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TalkBee Handbook

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Table of contents
Module One: General Introduction.......................................................................................................................3

1. Our Company..................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Curriculum System.............................................................................................................................................4

3. Monthly Awards.................................................................................................................................................. 5

4. Leave Instruction................................................................................................................................................ 6

5. Missed Classes due to Illness:.........................................................................................................................6

6. Right of Pardon...................................................................................................................................................7

7. Resignation and Termination........................................................................................................................... 7

Module Two: Fundamental Teaching Principles............................................................................................... 7

1. Equipment Requirements................................................................................................................................. 7

2. Class Prepartion.................................................................................................................................................8

3. Class Etiquette................................................................................................................................................... 8

4. 8 Don’ts You Should Know before Taking a Class.......................................................................................9

5. 28 Q&A Leads to Excellency once You Know.............................................................................................10

6. Use The Bell To Ask For Help....................................................................................................................... 17

7. How to Use “Mute”........................................................................................................................................... 18

8. Chat Box............................................................................................................................................................ 19

9. Key Phrases / Words for Student to Know...................................................................................................20

10. Important to Understand If the Teacher Says........................................................................................... 21

Module Three: Teaching Resources................................................................................................................. 22

1. Lesson Plan...................................................................................................................................................... 22

2.Examples of Good Moments in Class............................................................................................................26

3. Teaching Resource..........................................................................................................................................28

Signatures........................................................................................................................................................... 28

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TalkBee Handbook

Module One: General Introduction

1.Our Company

2.Curriculum System
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3.Monthly Awards

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1) QA Excellent Award;

2) Full-attendance Award (Teacher has not been late for work, has not left early from work, and has not
applied for any leave without any Network problems) ;

3) Creativity Award (Teachers with the most excerpts of class moments);

4) Teachers who receive 3 certificates will be awarded 20 USD

5) Top three score in KPI: the first award 50 USD; the second award 30 USD; the third award 20 USD.

4.Leave Instruction

1) The procedure of leave approval

2) TalkBee Teacher Platform(For leaving application)

Please see Appendix-1 for further details.

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5. Missed Classes due to Iillness:
Teachers must request or inform the company no later than 4 hours prior to the start of the class.
The leave request must be approved by the Talkbee. Failure to do so will result in a penalty or
pay deduction of employee’s hourly rate for each missed scheduled hour. There is no payment for
missed classed.

Provision of a medical certificate as proof of illness may prevent the enactment of deduction that
would otherwise take effect due to short notice leave. Medical documentation must be emailed to

6.Right of Pardon

Edited: Teachers who have worked at Talkbee for more than one month and who achieve QA rankings of
40 or above are entitled to a Right of Pardon—a “Get out of jail free” card, essentially—once per month.
For example, a teacher facing a pay deduction for being late for a class may use their Right of Pardon to
avoid the deduction and receive their normal salary. The Right of Pardon may not be used when facing
consequences for unexcused absences or for time off in excess of the allotted 5 days per half-year.

7.Resignation and Termination

If teachers wish to resign and terminate employment, a formal letter of resignation must be sent by email to
the management team of Talkbee. To ensure quality of service to our students and to protect the company’s
financial losses due to (loss of time, training, teacher replacement, student cancelations) teachers must
give at least 30 days notice of resignation. Talkbee has the right to withhold last month of teacher’s salary
if proper notice is not given.

