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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bone growth:
A. occurs through the deposition of new bone lamellae onto existing bone or other connective tissue.
B. at the epiphyseal plates causes increase in bone diameter.
C. causing an increase in the length of the bone is called appositional growth.
D. is accomplished by the osteoclasts.
E. all of these are true of bone growth.
2. Bone remodeling:
A. is essential for maintaining blood calcium levels
B. continues throughout the lifespan of the individual
C. is accomplished by the actions of the osteoclasts and osteoblasts
D. is controlled by the actions of Parathyroid Hormone, and Calcitonin.
E. All of these are true of bone remodeling.
3. In adults, which of the following represents a set of fused bones?
A. Femur
B. temporal bone
C. radius
D. sacral bone
E. tibia
4. What are the most effective preventative measures against the effects of aging on the skeletal system?
A. decreasing physical activity and the amount of stress on the bones
B. increasing physical activity
C. ingesting dietary calcium with a vitamin D supplement.
D. the combination of increasing physical activity and taking dietary calcium with vitamin D supplements.
E. decreasing your dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D.
5. The functions of the skeletal system include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. support and protection
B. movement and leverage
C. transport of materials via its fluid matrix
D. blood cell production
E. storage of minerals
6. The skeletal system helps maintain homeostasis by
A. acting as a calcium buffer and storage site.
B. acting as a phosphate buffer and storage site.
C. acting as an energy buffer and storage site.
D. acting as a blood cell production site.
E. All of these aid in maintaining homeostasis.
7. The extracellular matrix of bone
A. contains collagen and minerals.
B. has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite).
C. is entirely composed of proteoglycans.
D. contains collagen and minerals and has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite) are
E. has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite) and is entirely composed of
proteoglycans are correct.
8. Bones are a type of
A. cartilage.
B. epithelial tissue.
C. muscle tissue.
D. connective tissue.
E. multi-cellular membrane.
9. The extracellular matrix of cartilage may contain
A. primarily collagen fibers.
B. collagen fibers and minerals.
C. collagen fibers, elastic fibers and proteoglycans.
D. primarily elastic fibers.
E. chondrocytes.
10. The extracellular matrix of tendons and ligaments is made up of
A. primarily collagen fibers.
B. collagen and minerals.
C. collagen and proteoglycan
D. osteocytes.
E. chondrocytes.
11. During growth of a long bone, the site of growth in length is the
A. medullary cavity.
B. marrow.
C. epiphyseal plate.
D. endosteum.
12. The ____________ is (are) the opening through which the optic nerve passes into the cranial vault.
a) mandibular fossa
b) orbital fissures
c) foramen magnum
d) optic foramen
e) nasolacrimal canal
13. __________ is bone inflammation that is usually due to a bacterial infection.
a) Osteopetrosis
b) Osteomalacia
c) Osteomyelitis
d) Osteoporosis
e) Osteogenesis imperfecta
14. Which of these joints could be described as a saddle joint?
a) the knee joint
b) the shoulder joint
c) the thumb joint
d) the articular processes between vertebrae
e)the joint between occipital condyles and the atlas
15. Which of these statements about the skull is true?
a) The external acoustic meatus is a canal in the temporal bone.
b) The zygomatic arch consists of joined processes between the frontal and zygomatic bones.
c) The nasal conchae are bones that form the nasal septum.
d) The bridge of the nose is formed by the frontal bone.
e) The mastoid process is a prominent lump just anterior to the ear.
16. Which of these muscles is NOT a fixator of the scapula?
a) trapezius
b) levator scapulae
c) serratus anterior
d) latissimus dorsi
e) pectoralis minor
17. John Flashback was running downfield with the football. As he tried to avoid a tackle, he stepped in a hole and his
foot was twisted under him with great force. The X-ray shows a "broken ankle". The structure that is most likely broken
is the
a) calcaneus bone.
b) the head of the fibula.
c) a bone in the second metatarsal.
d) the lateral malleolus of the fibula.
e) the patella.
