Phase 2: Video 2 UNIT 1.1. Compound Adjectives

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UNIT 1.1. Compound adjectives

-I would like the four-room apartment, since I do not need so much space besides
the main room is very brightly-lit
-I like that neighborhood because it is very quiet, I do not like places with a lot of
noise, where people go to bed late or they have animals that aren’t well- behaved
because I usually get up early and I like to go to bed early in the night
-I am a person with an open-minded, and wood floors, although they are not
common, I think they are old-fashioned and I really like that style
- I would like a screened patio, I would feel safer and also in this way I would not
have to sweep the leaves of the neighboring trees
-No, I think it's an unnecessary expense with an urban-front it would be fine.
UNIT 2.3. Present perfect vs simple past
Situation 1
-Two years ago, in the year 2017 I started swimming lessons and I have continued
practicing ever since when I started I did not know how to swim but I have learned
very well and I like it a lot and I think I will start doing competitions.
- I wanted to learn to speak Korean three years ago but it was very complicated since
there were no classes in the city and I was practicing through virtual courses but I
could not continue since I had almost no time and it was very expensive.
Situation 2
- My mother started cooking classes seven years ago and for that reason she makes
very delicious recipes, she has not stopped practicing and now she is in a dessert
- my brother studied industrial engineering but he cant continue studying because of
the time since most of the time he spent working and taking care of my grandmother
because she was very sick at those times

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