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1 Stress and Anxiety Always Sometimes Often Never

1. I have a headache
2. If I'm feeling restricted in any way,
drinking makes me feel better.
3. I have a hard time sleeping
4. I feel stressed lately
5. I feel scared without any good
6. I felt I was close to panic.
7. I worry too much
8. Drinking makes me inefficient.
2.2 Mood

1. I find myself getting upset by trivial

2. I find myself getting impatient when I
was delayed in any way, like by
elevators, traffic lights, or people who
kept me waiting.
3. I find myself that I was very irritable.

4. I find myself moody from time to time

2.3 Self Control

1. Alcohol makes me careless about my

2. Drinking increases my aggressiveness

3. Drinking makes it hard for me to

4. I feel uncoordinated

5. I find it hard to calm down after

something upset me.
6. I likely get into an argument

7. I feel irresponsible
8. I can't act as quickly when I've been
9. I get clumsy when I drink

2.4 Memory

1. I can’t think quickly

2. I tend to forget important things

3. I forget what I do when I drink

Sutton D. March 28, 2011.Enhancing Motivation for Change in

Substance Treatment of the National Center for Biotechnology

Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved on August 25,

2019. Retrieved from


Lovibond, P. F, & Lovibond, S. H. (1995). “The structure of negative

emotional states: Comparison of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales

(DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories.” Behaviour

Research and Therapy, 33, 335-342. Retrieved on August 2

Carylle Kaye B. Mindalano; Wiezll Mae Briones; Ron Adriel Lauron

The Effects of Drinking Alcohol towards Teenagers’ Mental Health


1. Gender
o Male
o Female
2. How old are you?
o 13-14
o 15-16
o 17-18
o 19
3. How long have you been drinking?
o Less than one year
o One year
o More than a year
4. How often do you drink alcohol?
o Always
o Often
o Sometimes
o Never
5. How many drinks do you usually consume in drinking alcohol?
o Half a bottle
o One bottle
o More than two bottles
6. Why did you start consuming alcohol?
o Peer pressure
o Curiosity
o For celebrations or parties
o Adult influence

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