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Received 25 Oct 2013 | Accepted 22 Jan 2014 | Published 6 Mar 2014 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4300

Extraordinary momentum and spin in evanescent

Konstantin Y. Bliokh1,2, Aleksandr Y. Bekshaev3,4 & Franco Nori3,5,6

Momentum and spin represent fundamental dynamic properties of quantum particles and
fields. In particular, propagating optical waves (photons) carry momentum and longitudinal
spin determined by the wave vector and circular polarization, respectively. Here we show that
exactly the opposite can be the case for evanescent optical waves. A single evanescent wave
possesses a spin component, which is independent of the polarization and is orthogonal to
the wave vector. Furthermore, such a wave carries a momentum component, which is
determined by the circular polarization and is also orthogonal to the wave vector. We show
that these extraordinary properties reveal a fundamental Belinfante’s spin momentum, known
in field theory and unobservable in propagating fields. We demonstrate that the transverse
momentum and spin push and twist a probe Mie particle in an evanescent field. This allows
the observation of ‘impossible’ properties of light and of a fundamental field-theory quantity,
which was previously considered as ‘virtual’.

1 iTHES Research Group, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan. 2 A. Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, NASU, Kharkov 61085, Ukraine.
3 Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan. 4 I. I. Mechnikov National University, Dvorianska 2, Odessa 65082,
Ukraine. 5 Physics Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1040, USA. 6 Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713,
Korea. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.B. (email: or to F.N. (email:

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3300 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4300 | 1

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

t has been known for more than a century, since the seminal careful approach. Below we show that one of the simplest examples of
works by J.H. Poynting1, that light carries momentum and an inhomogeneous field—a single evanescent wave—exhibits extra-
angular momentum (AM)2,3. These are the main dynamical ordinary momentum and spin properties, which are in sharp contrast
properties of electromagnetic waves, which are also preserved to what is known about photons, optical momentum and spin.
in the quantum-mechanical picture of photons4. Optical
momentum and AM play a crucial role in various light-matter Results
interactions5–7, including laser cooling8–10, optical manipulation Momentum and spin densities from field theory. The
of atoms or small particles8–13, and in optomechanical systems14. momentum density p(r) of a quantum or classical wave field
The simplest example of an optical field carrying momentum appears in the energy-momentum tensor within the corresponding
and spin AM is an elliptically polarized plane wave. Assuming field theory26, where momentum density also represents the energy
free space propagation along the z axis, the complex electric field flux density. For scalar fields, the momentum density can be
of such wave can be written as written as a local expectation value of the canonical momentum
x þ my Þ operator p^ ¼  i=; i:e:; p ¼ Reðcy p^cÞ, where c(r) is the wave
EðrÞ ¼ A qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi expðikz Þ: ð1Þ function, and we use units : ¼ 1. However, for vector fields, an
1 þ jmj2 additional spin momentum density was introduced in 1939 by F.J.
Belinfante27 to explain the spin of quantum particles and
Here A is the wave amplitude, x and y are unit vectors of the symmetrize the canonical energy-momentum tensor in field
corresponding axes, the complex number m determines the theory. The spin momentum is added to the canonical (or
polarization state with s ¼ 12Imm
þ jmj2
2 ½  1; 1 being the helicity orbital) momentum density, resulting in26–31:
(ellipticity of polarization), k ¼ o/c is the wave number, and   1
throughout the paper we imply monochromatic fields with p ¼ Re ~cy p^~
c þ =s  pO þ pS : ð3Þ
omitted exp(  iot) factor.
The momentum and spin AM in wave (1) can be characterized Here ~cðrÞ is the spinor wave function, whereas s(r) is the spin
by the corresponding spatial densities AM density defined as the local expectation value of the
corresponding matrix spin operator Ŝ:
w w
p ¼ k z; s ¼ s z; ð2Þ
o o s¼~ cy ^S~
c: ð4Þ
where w ¼ go|A|2 is the energy density, and we use Gaussian Equations (3) and (4) are fundamental and hold true for
units with g ¼ (8po)  1. In agreement with the quantum- various particles. For Dirac electron, Ŝ is the spin-1/2 operator and
mechanical picture of photons4, the momentum p is ~
cðr; t Þ is the Dirac bi-spinor28–31. In the case of monochromatic
determined by the wave vector kz and is independent of electromagnetic waves (photons), equation (3) yields the time-
polarization. At the same time, the spin s is proportional to the averaged Poynting vector p ¼ gkRe(E  H), when Ŝ is given by
polarization helicity s and is also collinear with the wave vector. spin-1 matrices that act on the complex electric and magnetic field
The optical momentum and spin densities can be measured qffiffi 
~ g EðrÞ
experimentally by placing a small absorbing particle in the field amplitudes, cðrÞ ¼ 2 , supplied with the free-space
and observing its linear and spinning motion15–19. Naturally, the 22,26–31
Maxwell equations (see Supplementary Note 1). Explicitly,
radiation force and torque (with respect to the particle’s centre)
the optical momentum and spin densities (3) and (4) read
quantify the momentum and AM transfer to the particle and are
proportional to the densities (2) in the plane wave (1): Fpp and g 1
pO ¼ Im½E  ð=ÞE þ H  ð=ÞH; pS ¼ =  s;
Tps (refs 19–25), Fig. 1. 2 2 ð5Þ
The above picture is simple and intuitively clear in the plane-wave g  
s ¼ Im½E E þ H H:
case, but complex, spatially-inhomogeneous fields require a more 2

