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How often do you find yourself being introduced to a new acquaintance at a party, and five

minutes later after you part ways you cannot remember the name of the person? If you have

experienced it being introduced to one person, how about being introduced to three or four people

at one time? Do you find yourself regularly searching for your car keys and forgetting where you

put it down? How about your password or leaving your ID at home when you need it? And you’re

asking yourself that you are answering yes to all these questions, and you’re still in your early


Yes folks, although it is very common knowledge that poor memory supposedly comes

with age, millennials are finding themselves in similar situations to people twice their age. These

can be due to several lifestyle factors working together, being on top of the list is the stressful fast

pace of today’s world that they are put into. Young adults now a days are more accustomed to

multitasking and using technology to speed up not just their tasks, and they try to do as much as

they can. This will often result to doing too much at a time and spreading their days longer than

necessary. This will then lead to compounded lack of sleep, which is another major contributor to

poor memory functions. (Survey Shows Millennials are More Forgetful than Seniors, 2013)

Partner that with unhealthy diets and poor eating habits of millennials by huge sugar consumption

in sodas, fast foods, and other processed sustenance plays a crucial role.

One of the most common misconception is that you cannot enhance your memory. Our

brain is like any muscle in our body. If trained right, it will become stronger and function better.

If we don’t train it at all, it will become weaker over time. And just like there are some muscles in

our body that are harder to develop, let’s say, your abs muscles as compared to your biceps for

some reason or another, the brain is one of those harder muscles to exercise mainly because we
often take it for granted. And generally, they often go thru their day remotely doing their tasks on

auto pilot.

So in an age where millennials’ memory should be at its peak, we find that they are

struggling more than we know on how to execute this very natural human function. A healthy

lifestyle is the key role and can even encourage new brain cells to develop, a process known as

neuroplasticity. Physical exercise, eating a proper healthy diet, and appropriate amount of rest and

sleep are the first-hand remedy for a stronger, healthier mental function. Some more tips on how

to develop a stronger memory includes more focused tasks and minimize multitasking, learn new

skills or languages, and do or play activities such as puzzles and cognitive games that will stimulate

and challenge your mind. ( Dr. Mercola, 2014)

With a shift to a healthier, more balance lifestyle, and proper understanding on how to

stimulate and challenge our brain more often, millennials will have a better chance of overcoming

the condition of poor memory at such an early age. Who knows, by picking up the healthier habit

and lifestyle they may even be able to retain their strong memory development longer than

previous generations.


(Survey Shows Millennials are More Forgetful than Seniors, 2013) retrived from


Dr. Mercola, 2014. 7 Tricks to Improve your Memory retrieved from


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