Dizziness and Stress: Barany Society New Classification and Psychogenic Dizziness, On Meniere's Disease

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Equilibrium Res Vol.

75 ( 2) 33 to 40,2016

Series education course "dizziness and the Environment"

1. Dizziness and stress

- Barany Society new classification and psychogenic dizziness, On Meniere's disease -

Shin Horii

Stress-associated vertigo / dizziness

Arata Horii

Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Niigata University.

Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences

It is well known that stress induces or aggravates vertigo / dizziness and that dizzy patients have often comorbid
psychiatric diseases such as anxiety and depression. Dizzinessassociated psychiatric disease is not idiopathic but is
usually an adjustment disorder to stressful life events. Stress can be divided into two groups:.. physical and
psychological stress Psychological stress activates the amygdala, which is a center for emotion discriminating
discomfort from comfort, followed by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) activation In dizzy patients, sensory
mismatch signals arising from multimodal sensory systems , including the vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive systems,
would also activate the amygdala. Together with psychological stress,sensory mismatch signals judged as discomfort
signals by the amygdala may drive the HPA axis and bring about dizziness. This scheme can well explain why
psychological stress induces or aggravates vertigo and dizziness. In treating dizzy patients with stress-induced anxiety
and depression, it is important to take care of comorbid psychiatric diseases and the cause of stress regardless of the
existence or absence of organic vestibular diseases.

Key words: stress, dizziness, anxiety, depression, Persistent postural and perceptual dizzi-
ness (PPPD)

Introduction It caused can 1) 2) . Believed to have been complicated by a high rate to anxiety

That dizziness in stress to or deteriorated onset, experience well and disorders and depressive symptoms, mental illness was onset by the stress is

has a vertigo clinic. In addition, excessive or mental disorders such as in the dizziness of the cause or worsening factor in dizzy patients 3) . In this

anxiety disorders and depression as adjustment disorder is argument to paper, we explain the pathology raised Ri taken a psychogenic vertigo and

chronic stress Meniere's disease as a typical licking Mai diseases caused by brain changes

and stress that cause stress.

Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences of Otolaryngology-Head

and neck outsiders science

Equilibrium Res Vol. 75 ( 2)

Figure 1 Physical stress and mental stress

Stress and stressors It is.

The medical definition of stress there is confusion. Cannon Is, cold, System which responds to physical stress sympathetic - an adrenal medulla

exercise, bleeding, low oxygen, disturb the homeostasis of good sea system, increase in heart rate and blood pressure, blood sugar increase pressure,

urchin living body of low blood sugar (homeostasis), distortion in the raw are called emergency reaction in the sense that correspond to mydriasis occurs crisis 7)

body ( strain It called stress the events that give rise to). It states that . Is mainly a reaction to acute stress, blood pressure, body fluid volume, information

adrenal medulla system activation of Ru important - biological This strain such as the digestive tract is input in the medulla oblongata through the splanchnic

has kept homeostasis by adapted to repair, this over-degree sympathetic 4) nerve afferents via the hypothalamus stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.

. Selye 5) Was a "reaction" indicated by the living body when the stimulus is

applied is referred to as stress, it is defined as a stressor a "stimulus" to Meanwhile, psychological stress is inputted as sensory information,

induce stress. The hypothalamic seen as a reaction commonly found in cortex - limbic system - hypothalamic - pituitary - stimulates the adrenal

stress - that cite the activation of the adrenal - pituitary. Stress response cortex system 8) . In this paper, we change and mental illness to give mental

is a defense mechanism of the organism to environmental changes, and stress in the brain, or is caused by the impact, it explains about dizziness

to be useful in the least short term for the maintenance of homeostasis. exacerbated.