a b c

y z F
z y

pS pO

Figure 1 | Momentum and spin in a circularly-polarized propagating plane wave. The complex wave electric field is given by equation (1) with m ¼ i,
that is s ¼ 1. (a) Instantaneous electric and magnetic fields, E(r,t) ¼ Re[E(r)e  iot] and H(r,t) ¼ Re[H(r)e  iot], form helical distributions (see also
Supplementary Note 2 and Supplementary Fig. 1). As the wave propagates along the z axis, the fields rotate in the transverse (x,y) plane. This rotation
generates the spin AM density s / sz, which is represented in (b) by multiple loops of the (zero-net) spin-momentum pS ¼ =  s/2 in the
transverse plane. At the same time, the wave propagation produces the canonical (orbital) momentum density pO / kz. (c) Orbital momentum and
spin AM are locally transferred to a probe particle, thereby exerting a radiation force FppO and torque Tps on it, equation (6).

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3300 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4300 |

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Note that these quantities are naturally split into electric and ‘measure’ the imaginary and real parts of the complex canonical
magnetic field contributions: pO ¼ pO cy ðrÞ p
e þ pm and s ¼ se þ sm. It is momentum: p ~O ðrÞ ¼~ ^~cðrÞ ¼ pO ðrÞ  i=wðrÞ=2o, which
important to emphasize that although the Poynting vector p is is proportional to the quantum weak value of the photon’s
usually considered in optics as a single momentum density of light
2, it actually represents the sum of two quantities pO and pS, with momentum, pw ¼ hrj^ pj~
ci=hrj~ ci (refs 19,22,36).
Importantly, it is the canonical momentum pO rather than
drastically different physical meanings and properties. Below we the Poynting vector p that represents the physically-
uncover the contrasting manifestations of the canonical and spin meaningful momentum density of light that appears in experi-
momenta. ments (p ¼ pO only in linearly polarized paraxial fields and
The canonical (orbital) and spin parts of the momentum plane waves)19,33. In particular, the orbital and spinning
density (3), p ¼ pO þ pS, generate, respectively, the orbital and motions of probe particles in circularly-polarized vortex
spin parts of the AM density: j ¼ l þ s (refs 26,27,32,33). The beams15–18 originate exactly due to the force from the
orbital AM density is l ¼ r  pO, and this is an extrinsic origin- azimuthal component of pO and the torque from the longi-
dependent quantity. At the same time, the spin AM density s, tudinal component of the spin density s. Furthermore, the
equation (4), is intrinsic (origin-independent). Nonetheless, its quantum-mechanical resonant momentum transfer from
integral value isR determined
R by the circulation of the spin light to a two-level atom is also determined by the canonical
momentum: S ¼ sdV ¼ r  pSdV, where integration by parts momentum density37,38. Finally, a remarkable recent
should be performed28–33. experiment36, which realized quantum weak measurements of
The orbital momentum density pO is naturally proportional the local momentum of photons, also measured pO (ref. 19).
to the local phase gradient (wave vector) in the field22. Thus, the spin momentum pS turns out to be indeed ‘virtual’, that
In contrast, Belinfante’s spin momentum pS is a rather is, non-observable for weak-interaction measurements.
enigmatic quantity26–33. On the one hand, the spin Note that we considered an ‘ideal’ particle with equal electric
momentum provides the physical origin of the spin AM and magnetic polarizabilities. In reality, local light–matter inter-
of quantum particles. On the other hand, it is usually actions usually have electric character, and |ae|4 4|am|. This is
considered as an auxiliary ‘virtual’ quantity, which cannot be because of the fundamental electric–magnetic (dual) asymmetry of
