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ONE (R.A. No. 6541)
Revised RA 6541,"An Act to Ordain and Institute a National Building Code of the Philippines"
NBCDO,National Building Code Development Office
building permit form,NBC Form B-01
Building Permit Docoments - 2,- Ancillary Permits
- Accessory Permits
Ancillary Permits - 7,i. Architectural Permit
ii. Civil/Structural Permit
iii. Electrical Permit
iv. Mechanical Permit
v. Sanitary Permit
vi. Plumbing Permit
vii. Electronics Permit
duly signed and sealed by the corresponding professionals and the plans and specifications
shall be submitted together with the duly notarized application for Building Permit,Ancillary
issued by the Building Official for accessory parts of the project with very special functions or
use which are indicated in the plans and specifications that accompany the building permit
application,Accessory Permits
Accessory Permits Part 1- 13,- bank and records vaults
- swimming pools
- firewalls separate from the building/structure
- towers
- silos
- smokestacks
- chimneys
- commercial/industrial fixed ovens
- industrial kilns/furnaces
- water/waste treatment tanks, septic vaults
- concrete and steel tanks
- booths, kiosks and stages
- tombs, mausoleums and niches
Accessory Permits Part 2- 10,- ground preparation and excavation
- encroachment of foundation to public area
- fencing, for fence not exceeding 1.80 meters high
- sidewalk construction
- temporary sidewalk enclosure and occupancy
- erection of scaffolding
- erecting
- repair
- removal of sign
- demolition.
Application for Permits,Five (5) sets of survey plans, design plans, specifications and other
Application for Permits (needed professionals) - 8,- Geodetic Engineer, in case of lot survey
- Architect, in case of architectural documents; in case of architectural interior/interior design
documents, either an architect or interior designer may sign
- Civil Engineer, in case of civil/structural documents
- Professional Electrical Engineer, in case of electrical documents;
- Professional Mechanical Engineer, in case of mechanical documents;
- Sanitary Engineer, in case of sanitary documents;
- Master Plumber, in case of plumbing documents;
- Electronics Engineer, in case of electronics documents
Architectural Documents - 11,- Vicinity Map/Location Plan
- Site Development Plan
- Perspective
- Floor Plans (not less than 1:100)
- Elevations, at least four (4), same scale as floor plans
- Sections, at least two (2)
- Reflected ceiling plan
- Details, in the form of plans, elevations/sections
- Schedule of Doors and Windows
- Schedule of Finishes
- Details of other major Architectural Elements
The Architectural Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to
technical requirements for,a. Types of Construction
b. Requirements of Fire Zones and Fire Resistive Regulation
Building projections over public streets
d. Access Streets/Roads and Alleys
e. Architectural Interior/Interior Design
f. Classification and General Requirements of all Buildings by Use or Occupancy
g. Maximum Height of Buildings/Structures
Parking and Loading/Unloading Space Requirement
i. Corner Buildings with Chaflans
j. Occupant Load
k. Glazing of Opening
l. Architectural Accessibility Features
m. Light and Ventilation
Construction of Buildings/Structures within the obstacle limitation surfaces of Aerodromes
Buildings and other Ancillary Structures within Cemeteries and Memorial Parks
areas within which only certain types of buildings/structures are permitted to be
constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of construction, and resistance to fire.,Fire
areas where siting of buildings/structures are permitted without fire-resistivity measures,Non-
Fire Restricted Zones
Areas wherein siting of buildings/structures are permitted within prescribed fire-resistivity
measures for exterior walls of at least two-hour fire resistivity,Fire Restrictive Zones
Areas wherein highly fire- resistive or non-combustible buildings/structures and/or construction
assemblies of no less than three to four-hour fire-resistive construction materials are used
throughout, including exterior walls,Highly Fire Restrictive Zones
the degree to which a material can withstand fire as determined by generally recognized and
accepted testing methods,Fire-resistive rating
length of time a material can withstand being burned,Fire-resistive time period rating
Types of Construction,Type 1 - wood construction
Type 2 - wood construction with protective fire-resistant materials
Type 3 - masonry and wood construction
Type 4 - steel, iron, concrete, or masonry
Type 5 - four-hour fire-resistive
Building Occupancy Classification - 10,10 groups
25 divisions
Group A - Residential (dwellings)
Group B - Residential (buildings/structures, hotels and apartments
Group C - Education and Recreation (institutional)
Group D - Government and health services (institutional)
Group E - Business and Mercantile (Commercial)
