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Mental Disorders

Aidan, Mason, and Jake

Basic Statistics
Name: Kristoph Doofenshmirtz

Age: 32

Nationality: German

Occupation: Pharmacist

Residence: Cologne, Germany - 943 KatzenStraße

Income: $122,000

Family: Son, 9 - Wife, 31

Physical Height: 6’6” Weight: 240 lbs.

Characteristics Race: Caucasian Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Physical Features: Scar on skull, top of

head, two full sleeves of tattoos of

Health: extraordinary physical health

Observable Mannerisms: Polite, forgets names
easily, relaxed
Habits: Asks questions frequently and
scratches his head a lot

Hobbies: bodybuilding, hunting, selling


Greatest Flaw: No memory of

experiences before 4 years ago

Best quality: he is very polite

Connections Family: Wife, Son, Dad, Mom, One sister

Friends: 2 Lifelong friends, Gaston

Dinkelshnutz, Bernard Klinkelsticks,
Kelpy G

Work: One Boss, 3 Co-workers

Therapist Notes Kristoph can’t remember his son's
birthday and location of birth

Some traumatic event occurred 3-4

years prior, can’t remember the event or
what happened
Case History Kristoph Doofenshmirtz went through a
traumatic event 4 years ago, his son
was only 5 at the time and life couldn’t
be better. Kristoph went to the gym for
his daily workout and decided to bench,
he was benching 350 lbs. When the bar
fell and hit his skull, putting him in a
coma. After the three week coma he
couldn’t remember anything before the
accident. He’s been like this for 4 years
Patient assessment Kristoph has bad memory loss from his
accident. He forgets short-term
sometimes as well.

He also gets confused really easily and

can’t remember things.
Suggested Kristoph could go through physical and
cognitive therapy to help his memory
treatments loss get better.

There’s also cholinesterase inhibitors

(Aricept, Exelon, Razadyne) and
memantine (Namenda) — to treat the
cognitive symptoms (memory loss,
Rationale for
treatment Cognitive therapy and medicine have been
proven to help memory loss get better and
possibly go away.
Treatment Kristoph will start therapy and the
medicine at the same time.
He will see his therapist bi-weekly
and take his medicine daily.

Check in for both therapy and

prescription monthly.
With Therapy and drugs
Treatment lasts as long as need be
Patient Background

Gaston Dinkleshnutz
Basic Statistics
Name: Gaston Dinkleshnutz

Age: 24

Nationality: Canadian

Current Residence: Toronto, Canada

Occupation: Clarinetist

Income: $150,000

Children: None, but wife is pregnant

Wife: Margaret Dinkleshnutz

Physical Height: 6’6”

Characteristics Weight: 190

Race: Caucasian

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Distinguishing features: Thick beard

Health: Very good

Mannerisms: Mood constantly changes from
depression to mild happiness

Behaviors Habits: Bad attitude towards life, can be very suicidal

at times

Hobbies/Interests: Used to be interested in clarinet

and music

Greatest flaw: Irritable and harms himself often

Best quality: He can wail on that clarinet

Family: Bernard Dinkleshnutz is his father. Kristi

Friends: Kelpy G, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw

Boss: Kristofer Maddigan

Therapist Notes
● The symptoms started 2 months ago
● He used be a very happy, positive-minded
● His mother had the same disorder
Patient History
Gaston Dinkleshnutz was very happy before he
developed the disorder. He would tour around with his
band and he would record tunes with them, and he
would be so joyous all the time. But very slowly, as the
weeks went by, it seems like Dinkleshnutz lost his
interest in music. He often experiences mood swings,
between absolute sadness and mild happiness. He
has also tried to kill himself many times. His boss and
co-workers report that he has changed attitude-wise
drastically. The disorder appeared in early April and
has fully manifested itself in the middle of May.
Patient Assessment
He has mood swings from mild happiness to
severe sadness. He also no longer has the big interest
in music he used to have.

The results from the questionnaire point

towards Gaston Dinkleshnutz needing medication and
therapy. This questionnaire was used to show the
difference in behavior before the disorder and the
behavior now.
Suggested methods
Gaston Dinkleshnutz needs medication and therapy.
Some mood stabilizers he could consider taking are

of treatment Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine, or Valproic acid. For

therapy, talk therapy, including family and friends,
should be incorporated.
Rationale for
Dosages vary for which medication Gaston
Dinkleshnutz takes

Carbamazepine- start with 200 mg per day

Lamotrigine- start with 200 per day- dosage will slowly

increase over time

Valproic acid- 862 to 1293 mg per day (Dosage will be

decided if the doctor finds this medication better to

Talk therapy will happen once a week

Sunday- Take medication at 12 PM

Monday- take medication at 12 PM

Tuesday- take medication at 12 PM

Wednesday- take medication at 12 PM

Thursday- take medication at 12 PM

Friday- take medication at 12 PM

Saturday- take medication at 12 PM as well as seeing

the therapist from 3 PM to 4 PM
Basic Statistics
Name: Benard Clinklesticks

Age: 25 Nationality: American

Current Residence: Olathe Kansas

Occupation: Potato Farmer Income: 249,000/year

Children: None Significant others: None

Height: 5’11

Weight: 195 LB

Race: Caucasian

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Distinguishing features: He has a scar on his face

Health: Good
Mannerisms: Doesn’t talk much

Habits: Potato farming, sleeping, reading news papers

Hobbies/Interest: Potato Farming

Greatest flaw: Forgot his past

Best Quality: Very good at farming potato

Other: Spends almost all of his time farming potatoes

Family: He has parents but he doesn’t remember them

Friends: None

Boss/Co-Workers: None

Other: He has a dog

Relationship to other person: Very close

Therapist Notes
Probably had a tragic past, spends too much time
farming. He is very isolated with his dog, doesn’t
remember past.
Patient History
Bernard Clinklesticks was a construction worker in his
late teens through his early 20’s. He was put through
very disturbing experiences. He had several close
friends die next to him in an explosion. After these
tragic events his brain completely repressed the
memories . He completely forgot his past and doesn’t
remember who he was. After he left the job he moved
away and built a potato farm. He spends all of his time
farming potatoes. He became very good at farming
and made good money. He doesn’t ever get in contact
with his parents. He is very isolated on his farm and
doesn’t talk much. He spends almost every waking
moment out on the fields farming his potatoes.
Patient Assessment
When asked questions about past the patient can’t
remember or recall any of his earlier years.
Suggested methods of treatment: Mental therapy and
meds. It would really help to speak to his parents.
Rationale for
Other treatments wouldn’t work as well. He wouldn’t
have to immediately change his life style and it would

treatment work better than the alternatives.

Check ups with therapist 4 times a week and take
meds 4 times a week. Patient also needs to visit with

Timetable his parents once a week.

That’s all folks!

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