observed per se. Indeed, the spin momentum represents a matter, which breaks the intrinsic dual symmetry of the free space
solenoidal current, whichR does not contribute to the energy Maxwell equations33,39,40. In this case, the particle will ‘measure’
transport (= . pS ¼ 0 and pSdV ¼ 0), and only generates spin only the electric parts of the momentum and spin densities (5):
AM. Consider, for instance, the elliptically polarized 1
F ’ g  1 2o Reðae Þ =we þ Imðae Þ pO e and TCg  1Im(ae)se (refs
electromagnetic plane wave (1). This field carries only the
25,33) (see Supplementary Note 3). The electric and magnetic
longitudinal orbital momentum density: pO / k z, while the spin
contributions to the local dynamical characteristics of light are
momentum vanishes: pS ¼ 0. In this case, what generates the
equivalent in paraxial propagating fields22: pO e ’ pm , seCsm, but
spin AM density s / s z? This known paradox26,34,35 is resolved
by representing the zero transverse momentum as an array of they can differ significantly in other cases.
infinitely small loops of circulating spin momentum in the (x,y)
plane26,30–32, see Fig. 1b. Currents from the neighbouring loops Extraordinary momentum and spin in a single evanescent
cancel each other, but at the same time they provide non-zero wave. We are now in a position to consider the main subject of
circulation along any finite closed loop, that is, non-zero spin the present study: evanescent waves. A single evanescent wave
AM along the z axis. The formal integral relation between pS propagating along the z axis and decaying in the x40 half-space
and s does not work here, because a plane wave is an unbounded can formally be obtained via a rotation of the propagating
state; the introduction of a boundary (for example, Gaussian plane wave (1) by an imaginary angle iW about the y axis41. In
intensity distribution in the transverse plane) immediately doing so, we obtain the electric evanescent-wave field:
produces a non-zero boundary spin current pSa0 with the  
A k k
integral circulation yielding the spin S (refs 28,30–32). Thus, E ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi x þ m y  i z expðikz z  kxÞ: ð7Þ
kz kz
Belinfante’s spin momentum is similar to the boundary 1 þ jmj2
magnetization current or topological quantum-Hall current in
solid-state systems (multiple current loops are produced there by Here kz ¼ k cosh W4k is the longitudinal wave number, whereas
electron orbitals), whereas the spin AM is analogous to the bulk k ¼ k sinh W is the exponential decay rate, so that the complex
magnetization in such systems. wave vector is k ¼ kz z þ ik
x. Substituting field (7), with the
corresponding magnetic wave field (see Supplementary Note 2
and Supplementary Fig. 2), into equations (3) and (5), we
Probing the momentum and spin densities with small particles. calculate the canonical momentum, spin momentum and spin
Having the above theoretical picture, let us consider measure- AM densities in the evanescent wave:
ments of the momentum and spin densities in an electromagnetic  
field. As we mentioned in the Introduction, a small absorbing w w k2 kk
pO ¼ kz z ; pS ¼  z þ s y ; ð8Þ
particle immersed in the field can be employed as a natural meter o o kz kz
of these quantities. Calculating the radiation force and torque on  
a dipole Rayleigh particle with equal electric and magnetic w k k
s¼ s z þ y ; ð9Þ
polarizabilities, ae ¼ am ¼ a, one can show that they are deter- o kz kz
mined by the canonical momentum and spin densities19–25 (see
where w ¼ go|A|2exp(  2kx) is the spatially-inhomogeneous
Supplementary Note 3):
  energy density of the wave.
1 Equations (8) and (9) reveal remarkable peculiarities of the
F ¼ g1 ReðaÞ =w þ ImðaÞ pO ; T ¼ g  1 ImðaÞ s: ð6Þ
2o momentum and spin in evanescent waves and represent the key