Group F - Industrial (non-pollutive/non hazardous industries and non-pollutive/hazardous
Group G - Storage and Hazardous industrial (pollutive/non-hazardous industries and
pollutive/hazardous industries only
Group H - Assembly for less than 1000(cultural and/or recreational)
Group I - Assembly for more than 1000(cultural and/or recreational)
Group J - Agricultural
residential buildings for exclusive use of single family occupants,Division A-1
residential buildings for the exclusive use of non-leasing occupants not exceeding 10
persons.,Division A-2
institutional where personal liberties of inmates are restrained or quarters of those rendering
public assistance and maintaining peace and order,Division D-I
institutional buildings for health care,Division D-2
institutional for ambulatory patients or children over kindergarten age,Division D-3
business and mercantile where no work is done except change of parts and maintenance
requiring no open flames, welding or use of highly flammable liquids,Division E-I
business and mercantile in nature,Division E-2
business and mercantile where no repair work is done except exchange of parts and
maintenance requiring no open flames, welding or use of highly flammable liquid,Division E-3
Light industrial,Division F-1
Medium Industrial which shall include storage and handling of hazardous and highly flammable
materials,Division G-1
Medium Industrial buildings for storage and handling of flammable materials,Division G-2
Medium Industrial buildings for wood working activities, paper cardboard manufacturers, textile
and garment factories,Division G-3
Medium Industrial, for repair garages and engine manufacture,Division G-4
Medium Industrial for aircraft facilities,Division G-5
Recreational, which are assembly buildings with stage and having an occupant load of less than
1,000.,Division H-1
Recreational which are assembly buildings with stage and having an occupant load of 300 or
more,Division H-2
Recreational which are assembly buildings with stage and having an occupant load of less than
300,Division H-3
agricultural structures,Division J-1
Accessory (occupancy classification),Division J-2
TGFA,The Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area
TLA,Total Lot Area
AMVB,Allowable Maximum Volume of Building
BHL,Building Height Limit
Max Building Heights,R-1: 3 floors and 10m
R-2: 3-5 flrs and 10-15m
R-3: 3-12 flrs and 10-36m
R-4: 3 flrs and 10m
R-5(condo): 12-18 flrs and 36-54m
a set of inter-acting regulations concerning the physical utilization of a lot and likewise governing
the planning/design of spaces and/or the use/occupancy of a building/structure to be introduced
(or already existing) on a lot; help determine in detail the development potential and/or the
carrying capacity of all lots and/or of proposed developments on lots,Development Control (for
Lots and Building Structures)
optimized extent of physical development that may be introduced into the lot without causing
undue damage, effects or hardship on the end-users of the proposed development or on
neighboring occupants, entities, properties, lands, developments or the environment (whether
man-made or natural) and with the proposed building/structure capable of being supported by
existing utility, transportation and service systems or by proposed expansions/upgrading of such
systems within the immediate future;,Carrying Capacity of Lot
the maximum extent of physical development that may be introduced into the lot,Development
Potential of Lot
GFA,Gross Floor Areas
OFB,outermost face of building
OLBP,outermost limit of building projection
RROW,road right-of-way
AMBF,allowed maximum building footprint
MACA,Maximum Allowable Construction Area
USA,Unpaved Surface Area
TOSL,Total Open Space Within Lot
Setbacks,`R-1: 4.5, 2, 2
R-2: 3-8, 2, 2
R-3: 3-8, 2(optional), 2
R-4: 4.5, 2(optional), 2
R-5: 6, 3, 3
Minimum width of stairs,50+ occupant load - 1.10m
50- occupant load - 900m
private stairway - 750mm
Ceiling Height (Natural Ventilation),2.70m
Ceiling Height (Artificial Ventilation, one floor),2.40m
Ceiling Height (Artificial Ventilation, multiple floors),1st - 2.70m
2nd - 2.40m
3rd - 2.10m
Ceiling Height (mezannine),1.80m
Minimum sizes of rooms,Rooms - 6sqm, 2m
Kitchen - 3sqm, 1.5m
Bath and Toilet - 1.20sqm, 900mm
Number of Exits,every bldg - atleast one exit
10+ occupant load - 2 exits
500+ occupant load - 3 exits
1000+ occupant load - 4 exits
Width of Exits,Total occupant load/165
Floors above the second storey, basements and
cellars used for other than service of the building shall have,not less than 2 exits
Distance to Exits,No point in a building without a sprinkler system shall be more than 45.00
meters from an exterior exit door, a horizontal exit, exit passageway, or an enclosed stairway,
measured along the line of travel. In a building equipped with a complete automatic fire
extinguishing system, the distance from exits may be increased to 60.00 meters.