Module Two: Fundamental Teaching Principles

1.Equipment Requirements
Windows 7 and higher.
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Intel Core I5 or above CPU; AMD A8 or above CPU (No netbooks, tablets or phones)
RAM: 2GB or more
Internet Explorer browser: Version 9 or higher
MAC: Mac OS X10.9 or newer (No IPad)
RAM: 2GB or more
Safari: Version 5.1 or higher

- Cable/Ethernet connection for internet. If your laptop does not have an ethernet port,
you must purchase an adaptor that provides USB to Ethernet connection. You have 1
month from your start date to obtain one of these. Failure to do so may result in pay
deductions and termination of employment.
- **NOTE: If you change your teaching location, you must contact the administrator to do a
connection test before you begin your class. This is to ensure a good working connection.
- Cable, DSL or Fibre Optics. Minimum 10 mbps download and 2mbps upload wired
internet connection at 19:00(Beijing Time) Our company requires a wired connection to the
model or router during the interview and actual sessions.
**NOTE: 3G/4G internet is forbidden. Teachers/Instructors found using 3G/4G internet
to conduct classes will be deducted $10USDper class. Our system checks network
connection records automatically.
- Headset. Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 preferred, or any headset with sealed headphones
and a swivel boom microphone. (We recommend Logitech USB headsets)
- Webcam. Either built-in or preferably high quality Creative, Logitech or comparable.

- You must have current and up to date version of Classin.

- WeChat. It is mandatory to keep WeChat open during your working time, so we can
contact you. In case of connection issues or emergencies, you can get a screenshot and
send it to the admin.

2.Class Prepartion

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3.Class Etiquette
1) Teachers’ Appearance / Dress Code
a. Hair style: Tidy/neat
b. Hands & Face: No excessive jewelry or anything that will distract students
c. Makeup: Don’t wear heavy makeup
d. Dressing: Should not be too open or revealing and no pajamas.

2) Background:
a. Clean, bright, and well-lit background enough light on teachers face; Don’t leave your seat or the

camera during class time.

b. Teachers should keep their appearance neat and smart.

c. Please sit up straight. Do not lean on the desk, or slouch. The angle of the webcam should be

adjusted so your shoulder and above can be seen.

3) Classroom Procedures:
Video Recording
- Video recordings are mandatory and required to be completed for each class. Failure to
start and complete video recordings at the start of each class will result in a 50%
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deduction in pay per class.
Mobile phones should be switched to vibrate mode. Other devices creating background sounds
such as other computers, radios, or televisions etc. should be silent and not using the internet
during the class.

While classes are in session, families, friends or co-habitors cannot be downloading, watching
streaming videos, or doing any online activities that will affect your network speed.

Teachers/Instructors are not to leave the classroom when they are teaching. Communication tools should
be changed to vibrate mode, but WeChat, mobile phone should be kept in touch with admin and tech
During the teaching time, teachers should answer the messages from managers and administration
immediately. Teachers are required to follow the teaching time on the contract.
If a teacher leaves the classroom without permission from the Company, the teacher will be held
responsible for the loss of this class.
If the circumstance is serious, the Company has the right to terminate the contract with the teacher.

Chatting and eating during class sessions will be deemed to be serious disciplinary violations. Only drinking
water is allowed.

4.8 Don’ts You Should Know before Taking a Class

1) Don’t speak Chinese in Class. If you speak or use Chinese, students will depend on it.

2) Don’t be late for class. You should be in class 10 minutes before class starts.

3) Don’t end class early

4) Don’t teach without preparation for class.

5) Don’t teach where internet is unstable.

6) Don’t change your availability once provided us.

We schedule your class according to your availability provided before hand. Try not to change it ,as we
may have already arranged classes and introduced you to students and parents. Tell us when you are
100% sure you can teach even if it means you don’t have enough classes at first. It is far better to add
classes along the way than to cancel promised classes.
7) You may not apply for leave later than 4 hours before class
On such short notice it may be difficult or impossible to find teachers to cover your class. Try not to
apply for leave unless you really need it—if you ask for leave on a regular basis, the parents will feel

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like their child’s education isn’t reliable.
Remember, you are teaching a fixed class with fixed students, so your classes are your responsibility.
You need to be there for the kids

8) You may not resign within 3 months of the start of your contract. You are working for a famous English-
language institution that has an 18-year history of educational excellence. To learn more about us, you
can check our website, Building a stable and committed
teaching team is our top priority; we will not accept sloppy work or irresponsibility.

