
If builders have to find a way of fitting more the factors listed in this article are all influences
work in, they will need to find more resources, over and above the practical elements, such as
stretch themselves in terms of management and the number of bricks, hours worked, cost of win-
cash flow, and as such, they will price to try to dows, etc. You and your design team can cover
cover this. Market forces dictate that if a builder these off reasonably accurately, but the aspects
does not need the work, why should they offer that get forgotten or ignored are the factors I
a cut-price bargain to you? have briefly touched on above: those intangibles
It is also worth considering the builder’s that make our job more expensive than others,
approach and view of your project. If they have or more expensive than we had expected.
several schemes to ‘choose from’ when pricing, Your budget is a ‘live’ and evolving aspect of
they will view them not just in terms of potential the scheme. When you start out, the first bit of
earnings and turnover, but also in terms of the science you can bring to the scheme is the gross
likely smoothness and ease of execution. amount of money you can get hold of. This is the
A new build on a clear site, with ample first ‘control factor’ and should be sacrosanct.
on-street parking, easy access for cranes and If the design team then ignores this, you don’t
heavy equipment and a payment regime clearly track it, the design changes and evolves, and the
set out and defined will be far more attractive level of fit-out gets higher, then obviously the
than a remodelling job in an inner city area with budget is now inadequate. However, because we
parking permits and road closure challenges. set the budget in stone at the outset, we tend
Even assuming identical costs, the more chal- to assume that the builder has overpriced the
lenging project will be less attractive and the job, not that our budget is perhaps no longer
builder will therefore price it higher to accom- contemporary to the project. The lesson here
modate the idiosyncrasies attached to the job. is to keep ownership of the budget, have it at
Consider if you can ease these pressures and the top of the agenda when every design and
make your scheme attractive to the supply chain. construction detail is discussed or tweaked, and
Equally, a restrictive and overly ‘client-focussed’ get the design team to buy in to this number.
regime of management and administration can As a footnote, consider the time factor: you
put off builders. I am not advocating relaxing probably set your budget prior to even getting
correct contract administration processes, but planning permission, several months will have
in my view, in a busy market, the builder will passed, and inflation becomes a real presence in
price ‘the buggeration factor’ into a job… the pricing levels your builder is experiencing.
In conclusion, you have several easy wins:

Ensure your Budget be concise but accurate in your documenta-
Remains Contemporary tion, make your design team play a proac-
The main reason that the price is higher tive part in budget compliance, and factor
than expected when you receive the tenders into your budget all the ‘soft’ and intangi-
could be simply that your budget was too low. ble costs you can think of. While no one can
Our first reaction may be: ‘I don’t like that’. The predict the whims of builders, perhaps we
trick here is to try to understand why it is not the can understand why they are not necessarily
news we wanted. The science behind the price overcharging us! H 43

51-53_BuildersQuotes.indd 43 08/12/2016 12:34

Making Sense of
Your Eco Home Options
Most of us believe that eco houses are a ‘good thing’ — but what
do we actually mean by this broad term and what measures are
best suited to your project? Eco expert Tim Pullen explains all