18. Which of these statements about bone growth is NOT correct?
a) Bone growth can occur beneath the periosteum or in the epiphyseal plate.
b) Growth at the epiphyseal plate is responsible for the increase in length of long bones.
c) Bone growth occurs primarily because osteoclasts start forming new bone.
d) In the epiphyseal plate, dying chondrocytes are replaced by osteoblasts.
e) All of these are correct statements.
19. The outer surface of bone is covered by a connective tissue layer called the
a) endosteum.
b) lamellae.
c) epiphysis.
d) diaphysis.
e) periosteum.
20. Which of these bones is a part of the appendicular skeleton?
a) sternum
b) clavicle
c) ribs
d) skull
e) hyoid
21. The two bones of the skull in which teeth are located are the
a) maxilla and mandible.
b) frontal and mandible.
c) maxilla and zygomatic.
d) zygomatic and mandible.
e) maxilla and frontal.
22. The long bones of the body form through ___________ ossification.
a) chondralmembranous
b) intramembranous
c) endochondral
d) endomembranous
23. The palate
a) consists of a hard palate and a soft palate.
b) is formed by the palatine and sphenoid bones.
c) both separates the nasal cavity from the mouth and consists of a hard palate and a soft palate.
d) separates the nasal cavity from the mouth.
e) is a point of attachment for tongue muscles.
24. Intramembranous ossification
a) occurs in the bones of the roof of the skull.
b) is the process that produces most of the skeletal system.
c) occurs when bones develop from cartilage models.
d) occurs when osteoblasts invade the spaces left by dying cartilage cells.
e) has all of these characteristics.
25. A ______________ is the anatomical term for a depression found in bone.
a) foramen
b) sinus
c) canal or meatus
d) fissure
e) fossa
26. The functions of the skeletal system include all of the following EXCEPT:
a) blood cell production
b) movement and leverage
c) storage of minerals
d) transport of materials via its fluid matrix
e) support and protection
27. The lumps that can be felt down the midline of the back are the
a) intervertebral foramina.
b) vertebral canal.
c) vertebral body.
d) articular facets.
e) spinous process.
28. Which of these movements would be needed to bend over and touch your big toe?
a) extension of forearms
b) flexion at the waist
c) extension of arms
d) Both extension of forearms and flexion at the waist are needed.
e) Both extension of arms and flexion at the waist are needed.
29. What are the most effective preventative measures against the effects of aging on the skeletal system?
a) decreasing physical activity and the amount of stress on the bones
b) ingesting dietary calcium with a vitamin D supplement.
c) decreasing your dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D.
d) increasing physical activity
e) the combination of increasing physical activity and taking dietary calcium with vitamin D supplements.
30. Which of these vertebrae is NOT correctly matched with their identifying characteristics?
a) thoracic vertebrae — articular facets for ribs
b) atlas — articulates with occipital condyles
c) axis — allows lateral motion as in shaking one's head "no"
d) lumbar vertebrae — transverse foramina in transverse processes
e) sacrum — has sacral hiatus and sacral promontory
31. Compact bone consists of cells called osteocytes located within spaces in the matrix called
a) haversian canals.
b) canaliculi.
c) medullary cavities.
d) lacunae.
e) lamellae.
32. The anatomical term for a cavity found in bone is
a) fossa.
b) fissure.
c) canal or meatus.
d) foramen.
e) sinus.
33. All of the following occur during endochondral ossification EXCEPT:
a) A primary ossification center forms in the center of the diaphysis as blood vessels and osteoblasts invade the calcified
b) A medullary cavity is formed as the osteoblasts remove bone and calcified cartilage.
c) The presence of blood vessels in the outer surface of the future bone causes some of the unspecified connective
tissue cells on the surface to become osteoblasts.
d) Chondrocytes in the cartilage model enlarge, then die.
e) The cartilage is calcified.
