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Preventing further corrosion in

repaired concrete
Zinc-rich epoxy resin protects rebar in the repair
zone and in surrounding concrete

Workers use a three-stage method to

repair corrosion-damaged concrete. A
zinc-rich epoxy primer protects the
steel, followed by a cementitious repair
mortar and a penetrating sealer.

sacrificial coating for rebar

A may be the solution for a

perplexing concrete repair
p ro b l e m — re c u r rence of
corrosion after the repair is made.
There’s no practical method for re-
moving chloride ions from contam-
inated concrete. And it isn’t practi-
cal to chip out and replace the
contaminated concrete. So the con-
ditions that originally caused corro- fied cement slurry or an epoxy primed bars showed signs of under-
sion are often present after repair. primer used to bond repair materi- cutting corrosion within the repair
Unless preventive steps are taken, a al to the old concrete. But this sys- zone. The zinc-rich primer, though,
building owner may buy only a few tem isolates the rebar from the protected rebar in the repair zone
years before repairs are needed highly alkaline concrete. The coat- and surrounding concrete.
again. ing may be undercut as corrosion
creeps under the primer from an Repair procedure
Approaches to corrosion uncoated area. To use this repair method, remove
prevention Another method is to use a zinc- all the cracked anƒd spalled con-
Some repair contractors use a ce- rich epoxy resin for coating rebars crete, making sure to expose the full
mentitious repair material and de- before completing the repair. The c i rc u m f e rence of all bars. Then
pend on this highly alkaline materi- zinc coating allows electrical con- clean the exposed bars to remove
al to protect the steel. Or they may tact between the bar and the active corrosion deposits. The surface
prime the rebar with a cement mor- zinc. Zinc then acts as a sacrificial doesn’t have to be shiny and rust
tar slurry before applying the repair anode, protecting the steel. f re e, but all scale and loose rust
material. These approaches protect L a b o ra t o ry corrosion studies of should be removed.
steel in the repair zone but may ac- primed and unprimed rebars have Wire brushing isn’t an effective
celerate corrosion of steel in the sur- confirmed the effects described. method of cleaning steel because it
rounding concrete. Bars surrounded by alkaline repair tends to polish the surface rather
Other contractors first prime or materials began corroding outside than remove heavy deposits. Blast-
coat the steel with a polymer-modi- the repair zone, while epox y- re s i n - ing the surface with sand or grit
mentitious repair mortar is recom-
mended for two reasons:

■ The alkaline environment

protects steel from corrosion
after the zinc has been
■ The thermal coefficient of
expansion is close to that of
the surrounding concrete,
minimizing thermal
incompatibility problems.

As a final step, apply a penetrating

Grit blasting removes scale and loose Zinc-rich primer is brushed on and
breathable sealer that will keep out
rust from rebar before it’s coated. allowed to dry before repair mortar is
applied. water and chlorides.
The method has been successful-
does a better job (see photo). An an- the primed surface dry before ap- ly used for horizontal, vertical, and
gle grinder can also be used. plying the concrete repair mortar. overhead repairs of corrosion-dam-
Use a brush to apply the zinc-rich Drying can take up to 4 hours de- aged concrete.
epoxy primer to the exposed steel pending on drying conditions.
(see photo). The protective value of Dampen the concrete substrate
the coating is proportional to its with water and prime it with a ce-
thickness. A thicker coating con- mentitious slurry. Scrub the slurry
tains more consumable zinc and into the substrate with a mason’s PUBLICATION#C890558
thus lasts longer than a thin coating. brush and apply the repair mortar Copyright © 1989, The Aberdeen Group
Apply it at least 5 1⁄2 mils thick. Let before the slurry dries. Using a ce- All rights reserved

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