hat do we mean by the term l Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
‘eco house’? It seems there is (MVHR) system
no single definition: the near- l Heating from a renewable source (such as
est we get is: ‘a dwelling that solar, heat pump or biomass)
uses materials and (perhaps) l PV (photovoltaic) panels, small wind turbine
technology to reduce its ener- or electricity from a ‘green’ supplier
gy needs and its impact on the l Natural materials — avoidance of PVCu and
environment’. other plastics
But then some definitions l Rainwater harvesting
include phrases like ‘environmentally friendly’, l Greywater collection
‘sustainable materials’, ‘healthy living’ and the l Composting toilet
Tim Pullen idea broadens out to include everything from a The list could go on, but can be treated more
Tim is an expert in sustainable couple of solar panels to a house built entirely as a menu than a shopping list. It is a matter of
building and energy efficiency. of reused tyres. picking those items best suited to the project
He runs the green home Similarly, there are a plethora of eco house and the people building it. If we accept that
consultancy Weather Works, design types: it is not possible to reduce our impact on the
advising clients on renewables
l Fabric first (e.g. Passivhaus) environment to zero, then what constitutes an
and energy efficiency
in the home. l Carbon neutral eco house is a matter of degree: a completely
l Healthy homes standard brick-and-block house with a solar
l Biophilic (linking the house to nature) panel on the roof is at least more eco than the
l Cradle-to-cradle (which looks at the lifecycle house next door.
of materials)
l Holistic design (which looks at the impact of The Difference Between
the house on the people living in it and the local Eco, Green and Sustainable
environment) Green has no real meaning, but other than that
l Earthship Biotecture (building entirely with the terms seem interchangeable. ‘Eco’ may be
natural and recycled materials).   an abbreviation of ‘ecologically sensitive’, and
What this tells us is that an eco house can be ‘sustainable’ may mean using natural materials
anything we want it to be, given that it offers from well-managed sources but ultimately they
some difference (improvement, perhaps) on the lead to the same thing: a house that, by design,
accepted norms. An eco house could include minimises its environmental impact.
some or all of the following: Many eco housebuilders start and end with
l Higher than normal levels of insulation the idea of energy efficiency, which is another
l Better than normal airtightness way of saying lower running costs. Strathclyde
l Good levels of daylight University published a paper in 2013 show-
l Good double or triple-glazed windows ing that the embodied energy in a house can

l Passive solar orientation — glazing be equivalent to up to 25 per cent of the total

oriented south for light and heat lifetime energy demands of the house. To be
l Thermal mass to absorb that solar heat considered ‘eco’, then, the house design needs
l Minimum north-facing glazing — to to give some consideration to materials and
reduce heat loss embodied energy. ➤


42-49_GreenNew.indd 44 08/12/2016 14:31

Eco Self-build

The Healthy Home

Helen and Burnett Lunan built
this eco home for their
retirement using natural and
sustainable materials. Helen, a
retired GP in Bishopbriggs just
outside Glasgow, became aware
through her work of the harmful
effects of housebuilding
chemicals. As a result, the couple
decided that their home,
designed by LDN Architects,
would be built using natural
materials wherever possible, as
well as being energy efficient.
The low-pitched roof is covered
by aluminium, specified because
the material can be easily
recycled, while most of the stone
in the house came from a ruined
cottage on the one-acre site. 45

