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Semantic relationships

Relations between words

-onym = word
-phone = sound
-graph = writing

anto- (anti-) = against

auto- = self
hetero- = different
homo- = similar
hypo- = under
meto- (meta-) = change
poly- = multiple
retro- = backwards
syno- = with

‫اللفاظ المتجانسة‬
Homonyms (homophones) are different words that are pronounced the same, but may or
may not be spelled the same. To, too, two

‫تعدد المعاني‬
When a word has multiple meanings that are related conceptually or historically, it is said to
be polysemous. The verb "bear" is polysemous, with meanings "to tolerate," "to carry," and "to

‫اللفاظ المتباينة‬
Heteronyms are words that are spelled the same, but pronounced differently, and have
different meanings. "Dove" the bird and "dove" the past tense of "dive" are heteronyms.

‫الكلمات متماثلة الملءا‬

Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings, such as
dove the bird, and dove, the past tense of dive.

Synonyms are words that sound different but have the same or nearly the same meaning.
There are no perfect synonyms; no two words ever have exactly the same meaning. Still, the
following two sentences have very similar meanings: "He's sitting on the sofa" and "He's
sitting on the couch."

Words that are opposite in meaning are often called antonyms.

‫زوج متكامل‬
A complementary pair is two antonyms related in such a way that the negation of one is the
meaning of the other, such as alive/dead present/absent awake/asleep.
‫زوج متدرج‬
A gradable pairs is two antonyms related in such a way that more of one is less of the other,
such as big/small hot/cold fast/slow happy/sad. The meaning of adjectives in gradable pairs is
related to the object they modify.

‫النقيض المنطقي‬
Rational opposites are a pair of antonyms in which one describes a relationship between
two objects and the other describes the same relationship when the two objects are reversed,
e.g., parent/child, teacher/pupil, give/receive buy/sell.

‫النقيض الذاتي‬
Autoantonyms are words that have two opposite meanings. They are their own antonyms,
such as cleave "to split apart" or "to cling together" and dust "to remove something" or "to
spread something," as in "dusting furniture" or "dusting crops".

Antonymic pairs that are pronounced the same but spelled differently are similar to
autoantonyms, for example, raise and raze.

‫نقيض المبنى متشابه المعنى‬

Antiautonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning with or without
adding prefixes, such as loosen and unloosen; flammable and inflammable; valuable and

‫كلمة مندرجة‬
Hyponyms are words whose meanings are specific instances of a more general word.
The words red, white, and blue are "color" words. Thus red is a hyponym of color, and color is
a superordinate of red.

A metonym is a word substituted for another word or expression with which it is closely
associated, such as the use of crown for king, and Washington for the American government.

‫المرادف الخلفي‬
A retronym is an expression that was redundant, but which societal or technological changes
have made nonredundant. Day baseball, silent movie, surface mail, and whole milk are all

‫اسماءا العلم‬
Proper names
A proper name is a word or words that refer to a person, place, or other entity with a unique
reference. the Eiffel Tower

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