Rise and run,rise: 200m max
run: 250 min
Batas pambansa 344,accessibility law and its implementing rules and regulations
Short Title BP 344,The Law to Enhance Mobility of Disabled Persons
also known as Accessibility Law
refers to features that enable disabled persons to make use of the primary functions for which a
structure is built.,ACCESSIBLE
unhindered, without obstructions to enable disabled persons free passage or use of the
a raised rim of concrete, stone or metal which forms the edge of street, sidewalk, planted area,
break in the sidewalk or traffic island provided with an inclined surface to facilitate mobility of
wheeled chairs, carriages and other similar conveyance.,CURB CUT-OUT
those suffering from restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the
range considered normal for a human being as a result of a mental, physical or sensory
degree of inclination of a sloped surface expressed as a percentage or ratio.,GRADIENT OF
a drawing, painting, diagram, engraving, etching or other similar illustrations on which a single
glance conveys a given message; a visual aid.,GRAPHIC SIGN
sloped surface connecting two or more planes at different levels.,RAMP
strip fastened to the floor beneath a door, usually required to cover the joint where two types of
floor materials meet; may provide weather protection at exterior doors.,THRESHOLD
DROPPED CURBS requirement,minimum width = 0.90 m;
gradient not more than 1:12.
CURB CUT-OUTS requirement,- minimum width = 0.90 m;
-gradient not more than 1:12.
-maximum cross gradient of 1:100
WALKWAYS BP 344 requirement,min. slope = 5% or gradient 1:20;
- min. width = 1.20 m
to guide the blind, walkways should as much as possible follow straight forward routes with right
angle turns
HANDRAILS BP 344 requirement,provide at both sides of ramps and stairs and outer edge of
dropped curbs at crossings; at 0.70 and 0.90 m. heights;
30 to 50 mm. diameter
SIGNAGE BP 344 requirement,SIGNS ON WALLS OR DOORS = max. ht 1.60; min. ht. 1.40 m.
from floor.
- Signages labeling public rooms should have raised symbols with a height of 1 mm
PARKING AREAS BP 344 requirement,- parking spaces for the disabled should be as close as
possible to building entrance
- minimum width 3.70 m.
- accessible walkway at front ends of parked car measuring 1.20 meters clear
- parking space should never be located at sloping areas.
RAMPS BP 344 requirement,minimum width = 1.20 m.
- minimum gradient 1:12
- length of ramp should not exceed 6.0 m. if the gradient is 1:12, long ramps whose gradient is
1:12 shall be provided with landings not less than 1.50 m
- a level area not less than 1.80 m. shall be provided at top and bottom of any ramp
- ramps should have handrails on both sides
- ramps should have curbs on both sides with minimum height of 0.10 m.
DOORS BP 344 requirement,- minimum clear width of 0.80 m.
- minimum clear level space of 1.5 x 1.5 m shall be provided before and extending beyond a
SWITCHES BP 344 requirement,- height should be within 1.20 to 1.30 m. above floor
- located farther than 0.20 m. from the latch side of the door.
CORRIDORS BP 344 requirement,- minimum width 1.20 m.
- turnabout space = 1.50 x 1.50 m., should be spaced at a max. of 12.00 m. , and provided at or
within 3.50 m. of every dead end.
WASHROOMS AND TOILETS BP 344 requirement,- minimum of 1.70 x 1.80 m. with grab bars
- turning space of 2.25 sq.m. with minimum of 1.50 m. for wheelchairs shall be provided outside
closet stall.
