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What hero to put the talent, rune or enchantment.

Information according to voting by visitors of the website on the pages heroes.

Hero Talents Crests Enchantments Traits Pet Heroes

Pet (50+ votes)




Mini Angi
351 115 87
Balloon 711 141 87

212 90 58 53

Little Havoc
104 71

157 109 94 87

213 106

492 149 125 87

128 127 125

811 140 93 68 58

171 137 93

288 152 100 56

67 64
One 323

4th Best
University in

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Pu Adhetya
− ⚑
a month ago
Where talent stealth?
1△ ▽ Reply

− ⚑
a year ago
Lmao, I'm sorry but this list is kind of a joke. Can definitely tell this was crowd-sourced from ppl
with limited game knowledge. Please, people - if you see this, don't listen to it.

71% of votes for FG go to Mike? He's absolutely terrible with FG. Like literally bottom 5%.
Mind=blown. Not one vote for Walla? Or Athene? Or Yeti? or Skele? Or any of the other dozen
heroes that are good with FG? I'm speechless.

For empower, not one vote for PD? Or Nub? Not that athene isn't good with it, but there's a real
argument for going PD first.

Slow down gets voted on ice only? What about AD heroes like Druid or BT?

Skele's only recommended talent is WG? Lmao. Good luck with that. Not one top player is using
WG on him.

Nevermind, just saw Demo's only recommended talent is WG also. Clearly the people voting don't
have either.

Also, wtf is up with WG being a recommended talent on like...every hero in the game? And why are
most of those heroes noticeably absent from the BW list? They have to be included in same
see more

1△ ▽ Reply

Demonisius > nugjuice

− ⚑
a year ago
You critic our tool, then offer better way to find best talents.
We make a tool - a talent poll so everyone can vote for good talent. More votes more accurate
info. On current page there showing only 20+ votes so dumb votes is not interract with poll.

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nugjuice > Demonisius

− ⚑
a year ago
side note - If I'm just tossing suggestions out there, another one would probably be to
remove any heroes you can hire with shards (except the newest 2 PK and Siren) from the list
completely. They just serve to clutter up the list and make it more difficult to evaluate. If
someone is still using Immo or Champ somewhere, chances are they won't be in a position
to be picky with talents, and they'll take whatever the hell the hero was born with :P

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4△ ▽ Reply

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− ⚑
4 months ago
Traits: Dodge, Damage
Enchantment: Silencing shot > Lunge > Sap
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Mateusz Gancarz
− ⚑
5 months ago
No traits for grim???
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Boogieman > Mateusz Gancarz

− ⚑
4 months ago
Silencing shot could work nice im thinking. He alreadyhad great range but now 1 more, put him
behind a tank and let him proc away shielded except for procs, but his proc + scatter should
help with thise sky procs. Chance of silence is just a bonus.
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Nazar Khan
− ⚑
7 months ago
I got 5/9sprint talent which hero I put them
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Demonisius > Nazar Khan

7 months ago
− ⚑

its useless for green/blue heroes

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8 months ago
− ⚑

Why are a few of the crests not listed?

Ex... Zealous drive, feint...

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Demonisius > Bambam

8 months ago
− ⚑

50+ votes need to appear. Not enough votes for them.

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e o s us
− ⚑
a year ago
Updated page. Now talents ordered by most voted. And added hero information.
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AHAM I L A A G > Demonisius

− ⚑
9 months ago
Can I ask something ?
are these really best talents for the heroes or just most voted ?
if not why not add a recommendation section where expert players recommend the actual best
talents with a description of the goods and bads of it
Just an idea to make the site better
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Demonisius > AHAM I L A A G

− ⚑
9 months ago
Its most voted. About expert players section. How you can find if it expert or not? Interested
idea but i dont know how to do it.

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