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SOC 241-Quiz 2

Student number: 24
Name: Bianca Correa
(Note: The questionnaire number in quiz1 is your student number for this class)

Please indicate type of variable and level of measurement for the following:
1. [wrkstat] Last week were you working full time, part time, going to school, keeping house, or

①Working fulltime ②Working part-time ③Temp not working ④Unemployed/ laid off

⑤Retired ⑥School ⑦Keeping house ⑧Other_________ ⑨No Answer

Answers: Discrete / Nominal

2. [age] RESPONDENT'S AGE: How old are you? ______

Answers: Continuous / Interval-Ratio

3. [whencol] In what year are you current at in the Bachelor’s program?

①Freshman ②Sophomore ③Junior ④Senior ⑤Super senior ⑧Other________ ⑨NA

Answers: Discrete / Ordinal

4. [sex] RESPONDENT'S SEX: Which gender you consider yourself are?

①Male ②Female ⑨NA

Answers: Continuous / Nominal

5. [born] Were you born in this country?

①Yes ②No ⑨NA

Answers: Continuous / Nominal

6. [race] What race do you consider yourself?

①White ②Black ③Hispanic ④Asian ⑧Other________ ⑨NA

Answers: Continuous / Nominal

7. [major1] What is your major or field of study for your Bachelor’s degree? ____________
Answers: Continuous / Nominal

12. How much tuition are you paying out of pocket this semester? $_________
Answers: Discrete / Interval-Ratio

First lab feedback:

Do you still have trouble accessing lab computer, Blackboard, GSS database or SPSS?


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