But whether stress in this good sea urchin strict sense that refers to the

"stimulus", "reaction" or refer to is a state of confusion, Change that mental stress has on the brain

Mental stress, but it itself is not to disturb the homeostasis, which is Oh Ru

stimulation of the possibility of giving a future impact. For example, small and weak

animals by visual stimuli that the sight of carnivorous animals, blood pressure rises

Charousos 6) Are not such might disturb homeostasis endogenous or and stress reaction occurs. Which is equipped to attack by may not carnivores may

exogenous "force" stressor chromatography, which might disturb the happen in the future. Such a reaction is not always that occurs only in the visual

homeostasis of the "state" is defined as stress. In this paper Cannon In information, is its meaning with injury important. The first time visual information

accordance of the definition, I want to handle the stimulus disturbing visual information that the appearance of the carnivorous animal is determined to be

the homeostasis as stress. a danger to recall the experience, which was attacked in the past is semantics is

given. Chi words, visual information to be stress are checked against the previous

Physical stress and mental stress (Fig. 1) memorize been recognized, as a result of receiving the high-level information

The stress is mental stress the biological and physical stress disturbing processing, such as receiving a comparison, stress reaction is induced when it is

the actual Homeosu Tashisu such as bleeding or low oxygen, "Do not the determined that to be provided to the enemy. This information processing cerebral

homeostasis is disturbed" is expected. The latter is the sensory information, level involved is the cerebral cortex and the limbic system, and eventually the

for example the figure of carnivorous animals appeared before weak hypothalamus ( hypothalamus ) - pituitary ( pituitary gland ) - adrenal ( adrenal gland )

animals, such as fear and conditioned stimulus (electric shock and System is activated (= HPA axis Activation of).

conditioned sound stimulus). Stress associated with dizziness mental

disorders such as anxiety Utsuya the latter of mental stress

Equilibrium Res Vol. 75 ( 2)

Gating out

Figure 2 The role of stress and amygdala in motion sickness, vertigo onset

Mental stress become sensory information limbic system for processing at Although failure is considered to be the cause of motion sickness and vertigo 13) , We

cerebral level, especially the amygdala plays an important role. Amygdala Ri can cause motion sickness in rats in the sense of confusion due to excessive gravity

central der of emotional expression, that plays an important role in the reaction load and amygdala central nucleus neurons was reported that the activity of 14) . This

formation against the free-discomfort of discrimination and mental stress of sense of confusion stimulus from that is believed to trigger the unpleasant emotions

sensory stimulation 9) 10) . For impaired humans and animals the amygdala can not to activate the amygdala, is considered or not is Runode exacerbate the symptoms of

determine the free and non-free, being attacked in easily without having to escape this unpleasant emotional and spatial cognitive impairment is attached relationships

from the enemy will not be able to Rukoto feel the fear the enemy. That is, when motion sickness and dizziness . As aforementioned

the amygdala is impaired fires the free emotion made to his interests, can not be

normal emotional expression that triggered the unpleasant emotion those that PTSD Studies in patients, mental stress enhances the reaction of the amygdala.

result in the disadvantage gains. Imposition of unpleasant emotions induced by Thus, described below and triggered strengthening of stress under the

mental stress that foreign enemy of the appearance is, prior to receiving the unpleasant emotions gating out Furthermore, motion sickness and dizziness in

physical stress that bleeding being attacked by the enemy if example example, the the attenuation of believes that it would be worse. Moreover, the inner ear

system and ideas to prepare leads to a reaction by the advance mental stress It is. electrical stimulation, caloric stimulation, vestibular stimulation seen

That blood flow in the amygdala is increased by emotional stimuli, such as hypothalamic neurons, such as hyper-gravity, in particular reported that activate

unpleasant photos and events even humans fMRI Ya PET It has been reported in histamine nervous system 14) to 16) . Therefore, subsequent activation of the

experiments using 11) . In addition, post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD In patients subthalamic unit and the activation and its downstream amygdala even when

with) it has been reported that the reaction was enhanced this amygdala 12) . As dizziness onset disease HPA axis It is considered possible that activation is

described in the next section, we have reported that the activation of the amygdala occurring

is involved in the development of rat motion sickness, it and considered Together

picture amygdala is involved in the development of anxiety disorders, psychotic the Dizziness no maladjustment and mental disease, the findings of the

amygdala, which is induced by stress and its downstream of the excessive stress

reaction or will not are you involved in the development of mental disorders and Stress reactions to acute stress as described above for the living body,

dizziness, such as anxiety disorders and depression. in the short term is useful defense mechanism. But chronic stress is

frequently repeated Accordingly, it is difficult to adapt to stress. Kitashi

abnormalities in mental function by this adaptation collapse PTSD Developing

and anti refractory depression. Although mental stress are to be typed as

sensory information, when to recognize the sensory information, to the brain sensory

gating system It works. Sensory gating system A, it is for an important

The role of the amygdala in motion sickness, vertigo onset (Fig. 2) sensory information to living organisms to increase the reaction ( gating in ),

