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Indonesian Independence day

Happy 74th birthday Indonesia! Every year
this historic event is celebrated with
numerous exciting events throughout the
nations. MPS, our beloved school always
takes part too. We made preparations to
celebrate this special day. The school
decoration even had already started in the
early month of August this year

On Monday 19th August 2019, MPS students,

teachers and parents celebrated Indonesian
Independence day with great enthusiasm
buzzed heavily in the air. Flag rising
ceremony was held in the morning as the Sack race competition
beginning of the day. Followed by several
enjoyable and fun celebratory games to
compete, such as Sack Race, Bakiak Race
(walking together on long wooden sandals),
Cracker eating race , Carrying marble on a
spoon race , Flags race and eating biscuits
(for Kindi ), coloring, and passing balloon
race. These games brought the joy and
merrily laughter during the competition.

The excitement didn’t stop there because

lots of delicious, healthy and yummy food,
cakes and drinks from parents were waiting
to be shared. Then the event was closed after
the announcing of the group winner. Every
student got the souvenirs and snacks.
Eating biscuits competition

Dear MPS Families,

Welcome Home!

It is wonderful to finally have our students

back in the building – nothing beats the
laughter and joy! We had a phenomenal start
to the school year. These first days of school
were filled with excitement and new
experiences for students, along with the
greeting of new and old friends. The students
(and staff) made a great adjustment back to
the familiar routine of the school day. The
following quote was shared with me several
years ago, and I find it appropriate for my
second newsletter article: “We don’t
remember days; we remember moments.” I
desire that everyone feel welcome and
excited to be at Montessori Private School.
Even though the students won't remember
every each day of this school year, they will
remember the moments along the way and
love the fact that they belong at MPS.


The new academic year has already started.

Along with it, It’s the right time for MPS to
set the goals, plans and events for a year.

Teachers and staff meeting are conducted,

following by the annual monthly teachers
meeting as a media for the teachers to
upgrading their Montessori knowledge. This
is later will be applied, not only learning the
theory but also how to imply them in
classroom activities.
As we know that MPS use a creative
teaching style as well as the new method of
learning such as inquiry-based learning.
Teachers meeting conduct as a media for
sharing the thoughts toward plans, events
and other school programmes.


As a human being, remembering our creator

and worshipping Him in our life is a must.
Regarding this matter, MPS leads the
students to understand this matter through
the religion programmes. We have Bina Iman
for Christian and Keputrian for moslem.
Students learn their religion more deeply
with this programmes. They will grow with a
good understanding of their religion and be
able to actualize it in their daily own life.

Heading 4

Welcome our new MPS student, Kim Noor

Aishwarya. A pretty girl with a cheerful and
friendly manner. Drawing is becoming her
hobby since her first school day. Kim is a
helpful one, she loves to help her friends and
teachers, and she feels happy to do that.
She always reminds her friends about the
school rules.
Weldone, Kim. Keep doing your best!


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