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1.- What are the advantages of modularization?

o Reusability
o Performance
o Mantainability
o Portability across DBMS
o Transparency
2.- You need to create a piece of code that can be used in multiple programs.
Which of the following techniques for modularization does SAP recommended?
o A function module in a function group.
o A method in a global class.
o A method in a local class
o A subroutine in a program
??.- benefit of using string expression and string functions?
o Very easy to read and understand
3.- Which objects are automatically created when you create a
new function group?
o A function pool and two include programs.
o A function pool and two function modules.
o A function pool and two modules pool.
4.- After which statement will the runtime system initialize the abap memory?
o Leave to transaction.
5.- You have to overwrite spaces in a string with the letter ‘A’
Which of the following statements can you use?
o Replace
o Overlay
o Translate
6.- Which rules do you have to consider when working with pooled tables?
o Only key fields should be used in where conditions
o Only key fields should used in order by causes.
7.- Which data element property do you set so that the system
logs changes to the content of fields with data element?
o Parameter ID
8.- Your code contains the following statement
READ TABLE gt_itab INTO gs_struc INDEX 1.
When defining gt_itab which internal table types can you use?
o Standard and sorted.
9.- You want to loop over an internal table without copying each table
row to a work area. How can you achieve this using a field symbol?
o LOOP ….ASSIGNING <field_symbol>…..ENDLOOP.
10.- How do you use a sorted internal table?
o You can read the records by index or by key
o You need to specify a key in the table declaration
11.- To benefit from the hash algorithm when accesing a
hashed internal table how do you specify the key?
o Fully Qualified
12.- Which selection screen elements allow user input in abap reports?
o Parameters
o Select options
13.-You call a lock module
Which exceptions could the lock module raise when a logical lock cannot be set?
o Foreign lock
o System failure
14.- What is the event block that all of your code belongs to if you do
not explicity code any event blocks in a executable program?
15.- What type of method is generated automatically
by the Web Dynpro Explorer when you assign an action?
o Standard hook Method
o Supply function
o Ordinary method
o Event handler method
16.- Which database objects can you create in the abap dictionary?
o Projection Views
o Indexes
o Logical database
o Foreign key relationships
17.- What are the prerequisites when creating an append
structure for a standard table?
o The fields in the append structure should start with YY or ZZ
o The enhancement category of the table is NOT set to “Not Enhancable”
18.- Which of the following can you assign a search help to?
o Structure component
o Data element
o Check table
19.- You define a database view A and a manteinance view D in
the abap Dictionary. What restrictions apply to these views?
o The tables joined in B must have foreign relationships
o Only A can be used in the form clause of a select statement.
20.- You create a domain in the ABAP Dictionary. How can you use this domain?
o As the data type of data element in the ABAP Dictionary
21.- Which of the following ABAP dictionary types can you use to define domains?
22.- Which components of the class can be accessed in the implementation of a static method in
that class?
o Instance Attibutes
o Constants
o Types
o All events
23.-You implement a subclass that inherits the instance constructor from superclass.
What can you do with the inherited constructor?
o Redefine the signature
o Change the signature.
o Change the name
o Créate several implementations
24.-Which of the following rules must you follow when you create a static constructor?
o You must name the method CLASS-CONSTRUCTOR
o You can only define static constructor in the public section
o You cannot use parameters or exceptions
25.-What is the difference between the INITIALIZATION and SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.
o INITIALIZATION is only processed once
o AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT can processed multiple times.
26.- You write a report that displays mass data in a table. You decide to use the ALV Grid Control
Which of the following functions can you offer to the user without doing any specific
o Sort and filter the data by any column
o Change column width and sequence
27.-What must you do to create a singleton class?
o Define the class as final
o Instantiate the class in a stactic method of the class itself.
o Define the class as abstract
o Set the class instantiation to private
o Implement the IF_UMM_SINGLETON interface in the class
28.-What can you do using the code inspector.
o Create an object set to represent the programs and objects to be inspected.
o Create your own inspections, objects sets or check variants.
o Create only local inspections, objects sets or check variants.
o Choose from only the performance, security and user interface check categories.
29.-Which options are available for JOIN in ABAP open SQL?
28.- What do you have to take into account before you decide to buffer a table?
o The data read from the buffer may not be current.
29.- In which of the following source code blocks can you define local data objects?
o Subroutine
o Static method
30.-You write a program that updates a data record in the database using the following statement
UPDATE scarr FROM ls_carr
Which of the following task does the database interface perform?
o It translates the statement to native SQL
o It applies a logical lock to the updated data record.
