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Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of pomelo peel candle in terminating mosquitoes. specifically, it seeks to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the average mortality rate of mosquitoes in terms of percent composition by mass:

a. 25 grams of pomelo peel extract?

b. 50 grams of pomelo peel extract?

c. 75 grams of pomelo peel extract?

2. Is there a significant difference in the effectiveness of pomelo peel candle in terminating mosquito in terms of percent

composition by mass?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study is deemed beneficial to the following individual considering that pomelo peel and

plays an important role in the success of this product. The World Health Oragnization (WHO) will be benefitted

because of the useful information brought about by this study. It could also be used for further research since WHO is an

organization that handles global medical problems. Moreover, the community will be given valuable information that can

lead to awareness on the possible way to lessen the case of dengue or any mosquito-related diseases. Furthermore, they

will be informed that organic material like pomelo peel can be of good source not only to repel mosquito but also to

terminate them and they will know that this product is cost efficient. Then the future researchers can use this as their

guide and basis to conduct parallel studies. Lastly, the main focus of this study is to show the people on how to

make a simple, natural and safe mosquito killer.

Scope and Delimitation

The investigatory project focused on making an organic mosquito killer which is made up of pomelo peel. The

effectiveness of the said pomelo peel candle will be tested through the number of mosquito terminated per trial.

The testing for mosquito peel candle will be conducted within the premises of Quezon National High School

specifically in the closed area of a room during the First Quarter-First Semester of school year 2019-2020.

Analysis of Variance will be used to determine if there is a significant difference per trial and per percent

composition by mass.
This investigatory project helps to lessen individual’s expenses and helps to plan some business

that can be more profitable.

Conceptual Framework

Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism – over one million people

worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases every year.

Chapter III

Research Design

The study utilized descriptive experimental design to evaluate the effectiveness of pomelo peel candle as

mosquito killer. It showed the method and procedure on how the feasible making of pomelo peel candle. This

will determine the best percent composition by mass that will be used in order to achieve the desired output that

will emphasize the mortality rate of mosquitoes.


The materials that were used in this study were the following:
pomelo peel – 150 grams
candle wax –
candle molder
Triple beam balance
boiling pot
mixing bowl


A. Measurement of the Materials Needed
Using the triple beam balance, the researchers measured the following:
 25 grams of pomelo peel
 50 grams of pomelo peel
 75 grams of pomelo peel

B. Preparation of the set up
Three (3) set ups were prepared; set-up one (1) was made up of the extract from 25
grams of pomelo peel and 50 grams of candle wax; set-up two (2) was made up of the extract from 50
grams of pomelo peel and 50 grams of candle wax, and set-up three (3) was made up of the extract
from 25 grams of pomelo peel and 50 grams candle wax.
The researchers will be using 10 mosquitoes for each of the trial and percent composition by
C. Preparation of the Pomelo Peel Extract
The researchers separated the peels of the pomelos and grated them
The researchers used blender to get the extract of the pomelo peel by squeezing with the
use of clean cloth.
C. Procedure
1. Grate the candle wax and separate it from the candle wick. Measure how much wax is needed to
complete the 20% and double the container.
2. Melt the candle wax for 10-15 minutes, stirring frequently.
3. Mixed the pomelo peel extract through filtration with the use of clean cloth and the melted candle
4. Attach the candle wick at the bottom of the container before pouring the mixed pomelo peel extract
and melted candle wax to the container.
5. Secure the candle wick by laying two chopsticks across the top of the container to avoid it from
6. If the candle hardened with cracks or holes, reheat and add some melted wax.
A. Disposal of Oranges Used

The researchers threw the used pomelo peels in a biodegradable

B. Disposal of the Dead Mosquitoes

The researchers threw the dead mosquitoes in a biodegradable

Statistical Analysis
The researchers used ANOVA to determine if there is a significant difference on the effectiveness of
pomelo peel candle as mosquito killer.


Preparation of the Materials

Preparation of the Set-up

Preparation of the Pomelo Peels


Mixed of pomelo peel extract and melted candle wax

Evaluation of Data

Fig. 2 Flowchart on Pomelo Peel candle as Mosquito Killer

Results and discussion

Table 1. Average Mortality Rate of the Mosquitoes in the different percent composition by mass
Number of Number of Number of Average Mortality
mosquito died mosquito died mosquito died Rate
25g and 50 g 2 2 3 2.333333
50 g and 50 g 4 4 3 3.666667
75 g and 50 g 5 4 6 5

Table 1 shows the different number of mosquitoes died in the different percent composition by mass.
It presents that there is no constant number of mosquitoes died in each percent composition by mass.
It also shows that the higher the pomelo peel extract present in the candle, the more mosquito it will

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