analytical point of our study. First, note that the evanescent wave
Here w ¼ 2g o jEj2 þ jHj2 ¼ we þ wm is the energy density of the (7) possesses longitudinal canonical momentum pO z / kz 4k,
field. The first term in the first equation (6) is the gradient force, which exceeds the momentum of a plane wave with the same
while the second term is the radiation pressure force. Together they local intensity. Divided by the energy density w, this momentum

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3300 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4300 | 3

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yields the superluminal local group velocity in evanescent syp(k/kz)w turns out to be helicity independent! This is in
waves: vgz ¼ ckz/k4c (refs 19,42). Although the Poynting sharp contrast to propagating waves and photons, equation (2).
vector corresponds to subluminal propagation, The transverse momentum and spin appear due to the two
pz ¼ pO S 2
z þ pz / ðk =kz Þok, it is the canonical momentum that features of the evanescent field (7). The first one is the imaginary
represents the observable momentum density. In particular, the longitudinal component of the field polarization:  iðk=kz Þ ^z. This
momentum transfer via the radiation force (6) Fz / pO
z to a dipole induces a rotation of the fields in the propagation
(x,z) plane

particle in the evanescent wave (7) will be larger than k per Fig. 2a,d), and generates the spin sy / Im Ez Ex þ Hz Hx inde-
photon43. Such ‘super-momentum’ transfer was observed by pendently of s. Recently, we described such spin for surface
Huard and Imbert37 in the resonant Doppler coupling with a plasmon-polaritons42, and it was shown that the imaginary
moving atom. In terms of the quantum weak measurements longitudinal field component plays an important role in optical
paradigm, the ‘super momentum’ pO z represents a weak value of the coupling processes44,45. The second feature is the inhomogeneous
photon momentum with the post selection in a ‘forbidden’ zone intensity wpexp(  2kx). This inhomogeneity destroys the
unreachable for propagating waves (for example, beyond a totally cancellation of the spin momentum loops in the (x,y) plane,
reflecting interface)19. which results in the non-zero transverse Belinfante’s spin
However, what is much more intriguing in equations (8) and momentum: pSy ¼  @x sz =2 ¼ 6 0, see Fig. 2e. Note that although
(9) is the presence of the transverse y-components of the equation (8) and Fig. 2b,e show unidirectional spin momentum in
momentum and spin in the wave (7) propagating solely within the x40 half-space, the accurate consideration of the interface x ¼ 0
the (x,z) plane. Moreover, here the momentum pSy / sðkk=kz Þw and medium in the xo0 half-space ensures Rthe vanishing of the
becomes proportional to the helicity s, while the spin integral spin momentum, in agreement with pSdV ¼ 0 (ref. 42).

