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English 10

LONG TEST SY. 2019-2020

Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:_________________


Answer the following questions derived from the story of Daedalus and Icarus.
1. Who hired Daedalus?

2. What did Daedalus design to hold the Minotaur?

3. What did Daedalus invent to help him and Icarus escape from the Labyrinth?

4. What did he warn Icarus not to do?

5. What happened to Icarus?

Answer the following questions derived from the story of Perseus.
6. What is the ―dreadful oracle‖ that was delivered to King Acrisius?

7. What adventure does Polydectes suggest that Perseus undertake?

8. List three perilous encounters that Perseus experienced during this adventure.

9. Explain how the oracle given to King Acrisius is fulfilled.

10. What is Polydectes’ true motive in sending Perseus to kill Medusa?

Answer the following questions derived from the story of Orpheus.
11. What was the greatest strength of Orpheus? What was his weakness?

12. What effect did Orpheus’ music have on people and gods? Cite two examples of this.

13. Why did Orpheus decide to rescue his wife from the underworld?

14. Why did Orpheus look back to see if Eurydice was following him?

15. What reasons might the gods have for allowing Orpheus and Eurydice to be reunited?

Encircle the letter of your answer. NO ERASURES!

16. If you want to easily have a picture of the chronological events that transpired in the story of
Perseus, which textual aid will you use?
A. concept map B. Venn diagram C. fishbone diagram D. timeline
17. Which of the following is NOT true about the effects of using textual aids or diagrams?
A. Textual aids provide a more convenient way to understand a story.
B. Textual aids can help boost the learners’ interest.
C. With textual aids, learners can skip reading the story.
D. None of the above
18. A story consists of different elements. Which textual aid can be used to illustrate the specific
elements used in a short story?
A. concept map B. Venn diagram C. fishbone diagram D. timeline
19. Discrimination is characterized by unfair treatment towards others because of their distinguishing
features. Which of the following shows discrimination?
A. There are members of the LGBTQ in the classroom.
B. A forty-year old man had a relationship with a 24-year old woman.
C. The elected secretary general in the organization is Korean.
D. Only women who are below 24 years old can work as a secretary in a private advertising
20. Which of the following shows that Nick Vujicic had risen above challenges?
A. He became an inspirational speaker.
B. He has a positive outlook in life.
C. He enjoyed playing different sports.
D. All of the above
Fill in the correct form of can, could or be able to. Choose your answer from the box then write it on the space provided. NO ERASURES!
Can Will be able to aren’t able could
21. _________ Tony run long distances when he was a boy?
22. _________ you please call a tow truck for me? My car broke down. (polite)
23. The students __________ to buy their textbooks today. The bookstore is all out of them.
24. _________ you teach me how to fix my computer? You’re so good at it.
25. _________ you _________ reach the customer if you call him at 4:00 his time?

Fill in the correct form of may or might. Choose your answer from the box then write it on the space provided. NO ERASURES!
Might not might may may as well may not
26. They ______ finish the project on time. The main engineer is ill.
27. You _____ want to stop by the museum gift shop on your way out.
28. _____ I have your autograph?
29. He _______ visit the Louvre. He’s in Paris anyway.
30. You ______ park your car here. It’s reserved for guests of the hotel only.

Choose the most appropriate modal to complete the meaning of each sentence. Encircle the letter of your answer. NO ERASURES!
31. How ______ you have left the bathroom in such a mess?
(A) should (B)might (C)could (D)will

32. Mat ______ be lazy but he is certainly not stupid.

(A)would (B)must (C)should (D)may
33. I ______ speak Swedish, Dutch and Japanese.
(A)can (B)may (C)should (D)would
34. I think we are lost. The man ______ have given us the wrong directions.
(A)might (B)should (C)would (D)can
35. You ______ not be serious about swimming outdoors in winter.
(A)Would (B)should (C)could (D)must

36. Plants ______ have sunlight in order to make food.

(A)can (B)may (C)must (D)will
37. Since our bags are identical you ______ have taken mine by mistake.
(A)must (B)will (C)shall (D)could
38. Parents ______ take care of their children.
(A)may (B)could (C)would (D)should
39. ______ you excuse me for a moment?
(A)Would (B)Should (C)Must (D)might
40. She ______ stay up late if she takes a nap now.
(A)must (B)should (C)shall (D)would

Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to fill the blank in each sentence. Encircle the letter of your answer. NO ERASURES!
41. Why can’t you guys do it _______________?
(A)yourself (B)himself (C)herself (D)themselves
42. My brother likes to talk about____________?
(A)yourself (B)himself (C)herself (D)themselves
43. My sister bought a present for ___________
(A)yourself (B)himself (C)herself (D)themselves
44. I hurt _____________ while I was skiing
(A)yourself (B)himself (C)herself (D)myself
45. He never took any classes. He thought ____________
(A)yourself (B)himself (C)herself (D)themselves

Choose the correct intensive pronoun to fill the blank in each sentence. Encircle the letter of your answer. NO ERASURES!
46. We built a garden shed by ______________.
(A)Myself (B)Ourselves (C)Themselves (D)Himself
47. Jordan made _____________ a sandwich, complete with pickles.
(A)Ourselves (B)Yourself (C)Himself (D)Themselves
48. I’m a little nervous about walking by _____________ after dark.
(A)Myself (B)Ourselves (C)Themselves (D)Herself
49. The twins are growing up fast; they’re already walking by _____________.
(A)Myself (B)Ourselves (C)Himself (D)Themselves
50. Jennifer sewed her dress ____________.
(A)Myself (B)Himself (C)Ourselves (D)Herself

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