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Numerical Analysis of the Effects of

Gravel Packing on Gas-Well Productivity

M.B. Oyeneyln, * SPE, U. of Benin

Summary. This paper presents an aid in the effective design of a comprehensive optimum gas-well completion program involving
the gravel-packing method of sand control to ensure maximum productivity for a long period. A numerical approach using PI as a
measure of eventual well performance is used in analyzing the productivity of gravel-packed gas wells with a computer. An outline
of the comprehensive equations needed to compute PI under steady- and semisteady-state flow conditions based on modified Darcy's
law for gas flow is presented. The final analysis with the computer package centers on how best to design a gravel-packed gas-well
program that will ensure maximum productivity.

Gas wells generally are associated with high pressure and high flow which gas must flow into the wellbore. Thus, in the analysis of
velocity. These two major factors contribute to easy sand production the inflow performance for cased-hole gas-well completions, four
from unconsolidated pay sands, a characteristic feature of the Niger distinct sectors were assumed to contribute to the overall drawdown,
delta, U.S. gulf coast, and elsewhere. With its increased sophisti- Llpf, given as P~-P~: (1) pressure drop as a result of linear
cation, gravel packing is now the cheapest, most reliable sand- laminar flow through perforations, Llpf; (2) pressure drop caused
control method. by linear turbulent flow through perforations, Llpr; (3) pressure
Designing a gravel pack for maximum productivity generally drop resulting from radial laminar flow through the sand body,
consists of selecting the proper gravel size to retain formation sand, LlPf' which varies depending on steady- or semisteady-state flow
screen size, slot openings, hole size, pack thickness, perforation- conditions; and (4) pressure drop owing to radial turbulent flow
tunnel length, and gravel placement technique. through the sand body, Llp}. Thus,
Many studies on the effects of gravel packing on oilwell productiv-
Llpf=d-p~=Llpf+Llpr+Llpj+LlP}, .............. (I)
ity have been carried out with some success. 1-11 Himmatramka 12
extended this work to both gas- and oilwell productivity, and a re-
cently developed computer package 13 for designing a compre-
hensive program for oil wells continues the effort. This paper. a LlPr=qgC·93:;:gLp). .......................... (2)
follow-up to that work, presents the results of the computer package,
which was intended to be an aid in the effective planning and design 1.247 x 1O-16FBg'YgZTRLp)
of a comprehensive gas-well gravel-pack completion program to and Llpr =qi ( A2 ' ............. (3)
ensure maximum productivity over a given number of years. At- p
tempts have been made to develop more comprehensive equations where the constants 8.93 and 1.247 x 10- 16 in Eqs. 2 and 3
to compute PI under steady- and semi steady-state flow conditions become 424.51 and 59.28x1O- 16 , respectively, in SI units.
given a number of factors. This work assumes that the best com- For steady-state conditions,
pletion program incorporates the gravel pack as part of the initial
completion program. By virtue of high-pressure conditions and
safety operations, cased-hole completion techniques are usually used Llpj=qg [
1.4241!gzTR J
[In 0.472(Te/T w)+sTl , .......... (4)
for gas wells. Thus, the modified equations developed here are re- kfh
stricted to inside-casing gravel-pack completions. The factors con- where 1.424 becomes 67.694 in SI units.
sidered include radial extent of the damaged zone; gravel-pack For semi steady-state conditions,
thickness; drainage radius; wellbore radius (hole size); gravel size
as a function of gravel permeability; formation permeability, kf ;
flushed-zone skin, sd; non-Darcy skin; and perforation skin factor. Llpj=qg [
[In 0.472(re/Tw)-0.75+sTl
J ..... (5)
Development of Productivity Equations 3.16X 1O-18FB'YgZTR)
The PI of a well is the most common measure of its ability to de- and LlfJ} =q/ ( h ' ................ (6)
liver fluid. In gas wells, this ability is measured in terms of the
inflow performance. To arrive at the required equations, steady- where the constants 1.424 and 3.16x1O- 18 become 67.694 and
and semisteady-state flow conditions were assumed. Steady-state 150.219X1O- 18 , respectively, in SI units.
flow occurs when the flow rate and pressure at each point in the The gravel-pack turbulence factor is given by
reservoir are constant with time. In many gas reservoir situations,
F Bg = 10(6.5-0.95 logIOkg) ...•.•.••••...••••.•..•.•••• (7)
however, sustained gas production is accompanied by a continuous
decline in pressure throughout the system. Thus, pressure is a and true skin is given by
function of time, and the mass of gas in the radial zone decreases.
This is basically an unsteady-state process. When an undersaturated sT=sd+snD +Sg +s/+sp +Dqg . ...................... (8)
boul1ded reservoir is produced at a constant rate, however, after The non-Darcy skin factor is
an initial startup period, the rate of pressure decline at all points
in the system becomes constant and uniform. This situation is re- SnD=SASBscPqscJh, ..... c ••..•......•.•••..•.•.•••. (9)
ferred to as semisteady state because the time derivative of pressure where SA =2.14x 1O- 11 Ns4, ........................ (10)
is constant.
sB=(I-c/J)/c/>3, .................................. (ll)
Performance Equation .for Cased-Hole Gravel Pack Gas-Well sC=kf Lp /A 2 nJl!g . ................................ (12)
Completions. In cased-hole gravel packs for gas wells, pressure
drop is more critical because of the perforation tunnels through The particle sphericity, !/Is, is a fraction ranging from 0.55 for
jagged sand to 0.95 for nearly spherical sand.
"Now at Heriot·Watt U. The perforation skin factor is
Copyright 1990 Society of Petroleum Engineers sp=(hD/aDqp)-ln To/Tw, ......................... (13)
SPE Production Engineering, May 1990 171