a b x
x m=0

y F

pO pS

d e f
x m=i

y ~
z y F


Figure 2 | Momentum and spin in linearly and circularly polarized evanescent plane waves. The complex wave electric field is given by equation (7) with
m ¼ s ¼ 0 for the linear-polarization case (a–c) and m ¼ i, s ¼ 1 for the circular-polarization case (d–f). (a,d) The imaginary longitudinal components of the
complex E(r) and H(r) fields (7) result in a cycloid-like projection of the instantaneous electric and magnetic field distributions, E(r,t) and H(r,t), onto the
propagation (x,z) plane (see Supplementary Note 2 and Supplementary Fig. 2). As the wave propagates, the fields rotate in this plane even at linear
polarizations. This rotation generates a transverse helicity-independent spin AM (8) syp(k/kz)w, represented in (b) by multiple loops of the spin
momentum pS in the (x,z) plane. Due to the vertical inhomogeneity w(x), these loops do not cancel each other, producing a backward spin momentum
pSz ¼ @x sy =2 6¼ 0 (semitransparent arrows). The circularly-polarized evanescent wave (d) also carries the usual longitudinal spin szpsw shown in
(e) by multiple semitransparent loops of the spin momentum in the (x,y) plane (cf. Fig. 1). Due to the vertical inhomogeneity w(x), these loops produce
transverse helicity-dependent spin momentum (8) pSy ¼  @x sz =2 / sðkk=kz Þw. The evanescent wave also possesses polarization-independent
‘superluminal’ orbital momentum (8) pO / kz z 4kz. (c,f) The orbital momentum and spin AM are locally transferred to the probe particle thereby
exerting: an anomalously large radiation force Fz / pO
z / kz 4k; the usual longitudinal helicity-dependent torque Tzpsz; and the transverse
helicity-independent torque Typsy, equation (6). The transverse spin momentum pSy does not exert radiation pressure in the dipole approximation (6),
but does produce a helicity-dependent transverse force (10) ~Fy / pS (f) in higher-order interactions with larger Mie particles (see Fig. 3).

4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3300 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4300 |

