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Workshop No 1

Social Conflicts that Affect our Context

 What type of social conflicts have you identified in our community?

 Why do we get involved in social conflict in our community and school?

General Objective: Specific objectives:

To talk about some  To identify and use vocabulary related to social conflicts, such as race
of the social conflicts discrimination, drugs, and sexual orientation and poverty discrimination
from in for.
our surroundings and  To understand some social of the social conflicts, from within the
to look for strategies Colombian context, in passages.
to transform change  To write about the causes of social problems in our school.
them into alternative  To identify how some countries have overcome some social conflicts.
solutions.  To ask and give information about alternative strategies to solve the
existing social conflicts present in our school.
Lesson 1: Vocabulary and grammar in context

Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez


1. Label the pictures below. Use the following list.

Learning strategy: Associating
words with images.

 Poverty
 Drugs
 Race discrimination
 Sexual orientation Ddiscrimination for sexual orientation

3. What do you know about poverty in our region? Use Learning strategy:
the words from the box to complete each statement. Organizing words according
to the meaning
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poor unemployment

unequal resources
a. Colombia is a rich country, but _____________ are not divided equally
b. Many people in Huila still live in ____________conditions
c. The ____________ rate in Colombia is very high. iIt is difficult to find a job
e. Colombia is the second most _______________country in Latin America.
f. During the war in Colombia, there was _______________ specially form the countryside

to the big cities.

4. Choose the correct words in the following sentences, highlighting them with a color.
Learning strategy: Placing new words
into a context

Nowadays there are students

consumingusing/eating drugs in

Experts say that drug selling/ Lack of oxygen in the brain brings
addiction is an incurable disease. causes brain damage/brain

5. Select the words from the box that are related to sexual orientation
discrimination for sexual orientation.
Learning strategy: Grouping

death exclusion
Learning strategy: Relating
inclusion relationship words and meaning
suicide acceptance
Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez

6. Relate each word to its definition.

 Prejudice the unfair situation in society

where n some people have more opportunities than

 Violence absurd opinion or feeling, especially

without enough thought or knowledge.

 Impoverish actions or words that are intended to hurt


 Inequality to make someone very poor.

7. Check the previous activity with a partner and compare the your answers. Then ask the
following questions:
Do you think violence
Have you identified Is
is a problem for the
there poverty in your

8. Classify the previous vocabulary into the following topics. Mark with an X under the
right topic.
Learning strategy: Classifying
words according to topics.

Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez


Vocabulary Poverty Drugs Race Sexual

discrimination orientation
for sexual
exclusion 8.
Work Wwith a partner, mention two causes of poverty in Guadalupe, Huila. You may need
to use these expressions:

 I think that…
 I believe that...
 From In my opinion, …
 One cause of poverty in Guadalupe is…

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 Another cause of poverty in Guadalupe is…

Lesson 2: Understanding different issues from my context

1. Read the four (4) passages carefully and underline the words that relate to social

Learning strategy: Identifying main ideas.

Drug consumption use prevalent in

Colombian’s schools: Study

Colombia’s National University, warned that

consuming using drugs at a young age can have
serious health effects repercussions.

Miguel Cote, dDirector of the Department of

Psychiatry of the National University, noted
that drug use can have serious effects on the adolescent
body such as addiction, cardiovascular problems, brain
damage and specially heart attacks.

2. Based on eh the reading, choose the correct option.

can have serious health effects
a. Colombia’s National University,
warned that:
b. According to Cote, what is the main
1. Consuming Using drugs doesn’t don´t problem with drug use Nicotine
have serious repercussions effects. Specifically?

2. Just Only some drugs can have negative

1. Cardiovascular problems and brain
3. Consuming Using drugs at a young age

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2. Facts about poverty in Colombia c. What is the general purpose

objective of the writer with the text?
Colombia is a beautiful country, but poverty here
is still a problem. Below there are some facts 1. To show the unemployment rate
about poverty. in Colombia.
2. To show the consequences of
1. more than tThree out of ten Colombians still displacement from rural areas. 3.
live in poor conditions. To offer information different facts about
the poverty problem in Colombia’s
2. After Venezuela, Colombia is the country
with the highest unemployment rate in Latin poverty problem.
America after Venezuela.