5. 28 Q&A Leads to Excellency once You Know

1) What if one or more student(s) are too noisy?

- Use the Mute button when you enter the classroom. This can be applied as you see fit. Muting
students should not be the first course of action. If a child is muted, they cannot participate, so use
the mute function wisely.You can also choose to use this as a learning opportunity and explain how
we respect and listen to others in class. You may choose to have all students on mute until you
want them to speak.

2) What if the student’s English name is not shown on the software?

- Ask students their name. If you can not understand what they are saying, have them write it out
with their pen tool. Take notes during class. If the student’s profile does not have their English
name on it, you may forget it. So, write it down for next time. The parents are continually asked to
change the name to English, but we cannot control this from our side. Talk to the students and
parents about updating their profile names. Telling the admins about every student that doesn’t
have an English name creates a backlog of communication and prevents us from focusing on
problems that we are more able to solve.

3) What if the students are speaking Chinese?

Try to encourage English as much as possible. This is not an issue to get upset with the student over.
They may be doing the best that they can. Perhaps the material or topic is too advanced for them.
Try and start each class with some simple English conversation to get the students feeling

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comfortable and confident in speaking English with you. If this continues to be a problem and you feel
it is an issue of stubbornness or laziness rather than confidence, it is okay to raise the point in the
comments after class. Frame the comment politely and write it from a place of understanding, not
judgment. Ex. “Student seems shy or hesitant to speak English in class. I hope that as lessons
continue, Student will feel more comfortable and confident to speak up in class and to speak in

4) What if the student’s family member is always answering questions next to him/her?

- Some students may be too shy to speak without parental guidance in the first class or two. This
however can become a crutch for the student. If this continues, you can address it politely in class.

- (Teacher) What do you like to eat?

- (Parent) Apples! I like Apples!

- (Student mimicking their parent) Apples! I like Apples!

- (Teacher) Great! So, Mom likes Apples. I like Pizza. What about YOU? (point to camera) What do
YOU like to eat? (and perhaps give other examples of foods)

5) What if the students are not disciplined and are misbehaving?

Some students can be a handful, and it is difficult to manage a classroom from the other side
of a screen. If rewards for others good behavior is not an incentive, and if the use of mute and
moving videos of students around to focus on who you are talking to, are not effective and the
student is still a distraction for others, you can message admin, who can contact the parents
(maybe a parent can come check on their child and help manage them) or leave it in the
comment after class if the student is not too severe in their actions (ex. Student is excited and
energetic in class. I would like to see a little more focus on the lesson and less …. Whatever
they are doing). If the action is Severe, student is being obscene or vulgar, you can
“downstage” the student for the benefit and protection of others in the class. Inform admin

6) What if the students don't answer the question?

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The student may not answer the question if perhaps they do not understand what you are saying
- or lack the confidence to answer. In this case, try to reframe the question and suggest possible
answers. Be aware of dead air, do not let the silence of a question unanswered linger too long. It
can embarrass the student and make them feel worse about their situation. It can embarrass the
student and make them feel worse about their situation.

- Ex. (Teacher) What is your favorite color?

- (student) …

- (Teacher) what color do you like?

- (Student) ….

- (Teacher) Do you like red? Blue? Yellow? … I like (colors on blackboard) purple! Do you like purple?
What color do you like? … etc.

- If this isn’t working, move on to the next student and come back to the non-answering student later.
And maybe come back to the non-answering student later. Perhaps seeing other’s examples will
create the context and time needed to develop their own answer.

7) What if the students answers are wrong?

- That’s ok! Encourage what you can about the answer they gave, and then maybe re ask the
question. Maybe they did not understand the question.

- Ex. (Teacher) What is an example of a healthy food?

- (Student) Ice cream!

- (Teacher) OH! WOW! I like ice cream too! But is ice cream Healthy? Is ice cream good for you? An
Apple is healthy. A carrot is healthy. Is Ice Cream Healthy?