Too heavy

Sense of confusion ( sensory mismatch ) Spatial cognition by

Equilibrium Res Vol. 75 ( 2)


Figure 3 Meniere's disease pathogenesis caused by stress

Table 1 A new classification of psychogenic dizziness

Ⅰ. Diseases associated with anxiety New disease name

Resulting in a) acute or paroxysmal vertigo

Causes and anxiety of vestibular symptoms ⇒ 1. Paroxysmal vestibular symptoms caused by anxiety

· Merger anxiety to vestibular symptoms ⇒ 2. Anxiety to complications in paroxysmal vestibular symptoms

Resulting in b) chronic dizziness

Causes and anxiety of vestibular symptoms ⇒ 3. Chronic vestibular symptoms caused by anxiety

· Merger anxiety to vestibular symptoms ⇒ 4. Anxiety comorbid chronic vestibular symptoms

Dizziness, which fall within the scope of c) phobia ⇒ 5. Fear of falling

Ⅱ. Diseases associated with depression

a) the merger of the depression to the vestibular symptoms ⇒ 6. It complicated the depression in vestibular symptoms

b) the cause of depression is vestibular symptoms ⇒ 7. Vestibular by depressive symptoms

Ⅲ. Diseases associated with physical symptoms disease ⇒ 8. Vestibular disease anxiety

Ⅳ. The middle of the characteristics of vestibular disease and mental disease ⇒ 9. Sustainability awareness of posture-induced fluctuations

To reduce the reaction to the sensory information that is not required ( gating out ) Is Rimotarasa the irritability, hypersensitivity excessively senses an abnormal

an information processing process. When the stomach mentally there is the addition sense of balance that can not be felt in the normal, we believe that it would

of physical stress, gating out It has been reported that but attenuated 17) , Is to stress be tied to the subjective symptoms of Fu variability.

the acute phase is considered that if the purpose of work in the sense that Ru in

preparation for the crisis to obtain a variety of sensory information from the outside Stress of the involved dizziness: psychogenic dizziness (Table 1)

world. If only you, stress has become chronic, gating out

2006, is the world's largest conference on dizziness

Attenuation of the will be the original is exposed to the normal to the outside world Barany Society dizziness of international diagnostic criteria ( International

stimulation may be suppressed. This irritability, hypersensitivity, is considered the Classification of Vestibular Disorders ,

essence of affective disorders that put in anxiety disorders induced by stress ICVD It embarked on the creation of). In 2010 ICVD Psychiatrist in
maladaptive. the committee, neurologists, working group was launched on
In chronic dizziness patients with no findings, reported that the merger the otolaryngologist or Ranaru psychogenic vertigo. Mayo Clinic of J.
Somosomou luster anxiety disorders in about 70% 18) . Of these, due to the sky Staab (Seminal Kamika) becomes the group leader, A. Bronstein (neurology),
rather than chronic stress, particularly in anxiety disorders merger examples gating

out The attenuation of A. Eckhardt-Henn (Psychiatry), R. Jacob (Psychiatry),

Equilibrium Res Vol. 75 ( 2)

M. Strupp (Neurology) with me (ENT) have also been participating in the But rather than to exert a direct effect, self-receptor of the presynaptic

diagnostic criteria created as a team member. 28th that the final version membrane is desensitization ( down regulation ) Is, as a result serotonergic

was held in 2014 in Argentina nerves are believed to exert clinical effects are activated. Combines the