42-49_GreenNew.indd 45 08/12/2016 14:31

KEY ELEMENTS OF AN ECO HOUSE chosomatic, but does that really matter? Any The Low-Cost New Build
l Energy Efficiency doctor will confirm that a psychosomatic pain Ian and Simone Pritchett
Any house with eco pretensions must be ener- hurts just as much as a real one and if people self-built an energy-efficient
gy efficient — it is the starting point. Often feel good then that is a ‘real’ feeling. home of hemp/lime
this is limited to space heating only and sim- l Green Roof, Green Walls construction, at a build cost of
just £788/m2. The home’s
ply achieved with more insulation, as if that One of the maxims of the purist eco builder is thermally efficient structure and
is the only energy consumption that can be to replace the ecology that the house stands on. use of eco technologies, such as a
addressed. An eco house needs to address energy A green roof will replace it with an ecology, but mechanical ventilation heat
consumption wherever it occurs. Space heating usually it is a different, and sometimes more recovery system, means the
is important, but so too is hot water and elec- diverse and interesting, ecology. A green roof will home has a heat demand of
around 2.5kW — around the same
tricity consumption. usually not support the same plant and animal as a powerful hair dryer.
l Materials life that the ground did and will not usually be
A walk around any builders’ merchant will show maintained in the same way that a garden is.
that there has been a shift towards more sus- It therefore needs specialist planting, which in
tainable materials. This may have been driven by turn is likely to bring in different insects and
the (now defunct) Code for Sustainable Homes, other animal life.
where using sustainably sourced materials was  A green wall is essentially the same as a green
a good way of gaining points without impacting roof, but vertical and with different plants and
on the design or convenience of the house. is, perhaps, an even clearer statement of eco cre-
Now Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) cer- dentials. They are typically not installed to all the
tified timber seems to be stocked as standard, walls of the house, maybe just one wall or even
rather than being subject to special request; a part of a wall, but even so they will have a
there is less PVCu around and timber windows dramatic effect on the fauna using the garden.
and doors are making a comeback; and the Green Wall Systems is a good place for more
availability of natural materials – hemp, lime, information (
sheep wool, cellulose – has increased as prices l ‘Fabric First’ Concept
have fallen. But for the eco builder, reused and Passivhaus is probably the best known fabric
recycled are also holy grails. first standard, where the envelope of the house
And that is not just a matter of what the mate- is designed to minimise the heat loss of the
rial is recycled from, but what it could eventu- house, and consequently its energy demands. To
ally be recycled to. One Passivhaus built in the some extent, at least, it also addresses the total
middle of Cardiff is entirely demountable, for energy demands of the house and its occupants,
instance. It is a timber frame house that uses but does little to address materials, their energy
no nails or glue, only screws and bolts, so that content, sustainability or recycling.
at the end of the house’s life everything can be Energy efficiency is a prerequisite for the
taken apart and the salvaged materials reused. eco accolade, and Passivhaus qualifies in that
l Natural Materials = Healthy House? respect. However, there is a danger that this
People who live in houses built mainly with approach reinforces the idea that energy effi-
natural materials say that the house has a better ciency is the only target for the eco builder. The
‘feel’ to it. And it is true that there are no known fabric first concept actually takes the builder
examples of this type of house having ‘sick house much further than that. It deals with insulation,
syndrome’ — which tend to be associated with airtightness, thermal bridging, etc, but it also
buildings using a lot of steel and plastic, and deals with thermal mass, glazing and orienta-
where the occupants feel uncomfortable or even tion. It considers how the house can be used to
physically ill. heat itself — using the fabric of the house as
 There is a good deal of controversy over part of the heating system. 
whether non-natural materials – mainly plastics If reducing running costs is the only criterion,
and non-natural insulation – contain chemicals then fabric first is the way to go. But if the builder
that can gas-off to the detriment of occupants. is also concerned about CO2 emissions, water
There is no controversy that natural materials consumption, resource depletion and the impact
do not contain those chemicals. The fact that on the local ecology, then Active House may be
people living in houses using predominantly an option — it is similar to Passivhaus but goes
natural materials feel good may be entirely psy- two steps further, by generating at least as much ➤


42-49_GreenNew.indd 46 08/12/2016 14:31

Eco Self-build


Rachel Haynes, director of Thread forefront of an ecological approach to future

Architects: Removing VAT from homes. Removing the VAT from significant
renovations and improvements improvements and adaptations would help lock
would help improve the existing the carbon in our existing housing stock and pro-
housing stock mote work towards increasing energy efficien-
“Our view is that every existing dwelling is an cy. It would also create work for local builders
eco home, as it has already invested most of and allow homeowners to stay in their existing
its embodied energy in its construction. The homes, taking the strain off the need for new
fact that VAT is applicable to most domestic housing. As well as allowing easier adaptations
building work including renovations, but not to our existing building stock, new build homes
to new builds, reinforces a throwaway culture should also be assessed for their ability to adapt
that cannot be seen as sustainable or eco. The to long-term developments in our needs, tech-
ability to adapt what we have should be at the nologies and use of our homes for the future.”

Is My House an Eco House?

