War On Cash and Other Problems of The Bankers

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The Cabal removed one of the replies in the DCTV archives about how the
central bankers print worthless paper money and then get away with buying
valuable things with their worthless paper money. So I made sure to highlight
what the Cabal censored. This is the secret trick of the Bankers. You are
confused about currency. When the central banks issue currency, they keep
the difference between the face amount of the bill and what it costs them to
print it. With digital money there is no cost. This rip-off is called seignorage.
Get a grip on reality and figure out how you are being exploited. All of the
countries of the world need to negotiate Monetary Agreements. In 2014 I had
forwarded drafts of the Monetary Agreements at the suggestion of Japan's
former Senior Vice Minister of Finance, and a member of Japan's House of
Councillors. Teleprompter:

Newest first

Dale Val • 2 hours ago

Your looking good Karen , hope you feel well, great report , nice we have an aligned honest lady on the
side of the people. God bless you

phillip ojeda • 3 hours ago

Thanks Karen great work sweetie

Monica Hatch • 4 hours ago

I believe what you say just trying to connect some dots. I watched "what is agenda21" by loving life. This
lady of the Australian parliament is trying to warn the world what's happening. What she said aligns with
what's happening with Japan's nuke waste. It's being proposed to be dumped in the ocean.

Monica Hatch • 4 hours ago

RE: build 7, I heard the gold was stolen and some made out with insurance money

Yes I tweeted this two days ago. https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/911.pdf

Monica Hatch • 4 hours ago

Is there a website for this network. Something like a guide to what and how to prepare. Im watching
venezuela. The people no longer have large bills. The economy has hyperinflated so carrying a debit card
is easier. Now many governments are calling for no large bills. So everything is tracked and the banks
could shut down the cards whenever they want. Here is an old tweet about the War on Cash.

. https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/Twitter12.29.18.pdf

Richard Wells • 5 hours ago

Thanks for the great video Karen.

The Genie IAM • 5 hours ago

Thank you Karen. looking good!

Mark Jones • 7 hours ago

Let's start by not signing the birth certificate and giving our children away. Let's start by not vaccinating
our children and putting metals that do not belong in their bodies. Let's start by homeschooling our
children and not letting the system indoctrinate there minds to be good Democratic slaves. Let's start by
teaching our children to use independent thought and not follow the crowd.

Monica Hatch • 3 hours ago

Well said! Amein!

T. Christopher • 2 hours ago


Golden Hawk • 8 hours ago (edited)

thank you, thank you, thank you for you blessed patience and devoted work.

Haole Man • 1 day ago

Haole Man 16 hours ag0


Sarah • 19 hours ago (edited)

Ahhh you can FEEL huge changes coming and I couldn't be more grateful to the Infinite One
Life and the Original Ones! THANK YOU KAREN!!!

Jose Lozano • 20 hours ago

Thank you Karen, for opening our eyes. Thanks to you I now have practical tools to dissect the
stratagems of the banking cartels.

Amie Comeau • 20 hours ago

I hear you, 19:30... looking forward to changes.

Lucie Salat • 20 hours ago

Heavy sledding indeed. Good thing you're so resilient.

TALKRADIO • 1 day ago (edited)

Thanks Karen. I add your video link and some info to my website about this
https://fin.news.blog/2019/09/11/ihmiskunnan-kultavarannot/ Arto from Finland.

Sovereign Red • 1 day ago

Thanks Karen, be well. Peace...

Nestor B. Aguilar • 1 day ago

Here is the Teleprompter: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt9.10.19.pdf

[the Cabal broke the link and I had to reset it]

Zenaida Quijano • 1 day ago

Salamat po ma'am Karen.....

Utility Use • 1 day ago

Thank you, karen! Keep up the good work. I know that u risk much by doing all that u do. My
prayers guard you, insulate you, bless you.

Cathy Wild • 1 day ago

One race.. homo-empathicus. Thanks so much KH you rock.

Luz Macanas • 1 day ago

i hope we filipinos will benefits those money specially the money of ferdinand marcos in

T. Christopher • 1 day ago

I can help your board organize

Karen Hudes • 9 hours ago

no thanks

T. Christopher • 9 hours ago

I’ve been watching you for over a year and you say the same thing in your videos... .. you are
exhibiting psychopathic behaviors. Good luck.

