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Chapter 2

Zubad ali
Submitted to:

Sir Farooq Butt

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Ram is
a. Output device c. Input device
b. Storage part d. None of these
2. Rom is
a. Input device c. Storage part
b. Output device d. None of these
3. Rom is an
a. Main memory c. Both a and b
b. Permanent memory d. None of these
4. Ram is an
a. Main memory c. Both a and b
b. Secondary memory d. None of these
5. Cache memory is built in
a. Mother board c. Mouse
b. Monitor d. Cpu
6. Primary memory is the_______ of computer.
a. Main memory c. Both a and b
b. Temporary memory d. None of these
7. Cache memory is very
a. Cheap c. Fast
b. Slow d. expensive
8. Ram stand for
a. Random access memory c. Read only memory
b. Read access memory d. None of these
9. Rom stand for
a. Read only memory c. Both a and b
b. Random only memory d. None of these
10. All external memory is
a. Temporary storage c. Both a and b
b. Permanent storage d. None of these
11. Fastest storage device is
a. Registers c. Rom
b. Ram d. Cache
12. Size of cache memory is
a. 2 MB c. 2 KB
b. 2 GB d. 2TB
13. Data is transfer through
a. Buses c. Cpu
b. Primary memory d. monitor
14. ALU stands for
a. Arithmetic logical unit c. Also unit
b. All unit d. None of these
15. CU stands for
a. Control unit c. Both a and b
b. Computer unit d. Only b
16. USB is
a. Primary memory c. Main memory
b. Secondary memory d. None of these

17. Most expensive memory is

a. Cache c. Ram
b. Registers d. Rom
18. Break into parts using instruction set called
a. Execution c. Decoding
b. Fetching d. None of these
19. The operation implied by instruction is performed
a. Fetching c. Execution
b. Decoding d. None of these
20. VGA connector for connecting
a. Speaker c. Monitor
b. Mouse d. Keyboard
21. AGP stand for
a. Accelerated graphic port c. Both a and b
b. Audio port d. None of these
22. ISA stands for
a. Industry standard c. Both a and b
Architecture d. None of these
b. Industry speed area

23. MIPS is stand for

a. Million instruction per c. Both a and b
second d. None of these
b. Million speed per second
24. BIPS is stand for
a. Billion issue per second c. Billion instruction per second
b. Billion speed per second d. None of these
25. AND, OR and NOT are
a. Logical operation c. Both a and b
b. Arithmetical d. None of these
1 B 6 A 11 A 16 B 21 A
2 C 7 A 12 D 17 B 22 A
3 A 8 A 13 A 18 C 23 A
4 A 9 A 14 A 19 C 24 A
5 A 10 B 15 A 20 C 25 A

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