Barany It was presented at the Society. In this class, defines the nine antidepressant action and the anti-anxiety effect, the site of action is said to

shown in Table 1 as dizziness involved mental illness 3) . Point of this Bian Momotai. PPPD Even for SSRI Usefulness have been reported 19) .

international diagnostic criteria, not only vestibular symptoms caused by Useful drugs rather than with respect to the vestibular disease anxiety,

traditional anxiety-depression (psychogenic Me Mai in a narrow sense), which is a kind of physical symptoms disease, the patient doctor nurse

by vestibular disease is mental illness, such as secondary to anxiety repeated the doctor shopping - it is also difficult to build patient

and depression is caused to reverse and this that specify the presence relationships.

of pathology and classified by distinguishing them was, that there is

dizziness caused by depression, fear of falling as 1 pathogenesis of Stress of the involved vertigo: Meniere's disease (Fig. 3)

anxiety ( Fear of falling ), Physical symptoms disease ( somatic symptom

disorder Vestibular disease anxiety as one of the) ( vestibular illness Due to the stress in Meniere's disease patients HPA axis Of
anxiety ) Is such that it has listed the. Than before Phobic postural activation results, ACTH And blood cortisol is high, also, it has
vertigo ( Brandt ), Chronic subjective dizziness ( Staab ), Space motion been reported that oxytocin and vasopressin, known as stress
discomfort ( Jacob ), Visual vertigo ( Bronstein Group of diseases has been hormone is also high 20) 21) . It also endolymphatic sac open
known under the name) is also different parts in detail, but are surgery and gentamicin intratympanic injection surgery, blood
combined into one as many disease-overlapping, Persistent postural vasopressin reported a decrease 22) . Et al is, each 40% refractory
and perceptual dizziness ( PPPD Name of) is given. PPPD Meniere's disease, neuroticism 60%, depression tended 23) .
Taken together, the results of a strong stress in Meniere's
disease patients, suggests that the stress hormones are caused
increases and nervous diseases and depression.
The definition does not is included in physical symptoms and mental symptoms of

mental illness, but a disease that often exhibit anxiety and depression trend.

These 9 to merge the anxiety disorders and depression in a number of diseases,

but we have anxiety disorders and depression in many vertigo patients be On the other hand, the psychosomatic diseases, "About your body

encountered in many cases is the result of adjustment disorder to stress. symptoms and physical disease, psychosocial factors in the onset and elapsed

closely involved, pathology is observed organic and functional disorders" is

In the dizziness, which merged anxiety disorders and depression, defined as. There is an opinion that Meniere's disease is psychosomatic

causes and stress as much as possible to remove that became, or if it is diseases as well as peptic ulcers and bronchial asthma that develops in stress

not possible, it is important to teach to find a remedy Do was new for from the previous 24) . The Meniere's disease = psychosomatic theory may

diverging the stress. Furthermore, a sufficient explanation child that mechanisms: Description via vasopressin is one of the stress hormones as

anxiety and depression are exacerbated or provoked dizziness, be fully follows recent data.

explained to eliminate the fear of vertigo is important. If these is not

sufficient, or a combination of drug therapy if it is necessary to remove Recombinant transfer and arrangement as trigger attacks of vertigo

the immediate anxiety. Ya anti-anxiety drugs, even anxiety when failure of Meniere's disease, Sutoresufu Le life events such as newly generated

or depression of the secondary property even in the case of primary human relations. Although the Meniere's disease in blood cortisol is

resistance SSRI Effective against but dizziness of subjective symptoms high, this is not a cause of the main Barbanniers disease, response to

not only mental illness 18) . SSRI It exerts its pharmacological action stress

increasing the inhibit serotonin levels the reabsorption of Seroto Nin in HPA axis That have but believed that the results that have been

synaptic cleft. It takes time until the clinical efficacy expression, serotonin activated 25) . In addition, in the Meniere's disease HPA axis With

was inhibited resorption activation, secretion of vasopressin, which is a kind of stress

hormones increases around the seizure life 26) . This is unlike the

cortisol, of Meniere's disease

Equilibrium Res Vol. 75 ( 2)

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