8) What if the students suddenly drop off?

- If a student suddenly disappears, that’s ok. They are having a connection issue. Continue with the
class with the rest of the students present and welcome them back when/if they return. These
things happen.

9) What if students leave their seats?

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- If a student leaves their seat, it may be for a valid reason. Maybe thy have gone to use the
washroom or get a drink of water but did not know how to communicate that to you. Continue with
the lesson. If this is your only student in class and they leave for an extended time with no
explanation, contact admin to determine where the child has wandered off to.

10) How do I keep the students interested and attentive?

Be engaging! Use rewards! Make the blackboard as interesting, colorful, and eye catching as
possible. You can enlarge the picture of a student who is not paying attention to fill the full
screen—that will get their attention.

11) How do I deal with being nervous?

This should be a fun job. You AND the students should enjoy the whole process. Take a deep breath
and relax. The students are great and mostly very well behaved. You just need to jump in there and get
comfortable with it. Get silly. Shake it off. No need for nerves. The kids want to like you. You are going
into a receptive audience.

12) How should I prepare my lessons?

As soon as a class has been scheduled onto your calendar you can prepare. You can enter the
classroom and pull up the lesson for that specific class. Take the time to flip through the material.
Notice how many slides there are. Take note of what you might want to expand on or what follow-up
questions or tangents you can take. Take some notes of what you might want to do, or you can save
the edb. File for that class with the pictures and examples that you may want to reference in that class.

13) How should I comment on the students?

All comments should be positive. Even if you are communicating about a difficult child, it should be
framed with encouragement and kindness. Reference what they did well, note their mistakes and
areas that need improvement, and a final ‘excellent job today’! If you are still unsure how to leave a
proper comment, please contact management and we will send you a document on how to construct

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14) What do I do if students are late?

No worries. If nobody is in the class, just wait for a while. The admins know that the student is not
there. They may be running late—that’s okay. If there are other students in the class, just teach
normally and welcome the late student when or if they show up.

15) How do you recommend the standard class process?

Class should be divided into three sections. Introduction; lesson; and review/conclusion. The
introduction can be anywhere from 5-10 minutes. Talk about your day, your favorite food, or favorite
sport. Try to have a question of the day that each student can answer or share. You can also do show-
and-tell. This is a time for students to get comfortable with you and their classmates and for you to set
a positive and fun tone for the class. To set the positive and fun tone for the class. After the
introduction, transition into the body of the lesson and teach the material as you have prepared it.
Expand upon the material and give examples to the kids to reinforce what you’re teaching. If there is
time, play a game with the material covered. Hangman or Pictionary with vocab. Try charades, try
using new phrases and words in sentences. Pull up related pictures from google and get students to
talk about them. As the lesson ends, review difficult areas and say goodbye to the students.

16) How to teach the reading part if it’s too long?

Break it up. Highlight different sections for different students to read. Use the laser pointer to get the
students to read individual words in unison. Take breaks. Go over unfamiliar words and provide context
for their use. Most importantly, make it fun and engaging. Think about why you are there as they read. If
a child is just reading words without context or explanation, they can do that at home without you. What
can YOU bring to the experience to further their learning and make this time beneficial for them as a
developing English reader?

17) What if the lesson material is not completed by the time class ends?

That is ok! If you did not complete all material, because the students needed to go over something more
difficult a few more times until it sunk in, there was a late start to class due to student tardiness, or there
was good on-topic conversation happening, that is ok. However, if you think the lesson is running
behind schedule, you should make sure to prioritize the lesson material over off-topic conversation
or games.

18) How to use video and music and pictures in a reasonable way?

You should try to make your lessons as visually engaging as possible—however, videos and songs
can easily become a crutch for any teacher if they’re used too often. Such things can be used as a
reward after the class has finished (hit play on a video that the students can optionally choose to
stay for and then exit out and head to your next class) or If you are planning to use a video or song
in class, make sure it relates to the content and try to limit it to 1-3 minutes of the total lesson.