“My house was built in July 1817,” says the author of
this piece, Tim Pullen. “The stone for the walls came
from the fields that surround the house; the lime for
the mortar was made in a lime kiln about two miles
away; the timber would have originally come from
forests perhaps five miles away; the roof is covered
in local slate. Heat is (as it was originally) provided
by wood and most of the electricity is today
provided by a wind turbine.
 “When I bought the house there was no intent to
buy an eco house and there has been no conscious
effort since to make it ‘eco’. Two hundred years ago
there was no option but to use local, sustainable
materials. Today, for me at least, using renewable
energy is commercially and practically sensible. By
most definitions, ours is an eco house but it might be
said we have arrived there by accident.” 47

42-49_GreenNew.indd 47 08/12/2016 14:31

energy as the house consumes and considering lation as consistent as possible on the whole Locally Sourced
the health and comfort of the people living in it. building envelope. Neil and Mary Gourlay’s house in
l Recycled materials The local salvage yard is Dumfries and Galloway draws on
l Renewable Energy likely to be a repository of useful (and cheap) the four Rs of sustainability
To an extent, this can be considered as a substi- materials. Try to break the cycle of buying (reduce, reuse, recycle and
recover). It incorporates
tute for fabric first — the builder either achieves everything new.
reclaimed railway sleepers for
an energy-efficient envelope or provides low- l Green the plot Getting rid of hard surfaces the wooden floors and functional
cost, low-carbon energy from renewable sources. (tarmac, brick drives, concrete paths) helps the furniture. A Kachelöfen biomass
Obviously the two are not mutually exclusive and local ecology, but a lawn is a green desert. A stove, shown right, heats up the
an energy-efficient house, by definition, needs single plant species (grass) is of little interest dry-stone wall (made from
stones stacked in the corners in a
less investment in renewable energy.   to insects, and adds nothing to the ecology. A
neighbouring field ) that runs
  mixed species, grassed area (with plantain, dai- through the house. The
Road Map to Eco Homes sy, chamomile, yellow rattle, maybe some wild homeowners, a retired farming
The eco builder has always gone his/her own flowers) is much more interesting to look at and couple, have also used local
way. Largely this was a matter of necessity, as useful to the fauna in the area. sheep fleece for insulation —
150mm of sheep’s wool
there was no recognised standard and few points l Solar panels In eco terms, installing solar
insulation sits behind every wall.
of reference. It could be argued that the demise panels for hot water is the first and least that
of the Code for Sustainable Homes and the can be done.
policy for zero carbon homes had little impact, l LED lighting LED lamps are now an
as the eco builder knew they had never been affordable option and have a big impact on
the right approach. electricity consumption.
 The Association for Environment Conscious l Glazing Often the starting point in a refurbish-
Building ( provides good advice and ment or renovation is to replace single-glazed
guidance to the eco builder — but ultimately windows with double-glazed. And, yes, double
it is your home, and it has to be a comfortable, glazing will have a big impact. Secondary double
welcoming space for you and your family. The glazing will cost much less and have almost the
decisions the eco builder makes will be based same impact on energy consumption.
on three tenets:
l Energy efficiency This is the fabric first The Eco House Budget
approach to insulation and airtightness, but Increasing the thermal efficiency with more
also incorporates reducing the total energy con- insulation is a good thing, but sustainable insu-
sumption of the building.  lation is more expensive. So rather than install-
l Materials Use as many natural, sustainable ing lots of cheap insulation or less sustainable
and recycled materials as possible. insulation, it might be worth offsetting the extra
l Greening Avoid lawns and hard external sur- expense by using cheaper, reclaimed materials
faces and instead having ponds, wild flowers from the salvage yard.
and meadow gardens. The holistic approach (also called Active
  House) looks at thermal efficiency, just as Pas-
How to Make Yours an Eco Home sivhaus does, but also considers sustainable
The key issue is deciding what you actually want materials and the health of the occupants and
to achieve. The budget may dictate that popping the local environment. There are cost implica-
a solar thermal panel on the roof is all that can tions to this approach, but if health and the wid-
be done. And that, at least, makes the house er environment are important considerations,
more eco than the one next door. But there are then the extra cost may be offset by having a
cheaper and more effective things to do: slightly smaller house that is also better for the
l Airtightness or draught-proofing. For energy environment.
efficiency, it offers the best £ for £ return, and in All projects have a budget and that implies
older houses is likely to have the biggest impact compromise. An eco house is no different. Bear
on reducing energy consumption. This is likely in mind that any move away from standard
to cost £300 or less. housebuilding methods and towards eco living
l Insulation Thermal efficiency is a core ele- is a good move. If you are trying to create an
ment of any eco home and insulation is a key eco house, remember that there is no right and
component of that. Focus on getting the insu- wrong approach, only good or better. 


