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Based on the current literature the following hypothesis will be proposed:

Hypothesis 1: The chance of being involve in physical,verbal and cyber bullying and victimization
behaviors is not differentially related to gender.

a.There is no particular gender to be a participants and involve in bullying.

b.Every gender has the same capability to be involve in such victimization behaviors.

Hypothesis 2: emotional and behavioral adjustment (depression,self-esteem,prosocial behavior)

a.Victimazation will not only be related to a person with lower self-esteem.

b.Victimazation will not only be related to a person with higher levels of depression.

c.Victimazation will not only be related to a person to with lower levels of prosocial behavior.

Hypothesis 3:The chance of being involve in physical,verbal and cyber bullying and victimization
behaviors is not differentially related to perception of parental.

a.Higher levels of involvement in victimization of any kind is not elated to lower

levels of parental support.

Hypothesis 4: The chance of being involve in physical,verbal and cyber bullying and victimization
behaviors is not differentially related to specific dependent variables within the domain of friendship
adjustment (e.g., reported number of friends, perceived friendship quality, antisocial peer group,
perception of peers, social goals).

a. Higher levels of physical, verbal, relational, and cyber-victimization is not

related to having fewer friends.

b. Higher levels of physical and verbal victimization is not related to greater

perceived friendship quality.

c. Higher levels of physical, verbal, relational or cyber-bullying is not related to a

higher reported level of deviant peer group affiliation.

d. Increased levels of physical, verbal, relational or cyber-victimization is not

related to a less positive perceptions of peers.

e. Higher levels of physical, verbal, relational and cyber-bullying is not

found to be related to higher levels of agentic goals.

Hypothesis 5: Certain variables will not found to be strong predictors of victimization,

others will not found to be strong predictors of bullying.

a. Depression is not a strong predictor of victimization.

b. Number of friends is not a strong predictor of physical, verbal and

relational victimization, but not cyber-victimization.

c. Antisocial peer group is not a strong predictor of bullying.

Definition of Terms

Below are the key terms with their given definitions to aid for the better understanding of the

Bullying- is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or
perceived power imbalance.

Cyberbullying- is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.

Physical bullying-is using one’s body and physical bodily acts to exert power over peers.
Punching, kicking and other physical attacks are all types of physical bullying.

Verbal bullying- is when someone, who is a bully, uses insulting or demeaning language to
mock, embarrass or insult another person.

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