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19) What should I do when I’m asking a single student a direct question?

In a group class, pull down the student’s video from the top stage to the blackboard when you are
asking them a direct question. Other students will know it is not their turn to answer and the student
you ARE asking will know it is their turn to speak.

20) What interesting classroom games can be recommended?

Games that relate to the material to reinforce learning are great! Be careful of dead air as each
student takes a turn in a game. Always have you or students talking. Hangman, pictionary, and
charades (for example) are versatile and easy-to-learn games. Write down 1-6 categories along the
side and roll the dice as to which topic the student must do. Ex. (healthy food, non-healthy food,
healthy drink, non-healthy drink, healthy activity non-healthy activity, OR what do you like to do in
Fall, summer, spring, winter, your favorite month, your favorite holiday, etc.) The Teachers Only
WeChat group is a wealth of creative resources. Feel free to suggest any games you find helpful or
to ask for help if you need ideas.

21) How do I explain an unfamiliar word?

Use it in a sentence, think of synonyms, think of antonyms, draw pictures of it, or pull in pictures
from the internet.

22) How should I organize role dialogue role- plays?

For role playing readings, pull down the student you want to use and place each student on each side
of the dialog. Color below or around each student according to what dialog color you want them to
read for. Use the laser pointer to guide them along.

23) I still have more questions/I still don’t understand something! Who should I ask?

If it is during class and it is a question that directly relates to the class you are in, ask your question in

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the Admin group and someone can assist you.

If it is about a request for leave, change of schedule or notice of illness, email .If it requires immediate attention, ALSO message Randi on WeChat.

If your question is about anything else, message Randi and she can help you problem solve, answer
your question, or if she doesn’t know, she will ask someone who does and will get back to you ASAP.

24) IWho do I ask for help if I or my students are experiencing technical issues?

If you want to give feedback on either the students' or the teacher's tech problem, all you need to do is
click the bell-shaped button to request help. It will show up immediately on our platform and the on-
duty service team will be informed. They are efficient and will help you with any problems you may

25) I can’t open the PPT, what should I do?

26) You can click the reload button, try to refresh it or exit and re-enter and see if the PPT is there.

27) If this still doesn’t work, you can tell the service team to ask for immediate support.

26) What happens if you have connectivity issues, delays, hardware, or software issues during a lesson?

There may be times when any of the above can happen or things occur like a power outage or a
random computer shutdown. If this happens you should notify the admins right away so they can
use their best discretion to help fix the situation right away. If you are in a lesson and experience
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delays, lag , or anything abnormal please share it with the admins . Sometimes your video feed of
yourself may freeze. You can try closing the video cam and turning it back on to refresh. Do the
same thing to fix microphone issues if your students suddenly cannot hear you Exiting and re-
starting the Classin program will fix many issues. It is best to always log into the program so admins
can check your hardware and connectivity at least 10 minutes prior to any lesson so If there is
anything that shows a problem can be addressed prior and fixed immediately before class begins.
No matter the issue—big or small—it is always best to immediately contact admins so everybody is
on the same page about the issue and so they can help guide you to make sure everything is
running smoothly.

27) When I press the start recording button, I am always kicked out from ClassIn.

If you are randomly kicked out of a lesson or are kicked out upon startup, it may be a software
issue in the Classin program. Any firmware update can cause an issue, so be sure that your
Classin settings are calibrated correctly.

28) In the middle of a class, one of my students suddenly loses audio or can’t hear me or one of my
students exits and does not return. Who can I call for help? Who can I turn to help? Ring the bell at the
top and write down the problem. The admin on duty will come to help you


6. Use The Bell To Ask For Help

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1.The teachers should use the bell under these situations.

(1) If a student is absent when class starts.

[If some student or students did not show for class but there is at least 1 student in class, it is not
necessary to ring the bell. Our staff will contact the parents.]