3. Colombia have been experiencing violence

and displacement for more than 50 years.

4. Nearly 30% of all families in Colombia don’t

have adequate homes.

5. The unequal distribution of resources affects

The main problem is addiction.

3. High risk of heart attack.

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e. the vViolence against black

Rise in Violence people in Colombian people is the
The rise in violence against black Colombians result of:
is the result of long-standing racial inequality 1. Inequality, prejudice and the
and prejudice, and the effect of the country's effect of the country’s civil war
decades-old civil war.
2. Displacement of millions of
The war has also displaced millions of Afro people
and indigenous Colombians, from the The Fight to Protect L.G.B.T. Students
impoverished areas along the Pacific and 3. Paramilitary groups and narco-
in Colombia
Caribbean coasts, to major urban centers, cartels.
Two years ago, 16-year-old Sergio Urrego
where they face discrimination and violence.
jumped to his death from a shopping center
The tTwo dancers murdered in Bogotá in April
in Bogotá, leaving as his suicide note a
had fled escaped to the capital in 2013 from
the southwestern provinces states of CaucaFacebook post “Goodbye Cruel World.”
His death was the origin of a controversy
that irritated Colombia this week, as the
effort to expand L.G.B.T.

After his death, Mr. Urrego’s mother, Alba

Reyes, accused school officials, faulting
them for of excluding her only son after
discovering that he and a classmate had
an intimate relationship.

d. According to his mother, Tthe

Sergio Urrego’s death of Sergio
Urrego, Choco.
a 16 years old students from
Bogotáa, was caused according
to his mother because:
1. He was very sick at in the school.
2. He was excluded after
discovering that because he had a
relationship with a classmate.
3. He belonged to the L.G.B.T

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3. After reading the texts, check true (T) or false (F) to each statement phrase below.
Learning strategy: Identifying true and false statements

Statement T F
Nicotine is particularly
addictive when used at an early age.

The unequal distribution of resources

doesn’t affect Colombian people.
Colombia is a beautiful country with a
landscape countryside marked by rainforests.

Schools nationwide are called to develop

clearer policies to prevent discrimination.
Same- sex marriages haven’t been
legalized in Colombia.
The war in Colombia hasn’t has displaced
millions 3:Afro
Materializing my ideas
and indigenous and thoughts.

1. Group work. In pairs, discuss and then

write about the causes of the social Causes of poverty in
conflicts that you find in your school. Guadalupe, Huila.
Learning strategy: using previous knowledge to identify causes.

Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez


Causes of Drugs use in my

Causes of sexual orientation
discrimination for sexual
orientation in my school. Causes of race discrimination
in my context.


2. Posters creation: In groups of four (4), you are going to choose one of the social conflicts
identified in your context and you will create a big and creative poster writing about
some strategies or alternative solutions to the conflict.

Learning strategy: Using resources

for receiving and sending messages

a. Think about possible tittles for your poster

Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez


b. Make a draft of your poster and get feedback from ask your teacher and your partners to tell
you what needs changing adjust it.

Lesson 4: Making connections to what I know and what I hear.

1. Watch and Llisten carefully to the video, then answer the questions below.
Learning strategy: Listening for detailed information.

Can extreme poverty ever be eradicated?

Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez

d. What is preventing people in African

cities to from finding jobs and getting

1. A lack of infrastructure, public

transport, and essential services.

2. A lack of education, food and


3. A lack of houses, streets and private


overcome poverty. Which countries are
a. According to the wWorld bBank, they?
people living on in extreme poverty
1. Japan and China
are unable to afford can’t buy:

1. Cars, expensive clothes, shoes and 2. India and Singapore

3. China and India
2. Basic food, clothing, healthcare
and shelter

3. Houses, clothing, motorcycles and c. What is Asia doing right now to fight
against poverty?
1. Moving people to factory jobs in

2. Moving people to work in the


3. Investing in free education for


b. In the 1980s, people in those countries

were living in extreme poverty, now those
countries have better living conditions

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2. Read carefully the statement from the orange bubble which was taken from the video
and give us your opinion.

