Performance Planning, Counseling & Evaluation: Vision

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Performance Planning,

Counseling & Evaluation

Corp. HR – PA 26A

Vision : To become the best service provider in the heavy equipment market that exceeds the
existing standards of high performance.

Mission : We are, and will always be, a quality-driven and a customer-focused company, working
to be the best in the art and science of satisfying our customers.
We are, and always be, working hard to achieve the highest efficiency in the use of
human, natural, financial, time, and other resources.
We are, and always be, conducting our affairs with integrity as an accountable corporate

Employee Name :

Position Title :

Div. / Dept. / SBU :

Location :

Date Performance Plan :

Performance Period From : To :

Date Performance Evaluation :

Date Assigned Present Position :

Date Assigned to Appraiser :

Performance Planning Corp. HR – PA 26A

Responsibilities Performance Factors and/or Results to be achieved Relative

(Key words to describe the major (A more specific statement of the employee’s key responsibilities and/or goals employee
elements of this employee’s job) can reasonably be expected to achieve in the coming period)

Optional Growth Assignment (Where considered appropriate by manager and employee)

Changes in Performance Plan (May be recorded anytime during the appraisal period)

Performance Evaluation Corp. HR – PA 26A


Consistently Met

Did Not Meet

Far Exceeded

Consistently Exceeded

Continuing Responsibilities

Actual Level of (Responsibilities, not covered at left, to be con-

sidered only when they have had a significant
Achievements Achievement
positive or negative effect on the overall perfor-





Relationship with Others (Job Related)

(Significant positive or negative influence this

employee has had on the performance of other
ITC employees)





Overall Rating

(Considering all factors, check the definition

which best describes this employee’s overall
performance during the past period)


o Result achieved far exceeded the require-

ments of the job in all areas
Additional Significant Accomplishment o Results achieved consistently exceeded
the requirements of the job in all key areas

o Results achieved consistently met the

requirements of the job and exceeded the
requirements in many areas

o Results achieved consistently met the

requirements of the job


o Results achieved did not meet the require-

ments ot the job

Counseling Summary Corp. HR – PA 26A


Unsatisfactory Achievements Suggested Improvements

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Significant Interview Comments

(Record here only those additional significant items brought up during the discussion by either you or the employee which are nor recorded
elsewhere in this document)

Manager’s Signature Print Name Date of interview

Employee Review

Optional Comments : If the employee wishes to do so, any comments concerning the performance plan or evaluation (for example, agreement
or disagreement) may be indicated in the space provided below.

I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with my manager. My signature means that I have been advised of my performance
status and does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.

Employee’s Signature Date

Management Review

Optional Comments

Reviewer’s Signature Print Name Date

People Management – Performance Planning and Evaluation

( for Managerial Level ) Corp. HR – PA

The performance plan of each manager must include people management as a line item, and it must be one of the manager’s primary
responsibilities. Each manager’s people management responsibilities should be drawn as relevant from the areas listed below and should
include performance factors and/or results to be achieved. (Since each manager is responsible for supporting equal opportunity objectives, the
people management performance plan must reflect how the manager will contribute to the achievement of those objectives in each of the
appropriate performance factors).

Staffing/Resource Utilization

 Quality hiring, recruiting, and transfer/reassignment plans for all employees. Includes commitment to equal opportunity objectives and the
accommodation of individuals with disabilities.
 Promotion/appointment recommendations and accomplishments.
 Workload balancing, skills mix, non-regular and overtime plans and control.
 Delegating specific duties
 Maximum utilization of employees’ skills, time, and knowledge. Provide systems, equipment and work place environment to accomplish
objectives consistent with healthy, safety, productivity, and employee satisfaction.
 Position description/reevaluation actions, where appropriate.

Communicating Job Related Information and Performance Expectations

 Furthering two-way communication by means of department meetings. Communicate department mission/measurements/business

directions and perspective, etc.
 Timely establishment of quality performance plans, and identifying specific results sought.
 Utilizing participative management to involve employees in identifying and solving work problems. Communicate the resulting action.
 Communicating equal opportunity objectives and activities, and affirmative action programs to all employees
Coaching, Counseling, and Employee Development

 Timely feedback, coaching, interim performance reviews, and performance plan updates
 Identifying, addressing, and resolving both performance and non-performance issues.
 Employee education and development to assure each employee’s ability to perform at or near capacity (current as well as future
assignments). Include the preparation of employee development plans.
 Individual career development planning and realistic counseling.
 Early identification of high potential employees.

Recognizing Merit

 Performance evaluations that clearly address efforts and results compared to planned achievements as well as reasonable distinction
across the range of appraisal ratings, where appropriate.
 Salary equity designed to achieve correct performance and merit pay relationship.
 Encouragement of creativity and excellence through informal recognition and appropriate use of ITC award programs.

Employee Relations

 Addressing individual employee and department morale issues. Opinion survey feedback, action planning, and follow-up meetings.
 Influencing employee motivation – in a positive manner – encouraging high standards and levels of performance, and rewarding
excellence. Open and candid communications.
 Demonstrating leadership, integrity, and sensitivity in relating to employees, encouraging teamwork and cooperation.
 Providing employees with training and instructions on work practices regarding safety/health and security.
 Scheduling/conducting executive or skip level interviews on timely basis.


 Any other factors related to people management of managers/employees under the direction of this manager.

These factors should be used as a guide in performance planning and not as a specific checklist.

The overall weight of people management in the total evaluation will vary with the assignment. However, the overall rating of people manage-
ment should be factored into the total performance evaluation as a prime performance item in addition to the functional or technical
Confidential Corp. HR – PA 26B
Performance Evaluation

Consistently Met

Did Not Meet

Far Exceeded

Consistently Exceeded

Employee Name (Last, First & Initial)
Employee Employee Serial Date Initiated

Performance Factors and/or

Results to be Achieved Actual Achievement
(Must include Equal Opportunity)

Staffing/Resource Utilization


Recognizing Merit

Employee Relations


Overall Rating

Appraising Manager (please print) Signature Date

Manager Appraised (please print) Signature Date

Reviewing Manager (please print) Signature Date

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