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The Institution for Better Life

Laoag City

Course Syllabus
1 Semester, School Year 2018-2019

Course Title: Understanding Culture, Society, & Politics

Teacher: Mr. Jayson B. Yadao

Course Credit: 4 units

Course Description: This course develops the understanding of the students towards culture, society, and politics.

NCC MISSION: The mission of Northern Christian College is training of the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical qualities of the youth of the Philippines
with special emphasis on the development of Christian character as exemplified by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

NCC VISSION: A just, free, and responsible community made up of people who are intellectually competent and honest and morally and ethically sensitive to the
needs and aspirations of the society.

NCC CREDO: Northern Christian College seeks the life of the faith, learning, and action that will develop the person into becoming intellectually competent and
honest, and ethically sensitive and creatively aware of and responsive to the needs, aspirations, and realization of a just, free, and responsible Christian order.


In furtherance of the mission of the Northern Christian College, the Basic Education School seeks to:

1. Provide spiritual growth and development in order to infuse Christian ideals;

2. Provide adequate academic preparation for quality college work;
3. Provide guidance for appropriate and relevant choices of career;
4. Train students in the effective performance of responsibilities;
5. Develop personal discipline;
6. Prepare students to take place in society as citizens dedicated to service of fellowmen;
7. Provide mechanism for parent involvement in the education of their children;
8. Continue to promote the objectives of the elementary education;
9. Infuse values to enhance the worth and dignity of the individual; and
10. Provide vocational training for self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

Course Competencies

After completing the course, the students are expected to manifest the following competencies:

 Discuss the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology recognizing the interdisciplinarity of various domains of
 Explain the different elements, processes, and dynamics of society by describing the nature, elements, and functions of the various concepts and
processes in Social Science.
 Elaborate the development of oneself as a product of socialization and enculturation by practicing the special skills and competencies acquired in the
chosen discipline.
 Discuss the economic organizations and its impact on the lives of people while recognizing the inerdiscipliarity of various domains of knowledge.


 Adopt an open and critical attitude toward different social, political, and cultural phenomenon through observation and reflection by applying
analytical and evaluation skills to thinking tasks inside and outside the classroom.
 Point out the characteristics of indigenous cultures by performing scientific methods of inquiry properly and appropriately.
 Analyze the role of groups and institutions as agents of social control through critical evaluation of multi-modal texts critically to enhance learning.
 Assess the rules of social interaction to maintain the stability of everyday life and the role of innovation in response to problems and challenges and
adopting cultural and intercultural awareness sensitivity in communication of ideas.
 Explain the role played by museums as venues where biological, social, and cultural evolution can be appreciated and understood through clear,
coherent and effective oral-audio-visual, and/or web based presentations.
 Discuss social and political structures by presenting ideas persuasively and creatively.
 Explain the political developments in early civilizations through persuasive and creative presentation ideas.
 Discuss how human societies should adapt to social, political, and cultural changes by writing and presenting papers using appropriate tone, style,
conventions, and reference modes.


 Explain how the social and the cultural backgrounds of students serve as subjects or social actors, agents, and persons and demonstrate civic
 Identify various social forces at work in and by seeking ways to contribute productively to local, national, and global society.
 Trace the biological and cultural evolution of early to modern humans by showing understanding and appreciation of Filipino uniqueness and, at the
same time, the commonalities shared with other people of other cultures.
 Distinguish the different forms of social organization according to their manifest and latent functions manifesting understanding and appreciation of
Filipino uniqueness and, at the same time, the commonalities shared with other people of other cultures.
 Evaluate factors causing social, political, and cultural change through demonstration of civic capacities.