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Relation to the Fedorov-Imbert controversy. Here we should between heavy flint glass (e1 ¼ 3.06, m1 ¼ 1) and water.
make a historical digression and note that an example of the Calculations of the corresponding wave fields and characteristics
transverse helicity-dependent momentum in an evanescent field are given in the Supplementary Notes 2 and 3. The resulting
was first found by F.I. Fedorov in 1955 (ref. 46). Incidentally, this force and torque components (normalized by F0 ¼ a2|A1|/4p
discovery caused a half-century-long controversy in the physics of and T0 ¼ F0/k, with A1 being the amplitude of the incident
light reflection and refraction. Analysing the total internal wave in the glass), as functions of the dimensionless particle
reflection of a polarized plane wave, Fedorov found a helicity- radius ka are shown in Fig. 3b,d (see also Supplementary Fig. 4
dependent transverse component of the Poynting vector in the and Supplementary Table 1). These are the main numerical
transmitted evanescent field. Fedorov concluded that ‘the lateral results of our work, which offer several new experiments for the
energy flux should lead to a specific light pressure’ and (by an detection of extraordinary spin and momentum properties of
analogy with the Goos–Hänchen effect) that ‘the reflected beam evanescent waves.
in the case of total reflection must be displaced in the lateral Figure 3b depicts the radiation torque components for right-
direction’. Later, C. Imbert indeed observed such helicity- hand and left-hand circularly-polarized waves (m ¼ ±i, s ¼ ±1).
dependent beam shift experimentally47, and the effect is now While the longitudinal torque Tz from the usual spin sz flips
known as the Imbert–Fedorov transverse shift or spin Hall effect with the sign of s, the transverse torque Ty is helicity-
of light (for a review, see ref. 48). independent and present even in the linear-polarization Imm ¼ 0
The 50 years after Fedorov’s finding brought about numerous case. This confirms the presence of the transverse helicity-
controversies about this effect. Finally, only recently an accurate independent spin AM (8) sy in the evanescent field and its
theoretical description was given49,50, which was followed by a o1, the
transfer to the particle. For small Rayleigh particles, kao
precise experiment51 using quantum weak measurements (see torque is described by the dipole approximation (6). Due to the
also refs 52,53). Remarkably, the current theory of the spin Hall strong dual (electric–magnetic) asymmetry of the gold, the torque
effect of light is completely unrelated to evanescent waves and appears mostly from the electric part of the spin (5): TCg  1
their transverse momentum. Indeed, the helicity-dependent beam Im(ae)se, where the electric polarizability is proportional to the
shift arises from the interference of multiple plane waves in the particle’s volume: aep(ka)3, while the magnetic polarizability is
beam, taking into account the geometric-phase effect, that is, the small: amp(ka)5C0 (refs 63,64). Therefore, the transverse torque
spin-orbit interaction of light48. This shift occurs in partial is maximal for the TM-mode with m ¼ 0 and sy ¼ sey, and minimal
reflection or refraction, focusing, scattering and other optical for the TE-mode with m ¼ N and sy ¼ smy (see Supplementary
phenomena without any evanescent waves. Notes 2 and 3).
Thus, curiously, Fedorov predicted two fundamental helicity- The dual asymmetry results in another remarkable effect.
dependent but unrelated phenomena (transverse momentum and Namely, for waves linearly diagonally-polarized at ±45°
beam shift) using a fictitious connection between them. Now, (m ¼ ±1), a vertical radiation torque Tx appears, which is
from equations (3) and (8), we can conclude that Fedorov’s proportional to the degree of diagonal polarization
transverse momentum is an example of Belinfante’s spin w ¼ 12Rem
þ jmj2
2 ½  1; 1. This torque signals the presence of the
momentum, which does not transport energy and therefore vertical electric spin component:
cannot shift the field.
kk w
sex ¼  smx ¼ w 2 ; ð10Þ
Interaction of the evanescent wave with Mie particles. The 2kz o
evanescent field (7) represents an exceptional configuration with which arises from the diagonal-electric-field rotation in the (y,z)-
a pure spin momentum without any orbital part in the transverse plane (see equation (7) and Supplementary Note 2). Importantly,
y-direction. This offers a unique opportunity to investigate this the total vertical spin vanishes in (9), because the electric and
fundamental field-theory quantity per se. Equation (6) show that magnetic fields rotate in opposite directions: sx ¼ sex þ smx ¼ 0.
the spin momentum does not appear in the dipole interaction Nonetheless, the dual-asymmetric gold particle unveils the
with small point-like particles. But does this result hold true for electric vertical spin (10), as shown in Fig. 3b.
larger particles and higher-order interactions? To address this Figure 3d shows the longitudinal and transverse components of
question, we examine the interaction of the evanescent optical the radiation force for circular (m ¼ ±i, s ¼ ±1) and diagonal
field with finite-size Mie particles. (m ¼ w ¼ ±1) polarizations. The longitudinal force Fz represents
The Mie scattering theory provides an exact solution for the the radiation pressure (mostly polarization-independent) from
plane-wave interaction with an isotropic spherical particle. Using the orbital momentum pO z . Akin to the torque, it exhibits an
the Maxwell stress tensor, one can calculate the flux of the effective electric-dipole interaction F ’ g  1 Imðae ÞpO e in the
momentum and AM through a sphere enclosing the particle, and Rayleigh regime kao o1. The transverse force vanishes in this
thereby determine the force and torque acting on the particle54. regime, Fy ¼ 0, which confirms the ‘virtual’ character of the spin
Recently, we developed and successfully tested an extension of the momentum.
Mie theory (based on complex-angle rotation of the standard Nonetheless, a non-zero helicity-dependent transverse force
theory), which describes the scattering of the incident evanescent arises for larger Mie particles with kaB1. This force originates
wave (7)41 (see also refs 55,56). Using this exact semi-analytical from the higher-order interaction between electric- and magnetic-
method, we calculate the radiation force and torque acting on the induced dipoles, and in the quadratic dipole–dipole approximation
particle of radius a, complex permittivity ep, and permeability mp, it can be written as63,64 (see Supplementary Note 3)
immersed in the evanescent field (7). 3

Figure 3a,c shows the schematic of the corresponding experi- ~ ¼ g  1 k  Re ae am Re~
F p þ Im ae am Im~p : ð11Þ
ment using the total internal reflection at a glass prism. For this 3
numerical experiment, we use parameters corresponding to real Here we introduced the complex Poynting momentum:
experiments manipulating particles with evanescent fields (for ~ ¼ gkðE HÞ, with Re~
p p ¼ p ¼ pO þ pS being the usual
example see refs 57–62). Namely, we consider radiation with the Poynting vector and Im~ p / ImðE HÞ characterizing an
wavelength l ¼ 650 nm, a gold particle (ep ¼  12.2 þ 3i, mp ¼ 1) in alternating flow of the so-called ‘stored energy’2. Alongside
water (e ¼ 1.77, m ¼ 1), and near-critical total internal reflection (the with the transverse s-dependent spin momentum (8)
angle of incidence is y ¼ 51° ¼ yc þ 1.5°) from the interface Re~py ¼ pSy / sðkk=kz Þw, the evanescent wave (7) possesses a