42-49_GreenNew.indd 48 08/12/2016 14:31

Eco Self-build


Kieran Hawkins, architectural potential future processes that are very expensive
director, MailenDesign: Consider (in both economic and ecological terms). As an
a building’s lifespan example, Georgian terrace houses in London
“Flexibility over time, quality of workmanship in are wonderfully adaptable. The houses allow a
construction and the specification of materials huge variety of extensions, modifications and
that will improve with age are areas that we sub-divisions, or conversions to shops and offic-
think a lot about at MailenDesign. If a building es, while still largely maintaining the desirable
is robust, if it can be adapted to different uses qualities of natural light and craftsmanship and
throughout its lifespan and can be occupied in without the waste and cost of demolition and
a wide variety of ways, then we can avoid a lot of new construction.” ➤ 49

42-49_GreenNew.indd 49 08/12/2016 14:31





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advert_Burk_glide_041116_HB_R.indd 1 8/11/16 11:19:29
Eco Self-build

The Low-Toxin Eco Home

Liz and Mike Hauck wanted a
sustainable and healthy home
for their retirement — at the time,
Liz had multiple chemical
sensitivity, which made it
important that the new house
wasn’t a source of toxins. The
thick breathable walls of this
Baufritz timber frame house,
prefabricated and imported from
Germany, are packed with the
company’s patented wood
shaving insulation, which is
highly thermally efficient. The
400mm-walls also mean any
condensation is removed from
the atmosphere faster than it is
generated, making the internal
space comfortable and clean.


Paul Testa, Paul Testa Architecture: resilient to sustained high temperatures. This is
Consider energy performance, cli- an industry-wide problem rather than one that
mate change and internal air quality is restricted to sustainable buildings. Passivhaus
“What we want from eco homes is a comfortable has some basic overheating risk modelling built
and healthy living environment with the lowest in, but future climate adaption will become
possible energy use. There are three prominent increasingly important with all new homes as
threads running through eco housing: fabric our climate gets warmer.
first, micro (renewable) energy and low impact l Internal air quality: The phrase ‘build tight,
construction using natural and recycled building ventilate right’ is crucial. We occasionally see
materials. Some of the things we’re grappling articles in the press about poor air quality in
with now include: new eco homes. This is because the ‘build tight’
l The performance gap: Most new buildings airtightness element of the building envelope has
should be achieving a high level of performance. been considered to avoid heat loss but without
However, the lack of rigorous thermal design the ‘ventilate right’ whole building ventilation
methods and good control on site mean these strategy to maintain good internal air quality.
aspirations are rarely met. It’s not uncommon Again, Passivhaus has this embedded in its
for new buildings to use between 50 and 100 per parameters, and the issue is becoming more
cent more energy than predicted. The Passivhaus understood by low-energy building practition-
standard avoids this performance gap and is ers. Elsewhere, there is still heavy reliance on
the one standard where it’s likely the ultimate natural ventilation and building air leakage to
performance will be as designed. provide fresh air — which has been proven to not
l Future climate adaption: Eco homes can provide the air quality we need for comfortable
overheat and in many instances, the design isn’t and healthy living.” H 51

42-49_GreenNew.indd 51 08/12/2016 14:31

Building on a Sloping Site
Extensive excavation was
required in order to build the
ground floor level of this new
home, designed by architect
Annie Martin, into the sloping
site. The result is a home
which appears to be single
storey from approach — a key
requirement for this
replacement dwelling within
Dartmoor National Park. The
retaining walls have been clad
in granite.