(2) If there are echoes, loud voices, noisy background (such as family members talking, parents’ helping in
Chinese, watching TV, etc.) affecting the normal process of your class, you can mute this student
immediately continue giving class, but immediately ring the bell for help so that parents can be informed of
the situation and reason for muting a student. If it happens more than once you can add it in the comments
to help make parents aware of it.

(3) The students start to cry or get emotional during the class.

(4) The students reflects bad behavior or an inability to follow the teachers instructions during class {(keep
leaving and entering the classroom, walking around, lying in bed, eating food, shouting, not paying
attention to the lesson, playing with things which are not related to the class, chatting with other kids and
typing in the chat box, etc.), you can then ring the bell. * Any of the above is okay if the student is still
contributing in class and he/she is enjoying class – the last thing a teacher wants is to make a class
stressful or make an already good and happy student unhappy. But really use your own discretion because
a student should still remember you are their teacher and they should treat you with respect.

(5) The students show that he/she can't catch up with what the teachers’ teaching.

2. Whenever the teachers ring the bell for help, he/she needs to write down or click the name of the student
with his problem and description.

7. How to Use “Mute”

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Using the mute function: Please “mute all” after entering the classroom, unless you are talking to a student.
Also remember to mute other students while a student is answering a question.
*Use your own discretion in the last point because sometimes you would want the added pressure of other
students that can answer quickly, it pushes students to think faster too in certain situations.

8. Chat Box
Please click the “Silence all” when you come into the classroom.

*Also, here you as the teacher must use your own discursion and learn which classes and/or students are
unfocused and needs to be muted as some classes/students add extra answers in the chat window on their
own while muted and this helps these “strong” students to stay encaged and not get bored in class. This
can be rewarded.
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9. Key Phrases / Words for Student to Know

1.Excuse me – If the student needs to interrupt the lesson to speak. Example: “Excuse me, I need to go
use the washroom.” “Excuses me, I don’t understand.” “Excuse me, can you say it again?”

2. Please – When asking for something, it is polite to say please at the beginning or end of the sentence.

3. Thank you – To say when you are grateful or appreciative for something someone has said or done.
Example: “Thank you for the lesson”, or Teacher: “Great Job!” Student: “Thank you.”

4. I'm sorry – to apologize if student has been naughty and is regretful for actions or words.

5.I don't understand – If the student does not know what the teacher is saying or asking. Example: “I don’t
understand the question.” “I don’t understand what to do”

I don’t know – I do not know the correct answer or am unsure.

6.Never mind – I was going to say something but forgot it or changed my mind. We can move on in the
conversation now.

7. Could you repeat that please? – can you please say what you said again? I didn’t hear or understand it.
Simplified: Please say again.

8. What does _____ mean? - please explain this word or idea. I do not know it.

What do you mean? – I do not understand what you are saying to me.

Can you help me? – I need assistance either with the answer, using tools, or understanding.

Can we do it again? – I enjoyed what we just did and would like to do it again please.

8. Important to Understand If the Teacher Says

1.Not now. Maybe later. – A student may want to do an activity additionally or again, but the teacher needs
to keep the class on time and moving to get through all material and may need to say no. if there is time
later maybe we can get back to it.

2.Please stop that. – What your doing might be rude or disrespectful to the teachers or other students in

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the class. Please immediately stop what you are saying or doing.

3.Not so loud please. – we need to use appropriate volume in class. There is no need to shout or yell, we
can hear you just fine. Sometimes if we get too excited, we can get a bit loud. So please, lower your voice.

4.That’s not nice. – The behaviour or words a student is using is not nice or polite. Please stop and know
that this is unacceptable behavior or language in class.

5.Please do it again/please try again. – you did something once and maybe there were some mistakes. So
let’s correct it, and then do it again. Or in a game maybe you get to have a turn again.

6.Please listen. – A student may be talking or distracted rather than listening to the teacher or others. We
are here to learn, so please listen.