34. Which of these statements concerning the styloid processes is true?
a) A styloid process is located on the proximal end of the ulna.
b) The styloid processes serve as points of attachment for forearm muscles.
c) A styloid process is located on the head of the radius.
d) The styloid processes are located on the radius and ulna where they articulate with the wrist.
e) All of these are true statements.
35. The bone disease osteoporosis is associated with
a) increased formation of pannus in synovial joints followed by inflammation.
b) too little activity in osteoblasts.
c) increased uric acid being deposited in joint capsules.
d) overall decrease in the total amount of bone tissue.
e) decreased amount of mineral in the bone.
36. The extracellular matrix of bone
a) contains collagen and minerals and has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite) are correct.
b) is entirely composed of proteoglycans.
c) contains collagen and minerals.
d) has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite) and is entirely composed of proteoglycans are
e) has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite).
37. Which of these bones or bone parts of the skull are correctly matched with their function?
a) sella turcica — contains pituitary gland
b) nasal conchae — increase surface area in the nasal cavity
c) paranasal sinuses — decrease weight and act as resonating chambers
d) hyoid bone — serves as point of attachment for neck and tongue muscles
e) All of these are correctly paired
38. The coxae
a) are joined together posteriorly by the pubic symphysis.
b) are formed by the fusion of the ilium, ischium, and femur.
c) are part of the pectoral girdle.
d) join the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint.
e) each have a large hole called the greater trochanter.
39. From the list below, pick the ONLY bone that is unpaired.
a) maxilla
b) nasal
c) sphenoid
d) zygomatic
e) temporal
40. This figure illustrates the
a) ulna.
b) humerus.
c) femur.
d) radius.
e) tibia.
41. Which of these statements about bone remodeling and repair is correct?
a) As a long bone increases in diameter, the size of the marrow cavity decreases.
b) The zone of tissue repair between two bone fragments is called a callus.
c) Bone remodeling involves removal of old bone by osteoblasts.
d) Both bone is the major storage site for calcium in the body and the zone of tissue repair between two bone fragments
is called a callus are correct
e) Bone is the major storage site for calcium in the body.
42. This figure illustrates
a) a general thoracic vertebrae.
b) the axis.
c) a general cervical vertebrae (C3-C7).
d) a general lumbar vertebrae.
e) the atlas.
43. The maxillae is a(n)
a) irregular bone.
b) flat bone.
c) long bone.
d) short bone.
44. When bone growth (lengthening) stops,
a) the cartilage of each epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone and is called the epiphyseal line.
b) the bone of each epiphyseal plate is replaced by cartilage and is called the articular cartilage.
c) the bone of each epiphyseal plate is replaced by cartilage and is called the endosteum.
d) the cartilage of each epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone and is called the lamellar line.
e) the cartilage of each epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone and is called the periosteum.
45. The structure designated by the letter A is the
a) body.
b) vertebral foramen.
c) articular facet.
d) transverse process.
e) spinous process.
46. Vertebrae are best classified as
a) irregular bones.
b) long bones.
c) short bones.
d) flat bones.
47. ____________ forms the disks between vertebrae.
a) Elastic cartilage
b) Dense collagenous connective tissue
c) Hyaline cartilage
d) Fibrocartilage
e) Loose or areolar connective tissue
48. Which of these sections of the vertebral column curve posteriorly?
a) thoracic curvature and cervical curvature
b) thoracic curvature and lumbar curvature
c) cervical curvature and lumbar curvature
d) lumbar curvature and sacrum (with coccyx)
e) thoracic curvature and sacrum (with coccyx)
49. The periosteum
a) contains blood vessels and nerves.
b) contains osteoblasts.
c) is composed of dense connective tissue.
d) covers the outer surface of bones.
e) All of these are correct.