 Recognize the value of human rights in the promotion of common good by manifesting concern for life, curiosity, stewardship, integrity, discipline,
and objectivity in their day-to-day decisions.
 Point out norms and values to be observed in interacting with other people in society and the consequences of ignoring these rules and taking
responsibilities for the consequences of their actions.
 Promote the protection of human dignity, rights, and the common good and exhibit love for God, forgiveness of sins, unconditional love,
renunciation of violence.
 Develop advocacies that address social, political, or cultural change by demonstrating willingness to serve the marginalized, the underprivileged, the
other-abled, and all those whom we should show love.
 Point out the important contributions of the early people to the present time by employing appropriate use of technology to support learning
 Develop campaigns that inform the people about the different deviant behaviors in society through showing intellectual honesty and stewardship in
the use of technology in the learning process.
 Promote primary education as a human right by showing proper care for school equipment and properties.


 Trace the dynamics of social, political, and cultural change by valuing the contributions of all persons regardless of gender.
 Explain how societies evolve through time through appreciation of differences in the nature of genders while at the same time acknowledging
equality in abilities and potentials.
 Discuss the phenomenon of deviance in its cultural and social contexts and expression of respect for different genders in one speech and action.

Course Outline:

1. The Social Sciences and the Three Faces of the Social

2. Culture and Society: The Perspective of Anthropology and Sociology
3. Looking Back at the Human Bio cultural and Social Evolution
4. Becoming a member of Society
5. How Society is Organized
6. Culture, Social, and Political Change

Grading System and Requirements:

1. Quarterly Assessment 25%

2. Performance 50%
3. Written Works 25%

1. A 20% absence in class means a failing grade; for absence due to health reason to be excused, submit a medical certificate duly signed by the attending
2. Failure to submit requirements in schedule means a reduction in points for the work.
3. Make-up exams should be scheduled beforehand.
4. Extension of submission for requirements as well as classes/meeting are decided cooperatively by the class.

Week Specific Topic/Subtopics Learning Outcomes Activities and Strategies Assessment Tools References
and Requirements
1st QUARTER (52 HRS.)
1 Introduction Establish rapport with the students. Introduce oneself to the class. N/A  NCC
VMGO Orientation Explain the vision, mission, goals and objectives Internalize the concept of  Syllabus
Discussion of the Syllabus
Present and discuss the Syllabus. Give reactions and comments
Setting House Rules on the content of the syllabus
Set some house rules. to practice students’