Nestor B. Aguilar • 7 hours ago

@T. Christopher What you think, so you are...

. Christopher • 7 hours ago

@Nestor B. Aguilar Thank you Nestor. I think I am great and have wonderful ideas to contribute to
humanity. I have had enough readings, hand writing analysis, and spiritual teachers affirm the gifts I
know I have. I wouldn't expect anyone to "know" what and how I can contribute to assisting in such a
manner from a simple message letting Karen know I can help. The fact that she has never responded to
any of my messages before, and her quick response to say "no thanks" lets me know she is a bit narrow
minded and doesn't innerstand the power of the indigo and crystal children who have come back to this
earth to assist. I will continue doing what I do. I love working with people who are making a difference in
the world. I will continue my work. Karen needs to produce more than videos on a topic that continues
to plague the world. She talks too much and produces more talk. Meanwhile, the consciousness of
humanity will continue to grow. Mother earth will cleanse herself. People will realize the wealth is not in
gold, but inside of themselves. The wealth is in being able to realize our connection to the earth through
our hearts. Individuals need land to cultivate (culture) not GOLD to spend!

ABOXofMONSTERS • 1 day ago (edited)

I can tell you who is really behind the monetary system in 04 I met two of them face to face let’s say the
“planet” is ruled -and it’s not by Men . The term “agents” you know it from a movie fits.

Mike Ike • 1 day ago (edited)

Please elaborate. And why are you still here, alive, if this supposedly happened to you?!

Janet Benz • 1 day ago

Man needs to remember we have access the universal power greater than these. When we know it and
speak then we bring power to overcome, love.

ABOXofMONSTERS • 1 day ago (edited)

Janet Benz Yes

ABOXofMONSTERS • 1 day ago

Mike Ike When Neo was interrogated for Irs z list the movie based on reality my Orion contact 2 vid
touches on it.

Karen Hudes • 1 second ago

We are not going to deal with this question until the corruption in our money system has ended. This is
to avoid the divide and conquer trap.


ABOXofMONSTERS • 1 day ago

They print money from nothing and charge you interest on it like it’s backed by anything of value. Switch
to crypto currencies. If we going to be using fiat money may as well have one that increases in value.
Does the dollar even have another 3% to devalue ?

ABOXofMONSTERS • 1 day ago (edited)

I can tell you who is really behind the monetary system in 04 I met two of them face to face let’s
say the “planet” is ruled -and it’s not by Men . The term “agents” you know it from a movie fits.

Janet Benz • 1 day ago

Man needs to remember we have access the universal power greater than these. When we
know it and speak then we bring power to overcome, love.

ABOXofMONSTERS • 23 hours ago (edited)

Janet Benz Yes

ABOXofMONSTERS • 23 hours ago

Mike Ike When Neo was interrogated for Irs z list the movie based on reality my Orion contact 2
vid touches on it.

ABOXofMONSTERS • 1 day ago

They print money from nothing and charge you interest on it like it’s backed by anything of
value. Switch to crypto currencies. If we going to be using fiat money may as well have one that
increases in value. Does the dollar even have another 3% to devalue ?

Rusty Gnutts • 1 day ago

Hello Karen. we are thankful you with us. thank you for the report/update. I noticed that
BenjaminFulford.net referenced the "NGCC" in his report yesterday. There was no reference to
your mention of it from time to time (~grin) the last few years. also, the TelePrompter file/URL
https:/s3,amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt9.10.19.pdf is slightly mis-typed, it should be:
https:/s3.Amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt9.10.19.pdf the COMMA between "S3" and
"Amazon..." should be a period. have a good week.

stolen account • 1 day ago

End their mandatory auto insurance too. The only reason they made auto insurance mandatory
was because the auto insurances companies were going broke over claims so they decided to
create laws to bail them out.

Tjay WASHINGTON • 1 day ago


GREENDIAMONDNEWS2012 • 1 day ago




On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST http://dctv.org/Live


interviews: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Bibliography1.pdf

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