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Morales Valdes Juan Fidel

Level 9

The Watchmen
Watchmen is a comic book written bay Alan Moore, and painted by Dave Gibbons y
John Higgins. It was published by DC comics in 1986. The plot is structured as
nonlinear time and sapce; The set es an alternative reality with the presence of
superheroes, no one has power only one, named Dr. Manhattan than can transform
matter like he wish. This superherores altered real events like Vietnam war, cold war
with a U.S. victory.
The story start with the murder of Edwars Blake “the clown”, the police not have
leads, so Rorschach, another masked superheroe, decided investigate himself. He
thinks the Blake´s murder is the first of several deads of masked superhéroes, so
decide seeks to warn his retired teammates: Nite owl, Dr. Manhattan, Silk spectre
and Ozymandias the smartest man in the world.
Manhanttan is accused of causing cancer which results in exiling himself, the
balance between sovietic union and U. S. change. Rorshach is accused of
mundering a supervillain “Moloch”. SiIlk spectre y nite owl break Rorschach out
prision. Following the clues, discover Ozymandias is the man behind the masterplot:
first eliminated the masked heroes, pretend a fake alien invasion, in order to unite
world and avoid a nuclear conflict. Silk spectre and nite owl keep silent for the sake
of the new world order, except for Rorschach who is killed by Manhattan to prevent
the revelation of the conspiracy.
Is the best graphic novel i´ve never red, incorporated historical referents, the
narrative is enveloping and contains great fragments of literature. This comic book
change my opinión about the héroes and antiheroes, the importance of personal

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