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Week 10: Introduction to One-way ANOVA

PART 1: ONE-WAY ANOVA. Understanding the F-ratio. Use the Rice Virtual Stat lab to run the ANOVA simulation.

1. What happens to the F value ____________ and the p value____________when you decrease the SS within (the SD)?

2. What happens to the power of your study when you decrease the within SS?

3. What happens to the F-value as the SS between gets larger (you can move dot in the middle of group data set?

4. What does it do to the effect size (Cohen’s d) of the study?_________________________________________________


PART 2: Using SPSS to analyze one-way ANOVA problems.

Open the data file called Attach.sav. (on K drive in SSL or on Bb master 248 site). This dataset comes from a study on the
effects of attachment style on sleep patterns of children.
What is the IV?: __________________________ the DV? ___________________________________

What is H0? _______________________________ H1:_________________________________

 Specify your IV (factor) and DV.
 Under Post-hoc choose Tukey and Scheffe (the two covered in your text).
 Under Options chose descriptives, Homogeneity of variance, and means plot.

Did the homogeneity of variance test indicate that these groups differ significantly in variance? ______

What is the F-value? ________ Is it significant? _____________ Did you reject H 0?__________

Looking at the Post-hoc tests, which groups differ significantly from each other?


PART 3: Further practice on ANOVA.

Open the dataset “anorexia. sav” (located on the K: drive Psych 248 Huselid  DATA. The data is simulated (made
up) data. Browse the data view and variable view tabs to see what variables are in the dataset. Then work through the
following questions below. SAVE YOUR SYNTAX!

1. How many cases are in this dataset? ______ How many variables are in this dataset? _____
2. First, pretend this was a study that only looked at 3 different types of therapy and the effect on weight change for
participants with anorexia nervosa. [So, ignore all the variables except the therapy and weight change variables!]
We want to know if the three therapy type groups differed significantly in terms of weight change. If you were
helping someone analyze this and they wanted to run 3 t-tests, what would you say to advise them not to do that?

3. First: identify the outcome (dependent) variable ______________________ and
independent (grouping/factor) variable? ______________________

4. What kind of ANOVA test is this? (CIRCLE ONE: 1-way between, repeated, 2-way)
5. Next, test the assumptions for ANOVA.
a. Normality – Check to see if the dependent variable for each level of the factor has a normal distribution.
 Under, PLOTS (click on histogram, none for boxplots, and check for “normality plots with tests”)
 CLICK PASTE (to save syntax, then highlight then highlight syntax and run)
The output will show two tests of normality, look at the output for the Shaprio-Wilk Test which is more
appropriate for small sample sizes (<50). What is the null hypothesis of the Shapiro Wilk test?

Based on the p-value (Sig.) for the Shapiro-Wilk test, does each group’s outcome variable have a normal
distribution? ______. You can also look at the Q-Q plots towards the bottom of the output. If the dots on the
line are close to the line and don’t show a particular pattern, this indicates a normal distribution.

What would you have to do if the distributions were not normal?

b. Random selection. What information would you need to say if the participants in this study were
randomly selected or not?
c. Independence of observations. Are there different participants in each group with no participant being in
more than one group? ____________________________________
d. Homogeneity of variance. What does this mean? _____________________________________________
. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

To test for this go to ANALYZE  COMPARE MEANS  ONE WAY ANOVA

 Under OPTIONS click on descriptive and homogeneity of variance test
 Click PASTE (then highlight syntax and run).
 This will also run the ANOVA, but first find the Levene’s test in the output.

What is the null hypothesis for the Levene’s test?


Based on the p-value (Sig.) in the Levene’s test can we assume homogeneity of variances?

If homogeneity of variances assumption is not met, what you need to do instead of running a One-way


6. Run the correct statistical ANOVA to test if there is a significant difference in weight change between the 3
therapy type groups. Save your syntax. Explain your results in 1-2 APA style sentences:


7. Would you run a post-hoc test based on these results? Why or why not?

8. Now, run a 1 way ANOVA with medication as the factor and weight change as the dependent variable (pretend
this is a separate study that only tried medication as a treatment). Make sure you check normality of distributions
and for homogeneity of variances. (Repeat instructions above about assumptions, this time with medication as the
factor variable).
a. Can you assume normality for each distribution of the 3 medication groups? [Note: ANOVA is fairly
robust in terms of violations of normality if the sample sizes aren’t very small. In general, it’s ok to still
run ANOVA if group sizes are approximately equal and/or group sizes are >12).


b. Can you assume homogeneity of variances based on Levene’s test? Why?


9. Describe the results of the 1-way ANOVA in 1-2 APA style sentences. Include and interpret effect size (eta
squared = [SS(between)/SS(total)]


10. Perform a Tukey’s post-hoc test. Describe the results indicating the most effective medication.

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