ハロ/ハワユ (feat. 初音ミク&メグッポイド) Haro/Hawayu (feat. Hatsune Miku & megpoid)

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ハロ/ハワユ (feat. 初音ミク&メグッポイド) Haro/Hawayu (feat.

Hatsune Miku & megpoid)


I opened my window and whispered.

How are you?

Alone in my room, with no one.


The morning has arrived, with a heavy downpour.


Someone please rewind my spring for me.


I think that kind of person appeared only in old anime.

How are you?

I am so jealous, that someone can be loved by all.


I must stop saying silly things and start preparing.


In order to hide my tear marks.

"Oh well whatever" has become my favorite phrase.

That line from yesterday went straight over my head:

"I don't have any expectations of you anymore."

Well, even I myself

don't have any expectations of myself,

but still, what was THAT for?!

The words that escaped from my throat

were nothing but lies.

Today, too, I have wasted some valuable words,

as I continue living my life.

Why is it that you end up hiding it?

Is it that you're scared of being laughed at?

Is it that you don't want to meet anyone?

Is that really true?

Drowning in a sea of the name "ambiguity",

I'm suffering because I can no longer breathe.

I now have a small urge to listen to someone's voice.

I am so weak.

With my preparation going nowhere at all,

I start thinking with my hazy head:

"Should I just find a reason so that I can rest now?"

Nah, I know, I know,

I'm just saying things, that's all,

but I'm not going to rest, so don't get angry at me.

Be I happy or miserable,

the morning sun will rise fairly and cruelly.

I'm already trying my best just to live,

what else do you possibly expect of me?

Why do you end up being bothered by this?

Is it that you actually want to be loved?

Who was it that let go of your hand?

Have you come to a realization?

If my life has a time card,

then exactly when do I get off my "work"?

Who will pay me my salary

for having been living all this time?

Thank you!

I actually want to say "thank you".

Thank you!

I actually want to say "thank you".

Thank you!
Even if just for once,

while I lament from the bottom of my heart,

I actually want to say "thank you".

Why is it that you end up hiding it?

Is that you actually want me to ask you about it?

I promise that I will not laugh,

so why don't you trying tell me?

I won't know anything if you don't open your mouth.

You won't convey anything by merely thinking in your head.

What a troublesome species of organism,

the one called "human", that is.

Hello! How are you?

To you, I say "Hello! How are you?"

ハロ 窓を開けて 小さく呟いた

ハワユ 誰もいない 部屋で一人

モーニン 朝が来たよ 土砂降りの朝が

ティクタク 私のネジを 誰か巻いて

ハロ 昔のアニメにそんなのいたっけな

ハワユ 羨ましいな 皆に愛されて

スリーピン 馬鹿な事言ってないで支度をしなくちゃ

クライン 涙の跡を隠す為

もう口癖になった「まぁいっか」 昨日の言葉がふと頭を過る



喉元まで出かかった言葉 口をついて出たのは嘘


何故隠してしまうのですか 笑われるのが怖いのですか

誰にも会いたくないのですか それ本当ですか


少し声が聞きたくなりました 本当に弱いな

一向に進まない支度の途中 朦朧とした頭で思う


いやいや分かってますって 何となく言ってみただけだよ


幸せだろうと 不幸せだろうと 平等に残酷に 朝日は昇る

生きていくだけで精一杯の私にこれ以上 何を望むというの

何故気にしてしまうのですか 本当は愛されたいのですか

その手を離したのは誰ですか 気が付いてますか

人生にタイムカードがあるなら 終わりの時間は何時なんだろう

私が生きた分の給料は 誰が払うんですか
サンキュー ありがとうって言いたいの

サンキュー ありがとうって言いたいよ

サンキュー 一度だけでも良いから

心の底から大泣きしながら ありがとうって言いたいの

何故隠してしまうのですか 本当は聞いて欲しいのですか

絶対に笑ったりしないから 話してみませんか

口を開かなければ分からない 思ってるだけでは伝わらない

なんて面倒くさい生き物でしょう 人間というのは

ハロ ハワユ ハロ ハワユ ハロ ハワユ

あなたに ハロ ハワユ

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