60-65_Foundations.indd 52 09/12/2016 10:42


for Difficult
Unstable ground? Clay soil?
Trees? Sloping land? ‘Difficult’
sites can quickly become
expensive headaches.
Surveyor Ian Rock provides
solutions for even the most
problematic of plots

Ian Rock
Chartered surveyor Ian Rock
MRICS is the author of eight
popular Haynes House Manuals,
including Build Your Own House
Manual, and is a director of

here are good reasons why develop-
ers generally steer clear of ‘tricky’
sites. Potentially exorbitant ground-
work costs, coupled with prolonged
periods of uncertainty, can rapidly
transform a viable project into a dar-
ing gamble. However, what might
appear to be a ‘problem plot’ can
sometimes turn out to be a blessing
in disguise for self-builders willing to take on
technical challenges.
The primary role of foundations is to anchor

the building to good bearing ground (in other

words, ground capable of supporting the build- ➤ 53

60-65_Foundations.indd 53 09/12/2016 10:43

ing). Even relatively lightweight structures, such bility in subsoils such as shrinkable clay. As a
as timber frame houses, need to be securely rough guide, it is recommended that buildings
‘fixed in place’ to resist ground movement. The on conventional foundations should not be clos-
trouble is, conventional trench foundations start er to single trees than the height of the tree at
to become uneconomic below about 2m deep. maturity, or one-and-a-half times for groups
So on sites where stable ground is in short sup- of trees; the National House Building Council
ply, you’re likely to need something a bit more (NHBC) publishes tables showing ‘safe distanc-
sophisticated to protect your home from the rav- es’. To determine foundation depths, you also
ages of nature. This normally means consulting need to consider the shrinkability of the subsoil
a structural engineer at the design stage. The and the water demand of the species, as well as
need for ‘special’ foundations can also extend noting the distance of trees from foundations.
the time taken for groundworks from three or Cutting down trees can also cause problems.
four days for a conventional build, to perhaps For several years following the clearing of a
two or three weeks — more than doubling your site, clay soils can gradually expand, absorbing
total costs for this stage of the project. the moisture no longer taken by the trees. The
foundation design needs to allow for this.
What Constitutes a Tricky Plot? Root barriers can be a useful method of
The three main causes of escalating ground- protecting foundations. This involves excavat-
works are sloping sites, the close proximity and/ ing a narrow trench between the tree and the
or presence of trees, and ‘bad ground’. building about a metre deeper than the lowest
roots (trenches are typically about 4m deep)
Sloping Sites into which large rigid plastic sheets about 4mm
Even quite shallow slopes can pose complica- thick are inserted.
tions. Designing the drainage and access will
need careful attention, and surface water coming ‘Bad Ground’
down the hill will need to be channelled around There are several reasons why ground can be
the building. As a rule, the steeper the site the prone to movement:
greater the cost, with expensive retaining walls l Volume change. Shrinkable clays suffer
often required on gradients of more than 1:25, seasonal volume changes, although this rarely
to hold back the ground. extends more than a metre below the surface.
The biggest decision, however, is where to Problems are exacerbated by trees and shrubs
position the building. One option is to build in close proximity, combined with periods of
into the hill, excavating to create a level base. drought and heavy rainfall.
Alternatively you might decide to extend the l Frost heave. Springy or boggy ground is
building outwards with supporting walls con- indicative of a high water table where soil can
structed under the raised area. Both options expand when frozen. However, surface ground-
are likely to add upwards of £5,000 to your water rarely freezes at depths of more than half
groundwork costs. The compromise method is a metre.
to fit the house to the slope with a series of steps l Made up ground. Previously developed
creating a split-level layout. This will reduce the ‘brownfield’ land can contain all manner of
amount of excavation, although it can still add horrors, such as old footings, drains and wells,
as much as 10 per cent to your overall build cost. with consequent uncertainty about the bearing
However, sloping sites can provide an opportu- capacity of the ground. Former industrial uses
nity for adding extra space by incorporating a or dumps may also harbour potential risks with
basement as a cost-effective way to fill the void toxic chemicals or methane gas, so it’s advisable
when building out above ground level. to consult local authority registers of contam-
inated land. In some cases, however, the solu-
Presence of Trees tion can be relatively simple such as specifying
Retaining mature trees can add a lot to the sulphur-resistant cement.
‘amenity value’ of a property, while helping to l Unstable ground. Worst of all, past excavation
mollify planners and disgruntled neighbours. or mining activity may have made the ground
The problem is, notoriously thirsty species such highly unstable, with new foundations potential-
as willows and poplars can cause ground insta- ly subject to periodic, unpredictable subsidence.