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a b T / T0
10 Usual spin  = ±1
=1 Ty Transverse spin
Tx Tz
5 =1

Ty Tz
Vertical ‘electric’ spin
0 Tx
 = –1
 = –1

0 1 2 3 4

c d ~
x Fy / F0 Fz / F0
Usual (orbital) momentum  = ±1
2 =1 40

1 20
~ Fz ~
Fy Fy
y 0 0
Transverse spin momentum

–1 –20
–2 Fy  = –1  = –1 –40
Transverse ‘imaginary’ momentum

0 1 2 3 4

Figure 3 | Numerically calculated forces and torques on a Mie particle in an evanescent field. (a,c) Schematics of a proposed experiment (see
also Supplementary Fig. 3). A polarized propagating wave undergoes total internal reflection at the glass–water interface, thereby generating the
evanescent wave (7) in water. A gold spherical particle of radius a is placed in water on the glass surface, and its observable linear and spinning motion is
proportional to the forces and torques exerted by the evanescent wave. (b,d) Normalized torque and force components for circular ( m ¼ ±i, s ¼ ±1) and
diagonal (m ¼ w ¼ ±1) polarizations versus the particle size ka (the Rayleigh dipole region ka51 is indicated by the orange circles). (b) The longitudinal
helicity-dependent torque Tzpszps indicates the usual spin. The transverse torque is helicity independent and signals the appearance of the
transverse spin (9): Typsyp(k/kz)w. The vertical torque for the diagonal polarizations w ¼ ±1 appears because of the strong electric–magnetic (dual)

asymmetry of the particle. It is caused by the non-zero electric part (10) of the (zero-net) vertical spin density: Tx / sex / w kk=2kz2 w, sex ¼  smx. (d) The
orbital momentum density (8) produces mostly polarization-independent longitudinal radiation pressure force: Fz / pO z / kz 4k. At the same time, the
transverse force ~Fy vanishes in the Rayleigh region, but becomes non-zero for larger Mie particles with kaB1, see equation (11). This transverse force has
the helicity-dependent part proportional to the transverse spin momentum (8): ~Fy / pSy / sðkk=kz Þw, and also the w-dependent part proportional to the
‘imaginary’ Poynting momentum (12) ~Fy / Im~py /  wðkk=kz Þw.

w-dependent transverse imaginary Poynting momentum (see found in the Supplementary Note 3, Supplementary Figs 4 and 5,
Supplementary Note 3) and Supplementary Table 1.

kk w
Im ~py ¼  w : ð12Þ
kz o Discussion
To summarize, we have found that a single evanescent electro-
These two transverse momenta determine two contributions

magnetic wave offers a rich and highly non-trivial structure of the
to the transverse

dipole–dipole force (11): F~y / Re ae am pSy þ local momentum and spin distributions. In sharp contrast to
Im ae am Im~py . In complete agreement with this, numerical standard photon properties, evanescent waves carry helicity-
calculations in Fig. 3d show s-dependent and w-dependent independent transverse spin and helicity-dependent transverse
transverse radiation forces on Mie particles with kaB1, which momentum. Moreover, the transverse momentum turns out to be
vanish as F~y paeamp(ka)8 at kao o1. This proves the presence a fundamental spin momentum introduced by Belinfante in field
and observability of the transverse Belinfante’s spin momentum theory and first remarked in optics (as an unusual Poynting
in the evanescent optical field. vector) by Fedorov. We have examined the measurements of the
Detailed analysis and calculations of all torque and force extraordinary spin and momentum in the evanescent field by
components for all basic polarizations m ¼ 0,N,±i,±1 can be analysing its interaction with a probe particle. Analytical

6 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3300 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4300 |

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