Bravo: With A Sword. They Are Merciless Warriors That Forgo The Typical Weapons of Large

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Sasha Dawn, wielding her elven thinblade, cruelty.

Fencers are practitioners of the gentlemanly art of sword-play, where a man might keep his
honor intact in an organized duel. Iron slashers, however, have learned how to kill a man
with a sword. They are merciless warriors that forgo the typical weapons of large
greatswords or greataxes, and have decided on the use of a lighter weapon, only training
with one as if it were just as great and powerful as a greatsword.
Adaptation: Don't feel the need to limit the class to only two weapons if you so desire
another one. Other weapons that might suit the bill for this class could be shortswords,
scimitars, daggers or even things like handaxes or shortspears.

HD: d8
BAB: +7
Skills: Balance 10 ranks, Concentration 10 ranks, Martial Lore 2 ranks
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier or elven thinblade), Weapon Specialization
(rapier or elven thinblade)
Maneuvers: Ability to use 4th level maneuvers of the Diamond Mind or Iron Heart
Special: Must have a rapier or elven thinblade of at least masterwork quality.

Class Skills: Bluff, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump,
Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Martial Lore, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Swim
and Tumble.
Skill-points per level: 4+Int modifier

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Iron slash, AC bonus
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Painful thrusting strike
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Merciless onslaught
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Bonus feat
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Stance of great cruelty
6th +6 +5 +5 +2 Bloody thrusting strike
7th +7 +5 +5 +2 Treacherous sword parry
8th +8 +6 +6 +2 Bonus feat
9th +9 +6 +6 +3 Vicious slasher stance
10th +10 +7 +7 +3 Deadly thrusting strike

Level Man. Known Man. Readied Stances Known

1st 1 0 0
2nd 0 1 0
3rd 1 0 0
4th 0 0 1
5th 1 0 0
6th 0 1 0
7th 1 0 0
8th 0 0 1
9th 1 0 0
10th 0 1 0

Weapon and Armor proficiencies: Iron slashers gain no additional weapon or armor

Maneuvers: At each odd level, an iron slasher gains new maneuvers known from the
Diamond Mind, Iron Heart or Oncoming Storm disciplines. You must meet a maneuver's
prerequisite to learn it. You add your full iron slasher levels to your initiator level to
determine your total initiator level and your highest-level maneuvers known.
At levels 2nd, 6th and 10th, you gain additional maneuvers readied per day.
Stances Known: At 4th and 8th levels, you learn a new martial stance from the Diamond
Mind, Iron Heart or Oncoming Storm disciplines. You must meet the stances prerequisites to
learn it.

Iron Slash (Ex): At first level, you have learned enough about how to handle a finesse
weapon, you can apply force and finesse into a single strike. From this point on, any rapier
or elven thinblade you wield is capable of doing both slashing or piercing damage attack per
attack. Additionally, any attacks made with the same weapons can apply both their Str and
Dex modifiers to damage instead of just Str. This extra damage is limited to an amount
equal to your iron slasher level until level 6, when the limit is removed.

AC Bonus (Ex): Iron slashers are capable of dodging and weaving with great insight and
expertise. If wearing light or no armor, iron slashers receive an insight bonus to their Armor
Class equal to their Intelligence modifier. This bonus to AC is limited to an amount equal to
your iron slasher level until level 6, when the limit is removed.

Painful Thrusting Strike (Ex): At 2nd level, you learn a special boost that allows you to
aim not for lethal stabs and slashes, but those that would be cripplingly painful. This is
treated just as a normal martial maneuver: you must ready it and expend it normally. It is a
4th level boost, and does not belong to any discipline. By using this boost, for one full
round, each strike you make less than lethal but excruciating. All damage dealt is
considered nonlethal, but with each attack the victim must make a Fort save (DC 14+Int
modifier) or be considered stunned until your next turn. Creatures immune to critical hits
are immune to the effects of this maneuver.

Merciless Onslaught (Ex): At 3rd level, your blows are precise and overwhelming
compared to a normal stab or slash. To use this class feature, you must make a full attack
action against a single foe, and have not moved during your turn. Each successful attack
that deals damage made during the full attack can push the foe back five feet and allows
you to move the same distance in the same direction as the victim being pushed. The foe
can resist moving back by making a DC 10+iron slasher level+Str modifier Fort save.

Bonus Feats: At 4th level, and again at 8th level, an iron slasher receives a bonus feat
from the fighter bonus feat list. Iron slasher levels stack with warblade and fighter levels for
determining their equivalent fighter level for feats.

Stance of Great Cruelty (Ex): At 5th level, you learn a special stance that causes each
strike you make with your weapon particularly cruel and deadly as you cut tendons, muscles
and veins. You take a swift action to lose the benefits of any stance you're in to gain the
benefits granted by this stance. While in this stance, all your weapons deal an additional
1d3 points of Con damage with each successful attack they make against a foe. This
damage stacks with the Con damage delivered by the Bloody Thrusting Strike(see below).

Bloody Thrusting Strike (Ex): At 6th level, you learn a strike that punches your weapon
deep into an important passageway for blood in the victim's body. This is treated just as a
normal martial maneuver: you must ready it and expend it normally. It is a 7th level strike,
and does not belong to any discipline. When you take a standard action to use this strike
against an opponent, if the strike is successful, the victim takes an additional 10d6 points of
damage and 1d8 Con damage. They may make a Fort save (DC 17+Int modifier) to reduce
the Con damage by half. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the effects of this

Treacherous Sword Parry (Ex): At 7th level, you gain the knowledge of a special counter
used for making foes slash themselves apart. This is treated just as a normal martial
maneuver: you must ready it and expend it normally. It is a 7th level counter, and does not
belong to any discipline. To use this counter, you must make an opposed attack roll against
someone making an attack against you with a manufactured melee weapon. If your attack
roll overcomes theirs, they instead take the damage that would have been dealt to
you(including damage from maneuvers) as well as a bonus to damage equal to your Str and
Dex modifiers.

Vicious Slasher Stance (Ex): At 9th level, you learn a stance of extreme deadliness and
almost animalistic brutality. You take a swift action to lose the benefits of any stance you're
in to gain the benefits granted by this stance. While in this stance, and when making a full
attack action, you gain an additional attack at your full attack bonus, and each attack you
make deals 1 point of damage to each of the victims physical ability scores. While in this
stance, the iron slasher takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class as they thrust and pierce with

Deadly Thrusting Strike (Ex): At 10th level, you learn how to place but a single blow and
end a victim's life. This is treated just as a normal martial maneuver: you must ready it and
expend it normally. It is a 9th level strike, and does not belong to any discipline. As a full-
round action, you take a moment to examine the foe and balance yourself to pierce or slash
perfectly. You must first make a Balance check, with a DC equal to their Armor Class. If this
check is successful, you then make a melee attack against the opponent, if the strike hits,
the victim must make a Fort save (DC 19+Int modifier). If the victim fails its save, it falls
instantly dead as you literally cut their life short. If they pass their save, they do not
instantly die, but the strike strike such a vital area that they still take 20d6 points of extra
damage. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the effects of this maneuver.
If your Balance check fails, you can make a single attack normally, but the maneuver is
considered to be expended.

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