n p ,,20 shots/It

Fig. 1-Flow chart for cased-hole gravel-pack completion.

and assuming an isentropic reservoir, where F B = 10(6.5-0.95 loglOktl, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19)

sp=hpl(Lpqp)-ln rolrw, .......................... (14) or 10(7·016-0.95 JoglOkf ) in SI units, Psc= 14.7 psi [101.357 kPa],
and Tsc=520oR [15.56°C].
where sd is the skin effect caused by drilling and completion fluids and
hD=(hplrw)'\IkHlkV' ............................. (15) by the phasing angle for 3D flow through perforations. For
penetration that terminates within or at rs ,
and aD=Lplrw.
sd=0.1576(h i lrw)0.6769(0)0.9843
The apparent skin resulting from the gravel pack is
X (aDlr w) -0.7928 (kslkf ) -1.5759. . .................... (20)
sg=(kf lk g -1)ln rwlri' ............................ (16)
The apparent skin resulting from the screen is For penetration that goes beyond r s ,
sd=0.02272(h i lr w)0.7631 (0) 1.1221(aDlrw) -2.5671
Sf = ( 2Inc)(ln 2/f)100 . ............................. (17)
X (kslkf ) -0.9522(rslr w)3.0874. . ...................... (21)
Sf usually is considered to be negligible for rod-based, wire-
wrapped screens. The inflow performance, P, as defined by Tracy14 is
Dqg is the non-Darcy skin caused by high-velocity gas flow near
the wellbore. P=qgltJ.Pf=qgl(p~-P;'f)' ........................ (22)

2.715X1O- 15 F B MPsckf Solution Method

D= , ...................... (18) The IBM Prime 750™ was used for the numerical analysis to test
/LghprW Tsc
the effects of gravel packing on gas-well productivity. The package
172 SPE Production Engineering, May 1990

Gravel Gravel Inflow Performance Production Pressure Drop Inflow

Size Permeability (10 -2 MscflD-pSi 2) Rate (psi 2) Performance
(U.S. mesh) (darcies) h=50 ft h= 100 ft h= 150 ft h=200 ft (Mscf/D) 2 11p 2 2 2 (scf/D-psi 2 )
11p1 11p3 11p4
--- 2
10/20 325 13.19 26.38 39.57 52.76 200 891.81 4,321.92 1,493.31 0.846 29.82
10/30 191 13.18 26.35 39.53 52.71 400 1,783.61 17,287.67 2,986.62 3.383 18.13
20/40 121 13.16 26.32 39.47 52.63 600 2,675.42 38,897.26 4,479.93 7.61 13.03
30/40 110 13.15 26.30 39.46 52.611 800 3,567.23 69,150.69 5,973.24 13.53 10.16
40/60 45 13.07 26.14 39.27 52.29 1,000 4,459.03 108,047.95 7,466.5521.14 8.33
1,200 5,350.84 155,589.03 8.959.86 30.45 7.06


Pack Inflow Performance for ON INFLOW PERFORMANCE
thickness 20/40-mesh gravel
(in.) Sd Sf _S_9_ (10- 2 Mscf/D-psi 2) Perforation 20/40-mesh gravel
4 1.216 0.726 -0.399 11.00 Phase Angle Pressure Drop Inflow Performance
8 1.216 0.726 -0.399 13.16 (degrees) (psi 2) (scf/D-psi2)
10 1.216 0.726 -0.399 14.05 0 13,799.95 21.74
12 1.216 0.726 -0.399 14.87 180 13,043.39 23.00
14 1.216 0.726 -0.399 15.64 120 12,813.7 23.41
16 1.216 0.726 -0.399 16.37 90 12,725.28 23.57