50. The tracheal rings are composed of
a) fibrocartilage.
b) hyaline cartilage.
c) loose or areolar connective tissue.
d) dense collagenous connective tissue.
e) elastic cartilage.
51. The structure designated by the letter B is the
a) transverse process.
b) articular facet.
c) vertebral foramen.
d) body.
e) spinous process.
52. The pectoral girdle
a) attaches the lower limb to the body.
b) consists of the clavicle and scapula.
c) is part of the axial skeleton.
d) is attached to the body only where the clavicle attaches to the vertebrae.
e) has all of these characteristics.
53. In the human body, bones are
A. continuously being recycled and remodeled.
b. flexible and elastic.
c. lifeless, white, and unchanging.
d. capable of changing only during childhood or earlier.
e. after childhood, capable of changing only after fractures or breaks.
54. In compact bone, a haversian canal, with the lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it are called
a. lacunae.
B. osteon.
c. canaliculi.
d. cancellous bone.
e. medullary cavities.
55. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
a. Cancellous bone is located in the epiphysis of long bones and interior of all other bones.
b. Compact bone is located in the diaphysis of long bones and thinner superficial surface of all other bones.
C. Compact bone is located in the epiphysis of long bones and interior of all other bones.
d. Lamellae are thin sheets of extracellular matrix in which bone is formed.
e. An osteon is a central canal with concentric layers of lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it.
56. Intramembranous ossification
A. occurs in the bones of the roof of the skull.
b. is the process that produces most of the skeletal system.
c. occurs when bones develop from cartilage models.
d. occurs when osteoblasts invade the spaces left by dying cartilage cells.
e. has all of these characteristics.
57. After _____ (bone forming cells) become completely surrounded by bone matrix, they are called _____ (mature
bone cells).
a. osteocytes, osteoblasts
b. osteoblasts, osteoclasts
c. osteoclasts, osteoblasts
D. osteoblasts, osteocytes
e. osteocytes, osteoclasts
58. Which of the following bones were likely produced through endochondral ossification?
A. femur
b. frontal
c. parietal
d. temporal
e. None of these bones were formed through endochondral ossification.
59. Which two bones contribute to the nasal septum?
a. vomer and maxilla
b. vomer and sphenoid
c. maxillary and palatine
D. vomer and ethmoid
e. ethmoid and sphenoid
60. Which of these sections of the vertebral column is matched with its correct number of vertebrae?
a. thoracic — 7 vertebrae
b. cervical — 12 vertebrae
C. sacral — 5 vertebrae fused into one sacrum
d. lumbar — 8 vertebrae
e. coccygeal — 2 vertebrae fused into one coccyx
61. The pectoral girdle
a. attaches the lower limb to the body.
B. consists of the clavicle and scapula.
c. is part of the axial skeleton.
d. is attached to the body only where the clavicle attaches to the vertebrae.
e. has all of these characteristics.
61. The scapula
a. has a depression called the glenoid cavity where the head of the humerus articulates.
b. has a coracoid process to which arm and chest muscles attach.
c. has an acromion process to which the clavicle attaches.
d. has a ridge, called the spine, on the posterior surface.
E. has all of these landmarks.
62. Fibrous joints between the bones of the skull are called
A. sutures.
b. synovial joints.
c. gomphoses.
d. cartilaginous joints.
e. syndesmoses
63. Which of these statements about synovial joints is correct?
a. Articular cartilage covers articular surfaces of bones.
b. Synovial joints contain synovial fluid.
c. The synovial membrane may extend as a pocket or sac, called a bursa.
d. The joint cavity is enclosed by a joint capsule.
E. All of the statements are correct.
64. You turn the doorknob clockwise with your right hand to open the door. The movement your hand makes would be
a. extension.
b. flexion.
c. adduction
d. pronation.
E. supination.
65. After suffering multiple cervical fractures, Myron Coolheart, IRS agent, was given a choice of which vertebrae to fuse
together i.e., he could leave only one articulation unfused. He decided to choose the fusion that would still allow him to
shake his head "no". His choice was to leave the ___________ unfused.
