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Amelia Bedelia Script (REVISED)

Mr. Rogers- Brayden

Mrs. Rogers- Chelsea
Amelia- Adella
Narrator- Anna

Mrs. Rogers- Oh Amelia Bedelia, your first day of work and I can’t be here.
I made a list for you. You just do what the list says.

Narrator- Mrs. Rogers got into the car with Mr. Rogers and they drove
away. Amelia Bedelia went inside.

Amelia- Such a grand house! These must be rich folks. But I must get to
work. Here I stand just looking. And me with a whole list of things to do.

Narrator- Amelia Bedelia stood there a minute longer.

Amelia- I think I’ll make a surprise for them. I know! I’ll make pie! I am very
good at making pies!

Narrator- So Amelia Bedelia went into the kitchen. She put a little of this
and a pinch of that into a bowl. She mixed and she rolled. Soon her pie was
ready to go in the oven.

Amelia- Now what’s see what the list says…

Narrator- Change the towels in the green bathroom. Amelia Bedelia found
the green bathroom.

Amelia- Those towels are very nice! Why change them?

Narrator- Then Amelia Bedelia remembered what Mrs. Rogers had said.
She must do what the list told her. Amelia Bedelia got some scissors. She
snipped a little here and a little there. She changed those towels.
Amelia- There! What else does the list say?

Narrator- Dust the furniture.

Amelia- What a silly thing! At my house we undust the furniture… oh well!

To each is own.

Narrator- Amelia Bedelia took one last look at the bathroom. She saw a big
box with the words Dusting Powder on it.

Amelia- Well would you look at that? A special powder to dust with!

Narrator- So Amelia Bedelia dusted the furniture.

Amelia- That should be dusty enough… and what a nice smell! I wonder
what else the list says to do…

Narrator- Draw the drapes when the sun comes in. She looked up. The
sun was coming in. Amelia looked at the list.

Amelia- Draw the drapes? Did I read that right? I’m not much of an artist,
but I’ll try my best!

Narrator- So Amelia Bedelia sat right down and drew those drapes.

Amelia- Now what?

Narrator- Put the lights out when you finish in the living room. Amelia
Bedelia thought about this for a minute. She switched off the lights. Then
she carefully unscrewed each bulb. Amelia Bedelia put those lights out.

Amelia- So those things need aired out, too. Just like pillows and babies.
Oh, I do have so much to learn! Oh no! My pie!

Narrator- She took the pie out of the oven and put it on the table to cool.
Then she looks at the list. Measure two cups of rice. Amelia Bedelia found
two cups. She filled them with rice. Amelia Bedelia measured that rice.
Amelia Bedelia laughed.

Amelia- These folks sure want me to do some funny things!

Narrator- She put the rice back in the container.

Amelia- I wonder what else the list says…

Narrator- Please dress the chicken.

Amelia- Now I must dress the chicken. I wonder if she wants a he chicken,
or a she chicken…

Narrator- Amelia Bedelia went right to work. Soon the chicken was
finished. She heard the door open.

Amelia- Oh my! The folks are back!

Narrator- She rushed to greet them.

Mr. Rogers- Amelia, why are the light bulbs outside?

Amelia- Oh I’m sorry! The list said to put them out… but I didn’t think to
bring them back inside.

Mrs. Rogers- Amelia, the sun will fade the furniture! I asked you to draw
the drapes.

Amelia- Oh, I did, Mrs. Rogers!

Narrator- She showed Mrs. Rogers her picture. Mrs. Rogers rolls her eyes.
She turns around and sees the furniture.

Mrs. Rogers- The furniture! What have you done to the furniture!

Amelia- I dusted them, just like you said! I hope I did a good job.
Mr. Rogers- I say, these are very unusual towels!

Narrator- Mrs. Rogers rushed to the bathroom.

Mrs. Rogers- My best towels!

Amelia- Didn’t I change them enough?

Narrator- Mrs. Rogers rushed into the kitchen.

Mrs. Rogers- I’ll cook dinner. Where is the rice I asked you to measure?

Amelia- Oh, I put it back in the container. If I remember correctly it was 4 ½


Mrs. Rogers- The chicken- Did you dress the chicken?

Amelia- Yes! And I found the nicest box to put him in!

Mrs. Rogers- Box? What box?

Narrator- Mrs. Rogers hurried over to the box and lifted the lid. There lay
the chicken. He/She was dressed as best he/she could be. Mrs. Rogers
was very angry. Before she could open her mouth to say anything, Mr.
Rogers put something in it. It was so good that Mrs. Rogers completely
forgot about being angry.

Mrs. Rogers- Pie!

Amelia- I made it to surprise you! I hope you like it.

Mrs. Rogers- Like it? I love it! Thank you so much, Amelia!

Narrator- So right then and there Mr. and Mrs. Rogers decided that Amelia
Bedelia must stay. And so she did. Mrs. Rogers learned to say undust the
furniture, unlight the lights, close the drapes, and things like that. Mr.
Rogers didn’t care how Amelia did the chores, as long as she was around
to make him pie any time he pleased.
The End

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