7.No scribbling please. – It is not polite to scribble on the board in lesson. Using the tools is a privilege that
can be taken away if we are not respectful with the tools use. Please use the tools how the teacher
instructs to use them. Scribbling can ruin a game and may result in no games or activities.

8.Please be polite. – At all times please be respectful and polite to the teacher and to fellow students. This
is a safe and happy learning place where we are nice to one another. Not being nice and polite in not ok.

9.After Class Feedback

1.Listening: /10 Speaking: /10 Reading: /10 Spelling(optional): /10

2.S was good/excellent at _____. (List anything they did well at: listening and repeating, reading phonics,
a specific grammar point, free speaking etc.)

3. S found L、S、R、S difficult. S should practice ____ more at home. (You can also say how you helped
them improve on this in class.)

4. Mention behavioral issues (optional): Describe what happened. Don’t inject personal opinions.

Remember to keep your wording simple, as it will be sometimes translated into Chinese. Try putting your
words in a translation app, translating them to Chinese, and then translating that back to English. This
gives a much better idea of how it comes across in Chinese.

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Many teachers use a standard text that they have written out and simply change the lesson content, child’s
name and their comments about ability and performance.

However, it is important to make your feedback individual to each child and to mention their specific
strengths and characteristics, so don’t rely too much on standardised feedback.


1.Listening: 8 /10 Speaking: 6 /10 Reading: 8 /10 Spelling(optional): 10/10

2. able to spell all the target words, and her listening has improved greatly since last class. She could
understand today’s warm-up question

3. Nina found speaking difficult. She should practice speaking more at home and she needs to pay
more attention to correct pronunciation.

4. Nina found it a little hard to focus on the lesson as she was writing on the screen a lot. This is great
writing practice, but it would be best if she does it before class so we can focus on speaking in class.

Module Three: Teaching Resources

1.Lesson Plan
Title Lesson preparation plan
Grade level All levels

Time duration 30 - 60 min

Overview Step by step on how to prepare for a full 45 min class

Objective To be able to create a well put together lesson with extra materials, games to keep
any type of class engaged and also help fill the time with students that find a lesson too simple.
Materials TB529 (Level 5 – Unit 6 – Lesson 3 – My Day)
Video intro - What's the Time
Video - Cinderella - What time is it_ It's twelve o'clock.
Video - The Old Clock's New Hands
PowerPoint file - What time is it – activities promoting classroomdynamics and group-form

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For convenience there be 5 steps from start to finish on prepping and creating yourown unique lesson and
remember this is not an exact science, each teacher will have theirown way to do their lessons and this is
in no way a rule, it’s a guideline to help you becomebetter at making more fun and fulfilling lessons not just
for the students but also for you as ateacher to be proud of.

P.S Always think of it in a way that when you were that age what would have been FUN for you.

A classroom that’s FUN is a classroom where LEARNING takes place.

STEP 1OPEN YOUR LESSON to see what the topic is(page though the first few pages to make sure what
thefocus will be on in that specific lesson). Let’s look at lesson TB529

Let’s look at lesson TB529

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So, from looking quickly at the first few pages you can see the focus is on time schedules - their own and someone

Now go and first find a video on YOUTUBE that will relate to this or overall anything where time ismentioned to just
warm them up to the lesson – this can be played just before class starts or if it’s less than2 minutes with the start of

- Use something like YTD downloader or this website to

download the video


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Do a quick google search on TIME and see if you can find any games you can use that’s
also relates to class.


*are time fillers - the focus should firstly be oncompleting the lesson. Use your own discretion
andalways keep a watchful eye on the time.

2.Examples of Good Moments in Class

1) May 2018

2) June 2018
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3) July 2018

4) August 2018

Password: 123456

5) September 2018

Password: 1234567

6) December 2018


7) January 2019


8) February 2019

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3.Teaching Resource
Resources shared by senior teacher Maris


In witness of their agreement to the terms above, the parties or their

authorized agents hereby affix their signatures:



(signature of teacher)(date)
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