31.- Which of the following generic types can you use to define a field symbol that will be assigned
to a character?
o Clike
o csequence
32.- Your task is to enhance the screen of an SAP standard Application
How do you determine if there is a customer exits for this task?
o You search in the flow logic of the screen for a CALL CUSTOMER – SUBSCREEN statement
33.- Which of the following standard hook methods exist in all Web Dynpro controllers?
o Wddoexit
o Wddoinit
34.- Which scheduling technique is used by the abap dispatcher for processing user request?
o First In, First Out
35.- returning y changing
36.- which of the following elementary data types is deep?
o X
o N
37.- the following piece of code is used
DATA del TYPE abc,
ghi Like xyz
which of the four elements and data types and which are data objects?
o abc – data type
o del , ghi, xyz – data objects
38.- You are writing an Abap declaration using the data element S_CARR_ID
Which of the following elements correctly define a data element?
o DATA gv_id LIKE s_carr_id
o DATA gv_id TYPE s_carr_id
39.- Which of the following components below is the SAP application layer?
o ABAP dispatcher
o ?database interface
o ?database server
40.- What are some of the advances of the using OPEN SQL?
o All standard SQL commands can be used
o Can be used with any DBMS
41.- What must exist before you can create a new transportable function module?
o Transport request
o Package
o Function group
42.- Which data type are incomplete ABAP standard data types?
o N
o P
o C
43.- in the following ABAP statement
SELECT SINGLE carrid connid cityfrom cityto
From spfly
Into gs_spfly
Where carrid = pa_car
And connid = pa_con
How are the field in the field list of the SELECT statement copied to the target structure?
o They are copied from left to right
44.- What type ABAP Dictionary view is implemented as an INNER JOIN?
o Database view
45.- where part can the changed version of the program be tested?
o When you active the program
o When you release the transport request for the program
1. ABAP has built-in types like C, I, N, STRING, or X. If you use these types for defining data objects, which of the following
statements are correct?
b) If you create a data object without explicitly specifying its type, it will become type C with length 1.
2. Some ABAP statements require an explicit end, like SELECT loops, FORM definitions, or IF clauses. Which of the following
ABAP statements can be nested? There are two correct answers to this question. Select which of the following answers
are correct
a) One inner SELECT ... ENDSELECT in an outer SELECT ... END-SELECT
c) One inner CASE ... ENDCASE in an outer CASE ... ENDCASE
3. The concept of visibility of components is well-known in object oriented languages. Which of the following statements
are correct with regard to ABAP Objects?
b) A PRIVATE component of a class can be accessed in all methods of that class.
c) A PROTECTED method METH that is defined in a class SUPER can be overwritten (redefined) in an inherited
class SUB.
4. Among the most frequently used enhancement concepts in ABAP, you find customer exits. Which of the following
statements about customer exits are correct?
b) Within one SAP system, a customer exit can have a maximum of one implementation.
5. Internal tables are used in ABAP to store mass data. Which of the following statements about the relationships between
internal tables and database tables are correct?
b) A data base table XYZ can be used for the definition of an internal table like this: DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF
6. There are basically three types of SELECT statements: SELECT SINGLE, SELECT … ENDSELECT, and SELECT ... INTO TABLE.
The SELECT ...ENDSELECT statement is also known as the SELECT loop. Below, you will find a list of comments about
SELECT … ENDSELECT. Which of them are correct?
a) A work area (structure) is required for the selected rows. This work area can be given explicitly (with INTO)
or implicitly (if a TABLES declaration is used).
c) The database will transport blocks of rows to the database interface.
7. In a program, you need an elementary data object for some calculations. What are possible ways to specify its type?
b) Refer to a data element.
c) Refer to a field of a database table.
8. In a report, you want to define a SELECT-OPTION so_xyz. What are possible ways of defin-ing its type?
c) Refer to a previously defined elementary data object in the same pro-gram, using FOR
9. The event concept is vital for selection-screens. Which of the following usages of events make sense for selectionscreens?
a) Use INITIALIZATION for setting values for SELECT-OPTIONS.
d) Use AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON pa_car for checking the user entry in the PARAMETER pa_car.
10. The SAP List Viewer, commonly known as the ALV, is a powerful tool for displaying data. Among the various ALV types,
the ALV Grid Control is used for displaying non-hierarchical table data.
b) By default, a column header will be taken from the data element which is used for specifying the type of the

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