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Universidad INCCA de Colombia

David Durán



Hundreds of people would agree with the idea of literature being something really
important. Some would say that it’s because we can socialize better, or some would say that
is a matter of culture. However, the truth is that literature has always been a way for the
human being to communicate, to express things, to tell something who needs to be told.
Literature is important considering that is a way we have to learn and discover knowledge;
present and previous, literature can be fun, can be entertaining, and could be useful to
discover the truth about many things we still ignore. So, what would be of human if he
couldn’t be able to read about plants that help people with their illnesses? There would be
no doctors; no Scientifics, now lawyers reading the first Platoon’s discussion, we couldn’t
know how or cities and countries were founded. Books are vital in the development of the
human through the years, since the library of Alexandria.

Literature finds its place in the world itself. We can see through literature movements how
the world talks. Each one of them says something about that specific moment in the world.
How people was, how buildings and architecture were, how people socialized. Without
literature we wouldn’t have different things related to it, like music, in the lyric genre. The
world would be a dumb world without all the things we have reached as humans through
literature. Also, literature has changed the way we think, by philosophy, by knowing about
politics, the world would be even worse if we were ignorant in politics.

The improvement of writing has helped the human being to know about different topics that
were impossible in the past. Talking about religion, literature has rescued us from
oppression. So, in this part is important to mention the ideas about people like Kant who
called in their moment that books were basic to humans to discover some other realities.
Montesquieu says that reading and get yourself educated is the only way to move on and
being less ignorant.

The big advantage of knowing about is that your brain gets richer more and more, you, as
reader are conscious about the importance and the necessity to read; to learn more and
more. It’s not also something to learn, you can find some good texts to have fun, to find
feelings in common, to choose by your likes, to talk about love or horror.

A disadvantage could be your life being way more miserable, by judging yourself for
something you could easily know by reading. Maybe thinking you’re the only one feeling
that way, thinking that way.

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