Participate in establishing
house rules in order to create a
conducive class environment
and harmonious interactions
between students and teacher.
2-12 The Social Sciences and the Three At the of the lesson, the learner should be able to: 1. Discussion: Group and 1. Assignments  Conteras,
Faces of the Social Classroom 2. Group Antonio P.,
1. Understanding Culture, 1. Explain how the social and cultural 2. Interactive learning, (2016).
Society, and politics: Some background of students serve as subjects 3. Cooperative learning Understanding
Key Observations or social actors, agents, and persons. 3. Quizzes Culture,
2. The Social Sciences: 2. Observe social, political, and cultural 4. Reaction Society and
Sociology, Anthropology, and change. Politics – The
Political Science 3. Observe social, cultural, and political Padayon
behavior and phenomenon 5. Unit test Series. 1st ed.
Culture and Society: The 4. Explain how the power of social forces 6. Project: Quezon City,
Perspectives of Anthropology and shape human actions and interactions. Philippines:
a. Video
Sociology 5. Explore the dynamics of social, political, Phoenix
1. The Interpretative Dynamics and cultural behavior and phenomenon, in campaign Publishing
of Society relation to the normalizing effects of House, Inc.
2. Aspects of Culture cultural structures, practices, and rituals as  Dela Cruz,
overarching frames. Arleigh Ross
Looking Back at the Human Bio 6. Assess inherent activism as social actors D., (2017).
cultural and Social Evolution engage in social, political, and cultural Understanding
1. Biological and Cultural exercises. Culture,
Evolution 7. Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals Society and
2. Sociocultural and Political of Anthropology, Political Science, and Politics –
Evolution Sociology. Learning
8. Explore the interpretive process that Guide. 1st ed.
Becoming a Member of Society constitutes the construction of society as Quezon City,
1. Enculturation and an arena of diverse modalities and social Philippines:
Socialization interactions. Phoenix
2. Conformity and Deviance 9. Identify aspects of culture and society. Publishing
10. Elaborate on the ‘structural processes’ that House, Inc.
How Society is Organized account for the dynamics of culture as
1. Social Groups practice, that is, what makes it a set of  Lucero,
2. Cultural, Social, and Political ‘durable’ and ‘enduring’ patterns of Dolores M.,
Institutions: Kinship, actions and interactions., (2016).
Marriage, and the Household 11. Analyze the different modalities of social Understang
3. Political and Leadership interaction that define different Culture Society
Structures possibilities in society. and Politics for
4. Economic Institutions 12. Interpret the key assumptions of the Senior High
5. Nonstate Institutions and theoretical perspectives regarding the School. 1st ed.
Organizations development of society. Quezon City,
6. Education 13. Identify the different elements, processes, Philippines:
7. Religion and Belief Systems and dynamics of society. Educational
8. Health Systems 14. Identify the norms and values to be Resources
9. Social and Political Structures observed in interacting with others in Corporation.
society and the consequences in ignoring  Lanuza, Gerry
Culture, Social, and Political these rules. M.,,
Change 15. Assess the rules of social interaction to (2016).
1. Sources of Change and New maintain the stability of everyday life and Understang
Challenges to Human the role of innovation in response to Culture Society
Adaptation problems and challenges. and Politics.
2. Responding to Social, 16. Recognize the value of human rights and 1st ed. Manila,
Political, and Cultural Change the promotion of the common good. Philippines:
17. Trace the biological and cultural evolution Rex Book
of early to modern humans. Store, Inc.
18. Explore the significance of fossils and
artifacts in interpreting social, cultural,
and economic processes.
19. Explain the role played by museums as
venues where our biological, social, and
cultural evaluation can be appreciated and
20. Explain the different types of societies.
21. Analyze how societies evolve through
22. Explain the political developments in the
early civilizations.
23. Identify the context, content, processes,
and consequences of socialization and
24. Explain the development of the self as a
product of socialization and enculturation.
25. Analyze roles of groups and institutions of
social control.
26. Situate the phenomenon of deviance in its
cultural and social contexts.
27. Identify social goals and the socially
acceptable means of achieving these goals.
28. Advocate for inclusive citizenship.
29. Promote the protection of human rights,
dignity, and the common good.
30. Trace kinship ties and social networks.
31. Describe the organized nature of social life
and rules governing behavior in collective
32. Compare different forms of social
organization according to their manifest
and latent functions.
33. Analyze social and political structures.
34. Analyze economic organizations and its
impact on the lives of people.
35. Differentiate functions of nonstate
institutions in society.
36. Evaluate how functions of education affect
the lives of people in the society.
37. Promote primary education as a human
38. Evaluate the factors that cause political,
social, and cultural change.
39. Explain how human societies should adapt
to such changes.
40. Describe how human societies adapt to
new challenges in the physical, social, and
cultural environment.
41. Identify new challenges faced by human
population in contemporary societies.
42. Discuss the models for active citizen
participation in governance.
43. Describe the ways social media and
networking enable citizen participation.
44. Explain the nature and roles of social
13 FINAL EXAMINATION Give paper and pencil exam; check exams and Take exam; clarify items not
discuss items which the students had difficulty in understood; consult with
answering. teachers re comments and

Conteras, Antonio P.,, (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics – The Padayon Series. 1st ed. Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House,
Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross D., (2017). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics – Learning Guide. 1st ed. Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House,
Lucero, Dolores M.,, (2016). Understang Culture Society and Politics for Senior High School. 1st ed. Quezon City, Philippines: Educational Resources
Lanuza, Gerry M.,, (2016). Understang Culture Society and Politics. 1st ed. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

Jayson B. Yadao, BSEd LPT Prof. Ptr. Nelson S. Lacadin, MAM, LPT Prof. Lucris Carina N. Agnir-Paraan, Ph.D.
Teacher Principal Vice President for Academic Affairs

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