Learning strategy: Seeking practice opportunities

The task of taking en people out

of poverty is a big challenge. In my opinion, …

Lesson 5: It’s time to express myself

1. Work in groups to ask and give information about alternative strategies to solve the
social conflicts that affect our school.

Learning strategy: Combining words to share ideas.

a. Get iIn groups of four (4), to look for strategies that help students to stop using
consuming drugs.

How can we help those How could their parents help those the
Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez students to stop using consuming drugs?
What should the school do for those students?

b. Work in pairs. Look at the is picture image. Do you think education is one of the
alternatives to overcome erasing poverty? Why?

b. Think in two (2) solutions alternatives to overcome erase poverty in your context
and share them with tell your partner.



c. Race discrimination is one of the existing conflicts present in Maria Auxiliadora

school. Read this quote and share your ideas with a classmate.

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d. Now think in about 1 (one) solution strategy to avoid erase racial discrimination in
your context, write it and then share it in tell the class.

e. Mini interview. Go around the school and iInterview three (3) different people in the
school and asking them the following questions:

Do you think is it fair to judge people because of their

sexual orientation?

could we
in the
school to
avoid discrimination for sexual orientation?

f. With all the ideas you got Use all the responses from the different people to create
your own strategy to avoid prevent sexual orientation discrimination for sexual
orientation in your school and share it in with the class. You can use a diagram.

2. Game time!

Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez


a. The teacher will have pieces of paper in a bag with social conflicts. Students should sit in
a circle, and take out a piece of paper. and aAccording to the conflict that you get, you
should mention one cause of that conflict and one alternative strategy to solve it.

Self-assessment Autoevaluación

Criteria ✓ x

Oral Communication
Comunicación oral
I can produce chunks of language of different lengths
Puedo producir fragmentos de la lengua de diferentes longitudes.
I can use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish
pragmatic purposes.
Puedo usar un número adecuado de unidades léxicas (palabras) para
alcanzar propósitos pragmáticos.
The workshop
El taller
It is useful, attractive and presents appealing content for me.
Es útil, atractivo y presenta un contenido llamativo para mí.

Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez


It presents a sequence of the activities, so I can feel comfortable.

Presenta una secuencia de actividades de manera que me puedo sentir
It is significant and is related to my interests and the interests of my school.
Es significante y está relacionado a mis intereses y a los intereses de mi
It provides opportunities for outcome feedback.
Proporciona oportunidades para la retroalimentación.
It provides opportunities for communicative purposes.
Proporciona oportunidades para propósitos académicos.
The lesson includes enough free-practice activities.
La lección incluye suficientes actividades de práctica libre.
Community-based Pedagogy
La Pedagogía Comunitaria
I can integrate the language and the context into my pedagogical practice
Puedo integrar el idioma y el contexto en mi práctica pedagógica.
I can talk about experiences from my context in class.
Puedo hablar sobre experiencias de mi contexto en clase.
I can see collaboration between the teacher and the students when choosing
the topics for the class.
Puedo ver colaboración entre la profesora y los estudiantes para elegir los
temas para la clase.
The activities are focused on giving students the tools needed to
Social conflicts
Los conflictos sociales

Different social conflicts from our context are mentioned in the class
Diferentes conflictos sociales de nuestro context son mencionados en la
I have the chance to give my opinions about strategies that allow us to
overcome the different social conflicts we have in our school.
Tengo la oportunidad de dar mis opiniones sobre estrategias que nos
permiten superar los diferentes conflictos sociales que tenemos en nuestro
Now, I have a wider view of the different social conflicts in our context and
how some countries have overcome some of them.
Ahora tengo una visión más amplia de los diferentes conflictos sociales de
nuestro contexto y como algunos países han superado algunos de ellos.

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Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez


Developed by Liced Yamile Rodriguez Martínez

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