60-65_Foundations.indd 54 09/12/2016 10:43


Foundation Solutions
Building Near Trees Building on difficult terrain normally involves es can be lined with a flexible slip membrane
This new home was built using one of these following solutions: which allows the clay alongside to independently
piled foundations, due to the shrink or swell. Also, building wider foundations
close proximity of a large willow Digging Down Deeper can help spread the load over a larger area, but
tree that the owners wanted to On ground with poor bearing capacity, such this may require steel reinforcement to prevent
retain. Another recent as soft sandy clays, the simplest solution is to shearing. And, as we have seen, with deeper
innovation used for building
near trees, at a similar cost to pile dig down a little further. If a standard trench trench foundations it soon becomes cheaper,
and beam foundations, is the foundation is deep enough, its base should be easier and safer to switch to one of the following
prefabricated ‘Housedeck’ — an supported on firm ground unaffected by sea- ‘engineered’ solutions.
insulated raft of reinforced sonal changes, while beam and block floors can
concrete supported on piles. happily bridge across the surface. Pile and Ring Beam Foundations
In clay areas, however, the ground around Piles are concrete columns drilled deep into hard
the sides of the foundations will still be prone bedrock to securely anchor the building, aided
to periodic expansion and contraction as the by frictional resistance from the surrounding
ground becomes saturated and then dries. So ground. This method has become much more
to resist lateral pressure, the sides of the trench- common in housebuilding since the advent of ➤ 55

60-65_Foundations.indd 55 09/12/2016 10:43

cheaper short-bored systems installed using
hired mini-piling rigs. It’s now the most widely
used foundation type after conventional trench- Piled Foundations
es, thanks in no small measure to planning
ground beam
requirements encouraging retention of trees
and the development of brownfield land.
Piles are placed about every 2.5m under the
main walls, and at corners and intersections.
Once firm stratum is reached they can be
topped with mushroom-like ‘pile caps’ on to hardcore
which horizontal reinforced concrete ring beams
(aka ‘ground beams’) are installed to support
the main walls. There are four main types of
mini-piling (‘micro pile’) systems:
short bore pile
l Augered piling is widely used in clay subsoil
and involves drilling holes (200mm to 600mm
in diameter) as deep as 24m with an ‘auger’
(a rotating shaft with cutting blades). Once
drilled, the auger is withdrawn and the hole
filled with steel-reinforced concrete. This is the
least expensive and most common method, and
is virtually vibration free. On sites with very
restricted access, lightweight hand auger tripods Pad Foundations
can drill with a diameter of up to 300mm and
to a depth of 13m.
l Continuous flight auger (CFA) piles are
tanking/ ring beam
used in unstable or water-bearing ground. The membrane
main difference from augered piling is that the
drilling pieces are hollow so concrete can be
pumped directly to the bottom of the hole as
the auger is withdrawn.
l Driven piles use a steel casing and are suitable
for wet, unstable or contaminated ground. More
economical than the CFA method, these piles
come in sizes varying from 150mm to 320mm.
The casing is first placed in a small pilot hole pad footing
and then pushed into the ground using a suitable
weight on a hydraulic pile driver. One bene-
fit of this method is that it creates little or no
spoil, saving on transport and disposal, thus Raft Foundations damp-proof course
also reducing the carbon footprint. waterproof
l Screw piles (also known as helical piles) membrane
are akin to giant wood screws — these hollow reed
Floor sc
tubular steel piles are wound into the ground
by machine with no prior excavation. The main insulatio
(laid on
benefit is fast installation and minimal soil dis- d concrete raft

placement and disposal.