Perforation Inflow Performance Pressure Drop Inflow Performance

Penetration (scflD-psi2) Porosity (psi2) (scf/O-psi2)
(in.) 10/30-mesh gravel 20/40-mesh gravel 0.10 407,745.38 0.74
0.15 116,913.88 2.08
'. =8 in.
0.20 48,776.16 6.16
2 26.46 26.03 0.25 25,443.16 11.79
4 33.67 32.29 0.30 15,538.28 19.31
6 36.31 33.96
8 36.90 33.73
10 36.66 32.84
12 35.72 31.44 's
in. [> 25 cm] for = 10 in. [25 cm] (Table 3), especially for
14 34.76 30.11 1O/30-mesh gravel, but it occurs at 8 in. [20 cm] on average for
other gravel sizes.
,.=10in. Table 4 shows that the total pressure drop is the result mainly
2 26.46 26.03 of pressure drop through the perforation tunnel. Generally, the non-
4 31.55 30.34 Darcy factor will be enhanced if a pronounced gravel/sand mixing
6 35.08 32.88 occurs that leads to increased turbulent-flow pressure drops.
8 36.28 33.22 Perforation phasing effects on inflow performance are presented
10 36.32 32.56 in Table 5, and Table 6 shows the effect of an effective gravel pack,
12 35.51 31.26 especially for maximum packing efficiency, as represented by the
14 34.63 30.01 porosity/inflow-performance relationship. Other effects, of course,
can be generated by the computer program.

