The Effect of English As The Medium of Instruction in Juan Sumulong High School

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Effect of MOI in JSHS Page 1

A study will be used to high school students of Juan Sumulong High school from their seventh grade to

their tenth grade to examine the effects of English language used as the medium of instruction on the

academic achievements of Filipino students by comparing the academic achievements or performance of

students who will be taught using English as MOI and of those who will be taught in their first language.

Both groups of students will be given a common test taken from their curriculum. It is expected that

students who will be taught in their mother tongue will score better than those students who will be in a

classroom setting wherein English is the primary language instruction.


Background of the study

Language instruction has been a source of research of many educators because its effect to educate a

person is a strong determinant of the way one acquires knowledge needed to survive in this competent

world, especially for Filipinos who are in a multilingual setting. Despite the many research about the

efficacy of using the first language as the medium of instruction in basic education, acquiring proficiency in

English by using it as the MOI in Philippine schools was instituted through Executive Order 210, which is

further reinforced by House Bill 4701: “Strengthening and Enhancing the Use of English as the MOI”.

Statement of the problem

For many years, English language has become a part of the Filipinos’ daily life. It is used in offices, public

places, in media and, for the most part, in education wherein Math and Science subjects are taught in the

English language. We have long been exposed to this language, which is why a significant number of

Filipinos work as ESL (English as second language) teachers to Koreans, Japanese, Chinese and other

Asian nationalities here and abroad and many others are in a call-center industry. However, despite the

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very long exposure to the language and the aggressive defense of the government to the use of English as

MOI in Philippine schools, the U.S. State Department made a remark in its 2007 Investment Climate

Statement that "English-language proficiency, while still better than in other Southeast Asian nations, is

declining in the Philippines." This remark was proven true by a study conducted in 2007, wherein 95% of

applicants for jobs at call centers were rejected because they were found to be inadequate in their

command of English. Even in the 2004 figures showed by the Department of Education, only one in five

public school teachers was proficient in English, which is probably why by 2007 only 7% of secondary

school graduates had a mastery of English. And to make matters worse, the Philippines ranked 23 rd out of

the 25 participating countries in the 2003 Trends in International Math and Sciences. Both of these subjects

are taught in English in Philippine schools.

Significance of the study

Philippines is one among the top ten countries which are in a multilingual setting according to Dr. Ricardo

Nolasco, wherein two languages, Filipino and English, are needed to acquire to be able to participate in

wider society and global issues, and the need to master a third language is inevitable to most part of the

countries. Many scientific evidences proves that the use of Mother Tongue as the medium of instruction in

students’ basic years of education can make them do well in cognitively demanding subjects such as Math

and Science and can better improve their English language acquisition. Educators and researchers

continuously compile evidence about this subject because language plays a great part in education. But

despite scientific evidence, the government is really persistent in the use of English as MOI, thus, this

paper aims to prove that these language policies are not taking as anywhere. The main focus of this paper

is to show how the use of English as MOI affects the deteriorating educational outcomes of elementary

children. It is also hoped that this study strengthens the belief that L1 or MT based language is beneficial.

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Scope & delimitation of the study

By conducting a research project, this study will assess the performance of Juan Sumulong High School

from seventh grade to tenth grade. By comparing the outcome of the academic achievement of students

using English as MOI and students using their first language as their MOI, this research aims to prove that

the goals of the language policies instituted by the government are not being accomplished but just hamper

the child’s right to acquire quality and relevant education.


Review of related literature & studies

The Philippines has more than a hundred dialects yet the goals of the Philippine Bilingual Education policy

is literacy in Filipino, for national unity and identity, and in English for wider communication, thus, many

Filipino students begin their education in a language they do not speak or understand and to some whose

first language is Filipino, their mastery of the said language is hampered because of their early exposure to

two languages, Filipino and English. Under this language policy, students suffer as they struggle to

understand both the subject and the English language itself. To aggravate the situation, even the teachers

themselves are not proficient in English. Because of the growing number of people whose command in

English is inadequate, the government mandated the use of English as MOI. But can the use of English as

MOI help Filipino students in acquiring better academic achievement. Can Filipinos’ proficiency in English

alleviate our present economic situation? Or would it just tie us to the business process outsourcing


Filipinos are somewhat behind other Asian like the Japanese, Chinese, Koreans and others who stayed

faithful in the use of their MT before getting inclined to be masterful with what we call the international

language which is English. Chinese and Koreans, just like the Philippines, have minority languages too,

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yet, they always top, along with Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, international surveys of mathematics

and science skills in the world. Scientifically, we can observe that the Japanese and the Koreans as well as

the Chinese are more advanced economically than we are although their MOI in school is in their MT.

Learning in L1 provides a better opportunity for learners for cognitive and effective development and the

retention of cultural identity. The method of teaching using the L1 can enhance a quick learning effect.

Gradually, English language can be taught by simple instructions given consistently for the learner to

remember. As they go farther in their advancement from the primary grades to intermediate the English

learning and usage can develop but it can be of better result. Many educators have been inspired to prove

this through research studies. We have ample scientific evidence to prove the efficiency of the use of L1 as

MOI. The academic performance of students in Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea is

screaming about the effect of L1 as MOI, but the Philippine government continues to ignore these. When

can they recognize the important role of L1 in acquiring L2.

Definition of terms:

L1 – is the student’s native language.

L2 – is the second language learned by a student for the purpose of public communication.

MT- mother tongue

Medium of Instruction (MOI) – the language used to educate a society.

SES – socio-economic status

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