A. atlas to axis joint
b. atlas to occipital condyles articulation
c. articulation between C2 and C3
d. articulation between C6 and C7
66. 25. During the process of bone repair, immobilization of the bone is most useful during
a. the last 2 weeks as bone remodeling occurs.
b. the first 4 to 6 hours until the blood clot forms.
c. the first 2 weeks until the callus has formed.
D. the first 4 to 6 weeks until cancellous bone has closed the break.
e. the entire 2 to 3 months that it takes for compact bone to replace the compact bone that was originally lost.
67. Metacarpals and phalanges are best classified as
a. long bones.
B. short bones.
c. flat bones.
d. irregular bones.
68. The ulna and radius are best classified as
A. long bones.
b. short bones.
c. flat bones.
d. irregular bones.
69. A __________ is a term describing a hole found in bone.
a. canal or meatus
b. fissure
c. fossa
d. sinus
E. foramen
70. The ____________ is (are) the opening through which the spinal cord connects to the brain.
a. mandibular fossa
B. foramen magnum
c. nasolacrimal canal
d. optic foramen
e. orbital fissures
71. The ____________ is (are) the opening through which the optic nerve passes into the cranial vault.
a. mandibular fossa
b. foramen magnum
c. nasolacrimal canal
D. optic foramen
e. orbital fissures
72. The _____________ is (are) the opening(s) through which nerves or blood vessels communicate with the orbit.
a. mandibular fossa
b. foramen magnum
c. nasolacrimal canal
d. optic foramen
E. superior and inferior orbital fissures
73. The ______________ is (are) the weight-bearing portion of vertebra.
a. articular facets
b. vertebral canal
C. vertebral body
d. spinous process
e. intervertebral foramina
74. The lumps that can be felt down the midline of the back are the
a. articular facets.
b. vertebral canal.
c. vertebral body.
D. spinous process.
e. intervertebral foramina.
75. The locations where spinal nerves exit the vertebrae is (are) the
a. articular facets.
b. vertebral canal.
c. vertebral body.
d. spinous process.
E. intervertebral foramina.
76. There are _______ bones in the human body.
a. 200
B. 206
c. 400
d. 412
e. 602
77. The extracellular matrix of bone does NOT include
a. collagen fibers.
B. elastic fibers.
c. calcium.
d. phosphate.
e. Bone includes all of these in its extracellular matrix.
78. The long bones of the body form through ___________ ossification.
a. chondralmembranous
b. intramembranous
C. endochondral
d. endomembranous
79. The cells that actively break down osseous tissue are
a. osteoblasts
B. osteoclasts
c. osteoprogenitor cells
d. osteocytes
80. The joint between a tooth and its socket is an example of a __________joint.
A. fibrous
b. cartilaginous
c. synovial
81. __________ joints, a type of synovial joint, move only in one plane.
A. Hinge
b. Ball and socket
c. Ellipsoidal
d. Pivot
e. Saddle
82. __________ is a unique movement that occurs at the thumb as it moves toward the little finger.
a. Pronation
b. Eversion
C. Opposition
d. Circumduction
e. Excursion
83. Using Figure 6.1, match the following bone types with the numbered structure:
1) Bone 1
2) Bone 2
3) Bone 3
4) Bone 4
5) Bone 5
6) Bone 6
7) Bone 7
A. Long
B. Short
C. Flat
D. Irregular
E. Sesamoid
1) Bone 1 C
2) Bone 2 A
3) Bone 3 C
4) Bone 4 D
5) Bone 5 A
6) Bone 6 E
7) Bone 7 B
84. Using Figure 6.2, match the following:
8) Compact bone
9) Location of the epiphyseal line
10) Area where yellow marrow is found
11) Area with articular cartilage
8) C
9) B
10) D
11) A

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