highlights a number of parameters as they affect the inflow per- Application of Computer Package
formance by use of field operational data. In Gravel·Pack Design for Gas Wells
The program developed for the inside-casing gravel pack was One can easily compute the inflow performance for gravel-packed
based on the equations presented here, the algorithm of which is gas wells given the necessary parameters. Thus, for optimum gas-
shown in Fig. 1. well performance, one can generate the values of the different
variables and ensure an effective well program.
Analysis and Discussion of Results The combination of maximum penetration possible and gravel
The results obtained for the different parameters considered are Illgh- size required for optimum inflow performance are important in ob-
lighted in Tables 1 through 6. Table 1 shows the effect of gravel taining an effective well-design program. The optimum porosity
size on inflow performance, which is very important in gravel-pack value combined with pack thickness can be selected to aid in the
design. The gravel sizes considered were based on the standard per- choice of screen size. Even the type of completion fluid can be pre-
meability values of each worked-clean commercial gravel size. As dicted on the basis of the skin.
expected, the inflow performance was also found to increase with
an increase in pack thickness (Table 2), although it is not clear Conclusions
whether a critical thickness exists beyond which inflow performance The results generated from the computational analysis, samples of
will not increase. which are presented here, highlight the fact that efficient gravel-
For inside-casing gravel packs, perforation penetration is very packing design, for oil or gas wells, must take into account all the
important. Table 3 shows that perforation penetration> 8 in. [> 20 factors that affect eventual well performance. Results confirm that
cm] led to a decrease in inflow performance for,s = 8 in. [20 cm] . minimizing the gravel size will not noticeably affect the inflow per-
This decline did not occur, however, until after a penetration > 10 formance of the gas well as long as the gravel is slightly larger than
SPE Production Engineering, May 1990 173
the formation sand and has good permeability. Results also confirm s g = apparent skin resulting from gravel pack
that, for gas wells, using semi steady-state flow conditions in S I = apparent skin resulting from screen/liner
analyzing well performance works better than using steady-state snD = non-Darcy skin
conditions. Likewise, perforation penetration equal to the flushed- sp = perforation-damage skin
zone radius but within a minimum of 8 in. [20 cm] was found to s T = true skin
be the critical tunnel length for maximum productivity. The skin TR = reservoir temperature, oR [0C]
effects imposed by the gravel pack, screen, and perforation are very Tsc = temperature at standard conditions, oR [0C]
important factors in the analysis of inflow well performance. Like z = compressibility factor
the earlier program for oil wells,13 this one will go a long way 'Y g = gas specific gravity
in formulating simulated values of well parameters, the conditions (J = perforation gun phasing, rad
of which should ensure long-term optimum gravel-packed gas-well P,g = gas viscosity, cp [Pa' s]
performance. p = density
cf> = porosity
1/; s = particle sphericity
aD = Lp/rw
A = area, ft2 [m 2] References
Ap = perforated area, ft2 [m 2]
1. Saucier, R.I.: "Considerations in Gravel Pack Design," JPT(Feb. 1974)
4 = average particle size of gravel pack (50 percentile 205-12; Trans., AIME, 257.
diameter), in. [cm] 2. Oyeneyin, M.B. and Peden, I.M.: "Factors to Consider in the Effective
D = defined by Eq. 18 Gravel Packing of Deviated Wells," paper SPE 13916 available at SPE,
f = fraction of screen open to flow Richardson, TX.
FB,FBg = turbulence factor, ft- I [m- I ] 3. Peden, I.M. eta/.: "Laboratory Studies of the Effectiveness of Gravel
Packing Perforations and Screen-Casing Annulus in Deviated Wells,"
h = completion interval, ft [m] paper SPE 12805 presented at the 1982 SPE European Petroleum Con-
hD = defined by Eq. 15 ference, London, Oct. 25-28.
hi = height of repeating perforating pattern, ft [m] 4. Ellis, R.C., Snyder, R.E., and Suman, G.O. Ir.: "New Design Concepts
hp = perforated spacing, ft [m] Help Optimize Sand Control," World Oil (Dec. 1981).
kf = formation permeability, darcies 5. Hong, K.C. and Standing, M.B.: "Productivity of Perforated Com-
kg = gravel-pack permeability, darcies pletions in a Zone of Permeability Damage," paper SPE 4653 presented
at the 1973 SPE Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Sept. 30-0ct. 3.
kH = horizontal permeability, darcies 6. McLeod, H.O. Ir.: "The Effect of Perforating Conditions on Well Per-
ks = skin permeability formance," JPT(Ian. 1983) 31-39.
kv = vertical permeability, darcies 7. Harris, M.H.: "The Effect of Perforating on Well Productivity," JPT
Lp = perforated-tunnel length, ft [m] (April 1966) 518-28; Trans., AIME, 237.
M = molecular weight 8. Coberly, C.I. and Wagner, E.M.: "Some Considerations in the Selection
nc = number of continuous slot columns, ft- 1 [m- I ] and Installation of Gravelpack for Oilwells," API Tech. Paper No. 960,
API, Dallas (1938).
np = perforation density, ft -I [m -I]
9. Oyeneyin, M.B.: "The Effects of Gravel Packing on Well Produc-
PR = reservoir pressure, psi [kPa] tivity," Nigerian Engineer (1986) 21, No.3, 1-11.
Psc = pressure at standard conditions, psi [kPa] 10. Lampros, K.: "Gravel Packing Review and Application to Deviated
Pwf = flowing bottomhole pressure, psi [kPa] Wells," MS thesis, Heriot-Watt U., Edinburgh (1977).
11. McDowell, I.M. and Muskat, M.: "Effect on Well Productivity of For-
Apr. = p~-pJ.r, psi 2 [kPa 2 ]
Ap = pressure drop owing to linear laminar flow through
mation Penetration Beyond Perforated Casing," Trans., AIME (1950)
189, 309-12.
perforations, psi 2 [kPa2 ] 12. Himmatramka, A.H.: "Analysis of Productivity Reduction Due to Non-
Api= pressure drop owing to linear turbulent flow Darcy Flow and True Skin in Gravel-Packed Wells," paper SPE 10084
presented at the 1981 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
through perforations, psi 2 [kPa 2 ]
San Antonio, Oct. 4-7.
Apl = pressure drop owing to radial laminar flow through 13. Oyeneyin, M.B.: "Computer Programs Help Pick Best Gravelpack
sand body, psi 2 [kPa 2 ] Design," Oil & GasJ. (March 2, 1987).
Ap = pressure drop owing to radial turbulent flow 14. Tracy, G.W.: "Diagnosing Productivity Problems in Gas Wells," Oil
through sand body, psi 2 [kPa 2 ] & Gas J. (Aug. 6, 1956).
P = inflow performance
qg = gas production, MscflD [std m 3 /d] SI Metric Conversion Factors
qp = production rate per perforation, sefID [std m 3 /d] ft x 3.048* E-Ol
qsc = gas production rate at standard conditions, sefID ft3 x 2.831 685 E-02
[std m 3 /d] in. x 2.54* E+OO cm
re = drainage radius, ft [m] md x 9.869233 E-04 p,m 2
ri = screen inner radius, ft [m] psi x 6.894 757 E+OO kPa
r0 = radial-flow radius, ft [m] SPEPE
* Conversion factor is exact.
r w = wellbore radius, ft [m]
sA,sB, Original SPE manuscript received for review Feb. 8, 1988. Paper accepted for publication
Jan. 18, 1990. Revised manuscript received Nov. 30, 1989. Paper (SPE 17170) first
Se = skin defined by Eqs. 10 through 12, respectively presented at the 1988 SPE Formation Damage Control Symposium held in Bakersfield,
sd = apparent skin resulting from fluid invasion Feb. 8-9.

174 SPE Production Engineering, May 1990

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