Raft Foundations hardcore

raft edge beam thickens
A raft is a large continuous reinforced concrete
(‘wide toe’ raft shown)
slab that extends under the whole building. By
distributing the load over the entire footprint, Diagrams provided for illustrative purposes only
the load per unit area is reduced, making a raft


60-65_Foundations.indd 56 09/12/2016 10:43


suitable where there’s ground instability, such as around 1.4m. Square or circular pads are cast
sites with a history of mining. Rather than trying individually in the bottom of each of the pits.
to anchor the building, in the event of subsidence Steel posts can then be bolted on top, or piers
the raft is designed to absorb the movement, of brick or reinforced concrete built on to each
protecting the structure of the building sitting pad foundation.
on top. Because rafts can bridge across weak One advantage of this system is that the con-
areas, they’re also often used on compressible struction process is within the capabilities of a
backfill land, sites with groundwater or clay competent self-builder. Plus, it’s a reasonably
prone to excessive shrinkage, and areas with eco-friendly foundation system as relatively
unpredictable geological conditions such as small amounts of concrete are used.
streams flowing deep below the surface. Pads can suit poor soils and can also be used
Conventional ‘flat rafts’ comprise a slab of to avoid problems where bored piling is some-
uniform thickness with a mass of steel rein- times obstructed by impenetrable pockets of
forcement top and bottom to provide resistance rubble or hard gravel, snapping bits and jam-
against both upward and downward bending. ming augurs. The downside is that the process
The alternative ‘wide toe’ design is used on is very labour-intensive.
ground with poor compressibility. Here the
edges of the raft supporting the main walls are The Impact of Your
constructed thicker and deeper, and reinforced Construction System
with metal ‘cages’. Construction is similar to a Piled foundations are normally the most eco-
very thick solid concrete floor slab, but can either nomical solution for sites where loadbearing
be cast directly into the ground or ‘floating’ on support is several metres below the surface,
a bed of fine granular material. such as made up ground or shrinkable clay with
Rafts also need to accommodate possible deep-rooted vegetation. But where ground is
ground movement without fracturing service unstable, a reinforced concrete raft that effec-
pipes and drains which can be run through col- tively ‘floats’ on the surface is a safer bet.
lars cast in the concrete. The main drawback of The appropriate type of foundation will also
raft foundations is the high cost, largely due to be influenced by your chosen method of house
the enormous amount of high-strength concrete construction. Conventional masonry walls are
and steel consumed. normally built on standard trench or raft foun-
dations, since these readily provide a consistently
Pad Foundations level base. However, piled foundation systems
Pad foundations are designed to carry individual with ring beams can also be suitable for both
‘point loads’. This type of foundation suits build- timber frame and traditional masonry walls. Pad
ings with skeletal structures, such as steel frame foundations are suited to point loads from steel
or traditional post and beam, where the frame stanchions or post and beam walls, although to
can be supported on a series of small concrete prevent problems with damp and rot, traditional
pads instead of the external wall sitting on con- timber frame structures are probably best sup-
tinuous strips in the ground. However, as with ported on short base walls built off ring beams.
piled foundations, it’s possible to modify pads by Modern panel timber frame structures are
constructing reinforced concrete ground beams much lighter than those of masonry construc-
that span between the concrete pads, making tion, so in theory should require less in the way of
them suitable for supporting lightweight panel foundations. But as we have seen, what matters
timber frame buildings. most isn’t so much the weight of house, but the
Construction is relatively straightforward. fact that the load is bearing on firm ground that
First a number of large holes are dug, about a won’t move. As long as that box can be ticked,
metre in depth. Typically these will be spaced foundations shouldn’t be over-engineered for
quite close together at 600mm centres, and the loads they carry. Another factor with timber
located at corners and under the more heavily frame walls – or indeed anything that arrives on
loaded parts of the wall (for example, either site prefabricated – is the need for foundations
side of window and door openings). Holes are to have a greater degree of accuracy (plus or
normally dug by machine; a simple mechanical minus 5mm) since there’s less scope to make
post hole borer can drill down to a depth of up for errors on site. H 57

60-65_Foundations.indd 57 09/12/2016 10:43

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