- minimum number of accessible water closets on each floor level = 1 for every 20 (total per
floor) and 2 for more than 20.
- maximum height of water closet = 0.45 m., flush control = 1.20 m.
- maximum height of lavatories = 0.80 m. with knee recess 0.60 to 0.70 m. vertical clearance
and 0.50 m. depth.
STAIRS BP 344 requirement,- tread should be slip resistant , with slip resistant nosing.
- slanted nosing preferred to protruding nosing
- tactile strip of 0.30 m. should be provided
ELEVATOR BP 344 requirement,- located not more than 30.00 m. from entrance
- minimum dimension 1.10 x 1.40 m.
PLACES OF ASSEMBLY BP 344 requirement,Seating Capacity 4-50: 2
Seating Capacity 51-300: 4
Seating Capacity 300-500: 6
When the seating capacity exceeds 500 an additional wheelchair seating space shall be
provided for each total seating capacity increase of 100 seats
- applicable provisions of the various agency and technical professional codes that are
supplementary to the Code.
- shall supplementally guide the planning, design, layout, content, construction, location/siting,
installation and maintenance of all buildings/structures,referral codes
Referral Codes of the NBCP,National Structural Code for Buildings - 6th Ed. 2010
Philippine Electrical Code - Revised 2009
National Plumbing Code of the Philippines - 1999
Fire Code of the Philippines- RA 9514 Revised Fire Code of the Phils. of 2008
Code for strength and stability of structures,Structural Code
Code for Safe use and adequacy of supply of electricity,Electrical Code
Code for Health and Sanitation,Plumbing Code
Code for Fire Safety,Fire Code
vertical load due to the weight of all permanent structural and non-structural components of a
building such as walls, floors, roofs, and fixed service equipment,Dead Load
includes all loads, except dead and lateral loads; weight of people, furniture, equipment and all
movable elements,Live Load
includes horizontal loads due to seismic forces, wind forces, blasts and other loads in the same
direction,Lateral Loads
the minimum live loads per unit area of horizontal projection to be used in the design of
buildings for the occupancies listed,Unit Live Loads
minimum average amount allowed on a floor and determined by the type of occupancy or
use,Uniformly Distributed Loads
kind of wood and fastening,Quality and Design
framing, anchoring, typing, bracing,Workmanship
gluing and laminating,Fabrication
Utilization equipment, generally other than industrial, that is normally built in standardized sizes
or types and is installed or connected as a unit to perform one or more functions such as clothes
washing, air conditioning, food mixing, deep frying, and so forth.,Appliance
Self-acting, operating by its own mechanism when actuated by some impersonal influence, as,
for example, a change in current, pressure, temperature, or mechanical configuration.,Automatic
The permanent joining of metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path that ensures
electrical continuity and the capacity to conduct safely any current likely to be imposed.,Bonding
circuit conductors between the final overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the
outlet(s).,Branch Circuit
Either a strand conductor with or without insulation and other covering, or a combination of
conductors insulated from one another.,Cable
A device designed to open and close a circuit by nonautomatic means and to open the circuit
automatically on a predetermined overcurrent without damage to itself when properly applied
within its rating,Circuit Breaker
The ratio of the maximum demand of a system, or part of a system, to the total connected load
of a system or the part of the system under consideration.,Demand Factor
Plumbing Functions,To remove the discharge human wastes and other substances out of the
building into public sewer and septic tank
Waste pipes - inclined at,2% slope
R.A. No. 9514,The 2008 Fire Code of the Philippines
FPB,Fire Protection Bureau
FALAR,Fire Safety and Life Assessment Report
Access to Exits (Child Day Care Centers),- Travel distance between any room or intended as
exit access and an exit shall not exceed thirty and a half meters (30.50 m);
- Travel distance between any point in a sleeping room or suite shall not exceed fifteen and one
fourth meters (15.25 m).
- . The travel distance in (a) and (b) above may be increased by fifteen and one fourth meters
(15.25 m) in building completely equipped with an approved, supervised sprinkler system.
RA 9514 Maximum height of risers,180
RA 9514 Minimum height of risers,100
RA 9514 Minimum tread depth,280
RA 9514 hearoom,2000
RA 9514 neight b/w buildings,3660

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